
The Second Date!

Staring at the Huge explosion that lit up the sky the four stood there without doing anything for a moment as a million idea scatred through thier minds

Nadeya and Dadan glanced at each other briefly before the two disappeared as Lillian attack sliced the tree that stood around the two

"Come on, I missed seeing your blood," Lillian said to Dadan, who smiled at her.

Lillian's eyes were filled with a predatory gleam, and her smile was cruel. She was clearly enjoying the thought of hurting Dadan.

Dadan, on the other hand, was not afraid. He knew that Lillian was powerful, but he also knew that he was stronger. He was not going to let her hurt him.

"Don't worry, we're going to spend a long time together this time," Dadan said to the Kishu 

Dadan's eyes were filled with a mischievous glint as he spoke, and his smile was wide. He knew that he was getting to Lillian, and he was enjoying it.