
Heroic Spirit Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chiyuki Hoshino, a beautiful otaku girl, traveled to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! with her Fate/Grand Order Heroic Spirit deck. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!" "My most loyal servant, the Dark Magician!" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!" "I…" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!!!" Amid the ruins and countless corpses (thanks to Arash), Chiyuki wiped her forehead and smiled brightly. "Playing cards is so damn interesting." For those interested in reading this fanfic, please note that I am not the original author. I have only translated and edited it to make it as readable as possible. Author: 摸鱼阿唯 Raw Title: 我用英灵卡组在决斗者王国打牌 (I Use a Heroic Spirit Deck to Duel in Duelist Kingdom) If you'd like to read 25 chapters ahead, please consider joining my Patreon: patreon.com/ANeet.

ANeet0001 · アニメ·コミックス
113 Chs

Chapter 84

"It's a draw!" The battle started with a clash of monsters both having 2600 attack and defense points. The onlookers, who were silent before, were stunned.

"But Hoshino paid 500 life points, so it's a slight loss for her," Jounouchi commented, glancing at Hoshino's life points.

"Well, it's hard to say who came out ahead. Chiyuki's monster was special summoned, which means she still has a normal summon available," Mai Valentine analyzed while observing the field. "If Chiyuki sacrifices Lü Bu to summon a higher-level monster, it could establish a significant field presence."

"Impressive, Yugi. You managed to block such a strong attack," Hoshino praised, looking at the great shield holding back Lü Bu.

"Likewise, Hoshino. Judging by how you started, you must have more plans up your sleeve," Yugi remarked, catching on to Hoshino's strategy.

"If I sacrifice Lü Bu to summon a higher-level monster, it would be advantageous. I've been outmaneuvered by Yugi's defensive play!" Hoshino thought, frowning as she recognized the strategic difference between herself and Yugi.

"I sacrifice the [Heroic Spirit – Lü Bu Fengxian] on the field to summon [Heroic Spirit – Nero Claudius]!" Hoshino placed another monster card on the table. With a flash of sacrificial light, Lü Bu was replaced by the crimson-robed Roman Emperor.

"It hasn't been long since I last appeared! Rejoice, people of Rome!" Nero proclaimed enthusiastically, though likely only Yugi, Hoshino, and perhaps Pegasus could hear.

[Heroic Spirit – Nero Claudius ★★★★★★ (6 stars) Fire] [Warrior/Effect][ATK:2300 DEF:1900]

"Upon summoning, I activate Nero's special effect!"

[This card's effect activates when it is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, and there are no other monsters on your field. Draw one card.]

Hoshino, having drawn a card, continued to activate another effect, "Next, I activate the effect of [Heroic Spirit – Caligula] from my deck!"

[Caligula: If there is a 'Nero Claudius' on your field, you can Special Summon this card from the graveyard or deck.]

[Heroic Spirit – Caligula ★★★★ (4 stars) Dark] [Warrior/Effect][ATK:1500 DEF:1200]

"Nero, oh Nero," Caligula groaned, his voice filled with longing.

"Stop that, uncle! It's only been a few minutes. This is embarrassing," Nero responded, a bit uncomfortable.

"So strong! She summoned two powerful monsters and drew an extra card," Jounouchi noted, realizing Hoshino's play had indeed created significant pressure, just as Mai had predicted. "Luckily, Hoshino's already used her battle phase, or Yugi would be in real trouble."

"But Hoshino's new deck seems a bit different from before," Anzu observed, noticing something subtle but unable to pinpoint it.

"Different? I didn't notice," Jounouchi replied, admiring Nero. "Nero's so cute, though! I didn't get a good look during the duel, but now I can see how beautifully she carries herself in that red dress, with her noble posture and... um, other assets!"

"This isn't the time to question why a Roman emperor is a girl," Mai said, shaking her head at Jounouchi's reaction. "I haven't seen many of Hoshino's duels, but her deck has improved in consistency and synergy, allowing her strategies to flow better. Isn't that right, Anzu?"

