
Heroes of Veridia

In the futuristic world of Verida, Evelyn Grace is a highly skilled assassin with advanced cybernetic enhancements, engineered by her powerful and ruthless family. The Grace family, a formidable syndicate, has long sought to exploit Evelyn's unique abilities for their own sinister purposes, keeping her under tight control and manipulation. Desperate to break free from her family's grasp and find her own path, Evelyn embarks on a perilous journey to escape their clutches. However, freedom comes with a price. Her escape sets her on a collision course with other criminal organizations and law enforcement agencies, each eager to either recruit her or eliminate her. The story begins with a tense confrontation. Evelyn has tracked down a high-profile target, a key figure in an opposing syndicate. As she aims her pistol at his head, she delivers a chilling ultimatum, showcasing her unwavering resolve. Despite his futile threats and attempts to resist, Evelyn demonstrates her ruthless efficiency, leaving him incapacitated and bleeding. This encounter is more than just a display of her lethal prowess; it's a message to her family and the world: she will no longer be their pawn. With her target immobilized, Evelyn offers him a choice—to be arrested and potentially survive or to bleed out and die. This calculated move reveals her strategic mind and her willingness to offer mercy, albeit on her terms. As Evelyn navigates the treacherous landscape of Verida, her past and strained relationship with her family are explored. Her parents, who view her as nothing more than a tool to further their empire, become increasingly desperate to regain control over her. Evelyn must contend with betrayals, alliances, and relentless pursuit by those who wish to capture or kill her. Her journey towards freedom is not just a physical escape but also a quest for self-discovery and reclaiming her humanity. Along the way, she encounters allies who challenge her perception of trust and loyalty, forcing her to confront the emotional and psychological scars left by her family's manipulation. In a climactic showdown, Evelyn faces off against her own family, culminating in a battle that will determine her fate. Will she finally sever the chains that bind her, or will she be dragged back into the darkness from which she yearns to escape? Heroes of Verida: Evelyn's Journey is a gripping sci-fi thriller that explores themes of identity, autonomy, and the indomitable spirit of one woman fighting to forge her own destiny amidst the shadows of her past.

