
Urgent Matters!

Waking up on another sunless morning Jasem yawned as he stretched his arms and back before he started looking around while rubbing his eyes

looking around and seeing that almost everyone were still asleep made him a little happier early in the morning as he took pride in being the first one up every time

Putting on his clothes Jasem washed his face quickly before he started stretching his legs and arms, it was the time for his morning routine that he hasn't done in a long time after he was imprisoned

His excitement was at all time high as he couldn't wait for the pump he would feel after this short session he was gonna make before that excitement turned to worries after realizing there isn't much space here to run in

looking at the people who was lying around and the destroyed buildings that blocked the roads Jasem who was warming up was hoping a way for him to run, but unfortunately he gave up after a few minutes