
A Second Deal With the Margraves (Part-2)

At Lady Miranda's objection, Alexander quickly proposed this, 

"If even 20,000 strong men are not possible. I can reduce the number to 10,000."

"But in that case, these men must have families."

"And they must all come to Zanzan with them." 

"I will not buy them as slaves, but take them in as immigrants who must stay here as farmers for at least 20 years. After that, they can get a plot of land, or they can choose to return to Galiosos, whichever they want." 

This alternative idea got Lady Miranda's attention. 


So she hummed, finding the idea much more palatable.

She did not immediately say yes, but she did not vehemently oppose it either.

Instead, she got to calculating the pros and cons.

While Alexander, satisfied that the opposing side was considering it, continued his listing, 

"Secondly, I am aware the Margrave family is quite advanced in mining and metallurgy."