
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · ゲーム
36 Chs

The start of a proper introduction

Yunca Village


The trucks' engine howled as it drives away from the village. It was abnormally loud, To the transmigrators at least. Even so, It faithfully did its job very well. Houmin found it heartwarming as he first laid his eyes on the trucks. He can't find any fault with the Rangers about their patchwork with the trucks. It was a testament of their origin as an Army Engineer unit. For a century, they kept vehicles like this in working condition is nothing short of a heroes' work.

Three of the trucks each carry a different group of people with it: The lead truck has the rescued villagers, while the second truck has the captured gang members. Lastly, the rear truck has the Ghost Team, Houmin, and Skylar with it. It was done this way to let Castle keep an eye out should the gang members tried to escape.

The trucks were on their way to dropped them at Ranger Citadel. Take quick maintenance, refuel, and head back to the village to pick up the rest of the Rangers that stayed there: Team Able, Team Baker, Team Charlie, Team Delta, and Team Whiskey work themselves to make field assessments about how will the Desert Rangers can proceed from here and loot up all weapons, gears, and usable materials that can be taken from the dead bodies, and the villagers' houses.

As the adrenaline died down and his senses tuned in with the static sound of the truck's engine, Houmin sat there in silence. Veterans have a saying that when the fight ends and the silence comes, the never-ending scenario and regrets play in your mind that gets to you.

For the Desert Rangers and the Ghost Team, this is a way of life and an occupational hazard, respectively.

"Everything you saw back there," said a worried Bear as he sat beside Houmin, "I know it's not a good sight to get your head about what happened. But you have to remember, this has been going on for a long time for these people. The Big Man chooses you to be a change for this world. So don't let that get to your head. Today might haven't worked out the way to save everyone, but now we made sure they won't have to do it again to anyone else."

Houmin nods back as Bear tried to talk to him. Bear didn't mind what he was doing as he knew it's Houmin's way of coping with it. Bear looked over, checking up on Skylar. Seeing Skylar became silent like Houmin was worrying him a lot.

"I know what happened there is too fucked up," Bear added. "If you both want something to talk about... I'm always open. It's okay to stay silent through the ride. Just take some water from time to time, Alright?"

"Thank you," Skylar Exhaled and said nothing more,

Bear gave her a nod, delighted that there is progress with one of the kids at least.

Houmin, on the other hand, is still silent. Contemplating on something else with what happened, The feeling of apathy towards his kills... He took a glance at Skylar with the same silence as him...

I hope you're not having a hard time like me, he thought. Was it his training? Was it his interactions with the trainers? Was it because he knew this was a game world? All questions lead to one unanswerable subject... Why he didn't felt anything... and that worries him to no end.

With Skylar's background, a military family. Though it was hard on her about everything that happened, she knew what she's getting herself into. What worries her is actually finding the right reason for rationalizing what she has done. Was the real reason to take that action was to save those people? Was it really the right thing? Or was it because it just means to get closer to seeing her mom again?

"Yeah," Houmin finally replied back though he was still looking at his rifle. "When we're settled in with the Desert Rangers, I'll take you up on that."

Bear laughed in praise and squeezed the kid's shoulder. He kept on trying to get them to talk much, mostly by telling his family's quirks and tricks to day to day lives.

Bear told stories to no end while, out of the blue, Irish hummed a song that everyone can't recognize. Even with the respirator on and loud rumbling from the truck, All of them silently welcomed it. A different kick to the relative monotonous sound they're hearing.


Ranger Citadel

"It's nice to know that troubling your subordinate is still a thing even after a century has passed." Viñia claps Woodson's shoulder. Woodson felt an uncomfortable shiver when he saw her smile like that as she's not wearing her respirator, "Heh, don't you worry a thing, Radioman. We just need some empty space, a tarp, and some stretcher for a bed, and we'll make this home in no time."

"Radioman?" Woodson said back with scrunched eyes. He shook it off and continued, "About the help-- Eh- Hey! What's this?"

Viñia interrupted him by giving him a gadget, a square object larger than his hand. On it, he's looking at a computer screen.

"It's called an M.R.T, Military Rugged Tablet," Viñia informed him. Dragging the screen down, showing descriptions, diagrams, and didactics. "We anticipated that something like this could happen, so we devise a simple triage-to-care plan for both the villagers and detainees."

"Okay, fine. I won't ask how this thing can be possible," referring to the handheld device and not the plan itself. Woodson exhaled. He was already fed up with all the surprises going on around him. "But do you have any medics with you?"

"Yeah, we do. 2 of them actually." She pointed behind her. "A General Physician, Xander. And a Surgeon, Asclesy."

