


supahsanic6969 · 書籍·文学
12 Chs


"So this is how it ends." A raven hair green eye man said to a blond hair green eye man

"I'm sorry father, but you need to be stopped." The blond hair green eye man said:

"Didn't I already tell you never to regret anything." The raven hair man said a smile in his face

"I love you, father." The blond hair man said with sadness in his voice

"And I love you too, my son." The raven hair man said

"Expelliarmus." The blond hair man said while pointing his wand into his father.

A red light would go out of his wand and struck the raven-haired man's chest, pushing him into the veil of death and to death embrace. Hadrian Potter Black, the tyrant, and conqueror of the world die by the hand of his son.

The next time Hadrian opened his eyes was in a cold and dark place. He tries calling his Magic, but for the first time since he learns about his gift, it wouldn't answer him. He didn't hold any hope of going to heaven or anything like that. He spilled too much blood and destroyed too many lives even remotely to be considered by an angel to enter heaven. He didn't know how long he was in here since the only thing he can see was darkness. The only thing he can do in this place was to remember the life he had before being killed by his son.

He was born as the son of James and Lily Potter. He was only one year old when Voldemort killed his parents because of a prophecy about him being the one to beat him. After his parent's death, Dumbledore would try to send him to live with his aunt. But his grand-uncle Arcturus black wouldn't allow it and would instead raise him. Dumbledore would try to fight against his great uncle for his custody by using the wizengamot, but since Dumbledore didn't have any relation to him, he would lose.

For the next ten years, he would be raised by Arcturus to be the perfect pureblood scion since other than being the heir to house potter, Arcturus also makes him the heir of house black. Went he was eleven, his Hogwarts letter came, but he didn't enroll there since he didn't want to go there. So with that in mind, Arcturus would enroll him into Drumstrang for his formal education in Magic. Since even though Arcturus, his aunt Cassiopeia, and godfather Sirius black already taught him Magic from the moment he can talk, he still needed a more formal education and also to help him gain friends and allies.

The reason Arcturus choose Drumstrang as his school was that it was close to Bulgaria where they live and because they teach the dark arts in Drumstrang. Now it wasn't like he hasn't learned the dark art since how could he not learn about the dark art since both Arcturus and Cassiopeia were both masters of the dark art. But because even though they are master of it some aspect of it, they cannot teach him, and he has to learn for himself, and Drumstrang could provide it since the Drumstrang library holds one of the biggest collections of books about the dark art. The reason that Arcturus and Cassiopeia couldn't teach him more wasn't that they didn't want to teach him. But because of the nature of the dark art, itself that it was corrupting to oneself. So the more advanced you learn the dark art, the more you lose yourself, and both Arcturus and Cassiopeia have practiced it for years. So some aspect of it that didn't go with his moral during that time was perfectly fine for them to do.

During his first year in Drumstrang was rough since most of the Drumstrang students were purebloods and future dark wizard. So with him being the poster child of the light and the boy who lives, it painted a target in his back. But in just a year, he was able to prove himself to his peer that he isn't just The-Boy-who-lived and he isn't a poster child of the light, but a future dark lord. He would skip a couple of years of his schooling when he was only fourteen; he would be in his seventh year.

It was during his seventh year that something interesting happens with the Triwizard tournament being announced and that it would be held in Hogwarts. Now at first, he wanted to reject going there; the reason he didn't want to go there was that for years Dumbledore had tried every way for him to go to Hogwarts and the Triwizard tournament was just one his way. But the Drumstrang headmaster Igor Karkaroff wanted him there since he is the best student Drumstrang had in years and not to mention he is the current under seventeen dueling champion. So with that in mind, he made a deal with the headmaster he would agree to go to the Triwizard tournament if the headmaster allows him to read form the Drumstrang headmaster book collection. The headmaster would reluctantly agree to his demand and allow him to read from his book collection.

