
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Zui plan


»» Jiu Family Residence

Jiu Wan and Lin Fan were sitting and enjoying their meal, laughing together, when a servant suddenly burst into the room. Jiu Wan looked at the servant and asked:

"What's wrong? You're sweating like you've seen a monster!"

The servant replied quickly, with anxiety written all over his face: "Sir, something terrible has happened."

Jiu Wan asked, his voice filled with tension: "What is it?"

 "All the drug deals and smuggling operations we've conducted have been leaked to the police, and they are on their way to arrest you!"

Jiu Wan jumped from his chair and shouted: "What!!"

Lin Fan, who had been silent until that moment, spoke up: "Is everything alright, Jiu Wan?"

Jiu Wan, trying to calm both himself and his friend, replied: "Don't worry, it's just a minor issue. I'll handle it."

Lin Fan nodded and said: "Alright."

Jiu Wan then turned to the servant and asked: "Have you found out who did this?"

The servant hesitated before replying: "No, sir."

As they were talking, Kang Yu suddenly stormed into the room with several police officers. She stood firm and said:

"Jiu Wan, you are under arrest for drug dealing and smuggling. Please come with us to the police station for questioning."

Jiu Wan wanted to refuse, but when he realized that Kang Yu was the one leading the operation, he didn't want to offend her, so he nodded and said:


Kang Yu placed the handcuffs on Jiu Wan's wrists, and as she was about to leave, she heard a voice that made her so angry she nearly wanted to shoot the person who spoke:

"Beautiful lady, why don't you sit down and talk here? Isn't it rude to leave like this? Maybe the knife was wiped clean on Jiu Wan."

The owner of the voice was none other than Lin Fan, who noticed Kang Yu and thought to himself... "This woman is beautiful. If I'm not mistaken, she must be from the Kang family. If I make her my woman, the Kang family will be in my pocket, making it easier for me to get revenge on the Su and Lin families. Hahaha, I'm a genius."

Kang Yu turned toward Lin Fan, and when she saw him, she remembered a moment from her past life. In that memory, Lin Fan had come to her, exploiting her love for justice, and presented falsified evidence that Alex was involved in human trafficking, which led her to arrest him, even after Alex had told her he was innocent.

That memory made her snap, and she immediately ordered: "Arrest him too. I think he's one of Jiu Wan's partners."

Lin Fan didn't expect this turn of events, but he didn't lose his composure and said: "Miss, there's no need for that. I'll come with you, and I believe my friend Jiu Wan is innocent."

Kang Yu didn't bother responding to him and left the room immediately, fearing that she might lose control and put a bullet in his head.

Jiu Wan tried to reassure Lin Fan: "Don't worry, Lin Fan, I have some contacts in the military. I doubt they'll leave us in jail for long."

Lin Fan responded confidently: "I'm not worried at all."

Jiu Wan laughed and said: "Hahaha, good."

Kang Yu interrupted them with a stern tone: "Be quiet and move!" Both Lin Fan and Jiu Wan were escorted out of the house, only to be met by a full delegation of cameras pointed at them.

One of the reporters quickly asked: "Mr. Jiu Wan, are you really involved in drug dealing and smuggling?"

Jiu Wan looked at all those cameras and thought to himself... "What's going on? Did the press find out? Damn it, this will affect the company. I need to clear my name before things escalate." Then he said aloud: "No, I've been falsely accused."

One of the reporters tried to continue asking, but the officer interrupted them, saying: "That's enough. We're doing our job."

Both Jiu Wan and Lin Fan were pushed into the police car and driven to the police station.

»» Shun Zui's Residence

|All the news has spread, Jiu Wan has been arrested, and their shares have dropped by 4 points.|

Shun Zui responded with satisfaction: "Good, start buying now."

|Yes, Ma'am.|

Shun Zui closed her phone and sent a message to another number:

Seize all of the Jiu family's hideouts and empty them.

She smiled and said to herself: "Jiu Wan, I hope you like my gift. And if you're hoping your friend will get you out of jail, I don't think that's going to happen. Right, Mr. Loi?"

Shun Zui turned to the man kneeling before her, who was visibly terrified. The man stammered: "Y-Yes, M-Madam."

Shun Zui replied with a cold smile: "Good, you may leave now."

The man quickly responded: "Yes, Lady Shun."

☜Magic Capital☞

"You're telling me you were beaten and threatened, and he didn't even acknowledge me?"

The person responded cautiously: "Yes, sir."

Shin Min said angrily: "Alright, gather some men. Tomorrow we'll pay him a visit at his café."

The person replied firmly: "Yes, sir."

<Jo Shiner POV>

I was sitting in front of the old man, Jo Jan, so I spoke: "Did you kick him out?"

The old man Jo Jan replied calmly: "Yes, young lady."

"So, what's the reason for your visit?"

The old man hesitated for a moment before saying: "Well, that's..."

I interrupted him with a sharper tone: "That's what?"

He replied hesitantly: "You'd better ask the family head directly."

I sighed and said: "Alright, you may leave now."

The old man quickly left, but I felt uneasy. What could have made him hesitate to tell me? Well, no matter. I'll try to contact my father tomorrow. I should take a bath and go to bed early so I can visit Alex in the morning and have some coffee with him. Haha, just thinking about tomorrow makes me so excited. I should visit the beauty salon before going to see him.

But there's something very strange about him... I didn't think about it today because of that fool, but I think he's become more handsome than before. Alright, let me take a look at my laptop to make sure. I'm not stalking him, I just want to confirm, yes, just to confirm, nothing more...

After taking a bath, I brought my laptop and opened it. I turned on the cameras I had installed in Alex's house and watched the place, then switched the view to the third floor. But what I saw made me blush deeply, and I immediately closed my laptop...

"What the hell is this? Did he just come out of the shower? But what's the deal with that thing between his legs?"

>> End of Jo Shiner's POV

Elsewhere, Alex said to himself anxiously: "Damn it, what is this? Why do I feel like I'm being watched? Oh well, never mind. Let me go to bed."

Alex put on his pajamas, lay down on his bed, and fell asleep immediately, unaware that someone couldn't sleep because of him.




In one of the houses, Shio Fan was lying on a couch, treating his wounds.

He said to himself angrily: "Damn it, when have I ever been humiliated like this?" Then Shio Fan picked up his phone and made a call.

"When will you arrive?"

|Tomorrow, Master Shori.|

Shio Fan replied firmly: "Good, hurry up and get ready. I have a new target for you. I want him dead."

|Yes, Master Shori.|
