
Hero Nor Villain: The Star That Reaps

Heroes and Villains, one side loved by the people the other scorned and feared, but what if both were the cause of pain for all. What if you were ruined in the middle because of both sides and they are both your source of scorn. Would you become a hero to correct the corruption and become a true hero or a villain to destroy it all or maybe you thought about being both a hero and a villain. All of that sounds okay but it's not for me I don't' want to be either See me I want to be the one who lives on the outside who destroys that mold of fake heroes and lawless villains So I decided to be someone who's neither a hero nor a villain The punisher of all and the reaper of sins

BoredDragon · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Start Off With A Bang


"Move move"


"Stop shoving me"

"You shoved me"

"No I didn't"

"Shut up does it matter right now"

"Yeah don't you see the situation right now"

"Then being shoved is the least of anyone's concern"

"But panicking and running isn't any better at the moment"

"What else are we supposed to do the academy is being attacked by villains" 

"We can't just sit and wait for the heroes plus for some reason our mana isn't working and in a time like this that even more reason we can't just sit here"

"They must have used some type of treasure to block off our ability to use mana and even communication is almost impossible if not for such a grand entrance they performed"

"At least for now we need to find a way to get out of here"

"How the we went to three exits already and they're all blocked by rubbles"

"There must be a way out somehow, I don't want to be capture by those scumbags" 

"Where do you think they took the others or do you think the others are you know dead"

"Wait shhh do you guys hear that"

"Hear what"

"I don't hear anything"

"Are you sure you heard something Aaron"

"Yes class president"

"Hmm wait I think I hear something"

"Me too"

"Yes it sounds like footsteps"

"Quick we need to hide it could be one of them"

"And without our mana we're just normal students"

"There let's hide in there quickly"

"Where are the instructors at this time"

"Just be quiet and go inside before we're noticed"

"Okay okay"

Going inside the empty destroyed classroom the seven of them crouched next to the door side wall where they wouldn't be seen and soon heard the footsteps getting closer.

"It sounds like a couple footsteps and I don't think they're instructors from what I can hear"

"How do you know they're not the instructors"

"Because…wait hold on"

"What is it"

"Just be quite for a second"

"Do you guys hear"

"Hear what I don't hear anything"

"Yeah nothing"

"Have they left"

"No to sudden disappear like that"

"Hmm I hear something it's kind of faint but I can hear it"

"What is it prez"

"Do you think it's them are they here"

"No it's not the sound of footsteps"

"It's sounds like a slight sound of snoring"


"Are you joking right now, who would be in here still"

"And sleeping nonetheless"

"Listen if you don't believe us"

So everyone got quiet as there wasn't a sound to be heard other than the breathing of each other and soon the slight sound of snoring coming from inside the classroom they hid in. As they all looked to a certain spot through the debris, they couldn't believe their eyes. They almost thought they were dreaming.

What they saw was a person who what actually sleeping on a desk but surprisingly he was unharmed and with barely any debris around his desk

"Who is he and how could he sleep while all this is going on"

"That's true lucky it's on the other side of the academy where we don't and can't hear anything because of the barrier from that what should be a treasure of some sort"

"How about we go wake him"

"I don't know it could be dangerous"

"What do you mean look he's wearing the same uniform as us and I doubt someone who's sleeping is much of an threat"

"Hmm but isn't it weird that he's just sleeping in a classroom that's been damaged pretty bad"

"Even more so how no one woke him or how his not capture like the rest is even weirder"

"How about we go over there and ask him ourselves I'm sure it's no big deal"

After a few seconds of deciding they all went towards the sleeping student since they were in the clear for a while now.

"Who's going to wake him"

"You do it since you're asking but who is he"

"Yeah I don't remember seeing him at the freshman examination or the ceremony"

"Me either"

"Do you think he's a new student"

"Can't be we're already three and a half months into the school year, who would be able to get in now and be behind on everything we done so far"

"That is true but it's not like it couldn't happen

"Hmm so no knows his name"

Looking at the people that have now come around the student they looked to one another but all shook their heads indicating they did not. 

"Just ask him"

"Ask him what?"

"What else his na.."

They all stop talking to each other and looked towards the person who asked such a obvious question but soon widen their eyes out of shock because of who asked

"Oh is that all well then my name is Devyn and yes actually I was at both the freshman examination and ceremony" he answer while yawning and stretching in the desk 

They were frozen shock for a while but soon the class president being the president spoke up

"Ah yes sorry, we didn't know you could you know"

"Hear you"


"So why have you all come here this isn't your classroom"


"Is he okay"

"No think he's an idiot of some sorts"

"Hey don't say that"

"I mean are we wrong to think that"


"I'm standing right here you know"

"Yes but take a look around and see"


Devyn began to look around and his expression didn't change one bit. He just seem bored like he's use to these sort of things

"Oh are they remodeling or something, they could have woke me up"

"Is he for real"

"I don't think so… maybe"

"Um student Devyn it's not that we're…"

Before he could finish there was a big explosion coming from the direction of the battle arena. 

"What was that explosion"

"I don't know but we need to get out of here now"

"But how there's a barrier holding us here remember along with us not being able to use mana"

"I know but we got to do something"

"Hmm what have you guys been talking about"

"Oh well as you can see the academy has been under attack by villains and most likely a treasure his hindering us from using mana so we are just a bunch of normal people right now getting pick off by them

"Do you understand now"

"Hmm it does appear to be the case but I thought you said we couldn't use mana"

"Yes we can't we already tried"

"Hmm them"


They all looked towards shocked as they saw him manipulate mana in his hand which indicated he can use it which also meant 

"We can use mana again"

"What how I tried just awhile ago"

"Give it a try then"

So they did and in fact they can now

"What happened"

"It might have been that explosion early that caused it"

"Maybe but I was sure… hmmm look who is that"

"Is that.."

"Yes it's..