
Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Girl Like Me Part Two.

Clark shook up the cobwebs, and Lana was up to her feet. People thankfully did not crowd around too much, but Clark was honestly shell-shocked, taken out by that woman, whoever she was. She was so quick and so fast that Clark could barely figure out what had just happened. His mind was completely rattled, and Clark slowly turned to Lana, voicing a question in a whisper.


"Fine, Clark," Lana responded, and she rubbed her head, trying to get some sense back into her own mind. Harry got back to his feet, absolutely shaken. Kara was down on the ground, and Harry nudged her, trying to wake her up. The blonde was in la-la land from what had just happened and thus Harry grew rather frantic.

"Kara, please snap out of it," Harry said in a desperate voice, and at these words Kara stirred and she extended her arms, for Harry to pull her up to her feet. Kara wrapped her arms around Harry and Harry hoisted her back up to a standing position, her legs wobbling a little bit due to the fact that she was still recovering from what had occurred.

Kara took a long, and deep breath at that moment. And her eyes fluttered open, before she gave a responsive nod, a smile crossing her face. She wanted to let Harry know that despite what happened, she'll be okay.

"I'm back Harry," Kara responded, and both of them knew that Kara had been brought to quite the peak thanks to that crystal. It had shut down her mind and the mind of Harry as well, and allowed their mystery girl to escape.

"Who was that anyway?" Lana asked, completely at a loss for words .

"I believe that was our third Herald of Death."

Chloe showed up, and she tried to disguise the pleasure that she felt through the link, when Kara had been jabbed with the crystal. It was extremely difficult to block out of her mind and keep focused about, but she had to try. Harry shook his head, and took a few deep breaths, trying to remain on his feet. Kara was placed back on her feet, and Kara adjusted her feet. It was Clark who had stood there, about to open his mouth, but Harry waved his hand before they made a scene.

The entire group was back on the Kent Farm at that moment, and Harry gave them the motion for them to speak. There was no doubt in Harry's mind that they would need to say a lot about what had just transpired. Sure enough, Clark was going to chime in at that point.

"That was the third Herald of Death?"

"Yes, I believe that's what Chloe said, and it's the truth," Kara offered, and Harry sat down. Kara slid onto his lap. The two of them still were rather out of it from what the third Herald had done. Harry wrapped his arms around his wife, and Kara leaned her head into his chest. Chloe stood on the other side of them.

"She didn't seem like the friendly type," Lana offered, rubbing the side of her head, but thankfully she did not suffer from any double vision. She tried to use her powers, but it was like the third Herald shut them down temporarily, before smashing her into the wall to exert her dominance. Not that Lana had any delusions of winning a hand to hand fight with one of the Heralds, especially with Harry who could eat her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with some left over for dessert.

Harry sighed, that was ever the truth. The third Herald of Death seemed to be a bit bent with some kind of power and the fact she ruthlessly attacked them, and had her way with them, just because she could. This was not make a stable individual at the very slightest and thus Harry grew with a bit of worry. She also randomly attacked a civilian, a paramedic, and if Harry had to guess, she manufactured the actual disaster to get them there.

Harry wondered what her game was, and that was something that was hard to ponder. She seemed to be acting in an erratic fashion and without the proper grounding for her powers, there could be potential trouble.

Chloe shifted, and looked at Clark, conflict washing through her mind. She wanted to make sure both Kara and Harry were okay, and offer them some level of comfort. Yet, Clark did not know, and Chloe just took a breath. There was no time like the present, Chloe guessed at that moment, and with a resolved expression she decided to break the charming news to Clark.

"Hey, Clark, I need to have a word with you…just for a minute…"

"Chloe, in a minute, there's something important that you all need to know, especially Harry and Kara," Clark told them, and Harry and Kara were all ears at this statement that he had given. They leaned forward, to listen to Clark. "Lana and I were listening, and heard a noise coming from where the Fortress used to be."

"What kind of noise?" Harry prompted, frowning at the very thought, and trying to piece it together, but at this point while there were any number of theories that he could have given, there was no real proof.

"It was a buzzing coming from the Artic, some sort of beacon," Lana helpfully inputted, and Harry just nodded, hearing what she had said. He shifted, and listened to what she said, and invited for Lana to go on to give him further information. "The noise was like it was calling out to us, asking us for help, summoning us to the Fortress."

Immediately, Harry and Kara shifted their expressions to each other, and great worry flooded into them with both of them were automatically suspicious due to the past experiences, but the two of them wondered what was up. They had banished Lily to the beyond, but they had known by now that things were not always what they seemed and how sneaky Lily was. It was all too possible that even if she was long gone, the woman had left some sort of failsafe behind.

