
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · ゲーム
36 Chs

She's a mistake

Breathing rapidly, Houmin looked around, trying to find his mother and sister.

"Mom! Hadley!" Houmin called out.

He only saw the interface, asking for a new game.

He fidgetted due to panic as he felt he can move his body around. Yet, he can't see his hands nor his body except for that interface.

It took him a long time to calm down. He went from anger to begging anyone or anything in this pitch darkness for any sign they are alive.

His tears dried up as he kneels down on the floor. His eyes fixated on the interface... and press the Yes button without care.


As biblical magic had happened, the darkness has vanished but replace it with a room with a gloomy-like ancient blue hue to the surroundings.

"Woa- AH! AHHHHHHHHH! RAPIST! HELP!" A girl screamed.

Jolted by the sudden noise, Houmin bolted forward, hugging a corner of the room. With little knowledge about the life-death situation he knew, he thought that he had to make sure that the kidnapper does not get on his blindspot.

To his surprise, he saw a girl naked, trying desperately to cover her privates. She too is huddled to a corner, her face flush with red and her eyes ready to burst to tears as she steels herself for anything.

"Get-- Get Away! You Pervert!" she screamed as her voice breaks as tears drip down on her face.

Houmin was ready to bark back but soon realized his partner was spread open for the world to see. He hurriedly corrected his position and coughs.

Anxiety floods in on both of them. Houmin thought process was going back & forth on suspecting the girl for this elaborate new Kinknapping. While the girl was screaming internally from her multitude of imagination about what will happen to her.

Suddenly, the door beside Houmin opened. Hearing a laughing old-man ish about to come in and what appears to be the sound of water juggling in its container.

A man stride in at the entrance and lean on its right frame. Before Houmin can get a word in, the man took a giant swig from his bottle of scotch. After he was done, he wiped his mouth and then glanced at Houmin, to the girl, then his empty alcohol bottle.

"Brrrruuuuu. 'Er! Why are you both naked?" asked the man. He sounded tipsy. "Oh! Wait [Proceeded to drink another glass of alcohol from out of nowhere] You two must be... You younglings hehe. Wait, no no no- I reckon'- I reckon' that you two are the ones I got called by the big white guy on the sky that smells like a bird. 'Er! Why are you both naked? Brrruuuuu. There are clothes here for the two of you. You're gonna get yourself a cold. Jeez, Young couples."

"Before I forgot- Name's Scotch--" Then a beeping sound in a morse code rhythm. "Alright, Alright, I'm going, I'm going." He stepped away from the room before he can fully be introduced himself while not forgetting to a swig twice or more along the way.

It was observed by Houmin that the doors bore no resemblance to a door he recognized. Instead, it was a door without any hinges, and the frames all have these cutaways. He suspected it was one of those automatic doors. On the other hand, the girl caught the hint from the old man's phrase about the two of them... This does not bode well to her.

With the two of them in each of their own thoughts, Houmin glanced again at the girl. On her left, a neatly folded clothes laid beside her. The girl saw his eyes and trailed it. She hurriedly grabbed the clothes and tried to cover herself with it.

Houmin's eyes locked into the clothes, and it widened in surprise. Those blue jumpsuits with yellow zipper lines are very recognizable.

"That can't be..." He said.

"No! I won't be letting you be satisfied!" She barked at him. "Now, turn around!"

"Wha- Wait! No! Listen to me, That's not what I meant."

"I listened, and you sounded like a pervert! Now! Turn Around!" She will not budge for one bit.

Houmin did not reply further and quickly turned around. He was at a disadvantage, and he figures that arguing with a woman in this situation does not help.

"Don't you dare tu-turn around! Okay?! You hear me?!" She shouted.

"I have a name, you know." He replied.

"And I think I'm about to be raped. SO SHUT UP!" She retorted.

Houmin admitted defeat. He closed his eyes trying to remember the woman's face... but the only thing he remembered was the body shape of hers, the legs, the thighs, the hips, the waist, the belly, the breast, her neck, her face, and her red hair... really stunning.

On the other hand, the girl was also checking him out. The toned body, his eyes, his jawline, his shoulders, his abs, his toned body, his ass, and his member... she blushed and hurriedly shooked her head.

"Don't take a peek! You hear me!?"

"My name's Houmin, and yes, I hear you," he said in defeat.

He hears the rustling of the jumpsuit and the long zipper action. Followed by a shoe stomp that sounded like its sole is a bit too hard, like construction shoes or combat shoes.

"Skylar. My name is Skylar." She replied, but her guard is still up. "Don't you dare turn around! I'm not done yet!"

Houmin complied. Alone with his thoughts, he keeps reminding himself that the surroundings indicated that they're in a fallout game's Vault. Imitation, he insisted. Yet, can't deny the time & effort to make it look alike.

"Uh, Uhm, Hou- Hey!" Skylar called out. "I'm done. Here's the other blue suit." She threw the jumpsuit, hitting his back.

Houmin held back the irritation. He can't blame her as the whole situation is sketchy.

He scooped the jumpsuit behind him with his foot. "You know, I'm about to wear this... can you turn around?" He asked.

"Tough luck, Smartass." She scuffs at him. "I won't risk having you jumped me when my back is facing you. For all I care, both you and that hobo are in this together!"

"But- I, uh,"

"SHUT UP! Wear that damn thing!"

Soon enough, he heard a metal clang coming from her. He didn't dare investigate it.

The jumpsuit somewhat a form-fit to him. Some tight spots here and there, he was surprised that it felt comfortable... for a cosplay.

"Hey! Can you pass me the shoe-- ugh!" As he said that, Skylar threw the shoes, hitting him the upper back. Making him cough in response.