Ahmed_Adjei · 若者
7 Chs

Chapter 2

Author: Enjoy!The man's rough hands let go of my neck as he fell to the floor with a thud. I rubbed my neck, staring at his lifeless body on the ground. This is his punishment for touching my beautiful neck with his rough hands.Blood oozed out from the bullet hole in his head. As my eyes moved up to Lucas's unconscious body at the other end of the train section, I noticed the lady who called out to the dead man in front of me going toward him.I quickly took back my pistol from the hands of the dead guy. I aimed my pistol at her and said, "Move away from him." She was a few distance away from him. I have to get him away from her. I don't care what happens to me as long as my friends are safe.The lady smirked at me and proceeded to go toward Lucas, despite my warning. I don't know why I haven't shot her right now. I really want to, in order to save Lucas but some other part of me doesn't want to. "I said move away from him," I warned her again."If you wanted to shoot me, you would have already done so," She huffed, still walking toward him. As she reached her hand out to grab him, I shot her arm, causing her to back away. She grabbed her injured arm, and the blood from her wound got on her palm.I stood there, dumbfounded. How did she not react to the gunshot? I would have been in a lot of pain.She brought her palm up to her face and licked her blood as she stared me in the eye."That's disgusting?" I thought."You will have to repay me for the energy I used to heal my wound," she said. Her hazel eyes glowed in the flickering train lights. My eyes widened in shock as I noticed her fangs become longer. She then wiped the blood off of her arm. The bullet wound had vanished.Sweat formed on my forehead as I started to panic inside. Of all the people I could encounter, I'm standing in front of a fucking vampire. The most powerful creatures in this world. What makes them more terrifying is that they can move in the sun.If I don't get rid of her now, I will be in trouble. However, my priority is to get Lucas out of here."You know something? That sniper," She gestured to the dead guy at my feet, "the one that killed him. He must be skilled because my crows have been patrolling the surroundings and they haven't seen anyone. And the fact that he shot him on a moving train, I must pay him a visit and give him a prize for his hard work,"I noticed a crow flying beside the train. "Is she trying to get me to shoot it so she can locate my soldier?" I thought.She can search all she wants. What she doesn't know is that the person who shot the man is nearby. He will be invincible the whole time unless he moves, hiding among everyone.I have the ability to control three trained soldiers. There were two with guns around outside, while one had entered the train on my command. Seeing as she keeps talking, I'm sure she hasn't noticed. I will make him get Lucas out of here and wait for the hero's arrival."What do you people want from him?" I asked.She placed her finger on her chin as if to think of her answer. "We don't need him. It's his ability we want," she said."He's never going to work with you. Lucas always wanted to become a hero. There's no way he will ever work with people like you," I said to her.She eyed my body and licked her lips as she smiled at me. "I wonder what those lips would taste like on mine," she said.A naughty thought of her closer to me appeared in my mind, causing my face to warm up. I shook my head and said, "I will never do that with you."She smiled seductively, asking, "Do what?""Nothing. Move away from him or I will empty the magazine in your head," I threatened. I saw my soldier running toward us from behind her. The crow that was flying beside the train was gone. She must have noticed him, but I don't what's stopping her from intercepting him.As soon as he gets close, I'm going to shoot her. I have already made her a target so there's no way I'm going to miss her.My ability also allows me to target people, max, three people at a time, and, once you become my target, there's no way you are going to evade my bullet.The soldier opened the door to this train section, causing a loud noise. The lady turned back in surprise. As soon as she saw my soldier, she sprinted toward him. She was fast, but once you become my target, it's over for you. Or so I thought.As the bullet from one of my snipers reached her, she caught it in her hands and turned to me. "I knew it," she said.I fired my pistol, hitting her in her forehead. Her head jerked back due to the shot. She stopped for a moment before looking at me, the bullet came out of her skin, and her forehead healed. "You-" She began but I did not let her continue.I ordered my soldier to take Lucas away as I continued to shoot at her in the same spot. As I was shooting, I was moving toward her. The soldier carried Lucas on his shoulder and sprinted away.My bullets depleted when I was almost closer to her. She raised her head and looked at me. She had an angry look on her face. "I thought I told you healing takes a lot of my energy," She hissed.She threw the bullet in her hand at me, hitting my shoulder. I screamed in pain as I fell to my knees. She turned on her heels, attempting to go after them. Due to her being in a hurry, she forgot about my sniper. The bullet passed through her head with much force, sending her crashing into the side of the train.This gave the soldier enough time to get off of the train with Lucas. "I have to go after them," I groaned through the pain. Holding my bloody shoulder, I got up to my feet and limped toward the door to the other train section.A smile appeared on my face as I opened the door. But it soon disappeared when I felt a hand wrap around my waist. She placed her face beside mine and said to me, "If they shoot me, you are the one going to die. I used up a lot of energy because of you. What are you going to do to repay me?" Her warm body pressed against mine."I don't owe you anything." I hissed. Her hand moved up to my injured shoulder. I screamed in pain when she pushed her finger into the wound. "Why don't you just kill me? you bloodsucker," I managed to let out. The pain was too much to handle. The loss of blood is making me dizzy.She made me face her and harshly pushed me against the door. "You made my target escape. You're coming with me whether you like it or not," She whispered. She brought her finger to her lips and licked my blood while smiling at me.My eyelids were closing, and I knew I would lose consciousness anytime soon. "Wake up!" She barked. She then pressed my shoulder with her palm, bringing me back to my senses."What the fuck do you want from me?" I shouted back at her."I need you to stay alive for me," she said.I huffed and said, "Good luck keeping me alive." She stared at me as if impressed by my response.A helicopter descended to the side of the train. I tried to call for help, but she did the unexpected. She placed her lips on mine to stop me. I could taste my blood as well as hers on her lips. I tried to push her away, but I had no strength.Upon noticing some heroes get on the train, she carried me onto her shoulder and jumped out through the window. I don't know if it's because of her blood or something else, but the dizziness is going away, and I can't feel the pain in my shoulder anymore.All this made me fatigued, so I just closed my eyes and let fate take control.

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