
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 9 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

Never get in the car with a stranger.

That was a lesson that my mother told me, though in her oh-so-elegant words it was 'don't get butt jacked'.Chances are if she were to see me now, she'd be wondering why the hell I was a ginger and then slap me when she found out I had willingly gotten into the car of not just a complete and utter stranger, but someone that was technically ever so slightly a bad guy.

I just hoped Touya and Fuyumi would make better life choices than me.

"What's wrong Endeavour? You seem on edge. Well, more on edge than you've seemed recently." Rikiya Yotsubashi, better known as Re-Destro, reclined in the seat of his car, smiling as we were chauffeured to the current headquarters of the Detnerat Company.

I shrugged, trying not to let my irritation be known. I hadn't gotten a chance to really say goodbye to Rei or the kids this morning, and had been rushed into my hero suit so fast I was fairly certain that at least something was on backwards. Not to mention the fact that a villain had just knocked on my door like a nosey neighbor. "Sorry, I dislike having other people drive for me."

It wasn't really a lie, I hated being driven places by people I didn't trust.

Rikiya laughed, "Is that so? Well it shouldn't be for too much longer, so bear with it will you?"

I grunted and nodded.

The silence that followed didn't sit well with Rikiya, and he ran a hand through his full orange hair and gave a nervous chuckle. "I should perhaps apologize for showing up at your house unannounced. You see, when I became aware of your recent actions as a hero, I knew that I had to meet with you."

"I'm not interested in a sponsorship, if that's what you're offering." I crossed my arms and reclined back. On the one hand, I shouldn't be too outwardly hostile towards him as I really didn't want to fight him if I could avoid it. But at the same time, I wasn't sure if I should be doing business with him.

Rikiya gave a dejected sigh. "I had expected as much, but I am interested in your views."


"And I believe you are as well, that's why you agreed to this didn't you?"

I shook my head. "Anyone willing to show up to my front door is the type of person that would do so again until I heard them out. I'm here for my own benefit."

"Haha, sorry! I did try calling your agency, but your voicemail was full."

Intentionally! I didn't like random people calling me. The only people that had my cellphone number were Rei, All Might, and Nezu. Well, those were the only ones whose phone calls I didn't dread. It was one of the few things that Endeavour and I actually had in common. Though, he was a more shrewd businessman than me.

Rikiya clapped his hands. "I'm glad my apparent persistence has already paid off."

"So, what exactly do you want?" I asked.

He gave a smarmy smile and pushed his hair back again. "I simply wish to judge your character, to get to know you better, and perhaps, put us on the road to becoming steadfast allies."

Was I being recruited into the Meta Liberation Army?

Was the liberation army even re-founded yet?

Could I prevent its founding?

Maybe I could even repurpose it from an actual fighting force to a more peaceful organization. I needed more information and a long talk with Nezu after this.

"Fine, I'll hear what you have to say" I grunted. Well, I already was in their car, on the way to their headquarters. "But, Rikiya, how old are you?"

"Oh me? I'm twenty-three, not too much younger than you are."

Twenty-three and the CEO and president of a whole company? Then again, I was the number two pro hero with two kids and a wife at the age of 25. Still, if he was that young, there was a decent chance that he might be planning on forming the MLA soon, but he could also be pushed off of that path.

"You must be rather impressive if you were able to gain control of a company at such a young age."

Rikiya gave a flattered laugh.


The tour of the company felt like the first initial run down any place would give you once they decided you were worth hiring. Here's the toilet, here's our copy room, here's the break room, here's where the magic happens, here's where we'd commit crimes, if we were doing any of that.

Rikiya showed off a lot of their products as well, a fireproof clothing line, transformation resistant clothing, and various other items designed to just improve the lifestyle of those that had quirks. They were a company filling in a niche that quirks had brought about. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with anything that I was shown or told.

But under the surface, I still wasn't sure about their motives.

This was a man that in twenty years would kill his own employee for making fun of his bald head.

He wasn't a villain, not yet, but unlike Shigaraki, he was still an adult.

Damn, this was too much responsibility for me all of a sudden.

"And this!" Rikiya stepped out of the elevator with a flourish, showing off what I assumed to be his office, a large table with a diorama sat in the middle of the room, which showed a small town in the mountains. "Are our plans for the future. You see, we're doing rather well for how young our company is, which is a testament to how many people have quirks that make living a normal life difficult. We're planning on relocating to Deika City; once we're there we're going to integrate ourselves with the city and attempt to promote growth and stability. A modern company town, if you will."

"How ambitious," I said, glancing down at the city. How on earth were they going to get a city that massive to turn into mostly supporters of the MLA? Then again, maybe things like that were more possible in heavily populated areas? "Wouldn't that be a bit too taxing to make a real impact on a city this size?"

"Oh, that's the expected growth after twenty or so years, the city is actually much smaller now, but I hope to see it swell with like minded individuals in the future."

Ahh, so his power base wasn't that great yet. Still, he finally slipped up and gave me something to target. All my years of talking politics on facebook and getting mad at my uncle were about to pay off. "What do you mean by like-minded individuals?"

