
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 27 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

A Really Bad Situation

"How are you holding up Izuku?" Inko asked.

The two Midoriyas had parked outside the apartment building a few minutes before, and were sitting in tense silence. At least aside from Izuku's sniffling.

"I don't know, sniff," Izuku exhaled slowly.

"The pro heroes will get her back," she said with a tight smile and a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Even All Might is on the case, right? She'll be back safe and sound in no time."

"Yeah..." Izuku nodded and wiped the moisture away from his eyes. "She'll be fine."

"Oh, Izuku," Inko sighed, her own tear ducts sympathizing with her son's. But she quickly wiped away the tears and asked, "Are you hungry sweetie?"

"... No," he shook his head. "I think I'll just try to go to bed."

Inko wordlessly nodded, and the two of them exited the car and made their way to the apartment. Once they were inside, she gave him the biggest hug she could and he broke down crying again. She had never seen her son this distraught, and it broke her heart. Inko could tell he really did care for Ochako, and she had grown attached to the brunette herself. She hoped more than anything in that moment that the girl would return safe.

After Izuku recomposed himself, he made his way to bed without changing out of his clothes. He checked his phone to see multiple messages from his classmates, and he assured them all that he was fine. After that, Izuku tried to sleep but didn't get too much luck. For a while he was still getting messages on his phone, but once those stopped coming in he was left with the cold, terrifying thoughts swirling in his head and keeping him awake. Once he did finally get some sleep, it was restless.

He woke up around noon, got some food in his stomach, and went on a run. It felt really lonely to run on his own now, but he knew taking a day off from routine wasn't exactly a good idea. He did some exercises after he got home, and that did admittedly distract from his worry. But otherwise, the day mostly dragged by agonizingly.

*Ring ring ring*

*Ring ring ring*

"Hello Young Midoriya," All Might said after picking up the phone. "I assume you want an update on Young Uraraka?"

Izuku wordlessly nodded his head, but then remembered he was on the phone and said, "Y-Yes, All Might."

"Well... We've got our work cut out for us," he sighed. "Hound Dog was tracking their scent, but it disappeared. We think they used the portal user, Kurogiri, to move somewhere else. So, we have been scouring the city and surrounding areas."

"But... She could be anywhere," Izuku said quietly.

"... Unfortunately, that is where we find ourselves. But I promise, we'll find her."

"I know," Izuku sighed. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll talk to you another time, okay?"

"I'll let you know if we make progress," All Might said. "Bye for now, Young Midoriya."

"Goodbye," Izuku sighed and hung up.

The heroes had no idea where Ochako could be. She could have been anywhere and they had no idea. Izuku rolled over and buried his face in his pillow, feeling more tears come on. He couldn't even pretend to have much faith in the pro heroes right then. Even All Might was just blindly searching with no real chance of finding her.

Less than an hour later though, his phone rang again. He jumped from his position at his computer and picked it up, but it was an unknown caller. He let the phone drop back to his bed and laid down with a sigh. A minute later, his phone buzzed—a voicemail was left.

"Who would leave a voicemail..?" he wondered aloud.

One unheard message


"H-Hah," a familiar voice gasped across the phone line, then sobbed, "No... Deku... Please...!"

"Uraraka!" he yelped.

"Deku, please, don't listen to him! It's the League, they're—!"

"Alright, that's enough already," another raspier voice said, cutting Ochako off. "Hey 'hero', how you doing? I've got this girl here, seems that you two are pretty close... Let me make one thing clear—you are in NO position to call anyone. I'll tell you where we are, but if I see one strand of blonde hair, or any hero for that matter, this girl dies before you even see her."

Izuku gulped.

"Now, there's a drug store about 5 blocks West of U.A.," the voice continued. "You'll meet one of my men there. He'll take you to another stop where you'll be transferred to another of my agents, and then they'll bring you here. Again, I expect to see nobody tailing you. Be at that drug store at 5 PM or this girl gets it."


