
What I am a BABY!!

Kim! a crispy voice is heard from the other side of the hallway, a girl is seen with long blonde hair and watery blue eyes and rosy red lips, coming ma, she is seen running to a woman in her 40's with straight black hair, chubby cheeks and an obese body. This was my step-mother that her dad the king Dadid ll because when my mom was on her sick her bed, she told my dad to marry another woman so I can be happy, those were her last words and that was the day I saw my dad cry, so two weeks later my dad marries his new wife and her two sons who's names are Jacob and James who boss me around and...,Kim! a loud voice removes her from her thoughts, stop daydreaming and listen to the task I want you do today, she sprung up to action and started working, then she bumbes into the oldest step-brother,"watch where you are going to you stupid girl" "I'm so sorry", I didn't want to get into any argument because I needed to stay in the good books of him because I had a crush on his friend, I mean who won't have a crush on someone so handsome with short white silly hair, slim lips and muscular body, "now you should clean my shoe which you got dirty", I reluctantly agreed to clean it because remember I need to be in his good books because of his friend I am in love with, when I was done I went to my dad room, "Good Morning Dad", "Good Morning my princess", before my dad was always full of energy and play, he had black short hair and an amazing body but now he always stayed in bed and he now as white hair because my step-mother never cooks for him and I cook for him, but don't blame me because the food I cook for him does not give him energy, because my mom never taught me how to cook,"Ah!", my dad sigh, hope you have not forgotten that it is your it is your brother's 24'th birthday tomorrow,"Nooooo" she says unconvincing, let me prepare for tomorrow and she dashes off to her room, "how could I forget it is his birthday, but wait this is a good thing because I can ask the special someone tommorow,she is seen going through her closet and looking for the perfect dress to wear and when it was time to sleep she could hardly sleep because she was so excited.The morning was beautiful and she dashes downstairs to see staff working left, right and center "They must have hired birthday planners"she thought, Kim! her stepmother calls out, yes ma, go and call your brother because the party is about to begin, she is seen going to her stepbrother room, your mom is calling you so you should probably come down soon, "ok and you are not allowed into my room again",she leaves but not without closing the door hardly, soon the castle was flooded with guests, "This is my chance to ask him out...",she bumbes into someone,"I'm sorry", "Don't worry about it", those words made her heart race because this was Richard her crush, she suddenly pull him into the kitchen,"So, why did you did you drag me into her","So I want to ask you a question and answer me honestly,ok", he nods in agreement,"Will you go on a date with me?", there was a long silence between two of them,then he broke it with an answer,"Yes,I loved you the day i saw you",and they share a kiss, while her step-brother watched them,"I can never see that worthless girl happy, I must kill her", when then the party was over he went to her room with a sword and he cover her mouth and cut off her head and staped her twenty times in the heart which made it squish,"I knew this will day will soon come, well at least I can meet my mom", but she is seen in a room decorated with gold and silver,"Wait, is heaven",boo,goo,boo,"Wait, who said that am in a baby's body!"