
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · アクション
17 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

The next day when Seth wakes up with bloodlust spewing everywhere so he tries to contain it. Once he's done he wakes up Luna and tells her to get ready for school, Luna starts to groan but gets up anyway and goes to the shower, after she gets in the shower Seth goes in. When Seth is done showering he gets dressed and sees Luna waiting for him outside, they start to walk to school and run into Alissa but don't see Blyke or Yuuki, Seth wonders where they are but doesn't worry about it for too long as class is about to start so they need to hurry. Somewhere outside the city we can see Blyke sitting down with his eyes closed and Yuuki next to him, Blyke is currently struggling to copy what Haruki did when he was fighting him and gets frustrated from not being able to do it but Yuuki encourages him to keep trying. Blyke thinks for a second but can't seem to get any ideas on how to get this to work and so he starts to worry thinking if he can keep his friends safe as he only has 3 days to get stronger. The day passes by and Blyke still can't get it to work, as he passes the school. He looks at it and says "I will protect everyone in that school, I must." Yuuki is walking closely behind Blyke while going to his house but they walk in silence. Once they reach Blyke house he unlocks the door, walks in then goes straight towards his room and falls asleep. In Blyke's sleep he gets a nightmare. In the nightmare he sees himself kneeling over his dead friend's bodies with Haruki behind him. Blyke gets up screaming and has sweat dripping down his face. He tries to go back to sleep but he just can't so he decides to figure out a way to beat Haruki in case the copy technique doesn't work and without having his friends help him because of what Haruki said. Blyke is up all day stressing over it but just can't get anything to click and now only 2 days remain.

Seth repeats what he did yesterday and wakes Luna up to get ready, they also run into Alissa but still no Blyke or Yuuki which makes everyone worry. Back outside the city Blyke is still trying to copy that form to become one of his own but nothing has ever been this difficult before which causes Blyke to smash the ground underneath him in frustration and yell "DAMN IT ALL! WHY CAN'T I GET THIS TO WORK?!?!" Yuuki runs up to Blyke and tries to calm him down and successfully does so but even though Yuuki calmed Blyke's rage he can't calm Blyke's frustration and so Yuuki suggests they go to school. Blyke agrees and Blyke runs himself and Yuuki to the school, they then walk to the main office and get a late pass. They start to walk towards 4th period class which is Ability Training with Mr. Shitimoto once they walk in everyone stares at them and Mr. Shitimoto asks if they have a late pass and so Blyke and Yuuki give him the pass and Blyke sits next to Alissa and Yuuki sits next to Blyke. During class Alissa asks Blyke why he wasn't anywhere to be seen for the past few days but Blyke simply responds with "Do not worry about it.'' This makes Alissa worry even more as she was about to say something Blyke hears Mr. Shitimoto say "some abilities have triggers to activate" instantly Blyke realizes why he wasn't able to activate the form and that's because he was missing a trigger. As the class goes on Blyke thinks to himself "What is the trigger? It can't be fear since I have that at all times so just what could it be?" After school is over Blyke goes home and spends the entire night thinking what his trigger could be and eventually falls asleep. Now only 1 day remains…..

Blyke wakes up and says to himself "This is the day" with a worried and scared voice, he gets up and goes to school just in case this is the last day he gets to see them. While Blyke is walking to school Yuuki, Alissa, Seth and Luna run up to him, to them this is a normal day but to Blyke it's the day that will decide the future of not only himself but also his friends. School goes by pretty quickly and it is now 6th period and Blyke says "Two more periods" Alissa hears this as she is right next to him and wonders why he said that, right after school is done Blyke looks at all his friends and says "Goodbye guys" Seth asks "Why are you saying goodbye like this is the last day we will see you?" But Blyke doesn't respond instead he just has a sad and scared look on his face. Alissa then asks Blyke "We will see you tomorrow right Blyke?" Blyke's face turns from a huge frown to a big smile and tells Alissa "Of course you will'' everyone sighs in relief and Blyke starts to go home and he says to himself "I hope at least" Yuuki who is following Blyke without him knowing hears this and decides to follow him even more. Blyke starts to run towards the place he first met Haruki… The volcano, Blyke is in his hero suit and waits while trying to calm himself, instantly the air around Blaze gets much colder and Blaze turns around and stares at the man while saying "Wynter." Lightning starts to form around Blaze and his flames turn black then he says "True Black Lightning Flame Dragon Mode!" and Wynter responds to Blazes power by saying "Etherious Wynter Cloak" Blaze dashes towards Wynter but he dodges effortlessly then grabs Blaze's wrist freezing it Blaze winces then steps back while trying to melt the ice that is on his wrist, but his efforts are in vain as the ice isn't melting, Wynter tells Blaze "My ice is way too cold to be melted by your feeble flames" Blaze knows this so he stops trying to melt it and instead he says "Black Flame Control, ThunderShock Wave!" A beam of lightning comes out of Blaze's hand with black flames following, the attack is coming straight for Wynter but he doesn't dodge instead he raises a wall of ice that easily stops Blaze's attack. Wynter makes ice spears and says "Demon's Frost Spears!" 3 spears shoot towards Blaze and he manages to dodge one but a spear pierces his right leg and another through his left arm, the ice inside Blaze starts to freeze the inside of his body rendering him unable to move, Wynter walks up to Blaze and kicks him down on the ground. While Blaze is on the ground Wynter makes a lance out of ice and launches it at Blaze while saying "You have failed to get stronger such a disappointment goodbye". Blaze closes his eyes prepared to die and waits for the lance to strike his heart but nothing happens Blaze thinks to himself "Did he miss? No, there's no way he missed at this distance." While Blaze's eyes are closed he hears someone coughing blood, as he opens his eyes he sees someone standing in front of him with the ice lance through his chest, Blaze's eyes widen and tears start to develop and stream down his face and he yells "YUUKI!"

Wynter smirks and then bursts out laughing saying "What an IDIOT hahaha did he not think that i can just throw another one at you?" Wynter starts to form another spear and launches it a Blaze again but instantly the spear gets shattered into oblivion and the arm Wynter threw the spear with is broken. Wynter confusingly says "W-what the hell?!" He then feels the intent to kill and looks behind him. What he sees is Blaze holding Yuuki's lifeless body in his arms and with this Wynter thinks to himself in a frightened tone "haha N-no way he shattered the spear made of ice, broke my arm, carried that kid and ran behind me in an instant... Right?" Blaze carefully puts down Yuuki's body and quietly tells Yuuki "Thank you, because of you I have found my trigger, and I promise your death WILL NOT BE IN VAIN!" Black markings form around Blaze's left torso moving up to his left arm then going up to the left part of his face and ending with a sharp tip like a vengeful demon's horn passed his left eyebrow Wynter asks Blaze "Trigger? What trigger?!" Blaze turns around, looks at Wynter with hate brewing in his eyes and says "ANGER!!!!!" A shockwave of immense power pushes Wynter back, also burning him to a huge extent. Wynter asks "Just What the hell are you??" Blaze begins to make a fist and envelops it in different black flames then before, they seem much much more stronger, kind of like a demon's hellfire and yells "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!" Blaze dashes towards Wynter faster than he can react and punches Wynter's gut with immense power launching him across the volcano and into the mountains. Wynter coughs up a huge amount of blood and says "E-even if that was your strongest move how did your hand not get frozen over?" Blaze appears in front of Wynter and says "Strongest move? Ha I just punched you normally, and the reason my hand isn't frozen is because your ice is way too weak to harm me" Wynter responds "I-impossible there is no way you are THAT powerful" Blaze ignores him and starts to ignite his hand and says "This is one of my weakest moves, ENJOY IT. DARK FLAME FIST!" Wynter tries to protect himself by putting up a Frost Shield but the ice melts instantly and Blaze's fist goes straight through Wynter's stomach. Wynter coughs up blood as blaze removes his hand from Wynter's abdomen, as Blaze charges up another attack and launches it at Wynter Seth teleports himself, Luna and Alissa right in front of blaze making him stop the attack, he then yells at them "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Seth yells back "DON'T YOU SEE THE DAMAGE YOU CAUSED??!" Blaze then yells "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT LOOK WHAT HE DID TO YUUKI!" randomly Alissa slaps Blaze and says with tears streaming down her face "I-i know what he did, we all do b-but that doesn't make it right to kill him, we will make him turn himself in to the police, j-just please this isn't the right way". Blyke's flames disperse also burning his hero costume along with it, he then gets down on his knees and starts to apologize Alissa reassures him they understood what he did as Yuuki was his childhood friend and that it is alright. Seth picks up Wynters bruised body and tells everybody "I will bring him to the authorities, see you guys" but as Seth is teleporting Wynter tells Blyke "This isn't over BlazeBreaker! Hahaha" and just like that Seth and Wynter are gone. TO BE CONTINUED