They would travel to Britain the next month using an old ship. When they arrived there, a great feast was held for the arriving schools. The Drumstrang student during the feast would be sitting with the Slytherin, and the Beauxbatons would sit with the Ravenclaw. It was during the opening feast that he meets his girlfriend and future wife Daphne Greengrass for the first time in months. But she was pissed at him since he didn't tell her that he would be coming to Hogwarts. For the Triwizard tournament since the last time he writes to her, he said that he isn't interested in coming here.

So the feast was a bit awkward for him since his girlfriend was glaring at him the hold time. It was only after the feast was over that he was able to explain himself to her. The reason he didn't explain himself to her during the feast was that he didn't want people knowing that he has a relationship with her since it could be used against her. After he explains himself to her, she would slap him a couple of times before they kiss since even though she is mad at him, she also misses him.

The next day he would put his name in the goblet of fire since the goblet will be the one who will select the champion from the three schools. It will be in Halloween that the champion name will be revealed. He would be chosen as the champion for Drumstrang, while some boy named Cedric was chosen to be the Hogwarts champion, and a girl with the name Fleur was chosen as the Beauxbatons champion. After the champions were selected, they would then go to another chamber where they would be told when the first task was held. It was during this time that Dumbledore would try to talk to him. But he would brush the old headmaster's request by saying that he was tired and that he knows that his friend would want to congratulate him on being chosen as the champion. The old headmaster would say that he understood, but he clearly can hear the annoyance in his voice at being told to wait. But Dumbledore is persistent, and up until he leaves Hogwarts, the old headmaster would try to talk to him.

When he returned to the Drumstrang ship, his friend didn't just congratulate him but instead thrown a party for him. The party would last until morning since the teacher allowed it since they know that their student was in a happy mood with their leader being chosen as their school representative. And even if the teacher wanted to stop it, they can't since they know that the student can kill them without any repercussions if they try to stop it. Of course, being chosen as your school champion give you some advantages like you don't need to participate in class and that the Hogwarts restriction section was open for you. This was the thing that he is most excited about since the restriction section of the Hogwarts library was filled to the brim with forbidden knowledge, that even the Drumstrang library didn't have.

After a couple of days, finally, the first Triwizard task happens, and the champions have to face a dragon and take a golden egg for this task. Now unlike other people facing a dragon, it wasn't scary for him since he spends an entire summer learning about them a couple of years ago in the Romanian dragon sanctuary that the Potter family owns. (HERE)So he wasn't terrified of them since he also has an advantage against them. He would go on last, and he would face the most dangerous of all three dragons, the Hungarian Horntail. He still can clearly remember the face the people in the stadium outside those that come from Drumstrang look went he speak Parseltongue. Since his friend and teacher form, Drumstrang knows that he can speak parseltongue since he was eleven. And even one of his teachers forms Drumstrang was the one who taught him to spell in parseltongue since he also can speak it.

After winning the first task in a landslide since he was able to take the dragon egg without injuring both himself and dragon, Since he ask the dragon to trade the egg for meat and the dragon agree. After the first task, it was announced that there would be a ball, and with him being one of the participants in the Triwizard tournament, he was expected to open the ball. This is one of the reasons that he was thankful that he forced to learn how to dance properly went he was a child. Since he knows that Daphne would curse him if he steps on her toes. After the dance ended, they would spend the rest of the night together in the room of requirement.

After the dance, He would spend the rest of his time before the second task reading form the restriction section and training in the room of requirement since the room can change to whatever you wanted it to be. He would also try to figure out the clue about the second task since the judge told the champion that the golden egg that they have would reveal the clue about the second task. But the only thing he got to form was a horrible screeching sound. It wasn't until Daphne mentioned that some creature could only be heard in the natural habitat that he tries to open the egg in water. And it was there that he discovered the clue about the second task. The second task would have a hostage and that it would happen in water. Like the first task, he isn't overly worried since he already performed a ritual that able to make him breathe air in water. He would also use a human transfiguring spell to change his leg into a fish fin.

During the second task, Daphne was taken as the hostage. He was to rescue her under one hour from the merpeople. He did just that under ten minutes since, after the moment, the cannon was fired, signaling the start of the task. He jumps straight through the water, and using his transfiguration; he was able to take Daphne back. The rest of his stay in Hogwarts until the third task was the same as before. That is reading from the restricted section and training in the room of requirement.

