
The Noble Girls

A few hours after the sun had risen, Dean awoke from a restful sleep, finding himself nestled in Luna's embrace. Her presence had kept him comfortable throughout the night, and he couldn't help but smile as he gazed at her peaceful slumber.

Not wanting to disturb her, Dean sat up and stretched, preparing to rise and check on the others. He needed to discuss yesterday's events with them. However, just as he was about to stand, his attention was caught by Adam, who was waving and shouting in excitement upon seeing Dean awaken.

"Good morning! Please wake Luna and join us over here immediately," Adam called out, his face beaming with happiness.

Curious about the source of Adam's elation, Dean nodded in acknowledgement before Adam returned to his previous position. Dean's gaze shifted back to Luna, his heart filled with gratitude for the comfort she had provided him. Leaning closer to her beautiful face, he gently placed a few soft kisses on her lips, hoping to convey his appreciation. Luna began to stir, her eyes fluttering open to find Dean smiling down at her.

"Good morning, beautiful," Dean greeted her with a tender voice, his smile widening. He then leaned in for a lingering kiss, eliciting a soft moan from Luna before he slowly pulled away.

"Master?!" Luna's face flushed crimson at the intimate moment, her smile mirrored Dean's. She had anticipated more, but he rose to his feet instead.

Dean observed the disappointment in Luna's eyes and reassured her with a gentle touch to her cheek, "Don't worry, we'll have some fun later. But now, Adam wants to talk to us."

Luna sighed, understanding his priorities, and nodded in agreement. She obediently followed Dean as they made their way towards the gathering spot.

As Dean led the way, he abruptly halted upon seeing three unfamiliar girls seated with Adam and Jasem, engaged in conversation and laughter. Perplexed, Dean questioned, "What's going on here?"

Adam waved them over, inviting them to join the group. He proceeded to introduce Dean and Luna to the girls, who appeared startled and apprehensive upon catching sight of Luna.

"Girls, this is my friend Dean and Luna, whom I mentioned earlier," Adam introduced, trying to ease their unease.

Dean glanced at the girls with a puzzled expression, wondering why they were present. In contrast, Luna settled down immediately, having already met them before.

The girls cautiously observed Luna, their fear stemming from the absence of chains, concerned that she might pose a threat. Adam, sensing their unease, placed a reassuring hand on Luna's head as he addressed them.

"Don't worry, she is friendly, and we trust her completely," Adam assured the girls. They smiled awkwardly, still harboring some doubts, before Adam withdrew his hand from Luna's head and proceeded to introduce the girls to Dean, who was still standing.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention. This girl is Samar Howladow, the daughter of Count Cain Howladow of Tharban," Adam said, gesturing towards the purple-haired girl. As Dean's eyes met Samar's, his heart raced, captivated by her stunning beauty. His hand trembled slightly as he shook hers, offering a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you," Dean greeted her, his voice filled with genuine warmth. He couldn't help but feel a magnetic connection to Samar.

Adam then introduced the other two girls seated beside Samar, Catherine and Hailey Sangreed, who hailed from the noble Sangreed family managing the western territory of the Kingdom. Dean's excitement grew as he took in the charm and elegance of these two ladies. Likewise, he politely extended his hand to each of them, captivated by their grace.

For a fleeting moment, Dean marveled at the presence of these three girls from prominent noble families. He turned to Adam, his confusion evident as he wondered why they were all gathered here.


Adam, who had a keen understanding of Dean's thoughts, responded with a bright smile, eager to address the unspoken question.

"I know what you're pondering, and allow me to clarify the situation. These girls were attending a lackluster formal event in Tharban, growing increasingly bored. Seeking a thrilling adventure, they ventured into the nearby forest, inadvertently straying too far from their guards and ending up here yesterday."

Dean, hearing this, glanced at the girls who sheepishly smiled and waved at him. Turning back to Adam, he posed the most obvious question that anyone in their predicament would ask.

"If that's the case, why are they still here? Their families must be frantic, actively searching. We need to ensure their safe return."

Dean understood that as long as these girls remained missing, their families would tirelessly scour the area, increasing the risk of getting caught themselves. The wanted posters plastered everywhere made matters even more perilous, as they could easily be mistaken for the kidnappers.

On the contrary, Adam and Jasem appeared unfazed, smiling at Dean's confusion. Adam proceeded to answer his query.

"That's precisely why I brought you both here. We will escort these three lovely girls back to Tharban as swiftly as possible."

Dean, assuming Adam was joking, chuckled nervously before whispering, making sure the girls couldn't overhear.

"You can't be serious, right?"

Adam shook his head and, with a warm smile, looked at the girls. Rising to his feet, he motioned for Jasem to join him.

"No joke, my friend. Gather your belongings; we'll be departing shortly."

Skeptical, Dean stood up and halted the duo's departure. Whispering, he gestured towards a secluded spot, requesting a moment to speak privately.

