
Herrscher (RWBY x Male Reader)

Y/N, The third god, The Ruler of the abyss, The Void/Nothingness. The betrayed god. Y/N's powers are vastly above both of his brothers, and that made his brothers, God of Light and God of Darkness, jealous and cautious. Afraid that he might betray them someday, they imprisoned him and sent him to the void. While he may be stronger than one of the gods, he isn't stronger when both of them are combined. Overwhelmed by the feeling of betrayal, Y/N immediately fell prey to the demonic energy of the void that emanated around him. His emotions evolved into fear and fury, and a storm of violent emotion takes hold. Y/N begins to panic when he sees this manifestation of dark energy swarming around him but regains composure as not to let it corrupt him. Y/N used all of his powers in the hope of sedating the dark energy, but it only got stronger. His last resort is to seek help from the True Goddess, Ishmael, but when she does not respond, Y/N falls into deep despair, and his dark emotions feed the Seed of Chaos. The power of the Goddess starts to become corrupted, and his body, which exists solely to worship the true Goddess, breaks down. Y/N is now wrought with doubt, and from his doubts, a new form emerges. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, that right belongs to Rooster Teeth.

Kaltias · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter One

Warning! The following chapter may contain elements that may not be suitable for some audicenes, reader discretion is advised.


Previously on Herrscher

"My goddess... Please help me."

But she never answered.

Y/N ascends from the chaos completely abandoning the Goddess and his brothers. His mere ascension shook all of creation. He has embraced The void and ultimately becomes the Ruler of the Abyss. He became the embodiment of Chaos, realm/void, Entropy, Corruption and Infinity, lacking any real form, and is now creating avatars to interact with creation.

He is Y/N, The ruler of the void...

The Herrscher.

Being the ruler of the void, he completely transcends the duality that everything is made of.


Ruby said her friend name's out loud, before slowly pointing towards the sky. Her friend, whom we can assume is called Yang, grew a confused look, before slowly looking at the sky.

"You are starting to creep me ou-"

Yang stopped mid sentence, her body tensed up and her breathing started to get rapid. Her eyes widened in shock as she tried her to best to comprehend how this is possible...

The moon...



Chapter One: The Raven

Year: 2XXX, Month: XX, Place: Remnant, ???

Y/N: This place far exceeded my expectations.

Y/N exclaimed with a soft smile on his face. He was holding a notebook and was writing all kinds of things about this world. From trees all the way to food. He then stopped infront of an apple tree and started examining it

Y/N: I believe this is called... an apple?

Herrscher said out loud before reaching out and grabbing one apple from the tree. He looked at it curiously before biting it. After a few seconds... His eyes sparkled!

Y/N: Impressive...

He muttered under his breath for taking another bite. His eyes just keep on sparkling more and more.

Y/N: So this is what they mean by eating, this is astonishing! I'm genuinely having a hard time accepting my brothers made this. The same brothers that imprisoned me because they were 'envious'. I do wish these humans aren't as pitiful as my brothers.

Y/N then took one final bite, before using the power of the void and consuming the apple, gaining every information about it. He then opened his notebook and started drawing an image of the apple he consumed and wrote a few things about it, like its taste and its shape and color.

Y/N: You can show yourself now, hiding your presence won't help you here.

Y/N stated out loud with a soft smile on his face, not taking his eyes off the notebook as he continued to write. A few seconds later, a raven came out from the trees and landed on the ground 6 meters away from him. A weird aura appeared around it before it transformed to a figure. Presumably a female human being. The woman's outfit consisted of a shallow cut black and red dress with black shorts underneath, with series of beaded necklaces and a belt that wraps around her waist and carries her weapon's sheath. Attached also is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material like hanging from behind them. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and solid black gloves. She wore black mid-thigh high leggings with red splatter patterns and black heels. She also had a long black hair, however, her eyes were covered by a full-face mask that resembles the face of some sort of a creature. The mask also had 4 slits.

The figure immediately brought out its weapon and pointed at Y/N, who was still writing in his notebook, not showing any sign of interest towards the figure, which causes it to get pissed.

???: How did you find me?

Y/N kept writing for a bit, before eventually answering.

Y/N: Does it really matter? I found you, anything else doesn't matter.

He simply stated while continuing to write in his notebook about apples and trees. He seems to have grown a huge interest for this world.

???: I made sure to hide my presence, yet you still found me. What did you do?

Y/N: *Hum* Don't you think that I should be asking that question?

The figure stayed silent for a bit, her blade still pointed at Y/N. The figure strengthened her grip on the weapon before speaking.

???: You... don't seem to have an aura.

Y/N: That does not answer my question. Now answer me, why are you following me?

The figure, for the most part, stayed silent. It just kept looking at Y/N, who was reading his notebook, checking everything.

???: I don't think you know in what kind of a situation you are in.

Y/N: Oh?

Y/N closed his notebook with a satisfied smile on his face before turning his attention towards The figure. Y/N started eyeing the figure curiously.

Y/N: Interesting... These 'human' beings look alot like us...

Y/N muttered under his breath, making sure the figure wouldn't hear.

???: Enough of this crap!

An immense amount of aura appeared around the figure. She then strengthened her grip on the weapon.

???: Who are you?

Y/N: ...

Y/N's eyes glowed for a bit before growing a curious look. He then opened up his notebook again and started writing happily.

Y/N: Your name is... Raven-

The figure, whom we can assume is called Raven, raised her eyes in shock before lunging towards Y/N at an alarming speed, in an effort to kill him.

Raven: Die.

Y/N, however, didn't pay any attention, as he was more focused on writing, which pissed off Raven even more. Her grip got even stronger. Her blade now a few inches away from Y/N's face, this is it. She's gonna kill him... not.

Once the blade was an inch away from his face... it started to... disintegrate! The closer it got to his face, the more the blade gets disintegrated. Raven, obviously in shock, immediately jumps a few feet away from Y/N, clearly distressed. She slowly looks at what remained of her blade, before sending a glare towards Y/N, who was still writing.

Raven: What...happened?

She muttered under her breath, not knowing what in the hell just happened. Most of her weapon just disintegrated in a blink of an eye! Her anger not showing any signs of subsiding, she immediately rush towards Y/N and punch him in the face...

But nothing happened.

He displayed absolutely no signs of pain or panic. His eyes just affixed to his notebook with the same smile on his face. As if that punch didn't even happen. She sent another punch, nothing. A kick, nothing. She then sent a fury of attacks at him, attacks that are faster than the speed of sound... Yet it didn't affect him in the slightest.

Raven, obviously in daze, instantly jumps away from him again. Her body is slightly shaking. It's been a long time since she felt like this.


She shouted in a panic, her head is spinning trying to comprehend how nothing happened to him. Y/N, however, didn't respond. He just kept on writing, but this time, he had an expressionless face.

Y/N: Are you going to use my brothers powers now?

He simply said while continuing to write in his notebook, what is he writing? God knows what. Raven is... confused, to say the least. His brothers power? What in the hell does he mean by that?

'Does he mean... My m-maiden powers?!' Raven panicked inside her mind as she tried her best not to break down. This is... bad.

Raven gritted her teeth in anger before slowly raising her hand and taking off her mask. Her beautiful, bright red eyes showing with her other features. Y/N slowly rose his eyes in curiosity... before a blush appeared on his face.

Y/N: S-So beautiful...

He muttered under his breath before thinking to himself.

'This woman... is much more attractive than my goddess. Was this intentional? I'm frankly surprised that my brothers could possibly make this... A female human being much more attractive than my goddess...' Y/N thought to himself before letting out a soft sigh, his blush going away. He then turned his attention towards Raven, who had her broken weapon pointed at him. A slight amount of electricity could be seen generating around her arm.

Raven: I'll give you a chance, Tell me who you are, and beg for me to let you go. If you do that, I may let you go.

Y/N stayed silent, before slightly chuckling. A sly smirk on his face. Sadly, Raven didn't find that funny. She sent a deadly glare towards him before electricity started appearing all around Raven.

"I've stared death in the face over and over again! And every time I've spat in that face and survived, because I'm strong enough to do what others won't! Do you think... that a nobody like you... can defeat me?"

She stated out loud with electricity jumping all around her. She is clearly pissed, but Y/N doesn't show any sign of fear, instead, he remains expressionless. His eyes however, were glowing.

Raven: Tsk... Fine.

A huge amount of sharp icicles appeared out of midair, all pointing towards Y/N. The weather suddenly turned cloudy as lighting appeared all around Raven. Y/N, for the most part, stayed expressionless, almost even bored. As if this magnificent showcase of power is nothing to him. Raven sent one last glare towards him, before pointing at him with her hand. Electricity stared appearing all around her hand.

