

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · 書籍·文学
35 Chs


Bloodstone, the Stepstones…

Harry was sitting at his desk as he looked through all the mounting pile of documents, his grandmother had accepted his purchase of The Ring and all of its lands and a ship carrying Lord Bulwer and Lord Blackbar would be arriving later this week to transfer some additional land to him in exchange for a few hundred gold dragons. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, knowing full well there must be some kind of problem if they were getting land so relatively cheap, it was good farm land after all.

But that was not the only project he had in development at the moment, Jothos, Myria, Alys and Zara were neck deep in their plans for expansion onto mainland Westeros. Until they had solid plans nothing was being put into motion although he had begun fortifying the islands with extra defences, while not expecting an invasion it did not hurt given their enemies to be prepared. Small squads of soldiers were being placed on his ships to secure them against pirates or whoever else tried to board them. The current name for them was marines and when they started training it would give his people an edge against pirates.

He was mercifully distracted from the many projects that he was working on when an urgent knocking came at the door, followed by Aeron's voice on the other side.

"Lord Tyrell! Your wife has just gone into labour."

Harry instantly moved with speed that would have shocked a professional sprinter and rushed down to the chambers he shared with Rhaenys, as he got closer he heard her screams of pain and he increased his speed before bursting into the room.

He would never forget the scene in front of him, regardless of how many years passed afterwards. His wife was dressed in a plain shift, her face twisted up with the pain of giving birth while Caelys and Daena worked to help her. She looked up at Harry while panting furiously and began to scream abuses at him that would have made a hardened sellsword cringe but Harry paid them no mind and went forward to sit at her side and took a strong hold of her hand and kissed her to stop her cursing.

"I am here my love and I will not let you go through this alone." Harry said when he stopped kissing her and tears started running down Rhaenys' face while her mouth trembled.

"Oh you bloody fool!" She said with a tremor and a small smile came onto her face.

Then the contractions started again and so did the longest two hours of both Harry's and Rhaenys' lives.

It was that long before the first was born, he came into the world with a loud yell. Caelys was quick to cut the cord and wrap him in a blanket and pass him to Harry before going back to helping Rhaenys deliver her second baby. Harry looked down at the babe in his arms and felt more unprepared than he had ever had for anything in his life, emerald green eyes with a slight ring of light purple around the pupil started back into his. The baby was confused for a moment and so was Harry having no idea what to do before his son cried out in joy and reached out his short arms towards him.

Harry managed to smile and carefully cuddled his son closer to him, which more by luck than judgement as his son snuggled into him.

His son, those words went around and around him mind…a child of his own blood. A tiny life that was connected to his by an elemental bond that even now was so strong he had never felt anything like it, he carefully stroked his son's cheek and the baby chirped happily before closing his eyes and going back to sleep. Harry could only smile as he held his child, so hypnotised that he nearly missed the entry of his daughter into the world twenty minutes later.

Reluctantly he handed his son back to Rhaenys while becoming just as hypnotised by the sight of the girl in her arms…a daughter…his daughter Harry thought proudly, knowing rather than deciding that she was going to be one of the greatest beauties in the Seven Kingdoms and he would be fighting off men with a stick when she grew into a young woman who he had no doubt would be as fierce and strong as her mother.

Speaking of his children's mother he could honestly say she had never looked so beautiful to him, her hair and face were flush and covered in sweat and she was only in a thin shift but as she looked down with a smile at their children, she was radiant. Harry lay next to her on the bed and put an arm around her, he kissed her forehead and told her.

"They are beautiful." Harry said breathlessly. Rhaenys unable to stop tears of happiness could only agree.

"They are angels." She said before asking him. "What should they be called?"

Harry knew the perfect name for their daughter already, looking down at the sleeping tiny girl in his wife's arms he stroked her cheek with his finger.

"Elinor, Elinor Tyrell."

There was a gentle tremor in his wife's mouth and eyes as they teared up even more, showed how touched she was that he wanted to name their daughter after her mother albeit with a slight alteration to the name so as to not arouse suspicions. Their eyes then turned to their son, Harry nodded to her to let her know since he had named their daughter she would name their son, Rhaenys was silent for a moment as she pondered what name to give to their son.

There were so many famous names, but somehow they did not seem right for her son. She would never name him after a Targaryen not because of her hatred of the house, it was not wanting an association that could make people realise the truth of her bloodline. There was no Tyrell or Martell name that she felt fit her son and it took quite a few minutes before she finally came up with one that she liked.

"Jasen that shall be your name." Rhaenys said as she kissed her son's brow then doing the same to her daughter while she was resting comfortability in her husband's arms.


Like they had waited for their friend and leader to go first, the next three days kept Caelys and Daena busy as Alys, Zara and Myria went into labour one after the other. Garth the Greenhand's words proved true as none of them had just one child, instead they had twins or in the case of Myria triplets.

Alys and Zara were truly twins, going into labour on the same day although their labour was mercifully short delivering twins each, Alys had a son Alyn and a girl named Rhaenyra while Zara had twin girls Cassana and Sabryna.

Myria was not as lucky as her labour took hours and hours to end before she brought three children into the world, her eldest Trebor named for her father, Calla and then lastly Dyanna her daughters followed.

To become father to nine children over the course of a week made Harry nearly faint on the spot but he was there for every birth, comforting them throughout the experience and he renewed his vow to each and every one of them that they were going to be protected and provided for. The plans to build up their mother's families now took a greater priority in his mind. He doubted he could provide a castle for each of his children but he would ensure they all had something to secure their future, not to mention that none of them would be treated as bastards by the bloated and corrupt Faith of the Seven or their followers. Brynden was already turning one of the bars of Valyrian steel into a great sword with a cross guard shaped like antlers as a gift to Robert to ensure he signed the legitimization for Harry's children, that and a few barrels of rice wine.

Harry was therefore tired when Lords Bulwer and Blackbar finally arrived. The transaction was straightforward and Lord Bulwer did not even wait to join them for dinner before he left straight after the meeting with a smirk on his face. One that Harry did not like at all, so he turned to Lord Blackbar who was rather haggard and weary.

"Is there a reason for Lord Bulwer's mirth?" Harry's concerns only grew as Lord Blackbar sighed in resignation before explaining.

"The lands that you purchased are as you know in disarray, so much so that he believes there is no chance of you turning them around. That however is not the only thing." Lord Blackbar said with the shadows under his eyes suddenly seeming far larger than they had before. "Those lands and mine have been routinely pillaged by other Reach houses. Specifically Durwell, Conklyn and Appleton who steal nearly all my harvest for themselves leaving me without the coin to maintain my lands or garrison my castle and no doubt will do the same to you."

Harry suddenly felt a headache coming on, he could sense Blackbar was telling him the truth and wondered if his grandmother had left him unaware as some kind of test. Well Harry thought to himself he was not going to tolerate it, not by a long shot.

"Will you aid me in dealing with them?" Harry asked Lord Blackbar who looked surprised. "By the time I am through they will no longer be a threat and you could well expand your own lands a bit, worth the risk perhaps?" He added looking Lord Blackbar in the eye to get the reaction. Incredulous was the first thing, followed by denial it was possible, then curiosity about how he could achieve it and finally interest in being involved.

"I can only field about two hundred men, what can be done with that few?" Lord Blackbar asked wondering if outright conflict was what Harry had in mind, he only smiled before saying.

"Do not worry Lord Blackbar, there will be no need for fighting. Not with what I have in mind."

Lord Blackbar was disbelieving but given his house was on the verge of bankruptcy and had little left to lose he agreed to join Harry's cause.

Harry later wrote a letter to his grandmother, telling her of the birth of her greatgrandchildren. He did not bother to write to his own father…even after he had saved Loras it seems Mace wanted nothing to do with him. It saddened Harry that the man could think so little of his own family but just watch out father Harry thought with a smirk that was more devious than any he had worn before, you will see what I can do soon enough.

Casterly Rock, the Westerlands…

Tywin Lannister was sitting quietly in his solar, his mind neither angry nor prideful in anyway…merely practical.

So he honestly could look back on events and see just who was to blame for the situation he had found himself in, struggling to find the best solution.

Ser Gregor Clegane had been an instrument of his for many years, a useful one too. Men with his lack of conscience and sheer physical strength were hard to come by and he obeyed orders without question, the only one of his vassals that he could completely trust to kill on command like when he had ordered him to kill Rhaegar's children to gain favour with Robert Baratheon. The rape and killing of Elia Martell had pushed him to tighten his grip on the Mountain though, she was supposed to have been a hostage against Dorne but she had been killed with her children when Gregor was unable to control his lust.

That he was now dead was an insult to House Lannister but one he could not react too, Robert had declared Gregor's slaying as self-defence on the part of Lord Harry Tyrell on behalf of his older brother. Legally he could therefore do nothing, on the other hand any attempt to kill the Tyrell responsible would be too much of a risk. With the gold mines all but depleted his funds were suddenly limited, the Tyrells however had a renewable source of coin in their harvest and were now unknown to everyone the new richest house in Westeros. War with them, their numbers and coin would likely destroy him.

That realisation brought a cold fury to Tywin's mind, an insult had been dealt and he could do nothing. At best he could try and influence the king with all the coin he owed him, but to what end? From the Riverlands to Dorne people applauded the Tyrell's killing of Clegane, how many could flock to his banner then?

The boy had control of a large army and navy with lands of his own not to mention his own homeland would surely come to his aid, not to mention Dorne after he had delivered justice for Elia Martell's murder, none of which he had any influence over. Too many for the Lannisters to contend with as no other kingdom would fight for them, so as much as it angered Tywin the only thing he could do was watch and wait for a chance to make his displeasure known.

However it was not the Tyrell that truly angered him, or he would have pursued retribution more earnestly. He might have hated his dwarf of a second son for dragging the Lannister name into the muck and disappointing him time and time again, but he could not deny his investigation as to why Clegane had decided to try and kill Loras Tyrell in full view of Kings Landing had been in-depth and most revealing.

Cersei had put him up to it…after the Tyrell had defeated Jaime in a duel forced on them both by Robert Baratheon. If the Tyrell had belittled his son and House Lannister as a whole Tywin might have condoned some action against him, not to kill him but to humiliate Tyrell at least…but he hadn't. Instead he had shown humility and ever suggested to Tywin's eldest son that he should go out into the world and get more experience as a knight. Something Tywin was glad of, too often Jaime followed Cersei around like a lost cub, wasting his skills and talents in a way that was almost criminal. Now at last he was acting like a Lannister and doing something for himself, even if he could never legally inherit the position as Lord of the Rock Jaime had at least started to step out of his sister's shadow. And bring a small measure of pride to his father Tywin thought with a small sense of relief.

Jaime had gone to hunt bandits across Westeros and had even talked of going over to Essos to fight in the war there, while Tywin was not happy about the latter the former he approved of. It made a statement, House Lannister would not tolerate lawlessness and give his son a chance to show everyone that he was more than a glorified bodyguard who had killed his king, supposedly on his father's orders.

However Cersei Tywin thought with anger, needed to be punished for costing him his best weapon over such a small and insignificant slight and he knew just how to do it. Like Tyrion and even Jaime his daughter received an allowance from him per moon, often spent on dresses or wine. In fact she had even dared ask for more in recent years for reasons she would never disclose…well Tywin thought with a resolved look on his face let's see how she managed her affairs without any gold from him at all.


Sunspear, Dorne…

There was cheering in the streets as Clegane's head and body where mounted on a spike and displayed for all to see, for so many years the people had dreamed of seeing this monster was dead and now here he was for all to see. Music echoed across the city and people were dancing in the streets as Elia Martell, who even after so many years was held in the highest esteem for her kindness and generosity to the people of her home country had finally be avenged.

