
Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Jane Walker was in the middle of a streak of bad luck. His cat scratched him, his second attempt to awakening failed, and even his girlfriend dumped him. And when he thought his luck could not turn worse, the bus he was in was swallowed by a spatial singularity, a [Dungeon]. But in the middle of struggling for his life, and when Jane thought it was his end, something unexpected happened. Together with the appearance of a self-proclaimed Immortal, his body received strength, mana, and skills. But soon, Jane noticed something strange. His skills… were a bit different than normal. ... This novel contains R-Rated content. You have been warned...

Aidka · ファンタジー
191 Chs


For an instant, my mind became still.

It was completely blank, without any thought; as though I was standing in an empty void bereft of anything.

But then, that void disappeared, replaced by a feeling of omnipotence, like nothing could escape my grasp.

I felt everything around me stopping. The humans, the eblors, the celers, and even the wind and the dust floating in the air. Everything seemed to stop, as though time had come to a halt.

In that still time, I looked at the object flying toward Lily.

'An egg?' I put on a strange expression.

So the attack against Lily was actually an egg?

I did not know whether to laugh or to cry. 

Right then, the still time returned to normal.

I watched how the egg flew toward Lily, her expression of surprise, the panic in Jazmine and Teacher Sol's faces, and the anger and powerlessness in the eyes of the eblors.

Following my gut feeling I extended my hand toward the egg.

'Stop,' I muttered in my mind.

And it stopped.

It stood still in the air, as though its time alone had stopped.

'This is amazing!' I was astounded.

Right now, I somehow felt like I had complete control over this egg.

But before I could revel in this feeling of omnipotence, it abruptly disappeared.

Immediately, the egg dropped from the air, falling into the ground and splashing its contents around.

Next, an intense and sharp headache struck my head.

I groaned softly and held my forehead, only to notice that everybody was looking at me.

Jazmine, Teacher Sol, the students, the celers, and the eblors.

All of them were looking at me in surprise.

"… Is that a skill? Telekinesis?" Teacher Sol asked.

I did not know how to reply.

Even I was not sure what happened just now. However, I don't think it's telekinesis.

I did not feel like I was controlling the egg directly. Instead, it was like I gave it an order and it obeyed.

'Demon, do you know what it was?'

The demon did not reply immediately and instead, he stared at me intently.

[… It was Confidence.] He finally replied. [Confidence is a technique that allows you to project your thoughts on your surroundings. It looks like just now, you desired so strongly to stop that egg that you accidentally projected that thought through Confidence, using it to stop the egg.]

I was stunned.

'Is something like that possible?'

[It is.] The demon replied with a strangely solemn voice. [It's called Will.]


"Jane, are you alright?" Lily approached me at that moment with a concerned look.

I nodded. Although the sudden headache was quite painful, it disappeared after just a few seconds.

It should be the backlash of using my thoughts to stop the egg.

"I'm glad." She smiled relieved and looked at me gratefully. "Thank you. I would have not been able to stop the attack by myself."

I smiled to indicate to her that it was alright.

Seeing that, Teacher Sol snapped out of her daze and her eyes became cold.

At the same time, the other eblors, led by Hyacinth, glared at the students.

"Who was it?" Hyacinth asked, her mana flowing out of her body and taking the shape of several runes that shimmered violently.

Nobody replied.

Seeing that, she and the other three eblors became furious. They unleashed their mana, using it to pressure the students while glaring at them with killing intent.

It seemed like a fight could break out at any time.

But just at that moment, Teacher Sol stepped forward and blocked them.

"Calm down, Miss Hyacinth."

"Calm down?" Hyacinth laughed while looking at the students with a chilling gaze. "My sister was attacked just now and you ask me to calm down."

Teacher Sol furrowed her brows before sighing.

"I understand your anger, but in the end, nothing happened to her, right? Please don't make things more difficult for me. I promise I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Hyacinth fell silent. She glared at the students for several seconds before nodding and restraining her mana.

"I understand. I will take a step back this time. I hope you keep your word."

Teacher Sol sighed in relief and looked at Jazmine and me.

"Can you please lead the guests away? I will take care of the situation here."

Jazmine and I nodded.

None of the students tried to stop us. In fact, they were completely silent and frozen like mice in front of a cat.

'It's teacher Sol.' I noticed.

She was using her mana and killing intent to suppress them. The pressure on them was so strong that they could barely move.

It seemed like she was really angry.

'As expected of a teacher from Sanctuary's First. She is really strong.'

Just then, I felt a gaze on me.

Surprised, I turned around, only to see one of the celers looking at me with an expression of interest.

I furrowed my brows.

"Jane, is anything wrong?" Jazmine asked when she saw my strange reaction.

I remained silent for a brief moment before shaking my head.

"It's nothing."

Although I said that, I made a mental note to keep an eye on the celers.



The celer who was staring at Jane curved his lips up in amusement.

"How interesting." He muttered to himself.

Until now, he had not paid attention to any human. To him, humanity was a backward civilization, and their supernatural system was several levels below the Celer Confederation.

He did not think there was anything he could learn after coming to Sanctuary's First. He was here just to complete his mission, just that.

Imagine his surprise when he saw what Jane just did.

Nobody else had recognized it, not even his companions. However, he was different. He had seen something similar before.

But at that time, the wielder was a powerful celer powerhouse who used it to decimate hundreds of enemies with just an attack. 

The ability to bend the laws of reality to one's desire with just a thought.


The celer stared at Jane and chuckled.

"Really interesting."