Raven: You are helpless against me.

She simply stated without any emotion. With Y/N not speaking, she continues.

Raven: I have only used these powers on special occasions... You are one of those occasions.

Y/N doesn't respond, instead, he closes his eyes. His expression turns into one of anger.

Raven: Any last words?

She says with a smirk, obviously believing this is the end. The surrounding electricity became even stronger as a strong gust of wind came. She sent one final glare, before attacking him with all of her maiden powers.









Raven muttered out those words before slowly looking at her hands. Her entire body... is shaking. All of her maiden powers... just disappeared. Not only that, she's feeling like her insides are being crushed, and as if her aura is getting sucked out of here. She slowly looked at Y/N... He was expressionless, showing no sign of any emotions.

She slowly looked around her surroundings, and saw... the trees. They were crumbling at an alarming rate! Every tree in this forest is crumbling and turning into nothing but dust.

"You are... pitiful."

A cold chill was sent down Raven's spine, before Y/N suddenly appeared infront of her. He sent a glare before... lightly tapping her stomach... and that tap caused the entire ground to be crushed, and so did Raven's aura. Raven was sent flying towards a Tree that doesn't seem to be crumbling, actually, she just noticed that the tress... have stopped crumbling. She coughs blood for a few minutes, before slowly looking up, and seeing Y/N.

His expressionless face shook her to the core. Raven has never felt like this... what was it called...? Oh right,


Y/N: You are using a part of my brothers powers... the same brothers that I have wiped off from existence.

Raven, obviously confused by what's happening, coughs even more blood. With just that little tap, she felt as if the force of a thousand trucks have hit her.

Y/N: I wonder... do you people worship gods?

Raven doesn't answer, she just stays silent, so she can ease the pain. Y/N then looked at the sky, before reaching out towards it.




"They of perfect faith... Ascended."

"And he who abandoned his... Lorded over the abyss"

Y/N turned his attention towards Raven, before sending a disappointing glare towards her. He then pointing at her with a disappointed expression.

"You are not special."


"You are merely... Human."

Raven gritted her teeth while looking at the ground in shame. She has been defeated by an unknown person in the most humiliating way possible. A person she doesn't know suddenly defeats her without batting an eye.

Why was she there in the first place? She was told by her bandits that something has fallen near here, and that it caused everyone to get dizzy, so she decided to investigate. It was supposed to be a simple investigation... not this.


In an instant, Raven didn't feel any of her wounds anymore, she grew a confused look before looking at her body, not noticing any scratches or marks. She then slowly looked at Y/N, who had... a sadistic smile on his face. Raven then tried to move... but she couldn't... She... was paralyzed! She was paralyzed by... Fear!

Y/N: But there is one thing you exceed in...

He slowly reached out towards her face, she tried blocking his hand, but she cannot move her body. He then... gently caressed her face. It took Raven off guard for a split second, but she sent another glare at him.

Raven: Fuck yourself...

Y/N: Your beauty... far exceeds my goddess.

He then got closer to her face, which caused her to get uncomfortable. He kept on stroking her face for a few minutes... before suddenly stopping. His grip slowly getting stronger.

Y/N: But...

His grip keeps getting stronger to the point that it started hurting her a bit. She tried to move away, but to no avail.

Y/N: Raven Branwen.

Raven slightly rose her in eyes in fear. Not knowing how he could possibly have her name.

Y/N: You have abandoned your daughter at a young age...

Raven couldn't even think about what he said as His grip started hurting her to the point she let out a cry of pain.

Y/N: You have abandoned her... Just like my Goddess abandoned me... And I hated my goddess for that. I hated her with all my heart.

Thankfully, he loosened his grip and gave her a soft smile. He shows no sign of anger on his face.

Y/N: But... you are a human. Not a god, therefore you are prone to make mistakes.

Y/N then let out a little hum before looking curiously at Raven's face. He began caressing her face again with a soft smile.

Y/N: It's a shame... You would have been a great mate had you not abandoned your child like that. Tell me... What is your daughter's name?

Raven stayed silent, looking at the ground in shame. Y/N let out another hum while continuing to caress her face.

Y/N: I don't want to read any more of your memory, that would ruin the surprise~

Raven still didn't answer, her eyes glued to the ground, not wanting to look at Y/N.

