
HexChain: Forgotten Support

WPC DEC 2023 Entry Hit me with powerstones. ---------------------------------- If one day you regains the memories of your past life and finds out that you are a character in a novel, what would you do? and what would you do if you found out that the author forgot to use your character ?? our mc was supposed to be a support character in a novel, but the author had forgotten that he had created such a character!!! ----===========---- WHAT?, YOU CREATED AI WITH RUNES? WHATT??, HOW ARE YOU FLYING?? WHAT ARE THOSE WEAPONS?? WHATTT???, YOU CREATED BLOCKCHAIN ON MAGIC???

InfiniteReviveCopy · ファンタジー
8 Chs

minor details

klein pietra -mc

Aiden -shop assistant

Marco pietra -father

Sofia pietra -mother

Mia pietra -sister

Aria Skylart -daughter of city lord

Sebastian skylark -city lord of crystall vale

Serena skylark - auction house owner/city lords sister

Sera livingston-classmate/bookworm/family runs runic appliences business.

Gold, Silve and Copper are the currency in this world.

1 copper = a cup of milk tea

1 silver = 100 copper

1 gold = 10 silver = 1000 copper

Current pricing


Scrolls are one time use skills or buffs.

Low grade scrolls 1-4 silver

High grade scrolls 5 silver to ~ 2 gold

Supreme grade scrolls 3-6 gold

Magic crystalls contains runic and spiritual imprints of ancient mages.

magic crystalls has an information storage space inside them, think of it as a rom memory, these crystalls are rarely found while mining these days, so its quite expensive, a mage can probe their conciousness inside these stones and can be used to imprint memories, concepts or techniques that they have, thus crystalls found inside tombs are more expensive because they might contain these imprints of ancient wisdom, some may even contain perfect runic symbols which could allow a runemaster to comprehend new elements, rules or concepts and some contains magic spells, those are the costliest of these.

These could be considered as skill books but a mage would need a certain level of comprehension and talent to read or even identify the presence of the imprints

Low grade magic crystall (Empty) ~ 1-3 gold

Low grade magic crystall ~ 10-50+ gold

High grade magic crystall (Empty) 6-8 gold

High grade magic crystall ~ 60-120+ gold

Mana stones contains raw mana, used for crafting, used in staffs for mana recovery, amplification, etc.

Low grade mana stone ~ 3-10 gold

High grade mana stone ~ 30-150+ gold

Supreme grade mana stone ~ 200+ gold

Enchanted weapons engraved with runes, gices skills, buffs and power to weapons.

Low grade rune weapon ~ 10-60+ gold

High grade rune weapon ~ 60-200+ gold

Supreme grade rune weapon ~ 300+ gold

The demonic worshippers formed their own evil organizations, some of the notorious ones are:

- The Order of the Black Sun: An evil organization that worships the dark power of the sun and seeks to unleash its destructive force on the world.

- The Circle of Thorns: A cult of sorcerers and witches that practice blood magic and sacrifice to summon demons and gain their favor.

- The Crimson Hand: A militant group of fanatics that believe in the supremacy of demons and aim to overthrow the human order and usher in a new age of chaos.

- The Cult of the Dragon: A network of dragon-worshippers that seek to awaken and serve the ancient and evil dragons known as dracoliches.

- The Legion of the Damned: A horde of undead and corrupted souls that follow the commands of the Lord of the Dead and spread death and decay wherever they go.

they all have different purposes but they all serves the demon lord who is yet to descend to this world.