"Can we have a quick chat over there? I need to wrap my head around this."

Adam, comprehending Dean's concerns, nodded, and accompanied him. Jasem, though uninterested, reluctantly followed when Adam nudged him.

Once they were far enough from the girls, who were merrily playing with Luna, touching her ears and hair, Dean wasted no time expressing his dissent, finding their plan utterly foolish.

"What is going through your mind? You want us to venture into a town where our faces are practically plastered on every wall, walking straight into the jaws of death?"

Adam, understanding Dean's apprehension, attempted to reassure him with a reassuring smile.

"Fear not, Samar has assured us that her father will reward us handsomely for bringing her home safely. We may even find an ally there if we play our cards right. Besides, we can seek assistance from him."

Jasem nodded in agreement while Dean, incredulous, stared at Adam with wide eyes before voicing his concerns.

"What if they're deceiving us? What if, the moment we return, they turn the tables and accuse us of wrongdoing? Not to mention the countless wanted posters featuring our faces. Are you truly willing to gamble your freedom for girls whose background remains a mystery?"

Adam let out a sigh, acknowledging the validity of Dean's points. He knew just how dire their situation had become, unable to traverse the main roads without risking capture.

He wanted to say how they would benefit from this and convence Dean, but Jasem had enough of Dean's doubting and talking back, so he started speaking suddenly airing his own thoughts.

"Listen here you murdering piece of shit, we gonna follow this plan we put together either you like it or not, your voice doesn't matter anymore after what you did"

Adam wanted to express the benefits of their plan, but Jasem, who had grown tired of Dean's doubt, abruptly interrupted.

"Listen here, you murdering piece of shit! We're going to follow this plan we put together, whether you like it or not. Your voice doesn't matter anymore after what you did."

Dean, who had been avoiding Jasem as much as possible, didn't look at him and kept his gaze fixed on Adam as he spoke again.

"Dude, it's not worth the headache, and deep down, you know this is a bad idea. Please, let us continue what we were doing before and keep running until we reach the Sharqi Kingdom, where we can find safety from the Church and everyone else."

Adam, who had started to have second thoughts about the plan after hearing Dean's concerns, pondered it. However, Jasem, determined to go to Tharban, aggressively pushed Dean, causing him to fall to the ground, shouting at him.

"Shut your mouth and pack your things. We're done with this conversation."

The girls, witnessing the escalating tension, flinched and released their grip on Luna's ears, sensing her growing worry for her master.

Dean, finally fed up with Jasem, stood up and pushed him back, causing Jasem to unexpectedly tumble to the ground.

"I've had enough of your shit! Since the moment we arrived here, you've been a pain in the ass. How can't you see that this is a terrible idea, you stupid idiot?"

Jasem, stunned by Dean's ability to push him down, stared at him with surprise before shouting as he got back to his feet.

"Me? A pain in the ass? Aren't you the one who slaughtered an entire village just because they said something you didn't like?"

"So you'd rather they killed me instead? You know I had no choice but to defend myself."

Jasem's laughter echoed upon hearing Dean's justification, and he headbutted Dean, expecting him to be hurt. However, he was taken aback when Dean stood his ground without flinching.

After a few moments of intense staring, Jasem spoke again.

"What about that old man? Did he also want to kill you?"

Dean, fully aware that Jasem was trying to provoke him and paint him as the villain, sighed and chose not to respond. Instead, he turned to Adam, who stood nearby without intervening.

"Are we going or not?"

Dean asked Adam, who was torn between calming the situation and answering Dean's question, watching his friends engage in a physical altercation before him.

"Listen, let's calm down and-"

Adam couldn't finish his sentence before Jasem, feeling disrespected by Dean, punched him in the face, sending Dean flying backward, colliding with a tree.

The girls gasped in shock at the sight, prompting Luna to rush forward and stand protectively in front of her injured master, ready to defend him from Jasem, who stood before her.

Bleeding from his mouth, Dean quickly regained his footing and pushed Luna aside. He then locked eyes with Jasem, who stared back at him with seriousness, as Dean asked a question loaded with consequences.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Jasem laughed upon hearing Dean's question, removing his shirt to reveal his sculpted muscles that resembled a godlike figure. The girls couldn't help but be awestruck by his physique.

"Didn't I tell you he was a perfect man," Samar said to her friends, who nodded unconsciously, their attention now captured by Jasem's imposing presence.

"I feel bad for him," one of the girls murmured.

"Yeah, he's going to need a healer soon," another added, their sympathy directed towards Dean, assuming he would be defeated in this confrontation.

Jasem discarded his shirt, stretching his muscles before focusing his gaze on Dean, exuding confidence.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I have some built-up frustration that needs releasing, and you'll be the perfect outlet for that."

Jasem, consumed by anger ever since he learned where they were, locked eyes with Dean, cracking his knuckles in anticipation, ready to unleash his pent-up frustration and negative energy through his fists upon Dean's face.