Finally, after months of waiting, the third task arrived, the third task would make the champion go through a maze and get to the center of it where the goblet was resided in. The third task for him, in the beginning, is quite disappointing since the first and two tasks were much harder. The only good thing that happens to him before the third task happens was that his family would be there to watch him. Since they didn't get to watch him participated in the first and second tasks. He would go first through the maze since he holds the highest score, and he would reach the goblet, but rather than taking him back to Hogwarts, it actually would take him to a graveyard.

Went he arrived in the graveyard, someone quickly stuns him, he would then be restrained in a statue after that he was forced to watch as his blood was used in a ritual for a horrible looking baby. It wasn't until the ritual was finished that he watches as a horrible looking thing raise form the ritual bowl. The former horrible looking baby now a horrible looking thing then reveal itself that it was Voldemort. Voldemort would then summoned his followers, and when they arrived, he would belittle them before punishing them since, in his eye, they have abandoned him. After he finishes belittling and punishing his followers, Voldemort would finally turn his face to him. Voldemort would rather than attacking him or doing something would then started monologuing about the day he got destroyed. Finally, after a few excruciating minutes of listening to Voldemort talking.

He would be released from the statue that was holding him and duel Voldemort, but even he knows that he couldn't beat him in his current position. Since he has lost a lot of blood and his magical reserved was dropping by the second since his Magic was keeping him awake even with his blood loss. Knowing that the best chance he has to live was to retreat. He would then cast a friendfyre against Voldemort and his followers, knowing that they would focus on the hellfire rather than to him. After casting it, he would summon the goblet so that he can leave the graveyard.

He was able to leave the graveyard and return to Hogwarts, went he arrived there the spectator was shocked at seeing him in this state. Before he passes out, he would say that Voldemort back. The next time he opens his eye, he was inside a medical tent with Daphne was next to him holding his hand. It didn't take long for Daphne to notice him awake since just a few seconds later; she would wake up. She would be pissed at him for scaring her like that, but she also glads that he was alive, and then they would kiss. There moment together would be interrupted a couple of seconds later since Dumbledore, fudge the current British ministry of Magic and his grand-uncle Arcturus would enter the place.

They would ask what happen during the third task, and he would tell them, but of course, the idiot ministry of magic fudge didn't believe me. And he would try to belittle him and saying he was a liar if it weren't for Daphne holding him back he would already kill the idiot himself. But it seems he didn't need anything since his grand-uncle was more pissed than him since he almost dies and the man that supposed to make sure it didn't happen didn't do anything. His grand-uncle would then belittle fudge and threaten him that Britain would need to pay all the debt it has with both house black and house potter this month. And believe him, the British Ministry of Magic has a massive debt with house potter and house black.

Fudge went pale when he heard this and apologized to both his grand-uncle and himself, asking them not to do this. But his grand-uncle didn't care, and the British Ministry of Magic would be forced to pay those massive debts. After that, he would leave Britain with his family since Daphne still hasn't graduated from Hogwarts. Went he arrived back in Bulgaria; his grand-uncle told him that for years he knows that Voldemort would return. Of course, this shocks him since how could his grand-uncle possible know that Voldemort survives that night. It was then that his grand-uncle told him about Voldemort Horcrux and how he knows about it. His grand-uncle told him that he use to house one of Voldemort Horcrux in his lightning bolt scar, but his grand-uncle was able to remove it.

His grand-uncle would use the Horcrux that use to reside inside him as a pointer to the other. He then discovered the other Horcrux, the Gaunt family ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. He also would tell him that Dumbledore already destroys another one with the only one left was Voldemort familiar. After he graduated from Drumstrang, he would spend a couple of years training and learning everything he can from around the world.

It was also during this time that the second blood war began in Britain, of course, Dumbledore and his followers try to make him help them in their fight against Voldemort. But he didn't have any interest in helping either side and was content to wait until the war is over.

