
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 7 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

Hitoshi and Momo vs Denki and Kyoka

"Next up" All Might announced, picking two new balls from the boxes, "Team G will be the heroes, and Team C will be the villains!"

Hitoshi stood up and looked to Momo, who nodded at him. They followed All Might out to the building they'd be using along with Team G, which consisted of Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro. Hitoshi was pretty good at reading people. He needed to be if his Quirk would be useful. And he tried to keep a pretty good eye on the other students, since he didn't know who he would end up against.

He had a pretty good read on Kyoka. She was slightly reserved, but didn't seem to be a loner. Likely she wasn't used to her classmates yet. Most of her commentary was teasing her teammate Denki Kaminari, but when she did talk about the matches, her comments were always somewhat insightful. She seemed decently smart.

Denki was an odd one though. He was pretty loud and talkative, but half of his comments were completely stupid while the other half were actually insightful. He carried himself like a class clown, but also seemed to be watchful and observant. Hitoshi would be careful around him.

"Here you are," All Might said, handing a roll of capture tape to each of the students. Then he gave a floorplan to Hitoshi and Momo, marked with the bomb's location. "Go prepare your defenses, young ones! You may move the weapon of you wish. You have 5 minutes."

Hitoshi and Momo nodded, before walking into the building.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinso," the boy told Momo as they began walking towards the stairs.

"Momo Yaoyorozu," she responded. As they reached the stairs, she continued, "You were added to the class late, so we don't know each other's Quirks. Mine is Creation. I can make any nonliving object from the fat in my body, as long as I understand the object's makeup. It takes some time to make larger ones though."

"That's useful," Hitoshi said, glancing at his partner. Her costume seemed to be designed to show as much skin as possible.

"... What's your Quirk?" Momo asked after a moment of silence, arching an eyebrow.

"Mind Control," Hitoshi said, looking away. He was sure she'd be cautious of him. "I ask a question, and I can control anyone who answers me."

"R-Really?" Momo asked, eyes widening. "That could be really useful in capturing them."

"But it's troublesome against more than one person," the purple haired teen sighed, looking back at her. She didn't seem scared, which was good. "It isn't likely that they'd both answer one of my questions, and it only takes a small bump to snap someone out of it. We need to seperate them."

"Not necessarily," Momo said. "You only need to control one long enough to get the capture tape around them."

"And what do you know about their Quirks?" Hitoshi asked. When Momo eyed him cautiously, he sighed, "Don't worry, I won't use it on you."

"The blond one, Kaminari I think, has some sort of electricity-based Quirk. I don't know exactly what he can do, but it didn't seem to help him too much in the physical assessment we did. As for Jiro, I can conjecture that she probably has some sort of special hearing ability linked with those earphone jacks. And on her hero costume, she has plugs and speakers on her legs. She must have some sound-based abilities."

"You figured all that?" Hitoshi asked. "Impressive analysis."

"Thank you," Momo said. "But we should come up with a plan."

"Can you use your Quirk to make motion detectors?" Hitoshi asked. "And a receiver to know if they're tripped?"

"I can," Momo replied. "I can make them pretty small."

"Good, that can help us prepare for when they find us," he said. "What about traps?"

"I can, but my knowledge is a bit limited on that," she admitted. "Basic tripwires, pressure switches and the like. I could set up a net launcher."

"Good..." Hitoshi glanced down at the map one more time. "The bomb is in a fine spot, so let's set up defenses around the perimeter. Then we get to the bomb. Agreed?"

"Yes, that sounds like a good plan."

They began moving around, placing traps all around the bomb's room. Hitoshi picked out places on the map and led Momo, while she focused on creating traps and motion sensors. The two of them seemed to have a similar sense of strategy, and they agreed on the placement of most of the devices. They moved quickly to place them because of the 5-minute preparation time limit, before retreating to the room with the objective. Momo grabbed one of the metal barrels in the room and created a laptop to receive the motion detectors' signals, before thoroughly barricading the door and the windows with both wood and metal braces.


"That's that," Hitoshi sighed, leaning against one of the pillars in the room. "We've prepared well, don't you think so, Yaoyorozu?"

