

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · 書籍·文学
35 Chs


Blackwater Bay, the Silence…

The Silence cut through the waves as it made its way towards the capital of Westeros, the wind was strong and despite the weather being quite warm there was a chill running across nearly everyone felt on the ship at least those that knew the history of their destination. Above in the rigging Orion slept, not caring at all that they were about to head in to a proverbial viper's nest.

Harry stood out on deck as they passed Dragonstone, the barren island with its fortress of the same name was standing guard over the opening of the bay. He was worried about this trip, honestly more worried than he had been for a very long time. Perhaps due his being married to Rhaenys and what would happen to her and their still to be born children if he messed up and they were discovered. War that would tear his homeland, the islands he now ruled and possibly Dorne to apart if he screwed up so he took a calming breath and tried to work out how to play this.

Senses honed by experience and training alerted him to the presence of Kanoro who walked up to him and stood watching as they came closer to their city.

"I do not believe I have ever seen you quite like this." Kanoro said with concern. "Surely after all the battle and death we have seen, this city of Kings Landing could not be so bad?" Saying it more as a question than a statement.

Harry only laughed bitterly. "If only it was as simple as a battle my friend, Kings Landing is a snake nest of politics and backstabbing ambition. No one here cares a jot for anyone but themselves and would kill their dearest friend if it benefited them, there is simply no interest in the common good here. No one that can be trusted, so the best advice I can give you is watch your back." He might never have been to the capital before but he knew what he had been told by those who had and what he had learned in his history lessons. His grandmother who was currently resting her cabin had repeated such on their way here, he was glad she had insisted on coming as she had spies here and a greater knowledge of politics than him. She had done her best to prepare him but it was he who would have to speak directly with the King and they could only hope he did not mess up.

Kanoro looked at him in surprise at his frank appraisal of Kings Landing. He known that the rich often indulged in games such as these to gain power or more wealth on top of what they already had but to hear it was the normal state of affairs here was…unsettling.

Harry gave his friend a comforting pat on the shoulder before they finally came in sight of Kings Landing a few hours later.

Kings Landing…

The large walls of the city reminded them both of when they stormed Volantis, a larger but more unified city than this one. As their ship came closer to the dock however and Lady Olenna walked out of the main cabin to join them they were hit with an overwhelming stench. Harry was tempted to cast the bubble head charm but with his grandmother and the rest of the crew present he couldn't, he supposed he would have to tolerate it.

The rest of the crew and Kanoro all recoiled at the strength of the smell, some putting their hands to this mouths and noses. Eyes watering they turned to their leader who shook his head while Olenna shrugged.

"The Targaryens never bothered to install or update drainage in the city, the smell is the result." Harry said simply as they tied the ship to the dock and dropped the planks. On the docks he saw an old man with an entourage of gold cloaks and men dressed in blue with eagles on the shields. This Harry realised must be Jon Arryn, the current hand of the King and Lord of the Vale. He had more lines on his face than any other man Harry had ever seen probably due to the stress of running Westeros and being seventy six years old. His shoulders were broad and he did manage to stand tall despite his age. His blue eyes looked at Harry with sharp disapproval and Harry was stumped as to why.

"Harry Tyrell, the King is waiting at the Red Keep." Jon Arryn said sharply and Harry's eyes narrowed at the disrespect as did Kanoro's when Arryn looked the tall Essosi warrior up and down before dismissing him out of hand. Before either of them could say anything however Olenna beat them too it.

"The Lord Hand himself, I suppose we should be honoured. The King sends him personal arse wiper to greet us, surely the most important position at court." The old lady told Jon Arryn, a man only six years her elder. The remark seemed to make some of the gold cloaks laugh out loud before the glares of the Knights of the Vale shut them up. Jon Arryn himself was glaring at her to try and cover his surprise at her being here but Olenna was not finished yet as she came down the plank.

"Oh going to tattle on me, surely a Lord Paramount should be above someone calling him names. My grandson has done what no King of Westeros has ever managed so maybe you greet him as a lord should. Hmm?" Olenna said her glare at Jon Arryn was starting to buckle the man's resolve. Harry nearly smiled at his grandmother shutting the Arryn down when he managed to catch Arryn's eye and read his thoughts briefly, looking for the reason the Lord of the Eyrie disliked him and then he saw it.

Arryn hated chaos, war had taken his only heir and nephew until his own son was born and now he was willing to gain peace at any cost. Harry was the embodiment of the thing he hated, sacking Volantis and destabilizing Essos, starting a continent war and a massive slave revolt that undermined the status quo and threatened to drag Westeros into the fighting. Not to mention taking the Stepstones which threatened relations with the Three Sisters in his mind and that House Tyrell now controlled the islands which he feared would lead to war between them and the Martells.

Harry found it rather sad that a man from a region that prized fighting prowess could have come to have such a view point, understandable as it was given what war had cost him. Peace is a goal, not a means to an end, conflict was always on the horizon and to appease your enemies would only delay the inevitable. They would demand more and more until you were unable or unwilling to exceed to anymore of their demands. The Lannisters were a case in point, they demanded more and more power within the city and Jon Arryn allowed this to happen weakening relations with other houses and making the Lannisters so strong it would be near suicide to go against them. The King was another example, to keep the peace Jon Arryn allowed Robert Baratheon to walk all over him, or the Lannisters escape punishment for what had happened to Elia Martell and her son driving Dorne into isolationism.

Harry nearly shook his head, the man would stand up for what he believed to be right, up to a point. There was of course the chance he might realise the danger of his approach but as they made their way through the city with a cart following with gifts for Robert just behind them, Jon Arryn was only concerned for the moment in what he believed to be the greater good.

Those words made Harry visibly scowl, too many lives had been sacrificed to that phrase than any other in history, due to men using it to justify their own self-interest.


The Red Keep was an impressive fortress, made of red stone hence its name it had very high and thick curtain walls and seven large drum towers with many protected positions for archers, stone parapets, large bronze gates and tall halls and towers reached high above them. The work of Maegor the Cruel it had been the home of the Targaryen Dynasty for centuries until the rebellion, it was Harry had to admit one hell of a castle. Taking it would be a near impossible feat if it were fully manned, provisioned and equipped.

They rode into the fortress through the main gate and dismounted their horses, or in Olenna's case left her wheelhouse and were greeted by a parade of gold cloaks that lined the way to throne room. Olenna who they walked slower to accommodate whispered to him.

"A show of strength to intimidate you, more showing off their swords." Harry nodded to show his understanding, glad that he and Kanoro had decided to wear their armour and carry their own swords as a statement of them being warriors. It gave them an extra piece of confidence that was needed now.

The Throne Room was a large space which had once been he was told decorated with dragon skulls but they were long gone now it seemed and when they arrived it was full of courtiers who looked on in curiosity as they walked in. Some sneered at Kanoro, no doubt due to the colour of his skin which he ignored with much regrettable experience while Harry fumed over someone treating his right hand man like that.

But their eyes all turned towards the grotesque looking Iron Throne, one look at it was enough to make Harry see why Rhaenys wanted nothing to do with it. The way it twisted and distorted people, look at Robert Baratheon for example. Where once they had been the fiercest of warriors with muscles bigger than Harry's head and a Warhammer to swing with them, now a drunken wreck sat on the throne made of melted swords. His belly so large that he could no longer fit inside armour and a beard resembled a bird's nest more than the neatly trimmed one he had worn twenty years ago. His bloodshot eyes were telling, drunk or hungover with little proper sleep Harry shouldn't wonder. Harry honestly thought it a waste with some sympathy…not too much of course as Robert had spat on the corpses of Rhaenys' mother and brother before sitting on that throne but he should have never taken the throne at all, he was not suited to this life, being a warrior or a sellsword would be preferable as that would give him other better outlets for his grief…not being a king.