"Yes, exactly!" Anzu agreed, casting a disapproving look at Jounouchi.

"So, Yugi, what will you do next?" Anzu asked, concerned about Yugi's chances.

"I set one card and end my turn," Hoshino gestured, indicating Yugi's turn.

"My turn, draw!" Yugi drew a card and smiled at Hoshino, "Hoshino, you truly are strong. To be honest, the duel I've been most looking forward to in this tournament is against you."

"Huh?" Hoshino was caught off guard by the compliment. "It's an honor to be praised by the legendary duelist Yugi Muto."

"I think it's a bit exaggerated to call me a legend just because I beat Kaiba once," Yugi downplayed his reputation. "In a duel, both players are equals, regardless of any titles. So, I'll give it my all, Hoshino!"

"Bring it on, Yugi!" Hoshino, now fired up, responded eagerly.

"I sacrifice [Big Shield Gardna] on my field to summon from my hand the monster [Dark Magician Girl]!" A brilliant light enveloped the Big Shield Gardna, and the Dark Magician Girl appeared on the field, her attire both adorable and revealing.

[Dark Magician Girl ★★★★★★ (6 stars) Dark] [Spellcaster/Effect][ATK:2000 DEF:1700]

"Dark Magician Girl is too cute!!!" Hoshino exclaimed, finding it hard to attack her. "That's not fair, Yugi!"

"Hoshino, your Nero is very cute too," Yugi teased, glancing at Nero.

"Ah, is the starfish head over there complimenting me? What good taste!Umu~." Nero proudly puffed out her chest.

"Nero, the most beautiful!" Caligula agreed, giving a thumbs-up.

However, on Yugi's field, Dark Magician Girl looked a bit jealous after hearing the exchange.

"But cuteness alone isn't enough to win battles!" Yugi declared, placing another card on the table. "Let's break through at once, Dark Magician Girl! Activate the spell card from my hand, [Dark Burning Magic]!"

[Dark Burning Magic Spell Card Effect: If you control monsters whose original names are "Dark Magician" and "Dark Magician Girl," Destroy all cards your opponent controls.]

A massive surge of magic exploded from the Dark Magician Girl's staff, sweeping across Hoshino's field.

"This will wipe out all of Hoshino's monsters!" Jounouchi exclaimed, amazed at Yugi's powerful move. "Yugi sure is ruthless."

"Not yet! Nero on Chiyuki's field might still be able to hold on," Mai said tensely, her eyes wide as she focused on the explosion's aftermath, hoping to see a red figure emerge.

The result of the coin toss: heads, heads, heads.

"Nero! Third heads, a great success!" From within the smoke, Nero wielded her Noble Phantasm, the Aestus Estus, tearing through the magical explosion.

"Ha, you survived that, huh?" Yugi smiled as if everything was going according to plan. "Then I activate the Equip Spell Card [Magic Formula] from my hand, equipping it to Dark Magician Girl to increase her attack!"

[Magic Formula Equip Spell Card Effect: Can only be equipped to "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl". The equipped monster gains 700 ATK. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, recover 1000 life points.]

A massive spellbook materialized in front of Dark Magician Girl, who curiously flipped it open. As she did, powerful magic energy flowed from the book, enveloping her and bolstering her resolve.

[Dark Magician Girl ATK 2000 → 2700]

"Now, Dark Magician Girl's attack is higher than Emperor Nero's!" Yugi declared, pointing forward. "Attack the Roman Emperor, Dark Magician Girl!"

"Ugh!" As if venting her frustration at a rival, Dark Magician Girl swung her staff with all her might. Empowered by the Magic Formula, her magic was formidable, even for a novice like her.

"Umu! I'll leave the rest to you..." Nero said resolutely, knowing she couldn't escape. She looked towards a set card in the back row before being consumed by Dark Magician Girl's attack.