The second blood war was much more vicious than the first one since the only truly fighting against Voldemort are only dumbledore follower. And they didn't exactly doing a good job since they only use a stunning spell against Voldemort follower. The last battle of the war happens in Hogwarts with a duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Both men would die because of the injuries they got during the battle, while Voldemort was because his last Horcrux got destroyed. But for the survivor, it wasn't the end since it was at that moment he arrived with his army in his back. He would crush the survivor that try to fight against him and conquer magical Britain.

After conquering magical Britain, he would re-build the ruin nation and use it as a staging point for his conquest of both the magical and mundane world. But it seems he didn't need to do a lot for a couple of years after he conquers magical Britain. Some wizards and witches form the united state performed Magic in front of the united nation, breaking the statue of secrecy and declaring to the muggle world that Magic existed. He was able to strike first since many muggle nation was still undecided in what they would do. He would attack their governance and military first and would cripple the muggle. After that, he would start his conquest of the mundane world since the magical world has fallen in his hand since, in their eyes, he was a hero for striking against the muggle first before they could attack the magical world.

He would spend the next forty years of his life expanding his empire border into the solar system and he would re-build the world under his image with magical being on top. In that time he would also have a family after he married Daphne a couple of years ago, they would have five kids together. He would try to travel to a different world by using the veil of death since he discovered that the veil was a doorway into another world rather than a gateway into death own realm. He was just about to enter it before his son kills him. He wasn't angry with his son for killing him since after Daphne dies a couple of years ago, he has been spiraling down out of control.

Suddenly there was a bright light, and a figure then appears in front of him. At first, he couldn't see what the figure look, but as the light started to dim. He was able to see something he hasn't see for years.

"Hadrian Potter or should say Peverell." The being said,

"Who are you and how dare you to use her face." Hadrian said with anger in his voice. Since this daring to use the face of the person, he loves more than life itself, his wife, Daphne.

"I have been called many things through the eon, but you may call me death." The being said before stopping seeing Hadrian fearful look, "you may not be afraid of me Hadrian Peverel, and the reason why I choose this form is that I believe a more familiar face would calm you more." Death said,

"Well, I was just shocked at seeing her, so have I die." Hadrian asks with nervousness in his voice.

"No, as you are aware, the veil that you passed is a gateway to another world, but you mortal couldn't survive trying to cross to another world." Death said,

"Hmmm, so am I die or not." Hadrian said since if what death was true that no mortal can survive traveling between world, then shouldn't he be dead.

"As I said, no." Death said,

"Then why am I here." Hadrian asks,

"Because you Hadrian Peverell have been chosen to be reborn into a new world so that you may save it." Death said,

"Save a world form what." Hadrian asks since he knows that he couldn't refuse what this entity wanted him to do.

"Form both mortal and supernatural being." Death said,

"May I know what kind of world I would be sent to." Hadrian asks,

"The world that you will be sent to will be a medieval world. There is Magic in that world, but the Magic that the people there use is different than yours". Death said,

"Who will I be reborn as." Hadrian asks,

"You will be reborn as the son of Brandon Stark and Barbrey Ryswell, and you will be the heir of your ancestor kingdom." Death said,

"What ancestor kingdom." Hadrian asks,

"You're ancestor Ignatious Peverel kingdom." Death said

"The Ignatius Peverell the last of the three brothers Ignatius." Hadrian asks,

"Yes." Death said

"wasn't he supposed to die after he gives the cloak into his son." Hadrian asks since form the story he read the last brother die after giving the cloak to his son but form what death said he didn't die but was transported to another world.

"he didn't die after he gives his cloak to his son but instead was reborn in this world that you would be sent to." Death said,

"it this all that you need to ask before I send you there." Death asks

"No, I have only one question left, would I remember my past life, and would I still have my power." Hadrian asks,

"you will retain your memory, but you only have a fraction of your power, goodbye, Hadrian Peverell." Death said before raising its hand, and another bright light happens to transport Hadrian potter to his new life.

This story is a rewrite of the old witch-king of the north story. This story would be Au and would follow the scenario what if the Targaryen won Robert rebellion. Also English isn't my first language.