Kanoro had been told of Robert Baratheon before they came here but he was struggling to accept the supposed warrior he had been and the overweight drunk he saw now. He had thankfully managed to hide his surprised disgust.

A look around the court did not improve Harry or Kanoro's view of the capital, the queen that stood at Robert's side was as prideful and stuck up as any rich woman that they had ever seen. Cersei Lannister was looking down her nose at them before even a word was spoken and although she was still a beautiful woman with a slender but very enticing figure, the contempt and arrogance on her face made her look to Harry's eyes at least rather ugly.

The children clustered around her did not help the situation, the youngest Myrcella and Tommen were both he could tell still children and sweet with their curious but shy looks at Harry and Kanoro. Prince Joffrey the heir to the throne however was sneering down at them with obvious contempt that was near a mirror to his mother.

Aside from them there was the Small Council which waited around the throne, Jon Arryn of course who was still angry at them. But there was Stannis Baratheon who was honestly looking like he would rather be anywhere but here, not surprising given he was a practical man and had little interest in politics or pomp and celebration. He also hated the Tyrells given they had starved him for a year while sieging Storm's End. He openly glared at Harry and Olenna but they ignored it.

Renly Baratheon however was different matter, he was honestly curious when he looked at Harry possibly because of his close relationship with Loras, Harry's brother. He was nowhere near as muscled as his eldest brother had been or his other brother was now and dressed in the finest silk something that made Harry think of a peacock. More flashy than tough.

Varys the Master of Whispers was more of an enigma, his robes were decorative but it was more subtle and his expression was more serene and calm. Harry had been warned by his grandmother that he had the best spy network anywhere in the world and was far more cunning than nearly any other member of the Small Council, having served Aerys the Mad King and maintained his position on the Small Council when Robert took the throne and stayed there longer than any other current member except Pycelle. He would be one to watch Harry thought.

Speaking of the Grand Maester Pycelle was an old leach and a spy for the Lannister, enough said.

The last member of the Small Council was however one Harry knew he would have to watch Petyr Baelish. Sly and greedy he had the intelligence and cunning to be capable of anything, or so Olenna had told him and Harry trusted his grandmother in this, she had always been an excellent judge of character.

His quick assessment of the occupants of the room done, Harry walked forward and gave a bow to the king before saying with a wide smile.

"Your grace, how goes the day?"

That stunned everyone, no one expected Harry to dare ask such a question instead of bowing and scraping as everyone else did before the king, like his own father had done on several occasions. Robert himself was confused but answered all the same.

"Well enough young Tyrell, you?"

Harry smiled while Olenna grinned, knowing full well what he was doing. Robert liked people who were upfront and to the point so Harry would be just that.

"I cannot complain your grace, nice pleasant sea voyage and was greeted by the Lord Hand himself. First visit to the capital, all I need is a good spar and my day is perfect." Harry said knowing how much a warrior Robert still was at his core. He respected good fighters so that is what Harry would present himself as.

He knew his approach was working when Robert smiled and said back.

"Absolutely, loved smacking in heads with my Warhammer to end a day." Robert said. "You here to bend the knee and get the thing over with?" Robert asked and Harry gave him a bemused look before saying.

"Well that is a given your grace, if you want the full thing okay." Harry told him and knelt before saying. "I Harry Tyrell of Bloodstone and the Stepstones hereby swear my undying fealty to his grace Robert Baratheon, first of his name." Harry rattled off the man's titles and then was allowed to rise.

"Then I name you Lord Paramount of the Stepstones and Warden of the Narrow Sea." Robert said glad to have the pomp over and done with, there was a gasp in the room at the announcement. Being named a lord was big enough but to be named the Warden of the Narrow Sea was a shock to all as it basically meant Harry was guarding the entrance to the eastern coast of Westeros from the southern end.

Jon Arryn was horrified and so were the Lannisters while Stannis gritted his teeth in anger at the title awarded to a Tyrell right in front of him. Harry bowed again and spoke before anyone else could especially.

"Thank you your grace, myself and my men will defend the entrance to the Narrow Sea with all our strength. In the meantime, I hope you will like some of the spiced wine we brought for you and a chest of gold for your treasury." Harry said as servants were bringing in the barrels and chest they had brought with them.


"Good see that you do." Robert said with a smile no doubt going to receive a yelling from Jon Arryn and his whore of a queen but it was worth it for the irritation it would cause Cersei. Looking at back at the bold Tyrell he took a moment to study his companions, Lady Olenna was known to him already and he actually although he would never admit this, liked the Tyrell Matriarch. Strong and fiercely protective of her family and smarter than nearly his entire court, she reminded Robert very much of his own mother Cassana Estermont. He could well remember times when she had put his father Steffon in his place and her loss had cut very deep. In truth it was only his respect for Olenna that made him tolerate them and Renly's close relationship, he cared little for his brothers, Stannis was a prude that could not bend or change his mind even to save himself and Renly was easily led and more like a prancing fool than a warrior like their forefathers.

Speaking of warriors though his eyes turned to the tall dark skinned man that stood in armour at the young Tyrell's side, heavily muscled and his stance showed he was ready to at a moment's notice to jump into action. Coming from a kingdom known for martial prowess Robert knew a real warrior when he saw one.

"Although I know your grandmother well enough, who is this?" He asked and the young Rose was only too willing to answer.

"This your grace is Kanoro, the greatest swordsman in Essos. Never has he been defeated." Harry Tyrell told him but with certainty, not over the top like his father but instead quietly confident. The man himself was similar, quiet in their confidence which Robert did respect, an idea then came into his head that should see if those two deserved to wear that armour.

"I have heard you yourself are quite a swordsman Tyrell." Robert said a smirk coming to his face that he was not willing to suppress. "So as you two are already in your armour how about a duel? With live steel? You and your man against my best Kingsguard Ser Barristan and the Kingslayer?"

The silence in the room was total and you could have heard a pin drop. Harry, Kanoro, Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime were stunned at the decision but all realised it was not a request but a command from a king…they would have to do it.

So Jaime who wore his customary smirk and Ser Barristan who was far calmer and studying his opponents stepped down to the same level as their opponents and drew their swords.


Harry on the other hand was seething on the inside, he had been prepared to play to Robert's ego but not fight against two highly skilled swordsmen for his amusement. Robert Arryn was looking worried, probably about the political implications of the fight about to happen while the Queen Bitch Cersei was smirking no doubt sure of her brother's victory but what really disturbed Harry was the reaction of Prince Joffrey.

The boy had a blood thirsty grin on his face and near manic look in his eyes, one that Harry had seen on his travels in the eyes of the most disturbed people, those who adored the sight of blood and lived only for their own sadistic amusement. And this was the heir to the throne? Harry was starting to get a worrying feeling about what would happen once Robert died and Joffrey took the throne.

Olenna retreated to the side with her guards, looking worriedly at Harry who gave her a reassuring smile. If necessary he would use any magic he could apply without being seen, there was no way he allow himself or his family to be humiliated in front of the entire Seven Kingdoms! He pulled Orphanmaker and Blackfyre from their sheaths while Kanoro pulled Stormbringer from his waist. Seeing the distinctive swords a lot of the courtiers watching started muttering to themselves and the Kingsguard's eyes widened at the sight of more Valyrian steel than the city had seen in years but quickly focused back on their opponents withdrawing their less impressive but still well-crafted blades.

Harry lined up against Jaime Lannister while Kanoro being the better of their side faced Ser Barristan Selmy, Harry had just enough time to whisper in his ear.

"Don't underestimate Selmy, he might be old but he is the best swordsman in Westeros."

Kanoro nodded and assumed his ready position with both hands on his great sword while Harry readied himself with his two bastard swords in hand.

"Begin!" Robert said with excitement and Joffrey yelled out less than a second later.


It was surprising and those that heard it were taken aback but the fighters did not paid it any mind as they focused on their individual duels.

