
Wine Of Soul

Down in the dining room, the three heroes sat down at the table, eager to start their day. They had all just woken up, and they were still adjusting to their new surroundings. The table was laden with food, and they looked at it with interest. Some of the dishes were familiar to them, but others were completely new.

The heroes could not wait any longer. As soon as the maids placed the last dish on the table, they pounced on it like a pack of hungry wolves. They had not eaten anything for almost a day, and they were starving. They shoveled food into their mouths, barely chewing before swallowing.

"Leave that shit, you don't need it!" Jasem shouted as he snatched a plate full of sausages from Dean's hands. Jasem was desperate for protein, and he didn't want to share his food with anyone. 

"Stop acting like savages! There's enough food on the table for everyone," Adam said as he returned to his seat after getting what he needed. But before he could start eating, he found his plate had become almost empty suddenly.

He raised his head and looked around the table for the bastard who had stolen his food. His eyes widened in disbelief when he saw Dean, his cheeks so full of food that they looked like they were about to explode.

Adam's eyes widened in anger as he saw Dean eating his food. He grabbed the plate and threw it at Dean, hitting him on the head. The plate shattered, and the food scattered across the table. 

"Stop stealing my food, you thief!" Adam shouted at Dean, who was coughing on the floor. Dean's wound on his head had started to heal, but he was still in pain. Jasem, on the other hand, was laughing uncontrollably, his mouth full of food.

Dean stood up, supported by the maids who had come to his aid. He was still in pain, but he was determined to get up. He took a deep breath and drank some water.

"I almost died there, you idiot!" Dean shouted, tears welling up in his eyes. He was still in pain from being hit by the plate, and he was furious with Adam for throwing it at him.

"Don't touch my food again," Adam said, grabbing another plate and starting to get some food from the few remaining dishes that were left on the table. He was angry with Dean and Jasem for eating all of his food, and he was determined to make sure that they didn't take any more.

After a few minutes, Jasem, who had finished eating, wiped his mouth and looked at Adam. "So," he said, "what were you saying about what you found in the library earlier?"

Adam nodded and placed his knife and fork down. He looked at Jasem and Dean directly. "Well, a lot of the things I found were the regular boring stuff like how the kingdom was formed and the names of the other countries and so on," he said.

Jasem and Dean didn't care about that. They wanted something good, like what powers they had or how to go back to Earth. They didn't care about what country was north of them or when this place was formed. They listened silently to Adam as he kept talking, hoping that he would eventually get to the good stuff.

"So I kept looking through the books until I found a book named {Living in a New World}," Adam said. Dean stopped eating immediately, his eyes widening in interest. Jasem, who was leaning back in his chair, leaned forward and placed his hands under his chin, becoming more focused on Adam as he continued to talk.

"The book was written by someone named Ahmad Sultan," Adam said. "He claimed that he was summoned to this world as he was playing a football match for his national team in the World Cup back in 1994."

Dean didn't care about that. He didn't know who Ahmad Sultan was, but Jasem knew him immediately. Jasem loved to watch old videos of sports events, especially football matches from the 1990s. He loved the simpler rules and the more physical style of play.

"I know who that is," Jasem said. "If I remember correctly, they reported that he ran out of the stadium at halftime during a World Cup match and no one could find him after that. But that was a few hundred years ago."

Adam nodded slowly as he heard that. He continued speaking, explaining his story more to them. 

"Well, it seems that he ended up here and died here as well after failing to kill the Demon Lord at that time. But that doesn't matter at all. What matters is what he wrote in this book. There is a lot of information in it that could help us a lot."

Adam stretched his hand out to the air, and a book appeared in his hand suddenly as he was pulling it back. The two were surprised by what they saw.

"How did you do that!?" Dean asked, almost jumping on top of the table in excitement.

"That's one of the things I learned from this book," Adam said. "It's called [Space Storage]. It's part of the heroes' power, so you two should have it as well."

"How do we use it?" Dean asked eagerly, his eyes wide with excitement. Adam was busy looking through the book, and Dean was impatient to learn about this new power he had.

"Just say [Space Storage] out loud or in your head and you will be able to activate it," Adam said. Dean raised his hand in front of him, closed his eyes, and concentrated. He could feel the power coursing through his body, and then suddenly, a window appeared in front of him. The window was filled with slots, and Dean smiled widely. 

Jasem looked at what Dean was pointing at, but he couldn't see anything at all. He shook his head in confusion, then tried the same thing Dean did and activated his [Space Storage]. Suddenly, a window appeared in front of him, and he gasped in surprise.

While Dean and Jasem were experiencing with their new abilities, Adam, who had found what he was looking for in the book, started speaking again. This time, he tried to lower his voice.

"Guys, come here and take a look at this," Adam said, his voice hushed. Dean and Jasem stood up from their seats and went over to Adam, who was holding a book written in Arabic. 

{On that forsaken day when I went with the high priest to the church as he made me drink that red wine with which they greeted me, I felt as if chains had appeared on my heart and were preventing me from disobeying anything they asked of me, if only I could go back in time, I would break that cup before I put it in my mouth, it's all his fault, damn you Fred, you tricked me to meet my end you bastard.}

Dean and Jasem's eyes widened in shock as they read the Arabic text in the book. They had never studied Arabic before, but they were able to read and understand every word. They were even more surprised by what was written in the book, which was something they had never expected at all. They looked at Adam who closed the book and put it back in his storage

"Are you sure what was written there was true?" Dean asked Adam, who nodded slowly in response. He had confirmed the information himself by looking for the drink that Ahmad had written about in his book and finding more about it in his own research. He reached into his storage and pulled out a page of paper, handing it to Dean and Jasem.

"I couldn't just believe him immediately, not after seeing what was written there. I had to find out for myself. So I started looking through books for the drink he described, and I found this." Adam said as he showed the page he took from a book to his friends, who started reading it immediately. Their eyes widened in shock as they realized what they were reading.

[Wine Of Soul]

This recipe is for making the Wine Of Soul that make you own the soul of the drinker as he wouldn't be able to refuse anything you say to him and would follow your orders completely.


Red wine - Brown Rice - 1 Drop of Black Essence - The Target used clothes - Holy Water - Leaf Of Happiness.

As they read the details of the recipe, they immediately started to panic. They looked at Adam, who seemed to be calm even though they had just found out that these people were going to harm them.

"What should we do?" asked the frightened Dean, who was afraid to lose his freedom at the second day in this place that he had a lot of things to do at. He looked at Adam, who stood up while smiling, revealing a wicked grin that sent chills down Dean's spine.

"We go to the church", The two were confused as to why they would go to the church after reading what the former hero had written, but Adam answered before they could say anything.

"We need to go to the church to get the Holy Boards. They will give us the knowledge we need to use the rest of our powers, since every hero has different powers from the other."

Dean and Jasem stayed silent for a few moments before Dean started whispering again. "But the drink, what should we do when they offer us?"

"Just say you're still too young to drink, and if they insist, just carry it with you. No matter what, don't drink it." Adam said

Jasem and Dean exchanged a silent look, their eyes filled with determination. They nodded in unison as the door to the dining room opened and Hammam entered.

"The carriage is waiting for you outside," Hammam said. "Are you ready?"

Adam tucked the page back into his storage, his eyes glinting with determination. He turned to Jasem and Dean, who were already following him out of the room.

"Let's go," he said.

The three friends walked out of the room and down the hallway, their footsteps echoing in the silence woundering if this was the last thing they will do with their own free will 

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