Like a true businessman Rikiya didn't even blink. "Exactly what I said, and I'd like to think you're in that group Endeavour, given what you've said several times now."

Well, shit.

I remained silent, doing my best to keep my face neutral as I considered everything. I hadn't found him doing anything illegal yet, and even if I did, I was just supposed to fight those using their quirks. White collar stuff wasn't something heroes were supposed to deal with. Even if I baited him with my knowledge to confess he's trying to restart the Meta Liberation Army, there was nothing that I could do as a hero. Not until he used his quirk, at least. And quite frankly, I wasn't entirely certain I wanted to fight his quirk. Not alone at any rate.

Rikiya walked over to a bookshelf and calmly pulled out a book with a red and black cover. "This is the Meta Liberation War, written by Chikara Yotsubashi, better known as Destro, leader of the Meta Liberation Army. Have you read it?"

"I have not," I unfolded my arms and accepted the book when it was presented to me. "Though, I am familiar with our recent history."

"We were children at the time, we could barely say that we lived through it."

I grunted and looked at the book. It's edges were worn, the corners were rounded, and there was wear on the pages. This was a book that had been read many times. "But the memories are still there."

Rikiya nodded, turning to lean his back against the table. "True, but, what are your thoughts on their cause? Many people are claiming that you're a supporter of the Meta Liberation Army."

"The idea that people should be free to use their quirks is a good one." I admitted turning the book over in my hand. I glanced at it for a second before keeping my eyes squarely on Rikiya. "The original quirk laws were designed to make people forget about quirks, to try and keep that pre-quirk society intact."

"Yes, yes, that's it, that's it." Rikiya nodded, a smile growing on his face.

"When they were designed the majority of people were still quirkless, nearly half I believe. But, as time went on and more and more people were born with quirks, many began to feel that those laws were strangling their ability to live happily. What was the point of flying if you could only use that quirk if you wanted to become a hero? Why couldn't someone that could make flowers bloom become a florist? To those who wanted to use their quirk, it was become a hero, or become a villain."

Rikiya continued to nod, his eyes closed. Clearly I was preaching to the choir.

"Now, it's possible to work for the government and receive a quirk permit, but that's still not comfortable for some people." I let out a sigh and felt the weight of the book in my hand. I could all but feel the value that Rikiya put into this book. To him it was the only way he had to communicate with his father. "So yes, I do believe that the laws should be changed."

I walked forward and handed him back his book. "But not through terrorism."

Rikiya's smile vanished, and a dark blob appeared on his face. "What? How could you say that he's a terrorist! They were fighting for our rights! How—"

"Twenty One Years Ago!" My voice boomed, stopping Rikiya in his tracks. I let my anger get the best of me, and I could feel my flames roaring. I reached down into the depths of Endeavour's mind and pulled out his earliest memory. "I was four. I was staying with my grandmother while I was waiting for my parents to get back from the hospital. I was going to have a new sister. Destro, in the name of quirk liberation, bombed a civilian train station."

It was true for Endeavour. In most memories, I could tell what he was feeling, but this time was different, I found myself shaking despite the calmness in my voice.

Rikiya said nothing, just stared down as he began to shake, that black appearing and vanishing on his face over and over again.

"Acts of terror are the worst way to get change to come. They turn the hearts of the very people you're trying to save against you, and they destroy sympathy." I calmed myself down and ran my head over my hair, putting out the fire that had sprouted there.

Rikiya was shaking, and I wasn't sure if it was anger at what I said, or the frustration that came with being unable to convince people into your way of thinking. Maybe both? He had called me here thinking I would be a future ally for him. He sniffed, and wiped his nose slightly. "Then, how do we make change?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm just being a hero, and trying to do what I think is right. For some reason, people are listening to that. I didn't want to start changing things. But, like you said, people are talking about it."

"It pains me to admit it." Rikiya choked out, smiling as he looked at his father's book. "But, I do think you're right."

Well that was easy.

Was talking to people really that easy?

Wait, this was an anime world, talk-no-jutsu was all powerful.

"But, I actually want to change the laws. I want people to be free to use their quirks. I don't know of any way but this."

I scratched the back of my head and shrugged. "I'm just a meathead with a big mouth and too many opinions, but, I think if you make your opinions known, and then wait for the time to be right, you might be able to make a decent run as a politician."

"Ha!" Rikiya let out a shrill laugh, that turned into a real gut buster that had him clutching onto his stomach. After nearly a minute, he gathered himself. "I think I might try that Endeavour. Thank you."

"No problem," I extended a hand out towards him. "Just don't ask me to speak on your behalf. I'll vote for you if I like you, but I want to stay out of politics."

"Completely understandable." Rikiya shoved the book into my hand and shook it hard. "I doubt this will change your mind, but why not give it a read anyways? It may help you understand me a bit more."

Great, now I was getting homework from a future villain I just turned into an aspiring politician. Soon the future was going to be drastically different from the one I knew about. But, that was what Nezu and All Might were trying to do, right?

I wonder how this would affect it.

I hope I'd still be able to enjoy time with my family.

We left on amicable terms, with me choosing to give Rikiya my phone number purely so he wouldn't randomly show up at my doorstep.