Jaime Lannister immediately went on the attack, striking with a little too much force as opposed to speed although it did not lack that Harry thought as he parried the blow and launched one of his own which was in turn blocked.

This was a real challenge Harry thought now feeling much better about the situation. Other than his regular spar with Kanoro and the men he had not had a really challenging fight in a while so he began to enjoy it more as they continued.

Two swords gave him more angles of attack but less force behind each strike so he started a series of fast strikes and feints to put Ser Jaime off balance, the smirk vanished off the Lannister knight when he realised Harry wasn't going to be so easy to defeat.

'Well, time for a lesson in humility.' Harry thought and began to hit harder and increase his speed planning out what counter moves Ser Jaime could make. He drove the Kingsguard back, but to give Ser Jaime his due he fought furiously and a few times Harry narrowly avoided a sword sent at his head. The steel was a whirlwind of silver through the air around them, dazzling all who saw it as none had seen this kind of duel between two expert swordsmen in their entire lives.

Neither Harry not Jaime were willing to give up but Harry was being more mindful as he drove Jaime back, keeping an eye on where they were until finally Harry made his move, he caught Jaime's sword in a blade lock and both pressed hard against each other, eager to break it. Their slightly sweating faces only a short distance apart as they glared at each other, the courtiers held their breath to see who would triumph and around the throne the Lannisters were cheering Jaime on while the rest looked on with interest.

Then Harry sidestepped and forced his blades down on the cross guard of Jaime's sword and twisted hard to the side sending the sword clattering across the floor. Before Jaime could react he had the sharp edge of Orphanmaker at his throat. Harry was smiling as he took quick and shallow breaths as he was slightly winded by the fight.

No one could quite believe it, the courtiers were silent in shock that the Kingslayer had been beaten but there was still another fight going on to distract them from this completely unexpected victory.

Kanoro and Ser Barristan were still going at it while their younger counterparts had finished, their superior skill showing in how easily they predicted and countered each other's moves. Ser Barristan was amazingly agile for his age while Kanoro handled his great sword like it weighed nothing and was just as quick as Ser Barristan.

Neither man was gaining any ground on the other for nearly ten minutes, spinning apart only for Ser Barristan to suddenly sheath his sword, much to everyone's surprise. Ser Barristan turned to Robert and said.

"I must confess your grace that this man is truly a master with a sword. I cannot defeat him." Ser Barristan but he did not say it with sadness but pride. Kanoro likewise now sheathed his sword and now said his piece.

"I to cannot defeat his knight, I have not had a real opponent in many moons your grace. I salute you Ser Barristan Selmy." Kanoro added turning to the old knight and giving him a bow of respect which Ser Barristan returned with slight surprise.

The court was silent so many surprises in such a short space of time but soon they were buzzing with gossip that would last for days. Harry caught Olenna's eye and she was smiling broadly at him which he returned before looking back over to Ser Jaime who was dejectedly picking up his sword. Harry went up to him feeling a little sympathy and said to Jaime who glared at him.

"You did well in our little bout but you have allowed your skills to rust, not to mention you have little actual combat experience." Harry told him trying to be helpful although he was not sure that Jaime saw it that way. His face instantly twisted with anger at the perceived slight and he choked out.


Harry clarified what he meant quickly but did not allow himself to react emotion staying perfectly calm.

"You were very young when you were named to the Kingsguard, most have done some traveling or fought in a war before being chosen. Your training is excellent but there is no substitute for experience and years of disuse have caused your skill to rust slightly."

Jaime seemed to still be angry but he relaxed somewhat as he realised the truth of Harry's words, he sighed and asked.

"So what should I do then?"

"Do as your mentor Ser Arthur did and hunt bandits." Harry said simply which confused Jaime as to why he should bother, so Harry elaborated. "Go out for a few months and get some real experience at fighting men in real combat, they would be no match for you but regular fighting would enable you to get some actual experience and rejuvenate your skills, it would also allow you to sharpen your mind, out think and trap your enemy. A deed for your page in the Book of Brothers if nothing else." Harry told him and he could see Jaime was really thinking about it before saying.

"I will consider it Lord Tyrell."

"I haven't seen that good a display in years." Robert said with a booming laugh that drew everyone's attention back to him. "By the way young Tyrell I meant to ask, that ship of yours? It looks like an Iron Born vessel."

"It was your grace, it belonged to Euron Greyjoy." The name brought a gasp of shock in the room and a snarl from the Lannisters in the room. Euron had burnt their fleet and even raided Lannisport in his brother's rebellion and never been punished for his transgression, largely at the intervention of Jon Arryn who had wanted 'peace' rather than cause any more potential upset. It was the only reason House Greyjoy still existed and ruled the Iron Islands. "We fought at the Battle near the Summer Isles, I managed to take his ship, treasure and his eye." Harry said with a dark satisfaction, he had left his mark on the Iron Born, one he would be reminded of every time he looked in the mirror and when they next met Harry intended to take his life.

Jon Arryn was instantly worried about the implications of a Reach/Stepstones Lord taking the ship belonging to the brother of the lord of the Iron Islands and permanently maiming him at the same time but Robert laughed and told everyone.

"I knew I liked you Young Tyrell, you have some sharp thorns."


"Well that was exciting." Olenna said with a sigh as she sat back in her chair in the set of rooms that they had been provided with. The meeting with Robert Baratheon had gone better than she had expected and her grandson had earn more favour in one meeting than her son had in a decade of grovelling.

"I am glad we got to test our skills and prove we were better in front of the whole court although I did not like to have to perform like some kind of pet." Harry said and his man Kanoro nodded in agreement. Olenna just shook her head, they did not enjoy showing off however useful it was. Males that did not enjoying waving their 'sticks' about Olenna thought, what a rare thing.

Any conversation on the matter was stopped when a message was delivered, directly from Jon Arryn. The King had ordered a tourney to celebrate the conquest of the Stepstones and their bending the knee to the Iron Throne, a sigh escaped them all as both Harry and Kanoro knew that they would be expected to compete.

At least it would give them a chance to investigate the city and get the lay of the land so to speak.

Dressed in long cloaks both Harry and Kanoro snuck out into the city the following day, the bustle of the city was so great that no one even gave them a second glance, especially with the disillusion charm Harry applied.

Harry had half expected what they found but to say he was shocked at the state of things in the capital was putting it mildly. The number of starving, the crippled, the mad and generally unfortunate was beyond belief as they moved through the city streets. Orphans no older than three namedays fighting and even killing each other over a slice of bread, rivers of shit running down the centre of the streets.

How they could all live like this? Harry had no idea and Kanoro was equally disturbed by the sights around him. He had seen such things in the lowest of slave pens but not here, not in Westeros were men were supposed to be free and not in the capital city or so he had thought.

As they investigated deeper another element of the city's decay came to light, corruption.

The Gold Cloaks who supposedly were meant to enforce the law broke it so regularly that the city's people did not even seem surprised, taking coin and wares off people with no warning or reason and even dragging women off to rape them. The worst of them all was their leader Janos Slynt, they actually saw him taking a bribe from Petyr Baelish and half a dozen others around the city, usually criminals to avoid punishment. Not to mention the bruises, cuts and scars that covered Baelish's whores after a party of Gold Cloaks left. Kanoro was about ready to run the man through when Harry took a tight hold of his shoulder and said sharply.

"There are too many of them and even if we did kill them there are a thousand more to take his place. We cannot help the people of this city here and now."

Kanoro looked mutinous but saw the large number of gold cloaks around and despite his hatred of them for all he had seen becoming near overpowering he bowed to Harry's logic. That was not to say that Harry hadn't had the same thought, he wanted to kill all the gold cloaks there and then but all that would do is expose him and Kanoro.

Not able to stomach anymore they both made their way back to the Red Keep with half a mind to sail home and sod whatever offence it caused.