"W-What..." Izuku whispered under his breath.

What was he supposed to do? The drug store was about a half hour away by the bullet train, and there was only a few hours left before 5 PM. The guy on the phone said he wasn't in any position to call anyone... Did that mean he had people watching him? If he called someone, was there a way that they would know? Even if he did call someone, the heroes couldn't do anything in this situation with the villains on the lookout and ready to kill Ochako.

'Damnit... Why is this happening?'

He felt cornered. He wracked his brain for an answer, searching for a way to avoid stepping into the villains' lair. But he couldn't think of it for the life of him, maybe literally.

"Ah, you must be Izuku Midoriya," came a voice from an alley next to the drug store. "Hehe... It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, after all."

Izuku approached, and froze as the man stepped out. He grinned, stretching the purple burn scars along the bottom of his face.

"W-Who are you?" the green haired teen asked hesitantly, taking a step back.

"Aw, don't be so dramatic. I'm not gonna do anything," the man laughed, raising both of his hands up. "Well, you can call me Dabi. I'm supposed to bring you where you need to go."

"Is Uraraka okay?"

"You mean Pink Cheeks? Yeah, she's fine, I think," he shrugged. "At least she was the last time I saw her. Kurogiri's been giving her refreshments... It's actually pretty alright considering she's a hostage."

"Where's my guarantee that she'll be safe?" Izuku asked.

"Can't give you any," Dabi sighed. "Only guarantee I got is that she'll die if you don't come."

Izuku gulped, and said, "I'll come. But what does your leader want me?"

"The leader doesn't want you, perse... It's the second-in-command I think. Well, I really don't know how deep this 'League' goes, but I do know that Shigaraki answers to someone else," the villain said, scratching his burnt chin. "Anyways, he's a little obsessed with you. Something about you getting in his way during the USJ attack, going 'faster than All Might.' Heh, I'd like to see that. I guess the Stain incident's also got him peeved."

"So I'm going in blind?" Izuku asked.

"You say that like I'm supposed to be on your side!" Dabi laughed coldly. "Yeah, no intel for you buddy. Now get over here, I have to frisk you."


"Yup. Weapons, tools, and electronic devices are off-limits for you."

"I guess I don't have a choice?" Izuku asked.

"Of course you have a choice, are you stupid?" he said mockingly. "Although your girlfriend's life depends on the choice, so you might want to choose wisely."

Izuku approached and raised his arms, allowing the man to pat him down. All he found was Izuku's phone, which he took out, tossed on the ground, and smashed.

"H-Hey!" Izuku objected.

"Nah nah nah, you can't argue," Dabi warned. "Phones can be tracked, and that's veeeeery very dangerous for both us, and you. Besides, you won't need one where you're going."

Izuku glared at him for a moment before returning his eyes to the ground in front of him.

"Ok, now the handcuffs," Dabi said, pulling out a pair of shackles.

"Handcuffs?" Izuku asked. "You know my Quirk is Telekinesis, right?"

"Don't ask me, it's just what he told me to do."

After cuffing Izuku, Dabi led him to a black sedan and shoved him in before driving him towards the next destination.

"... So, U.A., huh?" the villain said after some silence. "You're damn lucky, it was always my dream to go there."

Izuku didn't respond for a while, then asked, "Why didn't you go?"

"Why? Well, plenty of reasons," he chuckled. "Why didn't I go to U.A.? Why am a villain? Why am I talking to you right now? You know, those are all stupid questions. It can all be boiled down to one thing: Circumstances. My circumstances in life sculpted me to be who I am today, and yours did to you. I didn't think I'd end up here 15 years ago, but here I am. Life is unfair, things happen that you never see coming. People aren't always as good as they seem. Sometimes, reality can crash down on you and change your entire perspective very suddenly. Just like that."

Dabi snapped his fingers, and suddenly a mass of purple mist exploded open in front of the moving car. Izuku closed his eyes on reflex, but when nothing happened he opened them again and realized they were somewhere completely different.

"That was great timing, Kurogiri," Dabi grinned.

"I'm surprised I did it on the first try," came a voice from the back seat, startling Izuku.

"... I meant it had good timing with my monologue..." Dabi frowned. "You mean there was a chance you weren't gonna time the portal right?"

Izuku looked back as he clutched his chest, and saw the purple portal user from the USJ incident.

"Well, I had to open it quick enough and far enough ahead that you could go through at this speed, and I had to close it quick enough so no other cars came through behind you," Kurigiri explained. "It's not all too difficult, but it's not as simple as it looks."

"You're not exactly inspiring confidence man," Dabi sighed.

"My apologies," he said from the backseat. "Izuku Midoriya, I believe this is the first time we've spoken, although we have met before."

"Y-Yeah," Izuku exhaled, still reeling from the shock of the man appearing behind him.

"And here we are," Dabi said as he pulled up to a curb outside of a bar. "Hey kid, how old are you?"

"U-Um I'm fifteen," Izuku said, but then he remembered his birthday had actually passed a few days prior. And Ochako had bought him the gift that made him remember that fact. Sadly, he sighed, "No, wait... sixteen."

"Damnit, Kurogiri, we need a change of plan," Dabi said disappointedly, looking back at his accomplice.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"He's too young to legally go in there."

"... Dabi, we shouldn't keep Tomura waiting."

"Fine," the scarred man sighed before stepping out of the car.

It was an unassuming brick building, with a neon light out front advertising the sale of drinks. The street was so empty, though, that Izuku doubted they got any business.

Dabi knocked on the rusted metal door, and after a few seconds the peephole slid open. Behind it was a pair of golden eyes.

"Password?" a girl's voice requested.

"We brought Midoriya, let us in," Dabi sighed.

"Ooh!" the girl cheered before opening the door.

She was a blonde girl in a school uniform that seemed close to Izuku's age. When she saw him, her eyes dilated slightly and she grinned from ear to ear. The girl leapt at Izuku, tackling him to the hard ground.

"Hi Deku, I'm Himiko Toga!" she said excitedly, baring her fanged smile at him. "You're even cuter in person! Hehehe..! But, you know, you'd be cuter covered in blood! Mind if I cut you up a bit?"

Izuku yelped as the girl brandished a knife.

"Toga, stop," Dabi sighed. "Get off him so I can help him up."

"Hmph, no fun," the girl pouted as she stood up.

Dabi grabbed Izuku and yanked him up to his feet, then shoved him towards the door saying, "Ladies first."

"... You're a comedic genius Dabi," Kurigiri remarked sarcastically.

Meanwhile Himiko grabbed Izuku by the arm as she led him in, asking, "Hey Deku, are you a screamer? I like it when people try holding back, but can't help letting out some noises~."

"U-Um, I don't—"

"Izuku Midoriya," the same raspy voice from the phone grabbed the teen's attention. It was the man with the blue-gray hair and hands covering his body, from the USJ invasion—Tomura Shigaraki. "I'm so glad you've decided to join us, little hero."

Izuku gulped and looked around the room. There were several people—someone in a black straight-jacket whose face was covered except for his mouth, a tall muscular blond man with a mechanical eye, a man in two-toned gray tights, and a wide stocky villain with shoulder-length red hair, thick lips and chin stubble.

"Welcome to our... humble abode," Tomura said, gesturing around the room.

"Where's Uraraka?" Izuku asked.

"Straight to business, I like that," he chuckled. "Your girl is alive."

"I want to see her," the hero in training said.

"Awe, you're cute when you're worried," Himiko said with a blush. "Hey, I know you and 'Chako have a 'thing', but are you open to a third person? I already asked her but she didn't react well, so I wanted to run it by you."