Lana and Clark both waited nervously, and they could tell that Kara and Harry tried to assimilate what was happening in their mind. It was Kara who piped up with an answer, mentally agreeing with Harry that this course of action was the best call.

"Once we figure out what is going on with this third Herald, Harry and I will check it out, in case it is a trap."

"It could be Jor-El," Chloe offered, deciding to offer them an option.

"And that's not a trap, how?" Clark asked, shrugging his shoulders, not too thrilled about that possibility either.

"Better him than my mother," Harry answered, and Clark shifted at that point. He would have to debate that one in the future. The AI version of his father had been one that had given him more than a few headaches in the past. "But until we have taken a good look at everything, it's best no one goes near where the Fortress was. Powers or not, if you get sent to some kind of pocket universe, you won't be getting out, and you could get sent anywhere."

Lana leaned forward, and had to ponder about it. The fact was that Lily would have been devious enough to leave something behind, even if she was not behind. The last few times she had been in the Fortress had made Lana a bit uneasy. There was something in her mind about a failsafe, if Jor-El's influence had been removed, but she could not for the life of her piece together much more than that. The knowledge was a hazed bit of jigsaw pieces that Lana was trying to scramble together.

"Our biggest problem is this third Herald of Death," Harry responded, switching the conversation back to its intended purpose.

There was a long moment of silence before Clark decided to offer what he thought of the situation.

"She's a bit twisted in the head," Clark replied, and he looked at Kara. "She looks a little like you, you know…"

"Yes, Clark, I did notice that, thanks," Kara responded, rolling her eyes at these words from her cousin and his ability to state the completely obvious.

"So what do you think, evil twin from a mirror dimension, some kind of clone, future version of you driven mad by a worse-case scenario timeline?" Chloe asked, biting her lip at the thought, and shutting up immediately to offer them the office.

Kara thought that any number of these possibilities had been likely and possible. There was something about this doppleganger that made her wonder, if this attack had been random. In the heat of the moment, Kara wondered if she perceived some kind of threat. The Herald of Death instincts could be hard to read and now this made Kara wonder, especially when it was unlikely that this third Herald got the proper grounding for her powers.

The Herald of Death powers were hard to read sometimes, and might have registered a false positive or two. Harry and Kara understood that from their training and that was one thing that Lily was correct about. The two of them knew what they must do now.

"We should go and look for her," Harry said, and Chloe got up, offering them an eager expression and she nearly fell over in her excitement.

"You two need my help?" Chloe asked, itching for a chance to stretch her legs.

"I appreciate it, but you did have something to tell Clark, and we'll be right back when we find her," Kara responded, and the two disappeared in a flash of light.

Chloe and Clark looked at each other, and there was an uncomfortable moment of silence before Chloe had blurted out what she had to tell him without any tact whatsoever.

"Harry, Kara, and I are in a relationship together, the three of us!"

There was silence, and Clark looked absolutely flummoxed at the moment. He stared at Chloe, who watched him, a fearless expression on her face, and Clark suddenly burst out with laughter. This might have been the most absurd and outlandish statement that ever

Lana sighed, this was going to be kind of painful, she braced herself for the impact, and more importantly the damage control, as Chloe's eyes bored into Clark's. There was a pause before Chloe decided to enlighten Clark on this situation.

"Why are you laughing?" Chloe asked Clark, and Clark just shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs.

"You nearly had me going for a minute Chloe, nice late April Fool's day joke," Clark told her, and Chloe just crossed her arms at that moment, and looked at him, a bit of agitation flickering through her eyes.

"It's not a joke," Chloe replied in a cool voice, and Clark just looked at her, and blinked immediately.

Clark still was blinking a minute later. Lana nudged her elbow into his ribs to snap Clark back into the reality. It took a couple of sharp jabs before Lana brought Clark into something that vaguely resembled coherence.

"The three of you…in a relationship…together," Clark managed, and he shook his head, unable to process this. He had thought Harry was an okay guy, but something like this, was making him question Harry right now. This just seemed wrong, he could not explain how it was wrong, just that it was wrong.

One could argue that stubbornness was one of Clark's superpowers and it was rearing its ugly head at that point.

"Yes, Clark, the three of us are in a relationship together, with all of the benefits that go along with it," Chloe responded, and Clark just blinked immediately. He could barely even process what was going on around him, but once again something seemed to be completely off.