"How can the king or any decent man allow this to continue?" Kanoro asked as they walked, Robert however fat he had allowed himself to be did not seem so bad. Why would he allow this to happen to his people?

"The King only cares for his pleasures, the boons being a king brings." Harry said with disgust. "He lives in a well-furnished and stocked palace, why would he care what happens to those he rules? The Hand is too afraid of causing upset with the powerful people in the city and from there it is everyone else only looking out for themselves. No one with any power is either willing or able to do a thing or worst they take advantage of it like we just saw with Petyr Baelish, the Master of Coin no less." Harry explained with anger, trying to fight the corruption right here and now would get them nowhere. Two men against a city, it was hopeless but that was not something he was going to just accept permanently. His face became as unemotional as stone, he would clean this place up somehow.

They were nearly at the Red Keep when they came across a scene that gave them pause. Ser Allar Deem the right hand man of Commander Janos Slynt and a pack of his men were surrounding a group of terrified children, the hungry look in their eyes was enough warning of their disturbing intent. It was too much for Kanoro whose hand went to his sword and Harry feeling more disgust for towards the men than he had any other member of the City Watch so far was not far behind him, but they stopped when a voice shouted out.


Everyone's heads to turned to see a man a few years older than Harry step out of the alley nearby, muscular, tall and wearing simple cotton clothes his dark hair cut short and his face clean. His voice was deep and did not falter despite being faced with fifteen vicious gold cloaks.

The Gold Cloaks laughed at the newcomer while the children looked at him with hope and comfort, obviously this man was known to them. The newcomer gave the children a comforting smile before his face became serious again and he drew a rough looking longsword, which only made the Gold Cloaks laugh louder thinking him no threat. That was a mistake three of them would not live to regret.

The man moved like lightning, faster than nearly even Harry or Kanoro's eyes could follow and slashed the throats of two of the Gold Cloaks open before impaling another through the gut. His technique was raw and more instinctual than trained but it was still impressive, the man obviously having a natural talent for swordplay but little formal training. But his killing of the three corrupt Gold Cloaks made the others stop laughing immediately and stared at the man in shock.

Allar Deem was the first to speak or rather yell.


Harry and Kanoro reacted immediately, drawing their own swords and rushing to the stranger's aid, who was hard pressed to defend himself against the dozen gold cloaks that attacked him. He was surprised of the assistance but glad of it given how many men were against him.

Harry and Kanoro with blades in hand cut a blood swathe through the incompetent gold cloaks, taking down five or so each with ease. Allar Deem seeing his men were outnumbered was about to run for Red Keep when he literally ran into a sword. The stranger looked at the gold cloak in surprise but it gradually became one of distain, all the bad things he had done to the common folk of Kings Landing simply because he could. He deserved to rot in the seven hells and it was long past time someone sent him.

He nearly forgotten the two hooded men who had cut down the rest of the gold cloaks with terrifying ease until one of them shouted to the other.

"Get him out of here, I will deal with the bodies. Go!"

The taller of the two hooded men pushed him forward with a very strong grip and asked him in a deep but smooth voice.

"Who are you and why did you save those children?"

"Because someone had too, no one else watches out for the needy in this city." The vigilante said with a determined look on his face. "And my name is Jasen Waters."


Harry quickly transconfigured the bodies into bones and used cleaning spells to get rid of the blood before apparating away with the bones to as far from the city as he could and throwing them in the Blackwater Rush. Even when they turned back into bodies once his spell ended in an hour or so they would be carried out to sea. If they were found no one would be able to tie them to him or Kanoro so with that done he returned to Kings Landing and caught up with Kanoro and the vigilante.

"Harry this is Jasen Waters. He is trying to protect the good people here from the corrupt." Kanoro said once he saw Harry approach. Jasen looked surprised at how quickly Harry had reappeared, but Harry was wondering if they had found their man in Kings Landing. If they wanted any real power or information that was available here then they would need to construct a powerbase in the city and maybe Harry thought with a smile the man to run it into their lap.

"Jasen I can sympathise, the city is in an appalling state but you cannot do it alone, certainly not as you are now. I can arrange for you to get training in handling a sword. I can tell you have a natural talent but no formal training." Harry said simply, just in a matter of fact way that stung Jasen. He had always loved sword fighting, ever since he was a small child that could barely carry a stick and his mother had only smiled and said he got it from his father but never who he was, not even on the day she died just that he had been a light in a dark world and the most noble man she had ever met. He wanted to be a knight but being a lowborn bastard made that impossible, as a boy no knight was willing to let him squire for them and he had been forced to gain his skills from observation of tourneys and his own practice. Some formal training would be welcome he conceded and they had saved his life so they deserved at least some of his trust in return, so he followed them back to the Red Keep, nervous as he approached the castle that he had lived in the shadows of his entire life.


They quickly got Jasen some armour to look the part of one of their guards before taking him to the Red Keep's training grounds. Men where sparring hard to get ready for the approaching tourney and no one would bat an eye at Harry and Kanoro training with one of their guards.

For hours things passed without incident, Jasen was quick to pick up technique and Harry could well see him becoming one of the best swordsmen in Westeros with time. However when Ser Barristan Selmy came to the training ground to start his series of exercises, designed to keep his skill with the blade up and came over to them hoping for an enjoyable he froze immediately at the sight of Jasen.

"Arthur!" Ser Barristan cried in shock and his skin turned as white as his hair, Harry and Kanoro looked between them confused and Jasen was shocked, not sure what to say in the face of this legendary knight who had apparently confused him for someone else.

"Ser Barristan, I am sorry to correct you but this is Jasen Waters. Kanoro and I encountered him in the city and offered him some proper training as a knight." Harry said wondering why Ser Barristan was looking at Jasen like he had seen a ghost. Ser Barristan far from being embarrassed explained his strange behaviour, a solitary tear running down his cheek.

"You are the spitting image of Ser Arthur Dayne, probably the greatest knight I have ever known. Your mother wasn't known as Mercia, a seamstress by any chance?" Barristan asked and Jasen looked shocked.

"She was, a lady of high integrity. Rather than sell herself, she spent many hours at the looms." Jasen said angrily, if anyone was going to call his mother a whore then he would take his sword and thrust it through their throat to stop any more foul words coming out, that impulse blocking out what Barristan had said about Arthur Dayne although Harry's mouth did briefly drop before reclosing quickly. Barristan however just kept smiling and told him.

"I thought so, Arthur always spoke highly of her. I had to go and fetch him several times when they met." Barristan said losing himself in memories of a more pleasant time in his life. "If he had not been Kingsguard when they met he would have married her regardless of what anyone else said, instead she became his paramour. Had he been around to learn of you, Arthur would have sent her to Starfall and you would have been raised there." Barristan said with conviction, knowing that was the least his former swornbrother would have done.

While Jasen tried to deal with the fact that the legendary Ser Arthur Dayne was his father and Kanoro did not understand the significance, Harry was astonished at the incredible find in front of him. The bastard son of Ser Arthur Dayne, who would have thought it. Then his plans to make Jasen his man in Kings Landing were stopped in their tracks.

"I am willing to show you how to properly wield a sword, to joust and all the other skills I know if you want to. I own your father that much." Ser Barristan said with a slight eagerness, his eyes brighter than they had been for a long time. Jasen was taken aback at the offer and looked briefly to Harry who nodded slightly, irritated slightly but perhaps he realised it was for the best. Jasen was too morally upright to play the city's politics as whoever he installed here would have to do, not to mention if he became Ser Barristan's apprentice it would give Jasen influence regardless of his status as a bastard. That Harry realised could be useful in the future.

Jaime Lannister was laying half naked in his sister's rooms that night, she had been furious when he had been defeated in front of so many people. He had been too at first until he realised the young Tyrell's words were very true, he had not much experience for his years as a knight and a lack of a rival other than Ser Barristan who refused to spar with him, there was no one else who could challenge him.

