
heroine's choice

Katya, daughter of a blacksmith in the northern regions of Siberia, Lived with her father and brother in one single household after her mother died of frostbite. One faithful day her brother got into trouble with the archduke of the duchy's guard, her making the ultimate choice by offering herself for her brother's freedom, but things take a strange turn when the arch duke says something that changes her life. does she survive or die sacrificing herself in the end?

Cherie_Blair_rose · 歴史
11 Chs

Chapter 5

The chill of the dungeon seeped into Katya's bones as she and her father descended the stone steps. The air was damp and heavy, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the walls. The echo of their footsteps was the only sound, amplifying the somber mood that hung over them.

When they reached Mikhail's cell, they found him sitting on a rough wooden bench, his head bowed. He looked up as they approached, his eyes filled with a mixture of shame and defiance. Katya felt a surge of emotions—relief that he was alive, anger at his recklessness, and sadness for what had been lost.

"Katya, Papa," he greeted them, his voice subdued.

Their father gripped the bars of the cell, his knuckles white with tension. "Mikhail, what were you thinking?" he began, his voice trembling with anger. "Do you understand what you've done?"

Mikhail stood, his posture defensive. "I had to take out my anger somehow. That guard... he provoked me."

"And you killed him!" their father roared, his voice echoing through the dungeon. "You let your anger control you, and now your sister has to pay the price for your recklessness."

Mikhail's eyes flicked to Katya, his expression pained. "Katya, I—"

"Do you realize what you've done to her?" their father interrupted, his voice shaking with emotion. "She has given up her freedom, her life, to save you. And for what? Because you couldn't control yourself?"

Katya stepped closer to the bars, her own anger bubbling to the surface. "Mikhail, I did what I had to do to keep you alive. But this... this isn't fair. You have to understand the consequences of your actions."

Mikhail's shoulders sagged, the weight of their words pressing down on him. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want you to suffer because of me."

Their father shook his head, his anger giving way to sorrow. "Your actions have consequences, Mikhail. And now your sister must bear the burden of your choices. You need to grow up and take responsibility for your actions."

Katya reached through the bars and took Mikhail's hand. "We're family, Mikhail. We take care of each other. But you need to change. You need to be better, for yourself and for us."

Mikhail gripped her hand tightly, his eyes filled with remorse. "I will. I promise. 

Katya stood in the chilly courtyard of the castle, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been summoned by the Arch Duke, and the weight of her impending punishment hung heavily over her. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as a guard approached to escort her inside.

The halls of the castle were grand and imposing, each step echoing off the stone walls. Katya's thoughts swirled as she walked, her mind racing with possibilities. When they reached a large oak door, the guard knocked briefly before opening it and gesturing for her to enter. Katya stepped inside, and the door closed behind her with a heavy thud.

The room was large, with high ceilings and tall windows that let in streams of pale light. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books and documents. Behind a massive wooden desk sat the Arch Duke Alexander, his stern face illuminated by the soft glow of a lamp. He was writing, his quill moving swiftly across the parchment.

Katya stood in silence, unsure of what to do or say. After a few moments, Alexander set his quill aside and looked up at her. His face was unreadable, his eyes cold and calculating. He gestured for her to sit, and she complied, perching on the edge of the chair opposite his desk.

"Katya," he began, his voice devoid of emotion. "Do you understand the gravity of the situation?"

"Yes, Your Grace," Katya replied, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving her face. "You have made a significant sacrifice for your brother. You chose to take his place, to bear the punishment meant for him. Why?"

Katya swallowed hard, searching for the right words. "He's my brother, Your Grace. I couldn't let him die. I thought... I thought I could save him."

Alexander's gaze was intense, his expression unreadable. "And what makes you think you are capable of enduring this punishment?"

Katya straightened her shoulders, meeting his gaze with determination. "I am strong, Your Grace. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family."

There was a long silence as Alexander studied her, his eyes piercing and inscrutable. Finally, he spoke, his voice softer but still devoid of warmth. "Your loyalty to your family is commendable, Katya. But you must understand that actions have consequences, and sacrifices must be made."

He paused, his eyes flickering with something Katya couldn't quite identify. "I have been considering your situation, and I have come to a decision."

Katya held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You have a choice," he continued, his voice measured. "You can serve the punishment as you intended. Or..." He paused, his gaze locking onto hers. "Or you can become my Arch Duchess."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Katya stared at him, her mind racing. The offer was unexpected, almost surreal. She had come here prepared to face her punishment, to endure whatever was necessary to save her brother. But this...

Alexander watched her closely, his expression still unreadable. "The choice is yours, Katya. Think carefully. Your decision will shape not only your future but the future of your family as well."

Katya's mind whirled with possibilities and fears. The weight of the decision pressed down on her, but she knew she had to choose. With a deep breath, she looked up at Alexander, her voice steady and resolute.

"I choose..."