This was not something that one heard every day.

"Chloe, that's just…do you…."

"What is it Clark?" Chloe asked, and she looked Clark dead on the eye, not blinking and showing absolutely no fear whatsoever. "Is it wrong that the three of us are together?"

"The two of them are married Chloe, that's what's wrong about it," Clark responded, and there was a lecture on the tip of his tongue, but Chloe cut him off at the pass.

"Actually, Harry and I are married too, and likely me and Kara as well, we're all magically bonded, which is higher than any law in the land," Chloe offered, thinking of this to be a perfectly logical and rational explanation as to why Clark should have nothing to complain about this.

Clark's mind proceeded to shut down at this point, and he was struck dumb.

"Chloe, I don't think this is, this could end…."

Clark really could not find any way to string together a coherent sentence. This had spun his entire worldview of everything on its axis. Harry was in a multi-partner relationship with his cousin and his best friend, and they were okay with that. Both logically and morally speaking, none of this made any sense whatsoever and the attempt to interject logic into this situation was giving Clark a throbbing headache.

"It's perfectly naturally Clark, well on Krypton anyway," Lana offered, trying to deflect Clark, but Clark's eyes snapped towards her, accusations dancing in them towards Lana.

"Wait, Lana, you knew about this?" Clark asked her, suddenly realizing.

"Just for a couple of days," Lana responded to Clark, sensing a fight coming on, and it pained her that she sensed that.

"Weren't you the one that hated me keeping secrets from you?" Clark asked Lana, feeling a bit hurt and betrayed by the woman that was supposed to be his protector.

"Your secrets Clark, when we were supposed to be in a relationship," Lana reminded him, and she tried to grab Clark's hand to gently calm him down, but he just turned away. "This was not my secret to give out at will."

"We should have come clean with you at the beginning," Chloe remarked, looking apologetic and honestly Harry and Kara were right, the longer they kept this a secret, the worse it would have seemed. "But, Clark, you know I'm a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions."

"And what do you think people will think about this?" Clark asked suddenly, and Chloe just opened her mouth, but Clark was not done. "And what you're doing is technically…."

"What illegal, morally wrong?" Chloe asked him, giving him a challenging expression in her eyes. She could not believe that Clark was being such a wet blanket and closed-minded, especially about his own background and where he came from. It was reasons like this why Clark struggled to embrace his own Kryptonian heritage.

Lana shook her head, and hoped that things would not get a bit rough. With Chloe having her powers, she did not want to have to pull her friend off of her boyfriend, and get caught in the middle of it. That would be an outcome that was far from desirable for her, and Lana sighed, trying to pacify the situation without it escalating to shouting or worse.

"Clark, you have to understand something, this is something that they've agreed to be in," Lana told them, and Clark just turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "I was in the Fortress, and the knowledge that absorbed into my mind is clear. I know some of it…multiple partners is something that is common with Kryptonians."

"So, if I wanted to bring in another girl or two, you'd just be alright with that?" Clark asked, eyes snapped towards Lana's face.

Lana felt very annoyed at Clark right now. "Don't you throw this back around on me, Clark Kent!"

Clark just got up, and took a deep breath. He had never thought that anyone could even be in a relationship with more than one girl, and this was just new and confusing to him. He stepped out, with Lana yelling a warning behind him..

"I swear to God, if you go after Harry, you're going to be sorry!" Lana told Clark, and Clark just paused, hit with that one.

"No…I just need to go for a walk…clear my head…I'm sorry."

Clark turned around, and left, taking a deep breath, and tried to figure out this new situation. He really wished that Jor-El was around, and would be able to give him some advice, even if this was one of the last situations that he would have ever thought he would discuss with Jor-El. It was clearly not something that was in the top one thousand to say the very least, and if he thought of a million things before today, this would not be thought of.

What was worst was that Clark considered the multiple partners thing before, under the Red Kryptonite, and was ashamed of it, but he shook off those thoughts. It was wrong, wrong, wrong to have such wanton desires, and Clark wondered what Harry was thinking, unless it was Chloe and Kara who talked him into it.

Lana and Chloe were left in the Kent Farm, both of them just looking at each other.

"Well that could have gone better," Chloe offered meekly.

"Yeah, no kidding," Lana said shaking her head, and peering at him. "I should really go after him…but something's holding me back. I'll keep a close eye on him, making sure he doesn't do anything irrational."

Chloe hoped for that too, but one thing was for certain about Clark, he was irrational at the worst possible times.

"He's just shocked about it," Lana replied, trying to justify what was happening, and Lana was visited by a theory. "If I had to take a guess, his male ego just took a blow, wondering why he doesn't have more than one mate."

"Would you even allow another woman into your relationship?" Chloe wondered, but Lana did not answer that.

Lana walked off without answering that question, and Chloe was left all alone. She just hoped Clark came to his senses, because Chloe hated to lose her best friend over something like this. She could sense the confusion coming off of him, and perhaps a tiny bit of jealousy.

She had given Clark plenty of chances to make his move, and now Chloe had truly moved on, but she would have liked to retain their friendship. There was really no easy situation for something like this and Clark was just too stubborn, Chloe could not think of that enough. That was one of his defining characteristics.

He got it from his father, both of them perhaps, if what Kara said about Jor-El was true.

"I don't care if you can't remember a thing, I want answers about what happened, and I want them now!"

Tess slammed the phone down, and she took a step forward, to think about what happened. Another Luthorcorp facility had been destroyed and the person who had been behind it had not even been caught. She had not known about this one actually, which made it more curious and also made her suspicious about Lex's intentions. The only bit of information she had been able to drudge up was the fact that Lex had a store of meteor rocks there.

The key word was that it was something that he had, and it was something that he did not have anymore. Tess remembered the latest progress report regarding Lex, and how he was paralyzed from the neck down after his little misadventure in the Artic. She had slowly been worming the information out of him, but he seemed to be unable to say much of anything. He feigned some kind of brain damage, but Tess knew better, she knew that Lex was milking sympathy from the doctors she assigned.

Karen showed up at this point, casual and calm, with Tess none the wiser at what she had been up to.

Then again, Karen was a completely elaborate disguise. She wore a dark wig that was bland in both color and style. She wore a pair of thick glasses over the bridge of her nose. Her clothes were extremely conservative, not anything unlike what she normally wore. It did hurt her to be covered up this much, but it was all about the role she had to plan. Not an inch of flesh was showed, except for that on her face and hands.

"Ms. Starr, I had nearly forgotten about our meeting today," Tess replied, trying to remain calm and collected in spite of the grim news she had received.

Karen was pleased how much she had gotten under the skin of Tess, and took a step forward, hiding the look of supreme triumph in her eyes.

"I hope you haven't been under too much stress," Karen replied in a soft voice.

Tess shook her head and stood up straight and proud. "No more so than usual…"

"With Lex Luthor's unexpected sabbatical, you must be working around the clock getting this company back off the ground," Karen answered to Tess, and Tess just responded with a tense look.

"Yes, much to do, but I have not neglected our partnership," Tess replied, trying to regain control, and regained her bearings.

"Of course not, an honest and dedicated career woman like yourself would never neglect a partnership," Karen replied. Her face remained calm and blank of all emotions, yet beneath it all, Karen was calculating every single thing, and was pleased that Tess was losing control, being so accustomed to having it at any other control.

'Shoe's on the other foot now, isn't it?' Karen thought, working hard trying to keep the smug expression off of her face.

She managed to copy the documents Tess had in her case, without her even noticing it. Tess turned around, and stepped forward, trying to deal with the sabotage of this previously unknown to her Luthorcorp facility.

"If you would like, we could reschedule the meeting for next week," Karen offered, in a sweet and innocent voice, keeping her eyes devoid of any expression.

"That would be acceptable," Tess agreed, relieved that she had a week to prepare. Thanks to that corporate saboteur, her mind had been all over the map and she had to get it together, or her competitions would eat her alive. "I can delay this, but I do hope that it will not cause any problems."

Karen just offered a brief smile, before she reestablished her stern expression. "None at all, you can find me to be very flexible."

Karen turned around, having what she needed. The other two Heralds of Death were looking for her; this could not be done it was too soon for them to join together, but Karen did have this information that they might find handy. While she could not read between the lines of where Lex was, it did not mean that others could not.

Especially if that other person had a more intimate knowledge of this dimension, and with those thoughts, Karen slipped into the hallway, and changed from these boring clothes, into something more comfortable.

The two Heralds of Death remained invisible, and continued to track their counterpart. Harry was going over everything in his mind about what happened. There was some times where he just smelled a rat, although he had no idea how or why. Harry folded his arms in the air, and continued to sway from one side, to the next. The dark haired Herald of Death grabbed the wrist of his wife, and the pair of them continued to descend to the ground, landing on the side. The two of them saw their mysterious girl flying around, careful not to attract any attention.

At least, no attention from either of them, and Kara stood rigid, putting her hands on her hips.