Some time away from the Red Keep and actual fighting might be just the thing to get him back to his best he thought with a sip of his wine. Cersei would not like it at all and would not allow him to go, hence why he would just not tell her until the hour or so before he left, if at all he thought with his custom smirk.

His earlier conversation with his younger brother Tyrion came into his mind, almost like an angel on his shoulder while Cersei was the demon. Jaime laughed at that, Cersei was not that bad he thought.

Flashback, earlier that day…

Jaime was brooding as he cleaned his sword, he was still smarting from his humiliating defeat in front of the whole court. He had not been beaten that easily since he was a boy and what was worst was the young Tyrell had been nice about it, even given advice on how he could improve. Presumptuous perhaps but it made it far harder to hate him than if Tyrell had been arrogant about it.

"Brooding brother, I would have thought that suited a Stark more than you." A familiar voice said and a smile crept slowly across his face.

"Hello little brother, our father allowed you to leave the Rock I see. To investigate the newest lord paramount I take it?" Jaime asked knowing their father well enough to guess his intentions. Tyrion merely looked bemused as he stood there.

"Of course, after all according to father 'The Tyrells are our only true rivals in terms of resources' and now they control two kingdoms, one albeit a small island chain. It seems he worries their growing power would threaten our family's influence and for once I agree with him. This Tyrell is more like a Lannister in his willingness to get involved, more ready to upset things to achieve whatever aims he has." Tyrion explained pouring a glass of wine for himself and then one for Jaime who gratefully took it. That his father and brother actually agreed on something was a shock enough, but Tyrion was not done yet. "And given Loras Tyrell's 'nocturnal activities' with Renly Baratheon there is a good chance this Tyrell or his children will one day sit in Highgarden. Quite impressive really, I'd quite like a meeting with him. I hear he has quite the wine cellar and an extensive library." Tyrion said referring to two of his favourite activities.

Jaime was silent, not having considered the wider politic implications of the situation. The Tyrells never really committed to anything so they always had strength in reserve, the largest army and food basket in the Seven Kingdoms was theirs and a very large fleet too. Combined with this new branch and island chain it could well tip the balance of power in their favour and that would of course worry their lord father who worked hard for decades according to him to make the Lannister dynasty unrivalled in its strength and influence. Many other lords in particular Dorne which sat between the Reach and Stepstones were surely going to be nervous about how this might play out.

Jaime was silent for so long and lost in his own thoughts that Tyrion actually made him jump when he spoke next.

"Are you going to take his advice?" Tyrion said, smirking a little wider when his older brother was shocked out of his stupor. "It would do you good to get some clean air and have a bit of fun away from our sister and the King for a while, something for yourself for once rather than her."

Jaime was quiet for a moment as his thoughts turned back to the young Tyrell's suggestion, it did not take long for a smile to form on his own face.

"Of course brother, it could be fun to hunt bandits rather than following the King around as he hunts or fucks some dumb animal."

End Flashback…

He broke out of his memory when he saw the buxom form of his other half come into the room from behind a screen, teasing him with the exaggerated swing of her hips and how she crawled along the bed, like a lioness stalking her prey.


Cersei was glad of the close contact with her twin after the events of today. The insult that ignorant and ridiculous rose had dealt her brother and House Lannister was too much to go unanswered, she thought and a sly grin appeared on her face as she thought on what she had in mind for them, the raven she had sent would make sure they learnt their place.

The next week pasted without incident, Harry had learnt as much as he could about the city and its inner workings, not to mention the secret alliances between the various players. It was ridiculously complicated and he honestly wondered how anyone could keep it all straight, such was the game of thrones, constantly changing factions of allies and enemies sometime both at the same time.

But one event Harry had been both anticipating and dreading was the arrival of his older brother Loras, whom Harry had not seen in nearly seven years. On his travels he had taken the time to think about his relationship with his brother and hoped that now they were older, things would improve between them. Hopefully Harry thought as he made his way through the corridors to Loras' room, his brother might have mellowed and so he hoped had he.

When he arrived at the chambers his brother had been given when he arrived a few hours ago, he was about to knock on the door when he heard moaning coming from inside. The type of moaning that came from pleasure rather than pain and for a moment Harry thought his brother had a woman with him and was about to leave them in peace when he heard a second voice moaning in pleasure too, a male voice.

Harry turned slowly around and as quietly as he could opened the door, while his brother having sex with another man did not bother him he had to know whether this was a casual affair or something more. The implications concerned not only him, his own children but the future of their house as well.

Peering through the crack in the door Harry saw his brother buggering another man, not a sight he wanted to see but thankfully it was over quickly and as the other man got up to kiss Loras with as much love and passion someone could have for another which Loras returned just as intensely. Harry did not really care if his brother loved another man or not, if they cared for each other what did it really matter but who it was that his brother loved gave him a start.

Renly Baratheon as naked as the day he was born embraced Loras as only true lovers could and Harry walked away, his mind reeling as he took in just what he had seen. Oh Loras why couldn't it have been anyone else? Harry thought with a headache.

He went to his grandmother's rooms, knowing she would still be up despite the lateness of the hour. If she did not know it was going on, he would eat Orphanmaker. He needed to know what she knew about all of this.


He hammered on her door, the guards looking at him surprised when he approached but given he was a Tyrell and their lady's grandson they did not stop him. A voice emerged from the other side.

"If it is not word that White Walkers have returned then this had best be important." The familiar voice of his grandmother sounded before the door. It opened and she saw Harry standing there, surprise was the first thing on her face but his words brought a grim realisation.

"We need to talk grandmother, about Loras and his lover." Harry said and Olenna realised with a sinking heart that Harry had discovered his brother's not so secret relationship with the Lord of the Stormlands. She bid him inside and shut the door before sitting down.

"Tell me." Harry said as he stayed standing, he needed to know what was going on. Olenna sighed and told him the true state of affairs in Westeros.

"The King has amassed a debt of just over five million gold dragons, most of it owed to the Lannisters or the Iron Bank of Braavos. Loras and Renly are homosexuals and Renly is as lazy and ignorant of how things work as his eldest brother, yet he thinks himself nearly a king already. Stannis is brooding and bitter with only a scarred daughter as an heir. Petyr Baelish is having an affair with Lysa Arryn and could well be the father of her child, then there is the matter that the King himself has no trueborn children only bastards born when his queen fucked her brother." Olenna said and Harry's eyes grew slowly wider as he absorbed the words and realised their full weight and implications. He sank into a nearby chair.

Olenna smiled sadly, Harry and his children would be the sole salvation for House Tyrell if Margaery failed to have children of her own. Loras had tried with women whores but he could not even get it up in their presence and Renly was much the same, she wanted her granddaughter to be a queen but Stannis already had a wife and hated Tyrells with a vengeance, the plan to replace Cersei with Margaery had failed and she would really hate for her rose to have to marry the vicious Joffrey. Mace wanted to marry his daughter to Renly, ignoring his normal bedding partners something she could not seem to make him understand but what could she expect from her proud and idiotic son.

Ironically both Olenna and Harry realised, Rhaenys was actually the most stable choice for the throne these days if you overlooked her being a woman. Robert, a whoring drunk. Stannis, a too stern and unbending disciplinarian. Renly, a fanciful fool. Joffrey, a pampered and sick in the head bastard monster. Tommen, a boy who was far too soft to ever rule anything and like his brother a bastard. Lastly was Viserys Targaryen, the beggar king and just as much a madman as his father.

With choices like that, Westeros had no future except in a vicious civil war that could make every other fought since the Iron Throne's establishment look like a childish squabble.

But since Rhaenys would never even consider trying for it, where did that leave them? Both Harry and Olenna became worried for the future all of a sudden and more critically how to keep their family safe.


While Harry was learning unpleasant truths from his grandmother, Varys was very unsettled by the news he had uncovered.

