
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 27 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

I remember dreading soccer games as a kid. Mostly because the neighbor's blind, deaf, three-legged dog named Lucky had better hand-eye coordination than me. And Lucky didn't even have hands. But, I finally understood part of what it meant to be a parent.

"Let's go Touya!"

I shouted, pumping a fist into the air and watching as my son kicked the ball with all the skill an awkward eight year old could muster. He was a pro! Dodging for no reason, weaving around his opponents as they tripped over their feet, only to have a clean shot because the goalie was picking their nose. It took all my willpower to not gloat about my son being the best on the team. Because he was.

In part because most of the other kids were just standing there and moving like slow video game characters whenever their parents told them to do something.

I mostly just cheered Touya on.

And embarrassed him.

"Uhh, Mr. Endeavour, your hairs on fire." I glanced over at one of my fellow parents. He was a kind looking man that wore glasses and looked like he was constantly squinting at everything. All I knew about him was that his wife was on the PTA, and she was ever so slightly very judgemental.

Rei didn't like her.

Which by law of marriage meant I didn't like her.

"Yeah, it does that," I laughed and turned my fire off. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, it's quite alright; it's thematic considering how your son plays on the Jets." The man paused and tilted his head to the side. "Jets do still have fire, right?"

I shrugged, and we enjoyed a laugh as the game resumed once more from the starting point.

Watching Touya play soccer, watching him actually be happy doing something, put a smile on my face. It wasn't that he didn't smile at home, but I could tell he wasn't exactly happy there. I had an idea of what was going on, it was the same thing that happened between me and my own two little sisters. They got born, and it felt like mom and dad had no time for me, I got moved to the little room while they shared the big room. Touya might be going through the same stuff.

Which was why I was here, cheering until my head caught fire, and I resisted the urge to cover my body in paint and swing my shirt off above my head.

That and I wanted to be here.

I watched as Touya carried his team to victory for another few more minutes until I got distracted.

"Endeavour! Endeavour!" A small kid about Fuyumi's age came running up to me with a piece of paper in one hand and a pen in the other. She had salmon-colored hair and was missing a tooth in her wide smile. "You're Endeavour, right?"

I kneeled down and looked at her in the eyes, smiling. "I am, and who are you."

"I'm Haru!" She pointed back behind her towards someone on the other team. "That's my sister! And I like you! You're really nice, and you saved our big brother! Mama said that I could ask you for your autograph."

I placed my right hand on her head for a moment, a light static shock making both of us jump. "Sure thing Haru."

I signed her paper making sure to draw a big fire around my name, and handed it back to her. "There you go, make to share with your brother and sister alright?"

"Kay!" She ran, clutching the paper tightly in her little hand, both arms straight up in the air.

"And listen to your parents!" I shouted, standing up, trying to appease the other parents in the area. I had been asked several times to come and talk to less than disciplined children into listening to their teachers. I never did largely because the only kids I wanted to give any special attention were my own.

Touya ended up scoring three more goals, and his team ended up winning. The celebration was short, and respectful, with everyone just grabbing their bags and going to their parents.

"So," I made sure that Touya was strapped into his seat before starting the car. "Do you like soccer?"

Touya looked at me, head tilted to the side as he let his thoughts churn in his head. Then he shrugged.

That meant yes.

"Well, I'm glad you like it. You're pretty good at it, Touya." I checked the mirrors and pulled out of the parking lot, taking to the streets. "So, because you did so well, why don't I let you pick what we get for dinner?"

I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Touya looking at me, his lip partially bitten. "Dad."


"Umm. Are you? Umm." He sat forward, pulling on the seatbelt before sitting back. "Umm, never mind."

"You sure?"

He nodded.

"Alright. So no thoughts on where to eat?"

His eyes went wide. "Oh! Umm. Can we eat McDonalds? And Umm. Just the two of us? We can bring Mom stuff later. Please?"

I guess I was right about what's bothering Touya.

"Sure," I'll just text Rei to let her know what was up. And find out what she and Fuyumi wanted to eat.

Shoko's diet was currently boob.

"Hey, Touya," I asked after we had finished eating, and he was enraptured by the All Might toy he got in his happy meal. I suppose I should just cut right to the chase then. "Do you want to spend more time with me without your mom and sisters?"

He looked at me. He almost looked indifferent to what I just said. "No."

"Oh. Uhh, okay then."

Why was I feeling awkward around my own son now?

Dammit. There needed to be some rule that social anxiety didn't work on family members, especially not ones I've scrubbed butt naked.


My talk with Touya lingered in my mind for far longer than it should have. Or maybe not. He was my son after all. So it was only natural that I'd be a bit more concerned about him than I would other people. He asked to eat dinner alone with me, then he said he didn't want to spend more time with me, so that meant that.

"I have no idea?" I let my feet sink into the freshly cut grass of our yard and glanced up towards the full moon that sat overhead, if I squinted I could maybe make out a star or two, the city lights of Tokyo blocking out all but the brightest stars. Maybe I should go full caveman and drag him out camping during the summer like my dad did with me. Only, I hated camping, and I had no idea how to fish. Really, me and nature didn't really get along, which was probably a good thing considering how I could start a forest fire by breaking wind at this point.

Was I even allowed in national parks?

Going hiking with Rei might be fun.

Touya would probably have a blast for ten minutes and then be so tired I'd have to carry him.

Should I learn how to play soccer? I glanced at the goal I had set up for him in the yard, the soccer ball sitting nearby. In theory, I knew how to play soccer, kick the ball and fake getting injured if someone flicked my ear, but that was about it.

I moved forward and nearly tripped on some thick grass that I had apparently tangled my foot in. "Damn, did Touya miss a spot?"

How did I miss him missing a spot? Oh well, no big deal. I remember cutting corners when I was a kid, only this wasn't the corner this was in the middle of the yard. He'll just have more to cut later I guess.

I held his soccer ball in my hands and tapped it against my forehead.

My parenting books did fuck all to prepare me for this.

What was going to happen when he's a teenager?

Oh god, I'm going to have a rebellious teenage son and two teenage daughters.

This was how people got grey hairs.

Wait, could Rei's hair turn grey?

"You look like a Pikmin." I heard Rei's voice as she walked out onto our porch, she was dressed in her usual pre-bath robe, tight enough that it wouldn't fall from her moving around the house. The light of the full moon made her playful smile shine all the more and once again left me speechless as to how beautiful she was.

I had a hot wife.

It was awesome.

And we were going to be naked soon.

But at the same time.

"What?" I laughed. A pikmin was one of the weirdest things I've ever been called.

She moved over and reached up to the top of my head, something that she had done numerous times to put out the random flames I tended to sprout.

Only this time, I felt her pluck something.

"Ouch! Why'd you do—"

I looked at her hand for a moment.

A white flower rested between her fingers.

I blinked. "Did you pull that out of my head?"

"Yeah, did Fuyumi glue this to you or something?" Rei looked at the flower for a moment before shrugging and tucking it behind her ear.

"Uhh." I desperately hoped that was the answer.

I could feel my head growing light, my legs heavy, and it felt like I was falling without moving.

I glanced at the patch of grass that Touya had failed to cut a trail of thick grass went from me to it, and was even wrapping around my foot once again.

"Enji?" Rei asked as I dropped the ball and ran towards her garden. I looked for those blue flowers that we had planted a few weeks ago. I placed both hands around one of the buds, and forced my will into it, just like what I did with my fire, but without my fire.

In front of my eyes, those Blue Amaryllis started to bloom. I plucked one, and walked over to Rei, my hand shaking as I processed everything that was happening.

"Enji?" She asked, looking at the flower then to me. "What's happening?"

I swallowed, trying to find my voice.

It came out cracked.

"I think I stole someone's quirk."