Y/N: Hm... I wonder what your daughter looks like... Very well, I believe it's time for your punishment.

Raven immediately turns towards Y/N with a look of confusion and panic. Y/N let out a slight chuckle.

Raven: W-What?

Y/N: Humans punish other humans for making mistakes, do they not? At any rate, you are not mated, correct?

Raven panicked in the inside, not sure what he means by that, she just assumed the worst. She didn't give an answer to Y/N, which causes him to get slightly annoyed. His eyes glowed for a bit before fading away.

Y/N: You aren't, and I assume that's because your previous mate cheated on you?

Raven's eyes widened in shock as she looked at Y/N in disbelief. Anger started showing on her face as she tried to use her powers on you, but to no avail... she is still paralyzed.

Raven: H-How... do you know all of this?

Y/N: Hmm... That does not really matter, does it?

He says before coming closer to her face and...

She felt as if... Time stopped when his lips met hers, but the flutter only intensified, he suddenly opened his mouth, and to her horror, his tongue slipped into her mouth like a slithering serpent. Raven's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth, how addictively he invaded all her senses. She got a bit of control on her arms, and started lightly punching him, signaling him to stop. But he didn't stop, if anything, he continued to passionately kiss her. Tears started to freely fall from her eyes as she kept on telling herself that this is a dream, and that it cannot be real. However, while she was telling herself that this was a dream, Y/N... groped her soft breasts, which in turn caused her to let out a sudden gasp of shock as she tried again to get out of his grasp, but to no use. He began to gently grope her breast which caused her to let out a moan while kissing him. As he kept on kissing her, he put his other hand on her bare leg and touched her thigh lightly. Raven shivered, and goose bumps rose on the surface of her skin. She felt his hand slide smoothly up the side of her leg... However, he suddenly stopped.

He stopped kissing her and let her go, a string of saliva connecting between them. Raven immediately put her hands on her breasts, she seems to have gotten control over her body. A sly smirk grew on Y/N's face as he looked at her with... heart pupils? She doesn't even know how this is possible. Y/N licked his lips seductively before letting out a small chuckle.

Y/N: That was... fun. I have to say, you humans are much more elegant and beautiful than my goddess. I also believe they call this... a French kiss, no?

Raven sent a glare towards Y/N, while her tears were freely falling from her face.

Raven: Y-You... Y-You...

She muttered before closing her eyes and falling to her knees, quietly sobbing while hugging herself. Y/N's smirk turned into a sadistic smile. He then let out a chuckle before running a hand through his hair.

Y/N: You would have made a great spouse, had you not abandoned your daughter. You would've been the spouse... of a god. I would have enjoyed having intercourse with you, but I decided against it...

Raven didn't answer, she just kept on sobbing while hugging herself.

Y/N: Oh? What happened to that strong demeanor of yours?

Raven kept on sobbing, not showing any signs of stopping. Y/N slowly crouched to her height, not taking his eyes off of her. He slowly caressed her face before giving her one final kiss in the forehead... Before whispering something to her ear.


"Reveal your grief,"

"Let the love for that betrayer rot,"

"Give the void... your signal."

And with just that... he disappeared. Leaving the sobbing Raven alone to her thoughts. The once strong and cruel Raven is nothing but a crying girl now...




We cut to a scene of Y/N, appearing out of nowhere in an unknown forest, a soft smile on his face.

Y/N: That was fun~ Now... Where should I go...? Perhaps I should explore more?

Y/N's eyes glowed for a bit before dimming. He grew a confused looked before bringing up his hand to his chin.

Y/N: There are currently four kingdoms... Which are, Atlas, Mistral, Vacuo and Vale. Which one should I visit first...?

Y/N continued thinking to himself before letting out a frustrated sigh. He decided to visit the most popular Kingdom, which is Vale.

Y/N: Vale sounds like the most appropriate and fun option. Very well.

Y/N rose his hand to the sky, before making a slash movement, opening a portal to Vale. A smirk grew on his face before cracking his neck, letting out a moan in the process. He seems to love doing that.

Y/N: I believe Raven's daughter is here. It's a good thing I didn't see any of the faces in her memories, otherwise that would've ruined the surprise. I also believe there is a girl that has a bit of my brothers powers.

Y/N stated out loud before cracking his body again and entering the portal to Vale.

"This is... Fun."