

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Tier 4 Mission

Everyone is standing outside the school with their belongings waiting for Motteru to arrive

Kai is standing with Tora and Yugoko, they all have there uniform on with a bag in there hand

Everyone is standing with their own groups laughing and playing

Kichirou: Where is Motteru!

Rie: He's running 10 minutes late…. Again

Motteru runs up fixing his tie and he's with someone else

Motteru: I'M SORRY-

He says breathing heavy

Motteru: I TRIED TO GET-

He takes a deep breath

Motteru: This is Mr Rira, he's the Year 3 teacher

The man is decently tall with white hair and he has glasses on one of his eyes is a ocean blue and the other is darker purple

He has a sword on his back with white marking on it and the tail of the sword has some type of string on it

Rira: Sup

Motteru: He's here to assist me with you all

Kai: Who is that?

Yugoko: I heard that he is the smartest teacher in the school

Kai: So why is he teaching Year 3 only?

Yugoko: It's because his younger brother is a Junior

Kai: What's his gift?

Yugoko: I'm not sure

Tora: They said only a few of people ever seen it before

Kai: He looks strong

Motteru: Class president will be picked when we get back by the way


Everyone gets on the bus and takes a seat

Kai is sitting next to Yugoko

He takes a seat next to the window and watches Yugoko takes a seat

The bus pulls off and they head to the location

Motteru: The mission is for us to help the civilians get out of the hurricane aftermath


Motteru: The Principle dropped us to a Tier 4 mission

All the students start becoming upset and start complaining

Motteru: LISTEN UP!

Motteru: A Mission is A Mission regardless….



Kai: Did you guys hear that Motteru seen Shimmera

Everyone gasp and start asking questions

Last night….

Motteru: So to what do I owe the pleasure

Shimmera walks out the shadows

He is tall with a white hood on and metal chains wrapped around hanging off his body and also has a mask on covering over half his face

Shimmera: He has returned

Motteru: What are you talking about-

Motteru eyes widen and he looks in fear

Motteru: No-... No it can't be

Motteru: Are you sure?

Shimmera: They spotted him around the south district of your hometown and we think he is coming to destroy all heroes.

Motteru: Well we will have to stop him….

Back to the present

Motteru: He just wanted to give me a heads up he was going to meet you all soon

They arrive about 25 minutes later….

It's a small town with not that many people living there

Some cars are flooded and there are some people walking in the water

The bus stop at the top of a hill

Bus Driver: This is as far as I go

They get off the bus and look at the town from the top of a hill

Motteru: We will split up into two groups

Motteru: One with me and the other with Mr Rira

Motteru: With me will be Kai, Tora, Yugoko, Yasuhiro and Kichirou

Motteru: Tano, Hitoshi, Tamotsu, Sami and Rie are with Mr Rira

Motteru: Find whoever need help and get them to the top of this mountain and regroup before sundown

They split up and head down two different directions of the mountain

Motteru and the others enter a stone work office

They enter it and its dark

They begin crouching and moving

Kai: I think we should-

Motteru: SHHHHHH!

He stops

They hear something moving in the water

Kids: HELP!

Kids scream for help

There are 4 kids and there sitting on a table shaking

Motteru: Hold on here I come!

Motteru: Yugoko, Your up

Yugoko: Right!

He closes his eyes and puts his hand out and push the water making a dry path for the kids to walk on

Motteru: Imma need you all to walk over to me

Kid 1: Nooo I can't!

Kid 1: I'm too scared!

Motteru: Your going to be ok I promise

The kids get down and start holding each others hands

Motteru: Good job!

They walk over towards them

They get over there and the students pick them up

Motteru: Let's get out of here…

Back with Rira…

They are walking on top of rooftops

Rira: Try to keep up please

He says as he effortlessly jump to another rooftop

Rie: Where are we going?

Rira: Where almost there…

Tamotsu: And where is that?

Rira: Stop asking me questions

They arrive at a hospital

The building is big with a lot of windows

They enter it

Rira: Stay on guard and watch your back

They walk around and the hospital is dark

The lights are flickering on and off

Hitoshi: This place is creepy…

They hear a loud explosion outside the hospital

Tano: What was that?

Rira: I don't know….

Rira: Were going out there so be on guard and ready for anything

They run to the outside of the building

With Motteru

They hear the explosion from the other side of the town

Motteru: What was that?

Kai: Lets go the others could be hurt

They run towards the location

Rira see two heroes injured holding their arm and rib

Rira: What's going on?

Tamotsu: That's the hero Shifter and The other hero Lazereye

Rira(Mind): Those are ranked heroes….

Rira(Mind): Shifter is ranked 29 and Lazereye is ranked 35

Rira: What's the situation?

Shifter: We was here to help the civilians but there is a villain here

Rira: Villain?

A man with gray colored skin and he has a sword on his back with a biker jacket on

He walks out a home with a slice of pizza in his hand

Villain: Where were we-

He sees the students and Rira with the Heroes

Villain: You called back up?

Villain: Where is my manners

Villain: I am QuickSlash

QuickSlash: And who are you supposed to be?

Rira: Kids head back to the hill and get Mr Motteru and do not come back

They start running but QuickSlash appears in front of them

QuickSlash: Where are you guys going?

Rira(Mind): Did he just teleport?

QuickSlash: You all are going to die now starting with the kids first!

To be continued…..