The good news was he had now found Rhaenys Targaryen and she was very much alive, however on the other hand she was now married to Harry Tyrell and expecting children of her own. His plans were increasingly put in danger by her presence, he loathe to have girl killed but if she was planning to make a play for the throne he might have too. He had decided that the pure Valyrian Targaryens were the best choice to get the Seven Kingdoms straightened out, the half Dornish dragon could upset that. Viserys was madman but he was exactly that, a man and the lords would rally behind him better than they would a woman. The Dance of Dragons was proof of that.

He would stay his hand for now, hopefully the girl would have the sense not to try for the throne and hope that nothing happened to Viserys. Their family connection could prove useful he reasoned, bringing the Reach and Dorne onside early, but that was dependant on both of them being alive.

The tourney started the next morning, it was not as grand as some other tourneys but it was enough to draw most of the best knights in the kingdoms. The melee had been pushed back for some reason and the first round of the lists were taking place first instead, as Harry had no interest in jousting he was content to sit this one out and let his brother shine.

While they had not yet had a chance to speak the looks of derision on Loras' face made Harry sigh, clearly his brother had not mellowed as he had hoped and was content to be more like their short-sighted father. Harry had nodded to him but Loras had turned his nose up and ignored him which did not impress Olenna and Harry was sure that she would be having words with her other grandson but Harry was just sad rather than angry.

Brothers and yet they might as well be strangers.

Watching the festivities however was not much of a distraction, Harry and Kanoro who sat with him were getting so bored that they were close to yawning but dared not in case of causing offense. They were men of action, preferred to be doing something instead of just watching two men on horseback trying to knock one of them off their horse, his grandmother likewise was extremely bored even with Loras competing.

It was a complete waste of time.

They watched a number of knights being knocked from their horses before it was finally Loras' turn, he looked very pretty they thought with derision in his pristine armour which had never seen action but were prepared to give him encouragement, then they were surprised and more than a little worried when they saw his opponent.

Ser Gregor Clegane stepped onto the field with his enormous warhorse, Harry and Olenna instantly paled when they saw who Loras had been put against but what confused Harry is why Loras had to fight the Mountain so soon. Usually these kind of matches came later when the weakest had been weeded out. Seven feet tall with muscles bigger than most men could dream of and combined with a sadistic and cruel nature, it was easy to see why Tywin Lannister liked him so much Harry thought with angry disgust. The man that had raped and murdered Rhaenys' mother but not before making sure she saw her own babe's head being smashed against a wall. He nearly shook with rage and was ready to end him with magic right there and then if his own discipline hadn't stopped him, Olenna gave him a sharp glare as a reminder not to do anything while Kanoro not knowing who the man was looked on curiously. Harry whispered to him.

"That is Ser Gregor Clegane, he brutally murdered and raped Elia Martell after making her watch her son Aegon's head being smashed against a wall." He avoided mentioning Rhaenys in case of whoever might be listening although the crowd seemed more interested in the joust than what they were saying, but still better to be safe than sorry.

Instantly Kanoro understood and sent his own hard glare at the man that they called the Mountain that Rides. He was close to Rhaenys and knew the pain she felt still over what this creature had done to her family.

The Royal Family looked on with interest at the early match up except for Cersei and Joffrey who were actually grinning expectantly which made Harry nervous, what had she done? He thought knowing full well she was vindictive and that Joffrey loved the sight of bloodshed from his time here, at his side the Hound Clegane's younger brother looked on with an expression of pity at Loras. That really got Harry worried, what had the Lannister Queen planned?

Harry looked back to Loras and noticed that he had suddenly changed his mount, instead of riding a stallion he was now riding a mare that Harry suspected was in heat. Clever Harry thought wondering when he brother had figured this out, it would make Clegane's warhorse very hard to handle but how would Gregor react if he lost? That was what worried Harry as he looked back to witness the match.

He did not have to wait long as the horn sounded and both men charged with their lances in hand, Clegane's horse acting up exactly as Harry had thought it would. It was fighting against his control all the way down the jousting ring until Loras was able with a well-aimed lance blow to knock Clegane off his horse.

Harry was able to clap politely as Loras pulled back his helm and did his victory lap but he then heard a furious voice shout.


Harry's eyes darted back to Gregor Clegane as a squire came running out onto the jousting field with a great sword in hand, Harry saw him draw it with a mounting sense of dread and then without any warning Ser Gregor cut down his own warhorse much to the horror of the crowd who saw it. But then just as Harry feared Gregor stormed towards Loras who was still waving at the crowd and did not see him coming as Harry and Olenna called out to warn him.

Loras turned just before Gregor struck, knocking him clear off his horse before slashing wildly as Loras who lost his shield as he fell and had no sword as this was a jousting match. Loras was in full armour and was near helpless as he fell from his horse, narrowly avoiding the sword and had to roll away as best he could. The king and many others were calling for Clegane to stop but Cersei was smirking as she took a sip of her wine and Joffrey was staring with the most bloodthirsty grin imaginable, hoping to see Loras gutted by the Mountain.

Harry did not even hesitate, he was not wearing his armour instead it was his normal leather outfit he had worn for his travels but he had his swords and both were in hand before he even entered the jousting field. He might have heard Olenna say something to him but he did not responded and instead shouted.


That got the Mountain's attention as Harry slashed across his arm, Clegane cried out in anger as he struck back with his other arm now this was injured. Harry dodged it easily and began using his greater speed to weave around Clegane who did an impressive job at keeping up but Harry had no intention of trying to take him head on, Clegane would win that contest with his greater strength.

So instead he darted in and out, making deep cuts in certain areas where Clegane's armour was weaker. The Mountain cried out as Harry kept moving around too fast for him to hit.


Harry had no intention of responding or fighting that way, he knew what he was going to do the split second he remembered what he had said to Kanoro at the start of the joust. This…creature had murdered a baby, maybe many babies and forced a mother to watch before raping her and then cutting her in two. He was no man…he was a monster, one that had hurt his wife.

He struck at the back of Clegane's legs, forcing the Mountain down onto his knees before whispering in his ear.

"For Elia and for Aegon."

Before anyone could stop him and before Harry even thought about what he was about to do, he slashed hard at Clegane's neck with all his strength, yelling as the head was separated from his shoulders and rolled away across the dusty field.


The sight was greeted with complete silence as everyone took in what had just happened. Even the loud and verbose King was speechless at the sight of the Mountain's headless body, Harry was breathing fast and his adrenaline was so high that he just stared back at them for a moment before turning to his brother. He offered a hand to Loras who was looking up at his younger brother, shocked and not sure what to say but a nervous smile appeared and he took Harry's hand to pull himself to his feet.

Olenna and Kanoro were similarly silent but both were glad that Harry was alright, Renly Baratheon was smiling at them relieved that Loras was okay. Stannis was taken aback but looked at Harry with a slight new respect.

The rest of the Small Council was as silent as the King, many of the Kingsguard too.

But a shriek broke the quiet of the field.


Everyone looked and realised it was the queen that had screamed that demand, her formerly beautiful face now contorted with anger and as red as the dress she was wearing…Harry could not help but think that if this was her true face then she was more ugly inside than he had imagined but regardless he tightened his grip on his swords, in case anyone tried to enact her orders but no one moved at first, not wanting to cross the man that had just killed the Mountain that Rides.

Then from the other end of the field Westerlands knights and a few others gathered and started moving towards him. Harry gritted his teeth, too many to fight he thought and started to plan his escape rather quickly.

But then Harry sensed movement around him and was ready to lash out with his swords until he saw the banners of those gathering around him.

Loras was the first, a sword in his hand now from gods know where and with him Reach Knights had their weapons drawn, facing the other knights and with them where the few Dornish knights that had participated, Knights from different Crownlands Houses and some from the Narrow Sea that were attending the tourney. They formed a shield around Harry and looked towards the other knights as if daring them to try something.