"W-What?!" despite his throat being unbearably dry, he almost choked on his own saliva and started coughing.

"I feel so sorry for you Midoriya," the man in the gray tights sighed, shaking his head. "I'M TOTALLY JEALOUS, AAAGH!"

"I know you want this to go your way, but you should understand the position you're in," Tomura said. "You do what I say and cooperate, she'll live. Otherwise, she dies. I never said I'd give you any other leeway here."

Izuku recovered from his coughing fit, and looked up at the villain. "So why do you want me?"

"I'll be having a chat with you, in private," he said.

"Aww, but I wanna come too," Himiko pouted.

"Absolutely not," Tomura said. "I'm still not on board with the idea of having you all here anyways. So you'd better be thankful I'm letting you stay for now."

"Hmph," the blonde crossed her arms and turned around.

Izuku followed the hand man through the metal door behind the counter, where the villain gestured to a chair in the middle of the room. Izuku sat, then Tomura pulled up another chair and sat across from him.

"So, little hero, do you have any idea why you're here?"

"To get my friend back," Izuku answered.

"That's nice, but not what I meant," Tomura chuckled. "Why have I gone through the trouble of bringing you here?"

Izuku gulped, and answered, "I-Is it because of Stain?"

Tomura sat there for a moment, staring at him intensely, before suddenly bursting into an uproarious laughter. Izuku shifted uncomfortably while the villain laughed hysterically. Soon though, he got a grip on himself.

"Stain?! I couldn't care less about Stain!" he wheezed. Then his mood sharply turned to anger. "Do you know how much of a pain in the ass you've been?! Not U.A., not your classmates, but you. First you got in my way at the USJ. Your speed caught my attention, so I decided to keep an eye on you. But, you know, I didn't expect you to become the most easily recognizable aspiring hero in Japan. Not only that, but yeah, you did take on Stain way better than I expected you to."

"So... Where is this going?" Izuku asked. "What about Uraraka?"

"The only reason my master isn't ruling over this world right now is because of All Might," Tomura said. "That never-faltering heroic attitude, that overwhelming power... If All Might wasn't around, we'd all be living in a much different world.

The villain stood up and continued, "I could threaten you, or try to break your spirit, but it's always possible there are things I didn't account for. Like All Might, maybe you have a particularly infallible spirit. Or maybe you care about your classmate a lot less than I think, and seeing us tear her apart one piece at a time won't be able to break you down."

Izuku paled as he processed what Tomura was saying.

"Unfortunately, she has no use to us more reliable than simply luring you here. No, I'm not taking any chances, and I won't make the same mistakes as my master. I'm going to eliminate my competition early."

Tomura reached out for Izuku's face, but the terrified teen leapt back, falling to the ground along with his chair. He was barely able to scramble to his feet in time to get away from a second swipe, but then he found himself in a corner. Izuku was about to use his telekinesis to hit the villain with the chair, but he remembered All Might's warning—

"Until then, do NOT use your Quirk under ANY circumstances! We don't know how One For All may affect it, so wait until Recovery Girl is with us to avoid potential injury or worse!"

He ducked under a swing from Tomura and countered with a kick to the stomach, but Tomura took the blow better than Izuku expected and grabbed his leg with his hand. It didn't take long for Izuku to feel the burning, unbearable sensation of his leg disintegrating. With a pained and panicked scream, he blasted Tomura with his Quirk.

Izuku couldn't tell exactly what happened because his vision was blurry from built-up tears, but he could tell Tomura had let go of his leg. It burned and felt really raw, but he was now preoccupied with new painful sensations. His head was wracked with a pounding migraine like he'd never felt before, and the pain he usually felt in his side from overusing his Quirk was... present, but different. It felt like it popped rather than just getting sore.

He shakily wiped his eyes, and looked up to see that the entire room was not only ruined, but destroyed. It looked like a hole was carved out of the side of the building.

'What happened?' Izuku wondered. 'My Quirk... One For All changed it, but how...?'

Izuku was lying flat on his back, trying to regain his bearings. He tried to push himself up, but he just couldn't manage any more than a couple inches. His body was giving out, and the pain he was in was threatening to push him into a state of unconsciousness.

"N-No... Gotta... save U-Urara... ka..." he gasped, clutching at the floor in the hopes that he might be able to gather a little more strength.

Tomura blinked his eyes slowly, processing everything that had happened. He looked up at what was his base of operations, now just a ruined building half-turned into piles of shattered concrete and brick.

"What the fuck?" he finally gasped out.

The last time Tomura saw the little hero use his Quirk, which was against Stain, he had trouble immobilizing other people for even a few seconds. What had just occurred, was that Izuku had flung Tomura through 3 walls and across a street.

"Damnit, did I break something? Shit," Tomura muttered as he stood up.

He couldn't move his right arm and it hurt like hell. He guessed it broke against one of the walls. He started shuffling back towards the bar, and heard the calling of Kurogiri.

"Tomura Shigaraki! Shigaraki?!"

"Kurogiri!" he called back, and didn't have to wait more than a few seconds before the portal user warped to him. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Tomura Shigaraki, what happened?" Kurogiri asked.

"That asshole got a power up!" Tomura hissed, scratching his neck with his good hand. "I'll kill him!"

"What happened to your arm?"

"IT'S BROKEN!" the enraged villain shouted. "Get me back over there NOW!"

"V-Very well," Kurogiri said with a bow, before expanding to let Tomura walk through.

Tomura walked back to the ruined room, and looked to see Himiko standing over the unmoving body of Izuku.

"What happened?" Dabi asked from the side.

"I don't know how, but Midoriya did this." Tomura said.

"Hey Shigaraki," Toga called. "You mind if I cut him up a bit? He just looks so cute when he's asleep, I can hardly help myself!"

"No... I'll kill that bastard," he snarled.


A massive cloud of dust exploded in the middle of the group of villains, firing up splinters of wood from the floor.

"Agh! What the fuck was that?!" Dabi exclaimed. "An attack?"

"What kind of..?" Tomura began to ask, but stopped himself as an enormous shadow rose up in the dust plume.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN KIDNAP MY STUDENTS AND GET AWAY WITH IT, VILLAIN?!" the overbearing voice of the number one hero thundered.

"What? How did he find us?" Tomura muttered in a pained whisper. "No no no no noo..."

"Now, will you cooperate?" All Might asked as the dust parted, revealing his very very angry face staring at Tomura.

All Might was in the middle of a chat with Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi about Ochako Uraraka's kidnapping, when his phone rang. He glanced down at his screen.

"Unknown caller, probably a telemarketer," he sighed. Still, he answered, "Hello, this is Toshinori Yagi."

"All Might! I was just contacted by the League of Villains!"

"Pffftt! Young Midoriya?!" the hero yelled, spitting out blood. "What? When?! What did they say?!"

"They want me to meet them," Izuku said.

"Absolutely not!" All Might told him.

"But if I don't, they'll kill Uraraka!"

"When was the time they gave you?"

"5pm. If I don't meet them, they'll kill her."

"... Damnit... We have no chance of locating them by then," All Might sighed.

"What's going on?!" Naomasa asked.

"All Might, just hear me out," Izuku said. "I have an idea."

"Sorry I called you on my home phone," Izuku said, laughing awkwardly. "I don't know if they can see the calls I make on my cell phone..."

"I doubt it, but better safe than sorry," All Might reassured. "But, umm, why are we meeting... here?"

Izuku sighed, "The villains are probably watching me. I can't just meet suspicious people in the open."

"But... why the restroom of a mochi shop?" Naomasa quirked an eyebrow.

"I-It's just what I thought of," he shrugged.

