
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Attack on Alex

In an open space filled with chairs and cameras, a number of journalists are waiting for Jio Wan to arrive for the press conference.

/Reporter 1: "I didn't think they would acquit the head of the Jio family. Things were so complicated."

/Reporter 2: "It's the world of the rich; the law can't stand in their way. Money does everything."

"Alright, get your cameras ready. The conference will start soon, and this will be a major story."

"Understood, sir." *×2*

After a few minutes of waiting, Jio Wan walked onto the stage in a sleek formal suit. He moved confidently towards the designated seats for speakers and sat down. All eyes were on him, and numerous cameras and microphones were directed at him. Jio Wan picked up one of the microphones and began to speak in a calm, confident voice.

|First, I would like to thank everyone who attended this conference to support us. Secondly, I want to express my gratitude to all the shareholders in my company who placed their trust in me and did not rush to sell their shares while waiting for my acquittal. Now, you may ask questions.|

A reporter, who seemed hesitant, raised his hand and asked: "Mr. Jio Wan, do you have any information about the person or entity that tried to frame you?"

|No, unfortunately, I do not have any confirmed information at this time. However, I assure you that I will do my best to find out who is behind this.|

While Jio Wan was busy answering questions and managing the press conference, elsewhere, specifically at Shun Zui's residence, one of her servants stood before her holding some important documents.

"Madam, here are all the documents related to the investors, and our shareholding has reached 55%. We now have the final say in the company."

"Alright, that's very good. How is Jio Wan's son?"

"We have sent him all the videos of him committing the murder. After watching the videos, he agreed to sell his shares when he inherits them from his father."

"Excellent work. After the press conference ends, have Jio Wan killed. It's better if the news of his death is delayed a bit so that all the shares are transferred to us without issues."

"As you wish, Madam."

"Are there any updates on Alex?"

"Unfortunately, no, Madam. But we think Kang Yoo might have some information."

"That #@$... Well, try to gather as much information as you can about what she might have."

"Understood, Madam."

After the servant left, Shun Zui approached the window and gazed outside with deep thought. "It seems it's time to erase another family, not just the Jio family. Hehe."




☜The Magical Capital☞

When Alex arrived at his café, he opened the door and walked in, surprised by what he saw. "What a huge mess!"

Alex started to wander among the debris and rubble that filled the place, wondering about the cause of the chaos. While inspecting the area, something strange caught his eye: a small lens that had been carefully hidden. He picked it up and examined it, saying: "A camera!! What's going on here? Am I being watched?"

Alex began searching deeper through the wreckage and found several other lenses hidden in the same way. "$#@# Who is watching me? It's only been two weeks since I arrived in the Magical Capital... Wait... what about the upper floors?"

Alex quickly went up to the second and then the third floors, searching carefully. After a while, he found more than 14 cameras hidden meticulously in various corners.

"$&%@#... I think the person who did this installed the cameras during construction. But who could it be? Could it be the Snake Gang...?"

Alex put his hand on his chin and began to think aloud: "No, I don't think the Snake Gang has the skills to carry out such a precise operation. If I'm not mistaken, the most likely candidate is Shao Feng... or maybe it's related to one of the heroines... Could it be Jo Shiner? No, I don't think she has a reason to monitor me. So, the most logical possibility is Shao Feng. I need to teach him a lesson he won't forget..."

While Alex was preoccupied with analyzing the situation, he heard a noise on the first floor. He stopped thinking and shouted loudly: "The shop is closed!"

But the sound of footsteps continued, aggravating him. He shouted again, louder: "I told you the shop is closed!"

~~Tick tick

Alex paused to think. "Doesn't this person understand?" When he decided to go down to check, he was met by a young woman ascending the stairs to the second floor. She confidently said: "I didn't come here for coffee." Alex looked at her intently.

"What brings you here?"

Shin Haner ascended calmly to the second floor and said: "Hello, my name is Shin Haner, I'm a relative of Shin Min. We met this morning."

"Hello, what do you need?"

"I just came to apologize for my cousin's behavior. It wasn't appropriate."

"You didn't come all this way just to apologize, did you?" Shin Haner glanced at Alex for a moment, then sighed and spoke sincerely.

"Yes, you're right. Actually, I just wanted to know what your relationship is with the head of the Jo Company."

"Do you mean Jo Shiner?"

"Yes, exactly."

"She is one of my close friends. Why are you interested in this matter?"

"So, did you ask her not to cooperate with us because of what Shin Min did? If so, I hope you can forgive our family for what happened to you."

Shin Haner tried to bow to apologize, but Alex quickly stopped her. "No need for that. I didn't ask her for anything like that, and there's no need for bowing to me."


"I told you I didn't ask her for anything."

"Alright... Can I ask you for a favor?"


"Please, listen to me first."


"Please, my life depends on this favor." Alex looked directly into Shin Haner's eyes and saw the urgency in them, so he sighed and said:

"Alright, what do you want?"

"Can you help me schedule a meeting with Miss Jo?"

"What will I gain from that?"

"Ah, well... I'll give you 20,000 Won if you help me with this."

Alex looked at her as if she were foolish and said:

"I don't need the money."

"Well then, what do you want? I'll do anything if you can help me."

"I don't need anything. Just try to stay away from me." Shin Haner was shocked by this request but agreed: "Alright, I don't mind."

"Leave your phone number here. I'll contact you if I manage to tell her."

"Really? Thank you so much...!"

In a moment of happiness, Shin Haner, Allex suddenly felt a danger lurking. When he looked towards the window, he saw a sniper aiming at him, so he grabbed Shin Haner quickly and jumped behind a table.

"Watch out!" Immediately, a gunshot was heard.


"Ahhhh! What's this?!"

"There's a sniper."

"What?! A sniper?!"

"Yes." Shin Haner began to cry and scream. "Nooo! I don't want to die!"

"You're not going to die, stop crying."

"No, no! We'll die! Nooo!" Alex grabbed Shin Haner's shoulders directly and looked into her eyes and said: "Don't worry, you will never die."


"Yes." Shin Haner wiped her tears and looked at Alex, saying: "Alright, I won't cry."

|The target managed to escape.|

"Okay, don't let him get away. We'll storm the place."


In front of Alex's café, a black car stopped, and four large men dressed in combat gear and carrying some guns got out. "Alright, let's finish this quickly."