Robert in a rare moment of intelligence realised that a small battle was about to start on the tourney field, one that could lead to an almighty war outside it if he did not stop it now.


After all Robert reasoned, if they did put the boy on trial what then? All he had to do was demand a trial by combat and no one would fight against him. He had just killed the Mountain for fuck's sake!

His queen started screaming at him but he ignored her and left the field, cancelling festivities for today. His children and brothers followed although Cersei had to be dragged by her brother to her rooms until she cooled down, Jaime as he did so looked at Harry with begrudging respect while Ser Barristan and Jasen with a smile on their faces gave him a nod which he returned.


Leading the Small Council as they followed the King and his family off the field Jon Arryn had honestly not believed a single week could do so much to undermine the peace he had fought so hard to maintain.

The Tyrells had always been an ambitious bunch he reasoned but never had they been this overt, taking over the Stepstones and then coming here and killing Tywin Lannister's favoured monster. He was going to be furious when he found out and demand reparations not to mention Harry Tyrell's head, but Robert had stopped that by declaring it was an act of self-defence and there would be no punishment.

How the in the Seven Hells was he going to calm things down now? The old man thought with his stomach twisting painfully in anxiety. Deciding to go and spend a few hours with his son while sending his wife away, hoping it would calm his troubled mind enough to think of a solution.


Sandor Clegane meanwhile was following the annoying prick he guarded all day who was moaning and complaining about not seeing the Tyrell's blood spilt, gods he thought to himself with irritation, it might be worth his death if he just strangled the little fucker and got some peace at last.

However his mind suddenly caught up with the biggest event of this afternoon, his brother the murdering rapist that had killed their father, mother and sister along with countless other people was finally dead.

It sent a wave of euphoria through him that made him want to go to the nearest brothel and spent all his coin on the best whore in town just to celebrate or go buy a cask of Arbor Gold and down it in one. A part of him wished it could have been him that dealt the blow but the fact Gregor was dead and could no longer torment him was more than enough to nearly make him cry out and proclaim it to all that could hear.

He would have gone and offered his sword to the Tyrell if he had not remembered that Tywin Lannister would surely now be after their heads, he was not keen to get in the crossfire of that but if Tyrell could survive it might be worth the risk.


"Harry! How could you do something so foolish!" Olenna said grasping him by the arm painfully. Harry was taken aback by how worried his grandmother looked. "A grandmother should never have to be scared to death that she is about to see both her grandsons killed."

Over her shoulder Kanoro was looking at him with exasperation, his expression was enough given how long that they had been friends for Harry to realise he was thinking him a trouble maker which Harry could only look sheepish at. He never went looking for trouble but it always seemed to find him, his own conscience was what consistently got him into trouble.

While he was thinking about that Loras looked over their grandmother's shoulder rather sheepishly, he had been avoiding Harry's gaze ever since Clegane had lost his head. He stepped forward and said with far less confidence than was usual while looking at his feet.

"Brother…Harry I…I don't know what to say. I didn't expect you would save me." Loras admitted, still not able to meet Harry's eyes. Harry felt bad for his brother, the experience had acted as a lesson in humility it seems and not one delivered lightly. It must be playing on his mind quite a bit.

"We are brothers Loras, I will have your back and I hope you will have mine in future." Harry said with a smile, Loras finally managed to look up and managed to say with certainty.

"I will brother. I will and so will father I promise you." Loras said extending his hand which Harry took immediately, shaking it as he hoped for a better kinship with his brother.

Olenna was smiling slightly as she looked on, glad to see her grandsons would for a while at least no longer be at odds.

A sharp knock at the door however killed the moment as they all turned to see one of their guards enter and look nervously to Olenna.

"I am sorry my lady but he was quite insistent he speak to you and your grandsons." All of their eyes narrowed as they heard the words.

"And who is he exactly?" Olenna asked with a sharp glare at her guard who seemed to wither under her gaze. The voice that was deep and intelligent which answered her question did not belong to him however.

"Lady Olenna, your guards seem unaccustomed to dealing with an insistent visitor of some standing, perhaps finding men with more resolve would be a benefit."

The source of the voice emerged from the still open door, a half man or dwarf some called him but his mind was considerably greater perhaps than even his father or any number of the more experienced game players. Harry had never met the man before but it was clear who he was from the moment they all saw him…Tyrion Lannister, Lord Tywin's youngest son and shame.

Harry took a moment to the imp as some called him and was taken aback by how sharp his eyes were, his height might be less that of a fully grown man and one of his eyes a different colour from the other but there was an underlying intelligence that honestly he was not sure he had seen matched by anyone else he had ever met with the exception of his grandmother. Those eyes now focused on him and Harry would never admit it but he found it a little unnerving.

"So you are the one that has managed to turn Essos on its head, built a kingdom and now spat in the face of House Lannister all within half a year. My you are accomplished." Tyrion said with a small smile. "While I dislike that you humiliated my brother in front of the court I have honestly not seen him so happy in years, he is taking your advice and going out to hunt bandits don't tell my sister though, she would never permit it if she knew." Tyrion said his smile widening as he talked. "My sister is hissing and spitting like an enraged house cat, I owe you thanks for that at least." Tyrion said before sipping his wine, his audience watching him carefully as he started talking again, revealing a useful piece of information in the process.

"My beloved sister's setting Ser Gregor on your brother with the intention of maiming him at the very least was typical of her own arrogance and short-sightedness. Still I would leave the city quickly before she tried again, an unstable Cersei is a violent Cersei." Tyrion warned them and all widened their eyes, now Harry thought to himself he understood why Loras had been put against Clegane so early the queen trying to have his brother either maimed or killed for the slight of him defeating her brother in a duel.

How petty was she? Harry asked himself it was just as well they were leaving, he had made more than a few enemies today. Aside from the Queen, chiefly the Lord Hand due to his threatening the peace but by far the most dangerous was Tywin Lannister, the man was a legend for his intellect and cruelty and one only had to hear the Rains of Castamere to know that. Killing Clegane had deprived him of his best terror weapon and he was sure to be furious. That was a big worry for Harry but he turned to Tyrion and said with a smile of his own.

"Thank you Lord Tyrion, I had not expected a warning of danger from a Lannister but I am grateful for it."

Tyrion smiled, it would irritate his father and sister more if the Tyrells got out of Kings Landing and back to their homes without retribution and that was all the more reason to do it in his mind, his smile widening. He might later visit Bloodstone to see exactly what the boy had built, to silence his curiosity.


Harry and his family sneaked as quietly as they could out of the city that very night, Loras and Olenna would return to Highgarden by land with their guards while Harry and his men took the Silence back to Bloodstone. Although Harry had one last thing to do before he left the city, he stole the Mountain's body and shrunk it down, intent on sending it to Dorne whose help would be appreciated in the coming months.

Bloodstone, one week later…

The Silence docked at its home port and never had Harry been so glad to see Rhaenys and the rest of their inner circle so to speak, to be home where daggers did not wait in every dark corner. It honestly lifted a weight from Harry's shoulders.

He walked down the gangplank and Rhaenys came up to him with a smile which Harry returned.

Right up until the moment she slapped him.

Harry stumbled back, completely shocked at the sudden anger that now burned in front of him, the rest of the people watching all winced as they had been hearing her rant and rave all week since the news of what had happened in Kings Landing reached them.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING FIGHTING THE MOUNTAIN?!" Rhaenys screamed in Harry's face, so loud it was slightly deafening and while he managed to keep from wincing, not that he would ever admit it but right now he was a bit afraid of his wife who looked like a dragon as she breathed her fire on him.

"That monster was due a death and my brother's life was at stake, what else could I have done?" Harry said standing his ground. In a split second Rhaenys' expression changed to a beaming smile as she told him.

"And this is your reward."

She kissed him with all the passion she could muster, nearly knocking him off his feet as he responded wrapping his wife in his arms, careful given her now advanced pregnancy.