"Yes," Momo agreed, watching her screen intently. She turned to her partner, "Do you have experience with hand-to-hand combat, Shinso?"

"No, I've never needed it," he said. "If they do get in, all I have is my Quirk."

"Well, I have been trained," she said, slowly generating a metal staff from one hand and a shield from the other.

"So we're well prepared even if they do get to us," Hitoshi grinned. "You're a good partner to get."

"You are too," she smiled back at him. "You're smart, and you have a useful Quirk."

"Useful?" Hitoshi looked up, leaning his head back against the pillar and considering it for a moment. "I suppose so."

Momo looked at him sideways at that reaction, but didn't press whatever was on her mind. She must've been attempting to be nice, but Hitoshi knew how others saw his Quirk. Even he saw it as an evil power.

A few minutes passed, and none of the sensors had been tripped. It made Hitoshi uneasy, and Momo seemed unnerved as well. If the Hero Team fell into a trap, then the sensors were placed in a way that would make them go off. And even if they got past the traps, the sensors should have been unavoidable. A single movement would send a signal straight to Momo's receiver.

"There's no way to get here without setting off at least one of the sensors," Momo sighed, scratching her head. "Maybe they're just completely off-track?"

"Maybe," Hitoshi pondered. 'Probably not, though.'

Suddenly, the door to the room shined and flashed with a bright golden electricity. It stopped after persisting for a while. Then, a vibrating sound caused the door to start shaking. Eventually, the wooden braces shattered, and then it wasn't too long until the metal crumpled and snapped. The door was then kicked down by Kyoka, with Denki standing alongside her.

"Hey villains!" the blond boy shouted, his arms crossed. "We aren't going to let you destroy this city!"

"Geez, you don't need to play it up so much," Kyoka sighed.

"T-The heroes?!" Momo yelled, confused as to how they got there.

"Heroes! How did you get past the sensors?!" Hitoshi asked, quick to put Plan B into action.

"I'm not into explaining this stuff," Denki whispered to Kyoka. "Do you wanna explain it, or should I go straight ahead and fry em?"

"Well, we're supposed to play a part, right? Besides, they're our classmates. Might as well let them know a bit about our Quirks going forward," Kyoka replied.

"Fair enough."

"I'll answer your question, villain!" the earphone jack girl announced. "With my Earphone Jacks, I'm able to listen this entire building." She stabbed one of her jacks into the floor to demonstrate. "I was able to pick out your location, but also any anomalies in the building's normally smooth interior. As for your sensors... The walls in this building, luckily, can conduct electricity fairly well. Lightning Dolt here was able to overload them from afar."

"Lightning Dolt?!" Denki exclaimed.

"I see, I see," Hitoshi said, finally activating his Quirk on Jiro. "Now, Yaoyorozu!"

Momo jumped forward to cut Denki off from Kyoka as Hitoshi ran to tie her arm up with the capture tape. Denki took 2 hits from the metal staff before he grabbed it and sent a shock through it, knocking the Creation user back. It was too late though, as Kyoka was captured before her partner could do anything.

"Kyoka Jiro has been captured by the villain team!" All Might yelled over the earpieces.

"What?!" Denki exclaimed. "Not cool bro!"

"It's over for you, don't you agree?!" Hitoshi yelled at Denki. He had gotten good at phrasing many things as questions over the years.

"No way!" Denki shouted with a grin. "I won't just let the villains win! Sorry about this Jiro, but... INDISCRIMINATE SHOCK! 1.3 MIL–!"

Suddenly, the blonde's body froze in place, caught by Hitoshi's Quirk. The purple haired hero-in-training strolled over to him and wrapped his arm with the capture tape, making his and Momo's victory official.

"The Villain Team wins!" All Might announced.

Momo, who seemed dizzy from the electric shock she had received, got up from the floor shakily, rubbing the side of her head. She looked up and met Hitoshi's eyes, flashing a smile at him. He was relieved that she was fine, and proceeded to release both of his opponents from his Quirk.

"W-What happened?" Denki asked, rubbing his head. Kyoka was similarly confused as to their situation.

"You guys lost," Hitoshi sighed with a grin as he and Momo walked out past them. "Come on, let's get our evaluations."