In the Sandship, the castle of House Martell the mood was celebratory too. The Sand Snakes and their cousin Trystane Martell had danced with Ellaria Sand in the Water Gardens all day and night while Doran Martell had smiled properly for the first time in twenty years. He was contend to watch his family enjoy their first good news in years.

One member of the family however was not completely in the partying mood. When he had heard of the Mountain's demise no one had cheered louder than he, but not long after he had been fuming that it had not been him that dealt the killing blow. He had dreamed of slaughtering Clegane for years in a variety of painful, humiliating and degrading ways only to be cheated by someone who had no tie to Elia at all. Some young upstart that sounded in too many ways like himself hot-headed, disrespects authority, a warrior, a traveller and enjoys multiple bedding partners.

Yes, Prince Oberyn Martell was in two minds about the situation, glad his sister's killer was dead at long last but angry that it had not been him that did the deed.

Still he shared a toast with his elder brother, the best wine that they had in their cellar too he noted with appreciation as they sipped it. The smile on Doran's face was a rare sight indeed and that it was genuine made Oberyn feel a bit better, he might have hidden it well with all his quiet plotting but Doran hated the Lannisters and their pet monster as deeply as him but he had devoted himself to bringing about their downfall with his plans, something that would now be slightly easier with the Mountain dead.

"So brother." Doran said with a knowing look. "You have been quieter than I have seen you in all your years since Clegane perished, have you much on your mind?"

"He was mine to kill." Oberyn growled as his grip tightened on his cup, nearly enough to break it. "And the fact a Tyrell did it is only more of an insult." He referred of course to the long and difficult history that the Reach and Dorne shared as reluctant neighbours. War was the usual state of affairs and many had died which did not stop even after the Iron Throne was founded given all the Targaryen attempts to conquer Dorne, it had only slightly cooled after they had joined willingly joined with the marriage of Mariah Martell to Daeron the 2nd. Still they existed in a state of cold war with small fights breaking out now and again between patrols and scouts. The fact the Reach lords had not truly fought as hard for the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion had soured relations dramatically and several Dornish lords and knights had taken to raiding the Reach's border settlements every now and again, something that the Martells chose to turn a blind eye too.

Still he had done them a favour, Oberyn thought with some respect for the young Tyrell that had travelled the world and then turned a bunch of pirate infested islands into a small kingdom of his own which was already showing signs of prosperity. And that he had done it to save his brother struck a chord with Oberyn, knowing the pain of losing a sibling all too well. How could he deny the Tyrell the right to defend his kin and save his family from the pain his had gone through?

"Then I will go and make our appreciation known to him." Oberyn said suddenly, like many of his ideas coming completely at random. He would like to see what the Tyrell had done with the Stepstones first hand and see if he was as good as everyone said he was. Much to Oberyn's surprise Doran nodded and said.

"Take some tokens of our appreciation with you then, someone like him would make a valuable ally for the day when the Targaryens return and we can take our vengeance." Doran said with his smile suddenly becoming calculating, which made Oberyn frown. He had no respect at all for the Beggar King as Viserys Targaryen was known now, he was as mad as his father who had treated his own wife/sister Rhaella, Elia and his own grandchildren with the greatest distain. Viserys would be dead before his thirtieth name day, probably due to his own stupidity.

Still the chance to go and see Bloodstone was something Oberyn could not pass up, it had been a few years since he had been somewhere new Oberyn thought with his customary smirk coming back to his face.

The Reach Coast, Late Night…

Harry had left half of his army to guard the islands under Kanoro's command while he took the rest to land near Bendallon, the seat of House Blackbar. While stone masons began work on the ruins of the Ring and his ships began the journey to Kings Landing to recruit people to settle here, Harry marshalled his troops and plotted their movements with Lord Blackbar. All three enemy houses were small and regarded as little more than thugs or thieves by other houses who did not care to intervene as long as it did not concern them. They targeted the Blackbars as they were a minor house with no real connections of note and therefore could not fight back. They were cowards when faced with a more powerful house, Harry thought with a smirk he had seen their like before and had done some investigating of his own beforehand to confirm his opinion.

"So your plan is to intimidate them into submission?" Lord Blackbar said with doubt clear in his voice, he honestly did not believe it was going to work. Harry gave him a reassuring smile and told him.

"None of those houses keep a proper standing army, just a few raiding parties and their halls and castles are not provisioned for a siege. I also brought collapsible siege engines invented by Maester Alwyn to tear their walls down if needs be, but even if they did try and fight us they would be outmatched."

That did little to convince Lord Blackbar of their plan's chances of success, but he was nonetheless intrigued at these new collapsible siege engines. Alwyn had made them in modular pieces that could be moved on carts and then assembled on site, kept secure by steel bars they could be put up by the engineers in a matter of hours. This could be an ideal opportunity to test them and Harry had no intention of playing fair a smirk showing on his face, not to mention he was planning to use his magic to cheat a little. All three of these houses were thieves and bandits, they treated no one with mercy so they would receive none in return.


Their column marched through the pleasant landscape of the Reach, Harry's troops were amazed at all the greenery around them. They had never seen so much in all their lives, it was so idyllic that while Bloodstone and the islands were always home they would like dearly to spend some time here.

Harry himself was feeling strange as he looked around his former homeland, it was beautiful he thought with some nostalgia for his childhood days but it was quickly over. He had a home of his own now, a place he had chosen and made a place to live for not only himself but thousands of others, one where his and other children could grow up happy and safe. He was glad to have the life he did now and would not change it for anything, a smile broke out on his face at that thought.

They arrived at their first stop later that afternoon, the tiny holdfast of House Durwell. It was only a small stone hall with a wooden wall standing no more than twenty feet around it, their men could have surrounded several times over and still had many in reserve. The gates were shut immediately at the sight of them which nearly made Harry laugh, the engineers began to set up the siege engines and the moment the guards on the wall saw them they threw open the gates and dragged Lord Durwell and his three sons out by themselves less than an hour later.

Lord Blackbar was astonished at how little resistance the men put up, but then again Harry thought these were trapped bandits, not soldiers. Bandits ran away in the face of a superior force and they were completely surrounded by a force who looked like they were about to attack and kill them all, some might rather fight to the death than surrender and likely be executed or have their hands cut off but most would just throw down their weapons.

Harry's men quickly secured the small holdfast and all the prisoners, they would be offered a choice of death or the wall depending on whatever they had done. Right now he was looking down at the chained Lord Durwell who was glaring defiantly at him, Harry leaned casually against the tent's central pole and put a jug of water in front of Durwell who looked at it suspiciously.

"If I wanted to kill you, why would I bother with poison? I could just cut your head off with my sword." Harry said and Durwell wearily took a careful sip before a longer drink once he was sure it was safe. Harry then put a quill and parchment in front of him and said. "Write down every crime you or your men have committed. If there is none, then write that instead." Harry said and Durwell smirked, thinking Harry was a fool.

Only did he realise how much he underestimated the younger lord when he put quill to parchment and he could not stop himself writing in great detail, all of the laws he had broken, when and why he had done it and even his own sons' involvement. Harry had laced the water with a truth serum he had discovered in Chroyane, tasteless, colourless and potent. Then he had put a compulsion charm on the parchment, compelling him to write which combined together was enough to get a proper confession out of Durwell.

Once he was finished Harry scooped up the parchment and then stunned Durwell, blurring the memory so he could not really recall what had happened. The confession however as Harry held it in his hands would be enough to get Durwell, his sons and a good number of his men for their crimes and he and Lord Blackbar could assume control of his lands until the matter was settled.


Half of them chose the Wall, a good hundred and fifty of them while the rest faced either the chopping block, hanging or losing a limb and once that was dealt with they moved on to the next, House Appleton which ruled the town of the same name.

Appleton was filled with poorly maintained orchards, hence the name and they did not even have to siege it as they caught the Lord riding to meet his mistress on the road, under pressure he had ordered his men to stand down and the town was theirs without even having to pretend to lift a sword. No one was left to inherit the town after they were finished, the lord had committed rape, murder, raiding his neighbours and even dared to claim the First Night if the bride was fair enough. He had no sons or daughters so when he lost his head the family line died with him, allowing Harry and Lord Blackbar to secure the town and its orchards for themselves.

After now two and a half weeks on the road they neared the last of their three targets, House Conklyn who appeared to have locked their gates at the first sight of them clearly having heard of their actions against Houses Durwell and Appleton. That did not bother Harry in the slightest as he reached up and stroked Orion's plumage, his blood hawk took flight sensing his human's thoughts, circling slowly around the small keep, one with a low stone wall this time but nothing that could not be overcome Harry thought with a sense of muted relief that this campaign was nearly over.

While his men settled down to siege the castle, Harry memorized what he could see of the layout. He had no patience for a long siege when it was not necessary and he was eager to get back to Rhaenys and the children, he was going to end this campaign tonight with an old trick he had used in Yi Ti.

Waiting till the dead of night when most of the men were asleep as were their rivals, Harry donned a dark hooded cloak and he apparated into a chamber he could see with Orion's eyes, an empty solar that belonged to the lord. Checking no one was around he cast a disillusion charm on himself and slowly made his way down the corridors.

The layout inside was much to his irritation somewhat confusing, where the bedrooms should be there were store rooms and passages often looped around. When he realised he was lost, Harry frowned in annoyance before he nearly smacked himself on the head, there was a much simpler way of finding the lord he thought with irritation aimed at himself.

So he pointed his ring ahead and used the point me charm to find Lord Conklyn. The light was dim at first but he followed it till he arrived at a large bedroom where Lord Conklyn was laying naked with a pair of whores and his large overweight frame was something that nearly made Harry want to wash his brain out, instead he stunned all three of them and after tying his target up with ropes and a blanket to save his men the sight of the obese man naked before side-apparating himself back outside the castle walls.

Harry dumped him near the camp before reviving him, vanishing the ropes and quickly drew his swords before calling out.


His men ran at the sound of his voice and were astonished to find their lord holding a near naked man at sword point who was looking up in shock and surprise before he started quaking with fear at the sight of all the armed men around him with their weapons drawn. Harry looked down at him with a smirk before saying.

"It seems the Lord Conklyn went out for a midnight stroll and forgot his clothes, bind him." Harry said and the men were sniggering as they tied him up with ropes. The fat lord was so scared he did not even resist as they dragged him to the gates of his own castle, led by Harry who was handed a speaking trumpet by the half-dressed Lord Blackbar who had been roused by all the shouting. The lord of Bendallon had thought he had gotten used to all the odd happenings that had occurred on this campaign but finding the lord of Conklyn near naked on the edges of the camp was beyond belief.

Harry merely winked which made Lord Blackbar certain that he had something to do with it but was not sure how, Harry just kept smirking as he lifted the speaking trumpet towards the men o the wall and made sure they had seen their bond lord next to him.

"MEN OF CASTLE CONKLYN! HERE IS YOUR LORD, MY GUEST FOR NOW UNTIL I KNOW WHETHER OR NOT HE HAS BROKEN ANY LAWS. SURRENDER NOW OR I WILL USE MY RIGHTS AS A LORD TO RESTORE TO A CASTLE THAT IS HELD BY BANDITS. YOU HAVE ONE HOUR TO DECIDE." Harry said loudly into the speaking trumpet that amplified his voice so the men on the walls could hear it, he handed it back to Lord Blackbar before turning to the captain of his own troops.

"Wake the men, we attack in an hour." Harry instructed now completely stern and the captain went to rouse their men and Lord Blackbar grumbled as he went to get dressed and wake his own men.