They retired to the castle and locked themselves in Harry's solar where he activated privacy charms so they would not be overheard…you could never be too careful after all he thought and given the enemy that they had just made he felt it was justified. Harry looked at his inner circle; Rhaenys, Kanoro, Alys, Zara, Myria, Jothos, Alwyn and Caelys. Gunthor was currently at Horn Hill arranging his wedding to Talla Tarly but he would be needed in the times ahead, regardless time was precious so Harry pressed ahead.

"You all know what I have done, killed Ser Gregor Clegane and that has created a powerful enemy for us. Tywin Lannister…the richest, most cunning and deadly lord in all of Westeros, Robert himself is not as great a threat as he is. While we could hand over Brightroar to ease tensions I doubt that would be the end of it, so from now on we will have to be especially on guard." Harry said as he leant against the door, they all looked unsettled at the news even Caelys and Kanoro who had rarely heard of the man knew if Harry was taking it seriously then it must be true.

"If that was the only issue, it would be simpler to solve but the Seven Kingdoms have not been this unstable since before the founding of the Iron Throne." Harry said with weariness coming in to his voice as he sat down in his chair and told them what he and Kanoro had discovered, that House Baratheon had no future (Robert and Renly having no trueborn children and Stannis having only a daughter scarred by greyscale that no man would touch), a debt owed so large it would be near impossible to pay back in a lifetime, the 'heirs' to the throne either weak or sadistic, Lannisters hoarding power, Jon Arryn's short-sightedness, Cersei and Jaime's incest and finally that Harry's own brother Loras was homosexual so either him or his children would likely have to take over Highgarden someday, which meant of course proving themselves to the Reach lords.

Everyone was shocked and disturbed at the situation that they had become embroiled in, Harry could not blame them as he became slightly depressed himself before pulling himself together and turning to Rhaenys, taking her hand and asking her.

"I know that you despise the Iron Throne and all that it represents but given all that you have heard, my love would you take it for the sake of everyone else in the Seven Kingdoms?" He asked his wife, perhaps the best option for a ruler out of all the candidates at present. She looked unsettled before shaking her head sadly.

"If only I could but they would never let me rule. The lords I mean." Rhaenys looked him in the eye. "I am Dornish looking and a woman, they did not like Baelor Breakspear and he was a man and everything you could want in a crown prince or future king. That I am a woman will only seal their decision."

"I am afraid I must agree." Jothos said with an apologetic look her way. "While she would make an excellent queen, the anti-dornish sentiment in the Reach, Stormlands and Crownlands would poison people against Princess Rhaenys. When Prince Aegon was born from her parents and had all the classic Valyrian traits people sighed in relief, worried he would look Dornish like his sister, no offense your grace." Jothos said with guilt but Rhaenys put a comforting hand on his shoulder to show she took no offense before they all turned back to Harry who was more serious but determined than they had ever seen him before.

"With the danger of Rhaenys being discovered a constant, the need to prepare ourselves for the war that is coming is even more imperative. One that could make Robert's Rebellion look like a minor skirmish." Harry said, now calm but focused on the job at hand. "A bigger army and navy is now a necessity, how we achieve this though?" Harry said fading off as he went through possibilities in his mind. The rest of the people in the room thought too, Alys bit her lip before offering her opinion.

"More soldiers will mean more mouths to feed so we will need more land to grow food. Where would we get the land or the men to fight and work it though?" She asked not sure where they could settle though as the islands had only so much room. Harry thought long and hard before remembering something.

"There is a ruined castle on the Reach's coast, originally meant to defend the west coast from the Iron Born. It would be a good sized castle once repaired and it has a decent amount of land which is currently in disarray, if in addition some more land was purchased from Houses Blackbar and Bulwer we could feed not only our lands but also give us a surplus to sell and store for winter. Especially with some of the potions and techniques I discovered in Chroyane. But that still leaves the problem of who is going to work the land, trying to settle people from Essos there would face a great problem. Outsiders from another country who do not worship their gods or speak the same language, which was a major reason I settled us here." Harry said knowing people from another country like Essos even if they were freed slaves would cause a riot amongst the locals…fear of the other he thought sadly. Most would just want to make a decent living and have peace and security, but the Westerosi would treat them with contempt at best, outright hatred and violence at worst. Like the muggles and muggleborn in his counterpart's world had suffered from the Purebloods.

"What about the poor of Kings Landing?" Kanoro said, remembering the starving masses he had seen in the city while they were there. "A chance to feed themselves and live in clean fresh air, surely that would be a big lure for many there."

Harry thought it was a really good idea even if he was concerned about the immigrants having no knowledge of farming and the possibility of spies being inserted into their lands, he was about to concur with his right hand man when Zara suddenly spoke up with a suggestion.

"If we are going to be recruiting in Kings Landing, then we will need a presence there which can provide up to date intelligence on the goings on in the city. And I have the way to do it…gambling dens." She said proudly. Everyone was silent for a moment before Alys asked incredulously.

"Gambling dens?"

"Of course." Zara said, either ignoring their scepticism or not missing it completely. "A place were men can win or lose big money in a variety of games with scantily clad girls to serve them drinks or distract them from how much they could be losing, especially if we lure them into accepting credit from the house and they end up owing us money. That is leverage we can use." Zara said proud of her plan although given the risk Harry was reluctant to try it. Zara would be very vulnerable in the capital and he knew already what a vindictive bitch Cersei was. Mercifully they were interrupted by Rhaenys with a suggestion of her own.

"Alys & Zara's children would have claim to their ancestral lands and Myria's child will be her heir after she becomes Lady of the Tor. If we expand and develop those lands it would give us a strong position on the mainland, especially if we remove Ronnet Connington so Alys and Zara can take over Griffin's Roost. Giving Robert a Valyrian steel sword should be payment enough for them to be legitimized." Rhaenys said and Harry although knowing it would take considerable effort nodded, it was a good plan that could give them strong positions in the Stormlands and Dorne. He could tell Alys and Zara were on board when Rhaenys suggested removing their brother, a vicious sneer appearing on their otherwise beautiful faces as they thought of all they would do to him after he sold them into slavery.

Jothos thankfully changed the subject after an uneasy glance at the two women.

"If war is inevitable then we will need a considerable war chest of our own, we need to make trade agreements and investments to generate coin. More alliances would also be a great benefit to our position."

"I sent Clegane's body to Dorne, hopefully that will create an opportunity there." Harry said and Jothos smiled, glad to see the end of that monster and that it gave them the chance of a strong ally.

"While that might not be enough to bring them immediately to our side, it will at least open the door." Jothos agreed while wondered where else they could look for money and friends that could be of aid to them. He then remembered his old squire Ser Boros Wallain, currently working as a master at arms in a low Crownlands castle. Smart as a whip and strong in will, if he still held onto his hope of making a house and castle of his own then he could make a useful ally. As a cousin of House Blackwood he would have no issue in buying some land in the Riverlands to call his own, Riverthorn, Durain's Forest and Port Maril were all in dire straits for one reason or another and no house oversaw them. With their help and people settled from Kings Landing, Boros could turn those lands into something great and on the other side they would have a strong and useful ally in the Riverlands. He would look into his old squire before presenting his idea to Harry and Rhaenys but it was to his mind promising.

"Leveraging Valyrian steel for favours would help." Caelys said suddenly and rather quietly breaking into the conversation. Everyone turned to her and she looked uncertainly at Rhaenys. "But if you want a weapon that can't be beaten, then you know what you have to do."

Rhaenys nodded at the healer's words, not trusting herself to speak as she considered what Caelys had told her and all of them knew just what the 'weapon' was.

Harry meanwhile was making a decision of his own, now that the Lannisters were publicly his enemy he would have be more ruthless if he intended for him and his family to survive. How else could he compete with a man like Tywin?