
Herald of Steel

Waking up inside the ruins of an orphanage, Alexander finds himself chained and sold to slavery. A modern metallurgist, trapped in ancient times, watch as he tries to play with the cards fate dealt him. He will make plate armor, invent paper, build roads, teach governance and many more, as he tries to carve a place for himself. But how can such things not attract jealous eyes? The naval superpower- Cantagena, The unstoppable army of- Exolas, The superpower of the east- Adhania, The mercantile confederation- Sybarsis, The religious fanatics- Iyizarid, And the ever-present- Barbarians of the Barren Forrest, All want something from each other. In this ocean of sharks, follow a small carp as it struggles to leap through the dragon gate and establish a dynasty to outlast them all. The cover is not mine. If you are the owner of this cover, comment and I will remove it.

FerriticMatrix · 軍事
1305 Chs

Phillps At the Gates (Part-2)

"Hurry up men! Force march! Your brothers need you!"

In the dead silence of the night, this forceful, slightly irritated shout rang particularly loudly across the wide, open Tibian countryside, as Alexander from atop his horse sounded a bit annoyed.

Upon receiving news of Grahtos, the young pasha had mobilized his army as soon as possible, waking the camp up and putting two thirds of his men on a forced march, wishing to come to his detachment's aid yesterday.

To make the pace even faster, Alexander did not even make the men carry their 30 to 35 kg heavy baggage of supplies, only equipping them in their armor and weapon and perhaps a water pouch for the journey.

All so that he could cover the 20 kilometer journey at the maximum pace possible.

However, despite all that, given the general ambient darkness, as well as the fatigue of the men, the soldiers could only move their legs that fast.