The attack of course was not needed, the men inside the castle quickly realised the game was up and surrendered less than half an hour after Harry delivered his ultimatum. They were not ready to die and many took whatever punishment offered as long as they got to live. Lord Conklyn however refused the Wall for his own crimes, confident that they would not execute him.

He thought wrong.

When he was led up to the block, he cried and even tried to run away had the men not held him firmly, Harry looked down on him without expression as he raised and then swung his sword down, severing the man's head at the neck. The other Reach Lords would no doubt be shocked at his actions, but he wanted them to know that he was no blundering fool like his father. If justice is called for then he would dish it out, he would not ignore a situation like this because he could not be bothered to interfere. Many would be wary of him…Harry knew that but they would take him seriously.

With all three Houses either extinct or heading to the Wall their lands had to be allocated between Harry and Lord Blackbar, so they stood around a table looking at the area.

"Given that Conklyn lands border my own and Appleton and Durwell lands border yours I suggest we allocate them on that basis." Harry said to Lord Blackbar who was actually smiling for the first time since Harry had met him. He shook his head slightly before saying with humour.

"I would never have believed it possible, but you resolved the situation in less than a moon cycle and have added more land to my house. You are true to your word." Lord Blackbar said with a toast of his cup. "My family and I are indebted to you and we stand by our friends."

Harry found himself smiling, his first ally on the mainland that he had made himself. Only a minor house but a firm and loyal one that he could count on, such things were worth their weight in gold Harry thought and raised a toast himself.

A messenger than entered with notification that the first of the people from Kings Landing would soon begin to arrive, farmers he had hired would instruct them on how to work the land with a few crop rotation techniques he had picked up on his own travels, meaning more food would be produced faster and repairs on The Ring were going well and would be finished within a couple of weeks so all he needed was a castellan to run it for him, someone from the Reach that the lords would respect and trust and if he had a noble bloodline and a powerful family behind him all the better not to mention a wife with a connection to another strong house.

Harry's smile widened as he had just the man.


Bloodstone, Three Weeks later…

Harry had left after supervising the reconstruction of the Ring, before handing responsibility to Gunthor, it was a formidable stronghold he thought with large casement walls that encircled the castle inside hence the name. When it was finished it would be a great asset to him especially as it could command well over seven thousand men once they had all arrived over the coming months if he drew on all his levies. Combined with what they already had in the Stepstones it was a good start.

Harry was eagerly awaiting the sight of Bloodstone as he stared out from the ship's deck, he had left Gunthor in charge of The Ring as his castellan. Before leaving though he had finally had the chance to meet Gunthor's new wife Tally Tarly and he could see why his friend had been hooked from the moment they had met. Very pretty and with a large and generous heart, no artifice to her, no hidden greed or malice exactly the kind of woman that his friend had dreamt of marrying. Harry only hoped it worked out for them, there was too much misery in this world as it was.

When finally his home came into view Harry sighed in relief, it was good to be home he thought with some relief.

At the dockside he saw Rhaenys and Kanoro waiting for him along with the rest of her ladies. The children would doubtlessly be up at the castle given how young they were. As the planks were lowered Harry looked over the ships docked and noticed a strange ship that he had not seen before moored close by, it had blank sails and no flag but it was a war galley, not a large one but well-built and maintained with plenty oars and armaments. It had a dragon figurehead on the front which was the only clue as to who owned it.

"Have we any guests?" Harry asked as soon as he greeted his family and friends after disembarking from the Silence, they all smirked before Zara finally told him.

"It is a gift from Lord Velaryon, in honour of your killing of the Mountain. It was apparently meant for the Targaryen Navy but was never finished before the Rebellion and now it's yours. That and everything else."

"Everything else?" Harry asked surprised, he knew the Mountain was hated of course but he had not expected to be rewarded by anyone for killing him. The opposite in fact given who Clegane had worked for, but apparently Lord Velaryon thought otherwise and Zara was hinting that there had been other 'gifts' from other people.

When they showed him the store room in Bloodstone castle that they had been using Harry was genuinely astonished, aside from the ship Lord Velaryon had sent other Targaryen Loyalists had given tributes of their own. Aside from the many letters of gratitude that they had received, there had been sacks of grain, fruits/vegetables for their cellar, some had donated gold or silver in small amounts but others had offered potential alliances or other things as gifts.

House Boggs had sent a herd of sheep, House Hardy a few cows, House Massey a new fishing trawler, House Sunglass a few ornate carvings of the Seven, House Celtigar some beautiful engraved plates, wood from House Ryger, House Grafton had given him three cargo ships and House Fossoway a few apple tree saplings and most others had sent barrels of wine, steel, wood, horses for their stables and a few hounds.

One gift sent by House Lonmouth however was held firmly in Rhaenys' hands, she stared at it like it was some great mystery that demanded to be solved. It was an old helm made of black steel, it was well made with a red dragon that had been carefully painted and decorated on the top. Clearly a Targaryen helm but given its age there was only one member of that House it could have belonged to…Rhaegar Targaryen, her father.

Harry knew the source of her fascination with it now, he sighed knowing it must be hard for her to have a piece of her long dead father in her hands however much she hated him. It had been a difficult road for her, to accept her Targaryen blood but she still could not forgive her father for what he had done to her mother. Nor her grandfather for all the things he had inflicted on them and holding them prisoner while the war raged, so great was his paranoia that he would be betrayed.

Harry walked over and put an arm around her shoulder, it shocked her slightly but seeing who it was made her relax. He tightened his hold and she leant into him, drawing comfort from him as she felt her anger and sorrow for all the loss she had endured in her life.

They stayed like that for a while until she broke the silence and told him.

"The amulets you requested have been finished and Alwyn and I have been studying the dragon lore you gave us, so what now?" Rhaenys asked, not sure how these amulets with a crystal in each one carefully cut to a diamond shape would help them hatch dragons. Harry turned her to face him and said softly.

"The amulets once I enchant them will allow us to bond with the dragon the moment it is born, Valyrian nobles did it before the rise of the professional dragon ranches when their children were born. The amulet creates a bond with the infant dragon that over a year becomes permanent, they share feelings and allows the rider to control their dragon without words, becoming more a companion than a beast. All that will remain to do is to choose the egg to use, my magic can create the type of fire we need to hatch them," Harry said not sure of why the Valyrians would have abandoned such a useful process, probably because it was easier to have someone else raise their dragons to be as big and as strong as possible. Many of the techniques used by the ranch like regular flight and exercise, a good diet & being able to live unconfined were useable and would ensure their dragons would be stronger than any dragon Westeros had seen since the early days of the Conquest or perhaps ever.

Harry then cast his eyes around the room and realised that the Targaryen loyalists could well be the allies that they needed…if they could be trusted, so told his wife of his new plan and a couple of ideas he had thought of during the campaign.

"If we are able to ally ourselves quietly with the Targaryen Loyalists that remain, that will give us a strong following. Any others we recruit would only make us stronger if we chose wisely, establishing ourselves as a money lender would be a possible means of introduction."

Rhaenys nodded, agreeing with the idea of getting her father's family former allies on their side and even making connections through loans to other houses as long as it did not drain them of gold, what unsettled her slightly was the idea of riding a dragon.

She let out a bitter laugh which startled Harry slightly although he did not reduce his hold on her, she told him with bitterness.

"And to think my father and grandfather would have given their souls to have a dragon and here I am, the Dornish daughter they both looked down on and ignored will achieve their greatest dream. They would never have believed it possible." Rhaenys finished with a glare at the helm, which was now laying discarded in the pile of other gifts.

Harry nodded in understanding and gently stroked her chin while he smiled.

"My love…they never knew what they had, always wanting more. You are wiser than they could ever have been and with a heart that is full…not hollow. Our children could not have a better mother or me a wife." Harry told her and tears came to her eyes from his words. Recently she had begun to sing the same lullabies to her children that her mother had to her and her brother, she was grateful to have her mother's voice so she could give her children the same experience of warmth and contentment that she had received from her own mother.

They stood there for a while, neither willing to move as they stayed in each other's arms taking a moment to simply enjoy the brief moment of peace. It only lasted a minute or so unfortunately as Alwyn came into the room with a model of something in his hands.

"My lord, I have a new weapon for the navy, I am naming it the harpax." He said proudly and Harry reluctantly broke away from his wife who glared at Alwyn for a moment.

"What does it do?" Harry asked with a sigh, he was always glad to have an advantage over their enemies but Alwyn really did have a bad sense of timing. Alwyn did not even notice as he explained.

"The harpax is a modified catapult, instead of bolts or boulders it fires a grapple that takes a firm grip on a ship by punching through the hull allowing it to be winched nearer to allow boarding. The iron grapple is too long for the crew to cut and can be fired over a long distance." Alwyn finished explaining with a grin of triumph and Harry was impressed, the existing naval weapons like the boarding ramp they used on the Silence would be nothing compared to this and it would truly give his fleet at edge in future engagements. Nodding in approval Harry told him.

"By all means Alwyn proceed, I want them tested and installed on our warships as soon as possible. Excellent work my friend." Harry said and Alwyn went to make a full scale version to test when he suddenly remembered something rather important.

"Oh Lord Jordayne has just arrived in the company of Prince Oberyn Martell, they are waiting for you with Myria in the main hall."

"ALWYN!" Harry said suddenly tense as he learned that two very important visitors had arrived without him being informed. Lord Jordayne was expected and would hopefully make a strong ally, but this Harry knew with a headache brewing was not the way to make a first impression, not a good one. As the lord of the Stepstones it was expected that Harry welcome Lord Jordayne personally and now he had effectively slighted him by not doing so.

Worst however was the arrival of the Red Viper, Prince Oberyn Martell. He had wanted to make allies with Dorne hence sending Clegane's body to them but never had he expected that the Prince of Dorne would send his own brother here and now he had been slighted too because Harry was not there to greet him, the headache Harry felt started to get worst and he nearly groaned but controlled it. Looking down at his normal leather attire it was thankfully still presentable before he turned to face Rhaenys so they could walk in together.

Only to be shocked as his normally fierce and strong wife looking as if Death itself had dropped in for a visit, her skin was paler than normal and her eyes wide with fright.

"I can't meet him!" Rhaenys said with near panic in her voice, Harry was taken aback not sure what had her so nervous and out of character until he remembered that Oberyn was her uncle. He nearly smacked himself at his own stupidity, this was incredibly important to her but instead of happiness his wife seemed terrified that her uncle was here and before he could say a word Rhaenys fled the room as if someone was chasing her.


Rhaenys had tears running down her face as she ran to hide somewhere, she couldn't face her uncle Oberyn…she just couldn't. How could she? Try to talk to him as a stranger when all she wanted to do in her heart was run and pull him into a hug, to hide her true identity from him and feel like she was betraying him, herself and her mother's memory.

The idea stabbed at her heart.

Hiding from him was no better but it would she hoped hurt less, so why when she thought about it did she feel devastated?


Staring after his wife with worried eyes, Harry had no choice but to attend to his guests however much he wanted to go after her, he saw Calla coming up the corridor and told her to go and look after Rhaenys. She should not be alone when in this much distress Harry thought, genuinely concerned for her wellbeing.

Harry put on a calm expression as he arrived at the main hall and he was glad to see Lord Jordayne, a distinguished older man with silver grey hair and warm brown eyes as his grandson Trebor and his granddaughters Calla and Dyanna sat either in his lap or playing at his feet while Myria looked on with a smile, glad her father already adored his grandchildren.

But while Harry was as touched by the scene as Myria, his eyes went over to the couple sitting nearby. The woman was unknown to him although she was a Dornish beauty Harry admitted, long dark hair with tanned skin and an alluring figure but the man on whose lap she sat was famous enough that Harry knew who he was straight away. Dark hair and tanned skin with amused eyes and a spear just within reach. Even if he had not been wearing fine silks in the style of his homeland he would be recognised as Oberyn Martell…Rhaenys' uncle.

Harry's arrival was then noticed and all turned to face him. Oberyn got to his feet, gracefully depositing the woman to her feet at the side time. He walked over and Harry was slightly wary, knowing this man's dangerous reputation but took his hand when it was offered, sensing no hostile intent and in fact was taken aback by the lust inside the man for men and women alike. He had a great appetite for life Harry thought now smiling himself. Essentially a good man but was devious and slippery, Harry knew he would make a formidable and loyal ally or a reckless and deadly enemy but it seems although there was a little resentment underneath, Oberyn was grateful Harry had killed the Mountain.

"Prince Oberyn, Lord Jordayne welcome to Bloodstone. I apologize for not being there to greet you in person but issues had arisen in my absence that required immediate attention." Harry said giving both a welcoming nod. Lord Jordayne with his grandson, Harry's own son in his arms came over and said with a soft and warm voice.

"It is no trouble lad, seeing my first, second and third grandchild was more than enough for me." Myria and Harry both felt a sense of relief that Lord Jordayne loved his grandchildren even though they had just met him. Just as well that bastards were treated much better in Dorne than the rest of Westeros, not that they would be bastards much longer if Harry had his way.

"I agree, your ability with ladies seems to eclipse my own. Nine children within a year to four different women, I feel suddenly 'inadequate'." Oberyn said with a false sadness at the end while enjoying see Harry become slightly nervous at the mention of how many infants he had fathered, making a firm mental note to ensure next time that protection was in place.

The woman that had been sitting with Oberyn now came over and draped herself against him with the closeness and confidence of a long-time lover. Oberyn immediately put a possessive hand on her hip and introduced her.

"This is my paramour and mother to several of my daughters…Ellaria Sand." Oberyn said with a lustful grin in her direction which she returned. Harry nearly smirked at the closeness between them, Ellaria was Oberyn's soulmate and his wife in all but name their relationship had lasted longer than some marriages in either world.

"Greetings my lady, it is a pleasure to greet a woman of such beauty." Harry said to Ellaria and kissed her hand which seemed to amuse her but she did not comment. In fact both she and Oberyn looked at him with lustful grins which made him feel slightly uncomfortable although over his shoulder both Myria and her father smirked at him. Harry quickly decided to change the subject and turned to Lord Jordayne.

"My lord, it is my intention to seek legitimization for all of the children not born to my wife including Myria's. Although they will carry their mother's name rather than mine and therefore I have a business proposal for you, during my travels I encountered many things including very fine cotton and several spices unknown to the world at large. Dorne's climate would be perfect for growing and cultivating these new goods and would earn your house coin and therefore secure not only Myria but our children's future. Would this be of interest to you?"

His audience except for Myria was shocked, it had been her own idea to use some of the cotton plants and spices had discovered on his travels to expand and develop her own houses lands. They would be much sought after at home and abroad and mean his children would be secure. Lord Jordayne was quick to agree and eagerly shook Harry's hand but Oberyn and Ellaria looked at him strangely wondering what he was thinking.

"And how are you going to get seven children legitimized all at once? Just getting one is a rare occurrence." Oberyn asked him suddenly becoming serious in a split second, there was a duality to his nature Harry realised with some curiosity, sometimes humour and adventure driven living life to the full and other times focused, vicious and lethal in equal parts. Probably what made him so dangerous, you never knew what he would do next. Harry was about to explain when a knock at the door announced the arrival of Caelys and Brynden who both stopped when they realised what an important pair of guests they had unwittingly dropped in on.

They were about to retreat when Harry glad they were hear stepped forward and introduced them.

"Prince Oberyn, Lord Jordayne allow me to introduce two important members of our community here on Bloodstone. Caelys Baelerys, our chief healer and midwife, it was her that delivered your grandchildren." Harry said putting a hand on the nervous Caelys' shoulder. He noticed Oberyn and Ellaria giving her an appreciative once over before Harry turned to the other unexpected guest and then said with a smile. "And this is Brynden, the smith who makes the finest steel you will find anywhere. He is as much an artist as a metal worker, by the way did you finish the project I left for you before I went to the Reach?" Harry asked Brynden who handled the sudden attention better than Caelys did, bowed to their guests before speaking his lord and friend.

"Indeed I did my lord, here it is." Brynden then showed them the box he was carrying, opening it to reveal a magnificent great sword made of Valyrian steel. It was so dark that you could honestly call it black except for the hilt and cross guard had been coloured gold. The cross guard itself was intricately styled to look like a pair of antlers and in golden letters on the blade 'Ours is the Fury' had been engraved. It was an incredible piece of work Harry thought, made from one of the bars he had acquired in Valyria and while he loathed to give one to Robert Baratheon it would get his children their proper names.

All his guests were impressed at the work, Brynden had surpassed himself. Lord Jordayne and Ellaria were too surprised to speak but Oberyn was inspecting the sword with interest.

"It looks freshly forged, where did you get the metal?" Oberyn asked, such weapons were rare and this had to be a customised job.

"I uncovered a stash of Valyrian steel weapons when I was travelling, this sword was made from one of them and another is being sent to Ser Barristan Selmy. This sword will I am sure be enough for my children to get their rightful names, don't you think?" Harry asked with a smirk of his own, leaking that he had a stash of Valyrian steel weapons would ensure many offers from the lords of Westeros who wanted a sword. Giving one to the most famous and respected knight in all of Westeros would get the rumours spreading quickly enough and a custom one to the King himself would ensure they stuck.

A feast was held later for their guests and it was late by the time everyone retired to their rooms, Rhaenys however who had not left her rooms all day was restless, unable to sleep as nightmares about her mother tormented her sleep so she got up and went to check on her children. They were much to her worry awake, too much activity had left them too anxious to go to sleep. They smiled at the sight of their mother which made Rhaenys smile too as she gently rubbed her thumb across their foreheads and they gripped her fingers. Her heart sang with so much joy that she felt she would burst, was this how you felt with me and Aegon mother? She asked with sadness, despondent that Elia would never know her grandchildren.

Seeing that her children had no intention of falling asleep and knowing they needed it, Rhaenys decided to sing them a lullaby that her mother had sung to her as a child.

"Sleep my baby, fear not for I am here.

I will guard you as you dream.

Let no fear trouble you, no bad dreams flow.

For I will love you all my days and nights forever more and sooth away your tears."

Rhaenys kept singing, losing herself in the memory of her mother lulling her to sleep with the same lullaby.


Unknown to her, she was not the only one that could not sleep that night. Oberyn was staring up at the ceiling, fully awake and alert. There was something bothering him, did not know what it was but some secret was hidden here and finally frustration got the better of him and he got out of bed.

"Lover, it is late come back to bed." Ellaria said with a sleepy whisper, his movement having woken her. He however pulled on his clothes and told her, leaving Caelys who he had convinced to join them in bed to sleep.

"Lord Tyrell is hiding something, I can sense it. Come we must discover it." He told her, Ellaria only let out an irritated moan into the pillow before she slowly got out of bed still half asleep.

They crept quietly through the corridors with Ellaria slowly stumbling after her lover, Oberyn himself beginning to get frustrated. He did not know what he was looking for but there was something…off about this place he did not know what but he was determined to find out.

Then he heard a faint voice singing a lullaby, he listened intently and was able to make out some of the words. He was shocked when he recognised them for what they were…the same lullaby that his own mother had sung to him and Elia when they were small. It was a song passed down through generations and one he knew off by heart, having heard it many times, he had even sung it to his own girls when they were little.

He followed the sound to its source, one of the castle's nursery rooms. Guards were easily eluded with his many years of practice so he and Ellaria had gained entry to what appeared to be the private quarters of Lord Tyrell, specifically the nursery. Oberyn saw a dark haired young woman singing to babies in their cots, his breath caught in his throat. The voice was so familiar that it was almost like he was listening to a ghost, he accidently knocked the door causing it to swing slightly with a sudden squeak.

The young woman looked around and was shocked to see him there, he however was more stunned by her. The lines of her face and her stunning purple eyes, a thing as familiar to him as his own face and had been carved onto his mind years ago. Ellaria looked concerned between them, not understanding what was going on as Oberyn walked slowly and almost in a trance towards the young woman.

Rhaenys feeling increasingly nervous and was about to come out with any excuse she could think of, that or scream for the guards when Oberyn grabbed her into a tight hug.

"Rhaenys. How can this be?" Oberyn asked in a whisper with tears running down his face, he seen this girl as a babe and little girl with cute curly hair and even entertained her before the Rebellion. Even though she was child then, her mother's features shone through like a beacon to him, he would know her anywhere. He had dreamt for years of happier times and avenging them only here she was, in his arms alive and his niece was now a beautiful grown woman with a son and daughter of her own. It was like the gods themselves had answered his prayers.

"Uncle. I did not know you would recognise me." Rhaenys said as she hugged Oberyn back, tears running down her face as for the first time in years she had a member of her family here and now, one that she could touch and feel the warmth and security of his embrace. Her uncle held her tightly, not trusting the fates that they might just rip her from him.

Ellaria was staring wide-eyed at them, not able to believe her lover's niece long thought dead was here…alive. She was so shocked at this she did not notice Harry arriving at the door, woken by his wife's absence Harry saw Oberyn creeping in and immediately grabbed his swords only to relax when he saw what was going on. He saw his wife being hugged tightly by her uncle and knew everything was fine, he let them take comfort from each other for a while before he stepped into the nursery clearing his throat to get their attention. They all turned to look at him and with a quiet but serious voice he spoke to Oberyn.

"I see you have already met my wife Prince Oberyn, maybe to save the children their sleep we should continue this discussion in my solar."

There was a tense silence after that announcement, Oberyn looked ready to kill Harry with his bare hands at the mention he had married Rhaenys but a warning glare from her had stopped him.

They made their way to Harry's solar and sat on one of the comfortable couches before telling Oberyn and Ellaria the full story as best they knew it. The two listened intently and Oberyn looked ready to fly into a rage when he learned that Rhaenys had been discarded in favour of her inbred relatives except as a controllable alternative and would have done if Ellaria had not put a firm but comforting hand on his.

It took nearly an hour to tell the story but all were silent when they finished, not sure what else to say. Oberyn was a bit disappointed that his niece was not going to pursue the throne but fully understood and supported her reasons, her hatred of most Targaryens especially her father and grandfather being one that he agreed with most strongly. The thought of the pair of them made Oberyn nearly spit in anger but he contained himself, so happy was he to have his niece back…a part of his family thought lost forever.

"You must come to Dorne soon, Doran and your cousins will be so glad to finally meet you." Oberyn said smilingly widely at his niece, his daughters he knew would love her and Trystane & Doran would welcome her as family. Rhaenys smiled at that, she had always wanted to see her mother's homeland and finally meet the rest of her family.

"Dorne will always help you." Oberyn said with certainty, his country's spears would always be hers and if anyone should threaten his niece's or her children then he would lodge his own spear right down their throat.

Harry was inwardly relieved that the meeting with Oberyn, however unintentional it was had gone well although he was going to improve security in Bloodstone after the events of tonight. Dorne was now their ally, Oberyn would see to that and that gave them a great deal better positioning which was real benefit now. However they would still need to continue their plans for expansion into the Stormlands, Riverlands and Kings Landing as it would be dangerous to take anything for granted.

They still had much to do so, starting with the Stormlands.