He sat down on the floor, taking a look at the shoes. Its shoelaces closely resemble the braided feature of a trekking mountain shoelaces, while the shoes itself is two-toned of black and flat earth.

He jumped a few times, checking if the shoes fit well. Satisfied.

"I'm done. Can I turn around now?" He asked.

"No! Not yet!" She replied.

He heard that metal clanging again then a few minutes later, she called out to him that he can turn around now.

Seeing a woman whose blue jumpsuit form-fit a bit much to her that her body was unnoticeably being accentuated. Hoo wee, he thought. Skylar recognized the glances he made and snarled at him.

Additionally, Houmin wasn't dumb enough to not recognize her in a fighting posture as she holds down a retractable chair brandishing it as a weapon.

"It can't be... you're the girl I bumped back before we are about to be shipped out for training!" Houmin screamed in surprise. "Did-- Okay [Inhale and exhale] Did you happened to see a lady about this height and a girl about this height that always wears short shorts.

For a moment, Skylar stared at him with a hint of doubt, then she shook her head in reply. "I'm not sure... There was this flash of light, then someone bumped into me, and for some reason, drags me across... It was YOU!"

While Houmin was delighted that there may be hope to see his family, Skylar, on the other hand, was furious. For all, she knows he's the one that caused this.

Without a word, Skylar steels herself. She took a left step first while brandishing the chair, followed by a right step in which she turned along with the chair, she again steps forward with her left leg with the chair ready, and lastly, she took a right step forward and released the build-up momentum to hit the man with the chair.

Seeing this, Houmin cursed and hugged the wall behind him. He made the right call as Skylar missed and instead hit the wall. The sound reverberated so loudly that both of their ears ringed so hard. Skylar, especially, her hands hurt from the recoil. The walls dented in due to the momentum of the swing.

"Argh! Why didn't you stay still?! That hurts!" as she stepped back from him, dropping the chair and caressing her hand.

"Wha- What? You almost killed me! BIT--" He was cut in when the sounds of the speaker trickle to life.

"Attention! Attention! Hey there, you two." Crackled the voice of a man.

"Getting to know each other? Good, good. What better way to know each other than trying to kill each other. HAHA! Come outside. And do follow the yellow signs. I mean it."

Skylar looked at Houmin apprehensively, figuring he might know a thing or two. In return, he shakes his head, even he doesn't know what's going on.

"No, really. I need you too to come out. Just follow the yellow signs." added the voice.

"Ladies first?" Houmin said.

"Jackass. Get out, then I'll follow you." she hissed.

"I almost got my head splatted to the wall. Now, you want me to get out there?"

"You're tone enough. You'll survive."



Houmin surrendered and slid away to step before the automatic doors. In his experience, the flow of this argument is going in circles.

He recognized the architectural design. Especially, the grooves on the door, Fallout Vault-tec design, looking it more closely, makes his assumptions be confirmed. His thoughts raced for more questions... What he saw previously, was it really a bomb? What Happened to his family? And why is he with this girl?

He heaved a sigh. He wasn't sure. Maybe there's hope outside of this door. He stepped more closer to the door, and the door automatically opened.

"Don't make any sudden moves! O-okay?!" Skylar said.

"Relax," Houmin answered back. "It's just a door." He touched the frames and saw the cutlines where the doors retracted. To him, the situation becoming more and more unsure.

He stepped outside and looked both ways. On the left end of the corridor is a dead-end, while the right end comes to an end with a left side opening. In front of him was a yellow directional sign with blinking neon lights on its margin.

Houmin moods turned upside down. He felt this is becoming like a sick joke. So without a word to Skylar, he walked away towards the yellow signs intended direction.

Seeing him walk away quickly, she quickly grabbed the chair and tiptoed outside. She scanned both left and right of the corridor, and when she's sure that nothing bad is coming to get her, she stepped outside with the chair in hand. Seeing that the pervert is nowhere to be found, she got a bit tense. And then she remembered the instruction about following the yellow signs.


Houmin walk across long hallways, corners, then a stair leading down. He stepped forward to what seems to be the last door. Inside, he found the hobo earlier still drinking as he leans on the bar stand. Beside him was a piece of music he felt familiar but can't remember where. On the left side of the room, a projector, and a single chair for a single audience. The screen only showed the "Please Stand by" of Fallout's loading screen.

Then the door behind him opened up. Skylar was surprised to see that Houmin... was mingling with the hobo. Her face turns to anger and brandishes the chair again, ready to strike. Before she can do so, the radio beside the hobo suddenly crackled to life.

"Ey! Seems everybody is here. Good, good. Now, thank you for coming and listening." The background noise indicated that the voice was arranging his chair, while also taking a hit from a cigarette, "Big news everybody! You both have died. Clap, Clap, everybody. Your world glassed each other so good, like really good, that I only have the time to salvage you two,"

"I take that back," as the voice proceeded to take another huff from his cigarette. "You big boy was the one I want... she's just a stowaway, or rather she's a mistake."

"What?!" Skylar said in both anger and surprise.

"Do be a good boy Scotchmo, and clean this up?" said the voice on the radio.

"[Glug] Ahhh! that hits the spot" as Scotchmo finished a bottle of scotch. "A sad thing to lose such a fine lady like you... Oh, well." Then he pointed a sawed-off shotgun towards Skylar.

Before Scotchmo even got a good line of sight, Houmin stood between the gun and Skylar.


♪Big Not Blues · Bert Weedon♪

I can't find a complete dialogue line of Scotchmo.


The drunken hobo of the Rail Nomads.

What's he doing here?

How's that talking on the Radio?

Why are they wearing Vault-tec jumpsuits?

Kindly wrote down what you think Scotchmo's usually dialogue line so I can improve it better.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts