
Cement shortage

"So how much can you mix like that in a day?" Alexander decided to know his cement producing capacity.

"Ahem, using the hundred men under me, only about the amount the kiln makes, my lord. We are already at our limit," The caretaker answered in a slightly bitter tone.

Clearly processing such a large amount of the stuff was testing his resources.

Alexander's little frown deepened upon hearing this.

'Hmmm. perhaps I should halt the formation of the new kilns,' He then seriously reconsidered, understanding that it may not be his production capacity that was his bottleneck, but the ability to process the clinkers to cement.

And the realization that he might not have the men to process the huge amount of cement even if he could make them made Alexander displeased.

For he sorely needed the cement, as Diaogosis had been constantly hankering him for more.