"For the record, I hate this idea," All Might said. "But if they're telling the truth, then we really have no choice... Any trickery about you meeting them, or with us following you, might result in drastic action on their part."

"Right," the detective agreed. "This sort of thing isn't normal or, in any way, to be repeated. Real situations should be left to real professional heroes."

"And believe me, I will handle it," All Might assured. "But, Young Midoriya, you have to do the first part."

"I won't let you down All Might," Izuku nodded confidently.

"And remember what I said about using your Quirk," he reminded. "We still don't know how One For All affected it."

"I won't use it," Izuku confirmed. "Unless I really, really need to. Wait, should you say that with him here?!"

"Naomasa is a close friend," All Might assured Izuku. "He knows my secret."

"And I must say, you've definitely got the heroic attitude of a worthy successor, judging by this plan," the detective grinned. "Although you shouldn't be too heroic here, for now. Like All Might said, you should avoid fighting until you can take your new Quirk for a test drive."

"I'll try to get there before that happens," All Might said.

"Now, here it is," Naomasa said, holding up a small black speck in a plastic bag. "The most untraceable tracking device ever made. Nobody should be able to know it's there except our receiver."

"So I just... swallow it?" Izuku asked.

"Yup, it's that simple!" All Might grinned.

"He's been in the building for five minutes," Naomasa said. "I don't think they're planning to move him again."

"Alright, I'll be going now," Toshinori smiled at Naomasa.

"Good luck," the detective smiled back and gave the hero a thumbs up.

"Here I come League of Villains!" All Might yelled as he puffed up into his muscle form.

All Might leapt with great speed toward the villains' hideout, and landed on a rooftop a couple of blocks away. Instantly, he saw the cloud of dust rising from the building where he was headed. He cursed and ran across the rooftops until he was overlooking the screen from across the street. He saw, through the opening in the side of the building, Tomura Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and a man with scars all over his body. They seemed to be looking at the same spot, but All Might couldn't see what was there due to the partially intact wall of the building.

'What happened here? No matter, I'll go down and see for myself!'

All Might flexed his legs and planted his feet then blasted down into the building in front of the three villains he saw, landing with an impressive boom.

"Argh, what the fuck?! Are we under attack?!"

"What kind of—?!"

All Might slowly stood up and, as intimidatingly as he could, shouted, "YOU THINK YOU CAN KIDNAP MY STUDENTS AND GET AWAY WITH IT, VILLAIN?!"

"What? How did he find us?" Tomura muttered, barely audible despite being so close to All Might. "No no no no noo..."

"Now, will you cooperate?" All Might asked, staring down the villain.

"Hey hey!" a young girl's voice caught All Might's attention, and he turned to see a blond teenager in a school uniform holding a knife to an unconscious Izuku's throat. "Don't make any funny moves All Mighty! Unless you want my little Deku to become a red fountain, ehe~!"

"Y-You!" All Might gasped.

"Good!" Tomura shouted. "Kurogiri, the girl!"

The hero turned and saw a purple portal appear next to the villain, and Ochako fell down out of it. Her hands and legs were tied, so she couldn't brace herself and hit the floor with an uncomfortable thud.

"Young Uraraka!" All Might shouted.

"A-All Might!" Ochako sobbed.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk," Tomura scolded, putting his hand around her throat. "All I have to do is apply pressure with my middle finger, and she's dead."

All Might winced at the sight of the young student. Her face was cut in several places, she had a few bruises visible on her face and arms, and some blood was stained on her clothes. Aside from the physical damage, she looked distraught and terrified.

"You heartless villains..." All Might growled through gritted teeth.

He saw several others, who he assumed were villains, stepping forward from another room.

"Who knows, you might be able to get to one of us before we can react, and save one of these little heroes," Tomura said with an obvious grin. "But even if you save Midoriya's life, this girl loses hers."

"And if you try to save Ochako, I'll kill Deku!" the girl grinned.

"It's game over, All Might."