
Heroes For Hire: Night Moves

.The theft of an obscure and ancient diary from the Metropolitan museum of art. A series of unsolved disappearances in Chinatown. A ghostly apparition. are these isolated incidents, or are they segments of a greater whole? Attacks by the Silver Samurai and Si Fan assassins provide some clues for the Heroes For Hire, who are drawn into a maelstrom of gang activity spreading throughout New York City. The stage is set for a whirlwind introduction to the underworld of tongs and ganglords. A search for The "Celestial One" becomes a matter of life and death for the Heroes For Hire, who may not live to see the Imperial Dawn... I do not own Heroes For Hire, or any associated Marvel Comics characters, or the cover art for this work of fiction. This work is intended to be the middle segment of a trilogy following the exploits of various Heroes For Hire characters, the trilogy is titled: The Gang Wars. this book was preceded by After Midnight, and will be concluded by the third installment: Night Life.

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Night Moves

The next day, Heroes For Hire sends all of their agents i to the field to establish connections and further investigate the current case. Later in the evening, the newest incarnation of Heroes For Hire's 'Daughters of the dragon' group patrols Chinatown. Its members are Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, and Black Cat.


On their walkie-talkie they hear the excited voice of Wu Fong, "come in Daughters of the Dragon! One of the Tiger's Claw reports that a shopkeeper in the amusement arcade near the Chinatown museum is being robbed. Please respond immediately!"


They were on a narrow Chinatown street that formed a sleazy amusement arcade. Standing before their garish shops, jabbering vendors tried to lure them into their shops to view the "dancing chicken" or a look at "the salamander-with-3-tongues". They ignore their calls, as several frightened citizens ran towards them! From the fear in their eyes, there was obviously something horrible afoot. "Phantoms!" they cry in Mandarin. "Phantoms in the snake house!"

Up the street was seen a shop with a huge snake-shaped sign on the roof. The sign read: "The Snake House" and "Monsters of The Orient" in twisting snake-like letters. A smaller sign hanging above the door said: "$5 for adults, $3 for children under 12".

Several figures wearing green tong costumes emerged from the door brandishing glistening blades and sparkling shuriken. People screamed and ran in all directions. The tongs were followed out the door by a large man hefting a sack over his broad shoulder. With sparkling steel traditional Japanese armor, and a glittering adamantium katana, he could only be one person...the Silver Samurai!


The daughters attempt to stop the Silver Samurai but Colleen is personally defeated and humiliated by him. Because of the importance of his mission, Silver Samurai could not take the time to continue battling the heroes. He said, "I must delay killing you, for now. But for my honor's sake we shall meet again!" he then teleported, leaving the tongs to fight against the heroes. The 6 remaining Si Fan assassins move in to attack once more but are handily defeated by the heroes. A few attempt to escape when the tide of battle turns but are successfully captured by black cat. 


When the danger of battle ceased the shopkeeper came running from inside. Tears streamed down his face. He ranted and raved. "My children!" he cried. "my beautiful children were stolen by that bastard samurai!"

"Children were abducted?" Misty asks urgently.

It is then revealed that by 'Children', he meant his serpents. After he had relatively calmed down, he was more pliable for questioning. "Why did the Silver Samurai steal snakes?" Misty asked.

The saddened shop owner had no idea why his pets were stolen. "That fearsome samurai seemed to know exactly which of my beloveds he wanted.", said the old man as he burst into fresh tears.

"Did he say anything?" Misty queried.

"Yes…" the old man hesitantly replied. "As he pulled the snakes from their terrariums he said something like, 'these shall warm the dead heart of the Celestial One'."

"Who is the Celestial One?"

The shopkeeper is unsure. "Isn't he Buddha?" muttered the old man.

"Where did the Silver Samurai and tongs even come from?" She then asked as she looked around the shop for an unconventional entry point.

"The samurai just appeared suddenly in the middle of the room after the flash of a blinding light. The tong ninja seemed to crawl from the shadows all around him. They frightened away all my tourist customers with their flashing blades and glaring eyes."


Chapter 8: the coil of the Constrictor

It is Iron Fist, and Daredevil who were observing Chinatown from a store rooftop when the incident occured.


"Screams of terror echoed through the cool night air. Down the street, something had occurred to cause people to swarm out of a movie theater.

A taxi cab screeched its brakes to avoid hitting the panicked pedestrians and swerved off the road! It plowed over a fire hydrant and rammed into the front of a jewelry store. Standing in the spray of water, greedy pedestrians began to loot items from the destroyed display window of the jewelry store. They were totally oblivious that a huge electrical sign precariously swung high over their heads. The long sign weighed over 300 lbs and read: 'Egg Roll Emperor' in flashing red lights. It hung from five stories above the street. It had been dislodged from the building by the taxi's impact. If the signs electrical components contacted the water thousands of lethal amperes would be sent through the bodies of the ten looting pedestrians.


Daredevil swings down to the street from the sign of a shop and landed heavily befote the looters. As he tried to persuade them from continuing their unlawful actions the sign breaks free and Iron Fist must use a chi-focused punch to break the sign to smithereens and skew its projected coyrse enough to miss the pedestrians. As a burst of sparks and fragmented sign scrap cascaded down in a torrent, a small number of the terrified onlookers explained to them the gravity if the situation within the theater. A small group of gangsters from 'The Faces of Fear' had been chased into the theater by a horde of ninja, where they are locked in a fierce battle. Several frightened citizens were still trapped inside, cowering in fear between the rows of seats.

As Iron Fist and Daredevil rush into the theater the Constrictor is killing one of the Faces Of Fear Thugs with one of his deadly electric tentacles. In the screen 'Enter The Dragon' (a famous Bruce Lee martial arts film) was playing. As Bruce Lee yelled triumphantly and defeated his fors with flying kicks and bone-crushing elbow smashes, the heroes did the same to their own enemies. Throughout the battle Iron Fist and Daredevil jest about Bruce Lee's true fighting prowess. "If i fought him, he'd be bruised Lee." Iron Fist says.

"I would beat up him and his precious Chuck Norris." Daredevil fires back.


After the fight none of the Faces if Fear or Dragonlords will face up to the heroes questions. They were too afraid of their bosses. The Constrictor only admits he had been hired to help the Dragonlords eliminate the Faces of Fear, but will not disclose the identity of his employer.