Hoshino Chiyuki LP 3500 → 3100

"Leave it to me!" A magnetic male voice cut through the attack, as a new figure appeared where Nero had stood, breaking through Dark Magician Girl's assault.

Unbeknownst to Yugi, Hoshino had flipped a set card in the back row, excitedly clenching her fist. "Waking up every day to his handsomeness, known as the hero of justice, Chaldea's top chef but the ultimate housewife, EmiyaMama, has arrived!"

[Back of the Hero of Justice Trap Card Effect: When two or more [Heroic Spirit]monsters are destroyed in the same turn, Special Summon [Heroic Spirit – Shirou Emiya] from your hand or deck to your field.]

[Heroic Spirit – Shirou Emiya ★★★★★★ (6 stars) Fire] [Spellcaster/Effect][ATK:2200 DEF:2600]

"Master, please don't use such misleading introductions," Emiya said, shaking his head at Hoshino's words, but his eyes grew sharp. "But this time, I won't lose!"

"Just as I thought, Emiya, we must win this time," Hoshino replied, sharing the same determined look as Emiya. While they didn't have the skill of the Hawk Eye, their desire to win was clear.

"You're impressive, Hoshino, not only blocking my Dark Magician Girl but also summoning a new monster," Yugi complimented, surprised at the sight of Emiya emerging unscathed. "But defeating me with just one monster might still be a bit difficult. I set one card and end my turn!"

"My turn, draw!" Hoshino, not relaxing at Yugi's praise, drew a card and looked at Yugi's field. "Two set cards, huh? Yugi's set cards are usually tricky. Attacking recklessly might be costly."

(Leonardo da Vinci: "While your confidence during duels is admirable, Hoshino-chan, being too rash can sometimes be dangerous. Opponent's set cards can be lethal.")

Drawing a card and pointing towards Yugi, Hoshino shouted, "But being overly cautious won't break the stalemate! Attack, Emiya!"

"Heh, after all that consideration, you're still attacking?" Yugi smiled as if expecting this outcome while Emiya charged forward with Kanshou and Bakuya, the twin swords, in hand.

"Activate the special effect of [Heroic Spirit – Shirou Emiya]! During my battle phase, this card can copy all the equip cards on the opponent's field, ignoring equip conditions!"

"Trace on!" Emiya chanted, closing his eyes and beginning to analyze and copy the [Magic Formula] equipped to Dark Magician Girl.

"Projection Complete!"

[Magic Formula (Projection) Token: Treated as the Equip Spell Card [Magic Formula].]

[Shirou Emiya ATK 2200 → 2900]

"Hoshino's monster has equipped Yugi's Dark Magician Girl's equip card!" Jounouchi exclaimed, surprised at the sudden increase in Emiya's attack power. "Now Hoshino's monster's attack is higher!"

"What's the big deal about equipping a spellbook?" Mai, biting her nails, recalled the moment she lost to Hoshino when Emiya copied her Harpie Ladies' best cards. "Who exactly is this Shirou Emiya?"

"I think I heard Hoshino mention something about a housewife and chef?" Honda pondered, stroking his chin.

Despite the increased attack power of Emiya, Yugi remained unfazed. "Hoshino, attacking without dealing with the set cards in the back row might have serious consequences. I activate the continuous trap card [Curse of the Hexagram]!"

As Yugi flipped over the set card, a hexagram appeared on the ground beneath Emiya, trapping him.

"You've stepped into my continuous trap card [Curse of the Hexagram]!" Yugi revealed the trap card with a victorious smile. "Due to the Hexagram's effect, Emiya is not only immobilized but also loses 700 ATK."

[Activate this card by targeting 1 monster your opponent controls; it cannot attack or change its battle position. When that monster is destroyed, destroy this card.]

"Do you think such a thing can stop my counterattack?" Emiya, undeterred by the trap, stomped his foot and shattered the seal.

"Finally, something beyond your calculations, Yugi!" Hoshino declared, placing another card on the table. "Quick-Play Spell [Body of the Saint]!"


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