"What?! Seriously?!" Woodson blurted out. It slipped out of his mind the fact that these people had helpful specialized fields. "Huu, I mean. That's- That's great! Really great! It can free up much of Doc Tidemann's time."

"The one with the coughing fit?" Viñia curiously said. "Xander was worried, saying something that his cough was... unnatural than cancer."

A ranger came out from the tent and called out. Wearing a khaki green jacket with a medical cross sign on his chest and an armband. Erik Tidemann headed straight to them while Woodson gawked, seeing him wearing the Division's respirators. "You're a God sent, you know that, Division Lady.

"Really? Haha! I guess you can say that." Viñia can't help but smile at what he said. Noting that it's more likely Xander's insistence that he's wearing that respirator.

"Before you ask, Woodson." Tidemann beats Woodson to it and pointed at his mask. "Agent Xander is awfully stubborn about giving this to me... Hah... It's magic to my lungs, but it takes time to get myself use to it... Better than coughing from walking a few paces."

"But you're still not allowed to walk outside, Remember?" Woodson answered. "You're the one who told everyone it's about your cancer, Doc."

"Well, I got the news that we'll be having people that need help," Tidemann gave a shrug, "We will also be joined in with our new friends here to assist us with the expected people. Just with that, it's more than enough reason for me to... get some exercise."

"Hmm... Alright, Doc." Woodson sighed as he gave in, "Just make SURE that you have enough medical supplies for yourself. We can't have you working yourself to death."

"Agent Aleso, right ma'am?" Woodson turned to her and spoke in a formal tone. Viñia replied with a nod, and Woodson continued. "I'll let you talk it out with Doc about what you need with this plan of yours. We'll do our best to help them... except we're a bit tight on supplies, so I'm not sure if our best could be enough."

"Copy that, Ranger Radioman. We'll do what we can." Viñia giggled for a bit as she replied in the same manner.

After that, Woodson got a call from his radio. Hearing that, he excused himself as he ran off to a different group, arranging the needed supplies and procedures for the incoming people. "I'll be borrowing this!" waving the tablet.

"He's a great guy," Tidemann with his hands on his jacket pocket. "He may do things too strictly or be stiff in many things. Just know that he always consider everyone when making decisions like this."

"Saying that," Tidemann tried to change the subject with a solemn expression, "I really wish that you people had come sooner... The helpful work we can do for the people of Arizona."

Viñia gave an approving chuckle at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Huu..." Tidemann coughed a few times before speaking again, "I know it's me scratching up an old grave, but I can't find myself to say the words that can fit... how thankful I feel that you came for us... I thought we'll always be alone in this fight, always the underdog for trying to protect the people. The past years can be weathered more differently with all of you with us. Maybe even brought this small piece of the world as a Sanctuary."

The gestures, the tone, the subject, and opening up oneself to a stranger are a good indicator of a person trying to establish a friendship with the other person. Viñia gave a smile at that as she saw Tidemann's intention from a mile away. "We're here now, Doc."

"What happened in the past can be used as a lesson for today." Viñia reminded Tidemann, "We don't have any superpowers. I wish we could have. How awesome could that be?! Haha! Rather we're just the kind of people who will do anything to give the people the help they need. Like you Rangers,"

"Should I be worried about being replaced?" Tidemann chuckled to himself and gave out a hand, "I meant to say... heh... that I'm glad to have your group on our side. I'm looking forward to working with all of you!"

Tidemann planned out a different conversation with the leader of the Division. A flaw? A danger? A hint? Anything that could be helpful to know if these people pose anything against the Desert Rangers. Instead, he received a piece of calming advice for his troubled past.

"Still... Thank you," He said.

"You're the resident medical specialist of this place," Viñia expertly transitioned the conversation and shook his hand. "Where do you want to put us?"

To Viñia or even to the rest of the Division Agents, they knew what he's up to. The conversation he's been doing with the others, the line of greeting and question used for gauging a person was barely par to standard. Even so, they don't mind it. Viñia told everyone, with a secret gesture, of course, to blend in with them.

Tidemann explained without losing a beat to Viñia the preparation that needs to be done when one of the rangers called out to him, explaining that the trucks will be coming in half an hour.

The Division agents' training kicked in and hurriedly turned off their pieces of equipment in the tent. They secured their personal gear in place and left the tent to wait for further instruction from their commander. Losing the equipment or having some of it being tampered with doesn't bother the agents that much. All of the electronic devices and weapons have tracking devices on it, and the gadgets, S.H.D Tech, have advanced security features from their own world. They highly doubt it if the rangers can crack it.

Both the Rangers and the Division agents scrambled to establish a triage area in the outer citadel. As well as create a mess station for the villagers. While the Brig staff was asking for more manpower.

With all that commotion, they haven't notice that Aberforth, the goat, was there in the middle of the road, staring at the gate... seemingly waiting.


The leading truck and the rear truck drove inside the gate. While the center truck stopped just outside the gate with a team of rangers waiting for them.

Houmin stretches his back first before dropping off from the truck, along with Skylar and the Ghost Team. He looked around and saw a new tent that has popped up on the sides. Tables, chairs, and several transparent boxes with medical supplies in it as a trio of people with medical cross armband stood there waiting for the civilians.

"Go rest up in the command tent," Viñia didn't say much to Houmin and Skylar. Only giving both a rubbing pat in the back. "You two must be tired. You see that two separate beds by the far end? You both can have them."

"Thank you," Houmin looked at her calm face, then look down on the ground again, "Sorry for not being able to help out."

"I'm gonna work you both to the bone tomorrow," Hearing that, Viñia wave it off. "So, I need you two to be rested and calm by then."

Of course, Viñia is worried. The two were under stress. However, current conditions are not ideal to gave out counseling sessions with the two.

Houmin sat down on the padded stretcher bed as he ruffles his hair to get the dust off. Meanwhile, Skylar lays flat down on her bed.

"Skylar," said a smirking Houmin, "Do you want some coffee?"

Skylar chuckled. "And, where would you find some coffee around here?"

"Here," Houmin ruffled more of his hair, and a cloud of dark red dust fall off to the ground. "Tadah! Coffee grounds."

"Pfft! Haha! I fucking knew it," She gave him the middle finger and buried her face to the bed. "That wasn't even a good joke, but It's nice to know that you still have that sense of humor."

"Heh, I made you laugh for a bit," Houmin says with a sniggering smile. Trying to cheer her up. "That's good enough for me~."

Suddenly, Aberforth strolled in between the two without them realizing he was there.



"Well, well, well, My boy ~ My girl," G.O.A.T said in a cheery tone. "Mistakes were made, decisions were laid out, bodies were put down... Both necessarily and unnecessarily. As FUCKING expected- Sorry, I got mad there."


"I'm sorry, Sir." Houmin shivered as he hangs his head low, "I- I couldn't save them all."

As for Skylar, she couldn't hear God talk in her head and just took a moment to look at the goat, then ignore it again as she buried her face in the bed. "Not my problem."



"It's not easy, is it? Being Clever?" G.O.A.T looks at Houmin and goes on with his laughs. "You had your shot to do something good with that stupid game of yours. Pride is a powerful sin, son. but when done for the sake of others, it's actually a helpful trait when done correctly."




"Listen to me, Whitbeck boy." G.O.A.T's voice is like a chide, "We have to get back on schedule! You're not a Desert Ranger yet! My plan was to get you all to the Rangers first, then have you introduce the bunker in another year or so. Doing your stint has caused some groups to think. Thinking isn't good... Forces had scrambled about what you did at that village. Subtlety is out of the window. Now, I got the feeling you have to use the bunker as your chips to get into the Rangers."




"Be careful, Young Whitbeck." G.O.A.T's added. "Having Cold Feet? Are we? I can't blame you. Should you do that... That girl, though? She's waiting on her mom. Joe and his team? They're waiting on the deal we made. The Division kids? Same thing. I might not have a problem with that thinking of yours, but they will...




"You have the manual and the key to the bunker. Study up. Oh! I almost forgot, bring that hollow toy you got from the village to the bunker. Let's test something out."


Houmin gave a long exhale as G.O.A.T left them alone. It wasn't pointed out clearly but what he gained from it was the consequences was far-reaching that he initially thought. Looking back to it, It's should be impossible for 3 teams of Desert Rangers against that many people. Even Houmin, himself, can't find a good excuse for how can the Desert Rangers did it from an outsider perspective.

"Drink some water," Skylar reminded. "What did God say?"

"A lot of things..." Houmin laid down on the bed with his arms covering his eyes. "What'd you think about everything we did in the village? Am I right in dragging ourselves to that place?"

"Right? You should be feeling like a hero! Houmin." Skylar peeked over with one eye, "It's true that there's a lot of things that we can improve upon, but the stories you told me about the Desert Rangers, I think they'll see you fit in with them."

"Us. Skylar. It's us." Houmin implied. "We'll be in this world together. Even if everyone else ignores you, I'll still drag you around. Again, Skylar. We're in this together now... We're partners... Well, not romantically, haha!"

Skylar gave a dry heave, "Dream on, baby blue eyes!"

"And... Thank you for noticing... EH! Go to sleep!" she added with a shy voice.

Silence follows then soon the two fell into a quick sleep.

♪ Hooked on a Feeling · Blue Swede ♪

I had trouble trying to word out this chapter!

SO sorry!

I'll try better on the next chapter!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts