
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 16 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

Deku's On Fire!

"Oh, I hope Deku wins!" Ochako said as she nervously clenched her fists. Below the students, on the field, Deku and Shoto were staring each other down.

"I do too," Mina agreed. "Todoroki needs to get knocked down a peg."

Ochako still hadn't gotten over Mina's earlier comments. She shrunk down at her encouragement of the greenette, unsure what was or wasn't supposed to be teasing her anymore.

"Please, try to be indifferent when it comes to competitions between classmates like this," Tenya reminded them.

"But Iida..." Ochako sighed.

"Hey Yaomomo!" Toru exclaimed at the 1-A president as she returned to her seat from her match. "Congrats on winning!"

"You have once again done well to represent our class, Yaoyorozu!" Tenya hand-chopped.

"Yeah, good job!" Ochako said as she looked back and smiled. "Even though that guy was a total pushover in the end, ehe..."

"I never even got to see what his Quirk was," Momo sighed.

Ochako spoke up, "Oh, Deku said it was–"

"BEGIN!" Midnight yelled, and the Zero Gravity user snapped her attention back down to the ring.

Ochako felt a momentary panic as Shoto fired a glacier towards Deku, but was soon enough able to see him fly up and over it.

"Yeah Deku!" she shouted.

The boy in question broke some of the ice apart as he slid down and threw the pieces at Shoto, who defended himself with an ice shield before launching a second blast of ice up the glacier at Deku. The green teen was easily able to jump over it and then kicked down to break Shoto's defenses.

"Yeah Deku!" Ochako pumped her fist as he grazed Shoto with another ice shard.

The heterochrome teen jumped back and shot some ice at his opponent, quickly cocooning him in it. It was only a moment though before Deku broke free and made the broken pieces of ice surround Shoto.

"Oh, all that ice floating looks pretty!" Toru commented.

"Yeah, and dangerous!" Mina exclaimed enthusiastically. "NAIL HIM MIDORI!"

Deku shot the ice at Shoto simultaneously from all sides, but the recommended student was able to bring an ice dome up around himself for protection. The dome itself didn't survive the impact, though it successfully served it's purpose.

"So close!" Ochako punched the air.

"Uraraka, try not to play favorites so openly," Tenya scolded. "It's not encouraging to our other classmates to know that we'll be rooting for Midoriya if push comes to shove!"

"Aha! You said 'we'!" she exclaimed, turning to the bespectacled teen. "So you are rooting for him!"

"I won't admit such things verbally," he said firmly with a subtle nod as he adjusted his glasses.

"What're they doing?" Toru asked. "Are they just talking?"

Ochako looked down to see that, yes, it appeared that the two combatants were having some sort of heated conversation. She strained to hear anything, but the distance and cheering of the crowd drowned out even any muffled voices that they might normally be able to hear. But then, Deku stopped talking and looked up at them with a determined expression. Not specifically at her or Tenya that she could tell, but in their general direction. Then out of nowhere, a spout of flames exploded from Shoto's left side.

"He's using his flames!" Tenya exclaimed.

"I didn't know he even had flames!" Ochako said, wide-eyed.


"Ashido!" Tenya started, before–

"SSHHOOTTOOOO!" a gruff voice shouted almost at Present Mic's volume.

"Woah, looks like the number 2 hero Endeavor has got some encouragement for his son!" Present Mic (speak of the devil) exclaimed. "Gee, it's like he's a doting parent or something!"

Ochako looked to see, of course, Endeavor walking down to the front of the stands as he continued shouting, "Have you finally accepted yourself?! Finally accepted reality?! It's finally time to realize your potential, Shoto! With my blood coursing through you, FULFILL MY AMBITIONS!"

"What's he talking about?" Ochako tilted her head.

"I have no idea," Mina and Toru said simultaneously.

Then, the fire raging around Shoto noticeably shifted, recalling their attention to the ring. He fired himself at Deku with incredible speed as Deku resigned himself to running towards his opponent. Then, Deku surrounded himself with his trademark green glow before ducking out of the way of Shoto's fire and landing a huge kick to his abdomen.

"OH MY–" Ochako and Mina screamed before there was a sudden shockwave of heat that rose up to meet them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Present Mic voiced the thoughts of most of the crowd.

"All of the chilled air was suddenly heated, so it expanded in an equally sudden manner," Aizawa said, still somehow calm.

"So... that's what is was..." Toru panted, clutching at her chest. "My heart... is going so fast!"

"M-Mine too!" Mina agreed.

"That was unexpectedly intense," Momo said, sounding a bit calmer than the other students.

"I'll have to scold them for being so reckless!" Tenya said.

"But..." Ochako, for her part, was trying to see into the cloud of dust and debris that was kicked up by the shockwave, until she saw Shoto hit the ground outside of the ring.

"HOLY SH–" Mic began to exclaim.

Aizawa interrupted, "This is being aired nationally, Mic."

The dust cleared enough so that Ochako saw Deku standing barely within the ring's confines. She would've started screaming with joy right then if it hadn't been for the fact that the right side of his P.E. uniform was partially burned away, which revealed that his skin was covered in red burns, and that wasn't even mentioning the fact that–

"DEKU'S ON FIRE!" Ochako screamed as she looked down at the field with wide eyes.

As she exclaimed that, the whole stadium erupted in cheers for him. She kept staring worriedly down at him, even as he looked up at them and smiled as if he was perfectly okay.

"M-Midori doesn't even notice!" Mina gasped.

"It's possible the adrenaline is covering the sensation," Momo hypothesized.

Suddenly Deku collapsed and clutched his side, and it looked like the toll of his last move was making itself known. Midnight let him know that his hair was flaming, which he quickly patted away once he knew, before announcing that he had won the match since Shoto was out of bounds. Medical bots brought two stretchers down soon enough to take both of them to see Recovery Girl.

"I-I'm gonna go see 'im!" Ochako exclaimed as she stood up and made her way past Tenya.

"I'll come with you Uraraka!" he said, standing up and following her.

"Me too!" Mina said.

"I'll come too, kero," Tsuyu croaked.

"Wait, you never told me what Monoma's Quirk is!" Momo called, but didn't leave her seat to follow. Toru, the reliable girl she was, told the class president what Deku had said earlier.

"Hey Uraraka, wait!" Tenya called. "Don't run in the hallways!"

But Ochako decidedly didn't wait as she made her way to the infirmary at a quick pace.