"Looks like she slipped up," Kara answered, looking forward and seeing her twin in sight.

"Or, she's luring us into a false sense of security," Harry told her, and Kara turned around, smiling brightly, ready to avenge what happened earlier.

The two of them would grab her, and forced her to give them the information, give them the answers. Kara flew forward, trying to grab her counterpart. Suddenly, she became visible in the blink of an eye.

Karen saw her counterpart flying towards her, faster than a speeding bullet. Normally Kara's speed would be a problem for anyone. However, she was faster, so Karen dodged Kara, grabbed her arm, and folded it behind her back, forcing her to her knees with pain. Kara grimaced, and Karen kicked her in the back of the arm several times.

"You just don't know when to give up," Karen replied, and she was kicked off by Kara.

Harry jumped in and tried to bind the other blonde Kryptonian. For a second, the ropes bound around her tightly, squeezing her in place. She snapped out of her restraints, and Kara jumped into the air, grabbing Karen around the waist. The two of them flew up into the air, flying, and spinning in the air, and Kara tried to direct her counterpart away from crashing into any people.

Putting some anti-eavesdropping spells, Harry tried to mitigate the damage control the best that he could. The two blonde Kryptonians crashed through a nearby water tower on the top of the building, causing ice cold water to fly everywhere, and both girls were completely soaked with water. Ice cold water dripped from their bodies and their clothes were completely damp.

The two of them landed down on the ground hard. Karen got back up to her feet. The white material clung tightly to her curves, and it was apparently that she was not wearing anything underneath. Kara grabbed her, but Karen gripped the shirt, before she tugged at it, ripping off Kara's half shirt. Kara flew away, and the material tore away in Karen's hand, leaving her in nothing, but a soaked bra from the waist up. Kara's nipples poked out from behind the wet fabric as the material clung tightly to her chest.

Kara jumped up, and tried to bind Karen's wrists and arms together, but Karen stepped off to the side, and grabbed Kara by the waist. Kara gave a surprised yelp, as Karen smacked her on the backside with a super powerful slap. Kara gave a yelp that was half between pleasure and pain, and this gave Karen a moment to knock her duplicate off guard.

Kara nearly flew off of the side of the building, and Karen jumped into the air, sending a blast of heat vision through the air. Kara repelled, and heat vision met heat vision. The two girls, dripping wet with water, with their clothes ripped, tried to push back and forth, to overwhelm each other with the heat vision.

"Just you who are you?" Kara demanded in her most dangerous voice, but she was shoved back, nearly sliding off of the side. Karen just had a grin cross her face, and she caught Kara around the waist.

"I am you," Karen whispered in Kara's eye, and slowly stroked her fingers on the exposed skin of her stomach, teasing her fingers at the edge of the skirt, but not quite taking the plunge. "Soon, you'll see, but I have information for both you and your mate."

Karen grabbed the envelope of documents, and shoved them into Kara's hand. Kara took them, and Karen reached forward, grabbing Kara, and pressing her lips to her counterpart's with a searing kiss. Kara did not fight, instead returning the kiss deeply, and opening her mouth to allow Karen's tongue to enter. There was just something rather intoxicating about this, and Kara felt her mind slowly shut down.

"Just something to remember me by," Karen replied with a saucy wink, and she disappeared, just when Harry broke through the barriers, finally reaching Kara.

Kara just nearly dropped to one knee, and Harry wrapped his arms around her, making sure she was okay.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get through in time," Harry whispered to Kara, and Kara just nodded, her heart beating across her chest. Her head thumped down onto Harry's shoulder, with him holding her tight in a warm and loving embrace. Harry's bright green eyes looked into her blue eyes, and concern filled them. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll be fine," Kara answered, wrapping her arms tighter around Harry, and pulling him into a long kiss. Harry returned the kiss with fever, and passion, the two of them had been soaked from the battle.

Harry could taste the other blonde Kryptonian on her lips. She had a wilder and more untamed taste than his beautiful bride. It was sensual in its own way, however. Harry pulled away, and Kara placed her hands on Harry's waist, propping herself up.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked her, smiling at her.

"Positive," Kara answered with a nervous little grin, and she held the information in her hand, clutching the information tightly in it. "I wonder why she gave us this."

Harry had no idea. He placed his arm around Kara's waist, and the two of them set sail back off, after Harry repaired the damage, and modified a few memories.

The two of them made their way off, and tried to reconcile what had happened to them on that particular day. It was one that neither of them would be forgetting anytime soon, that was for certain.

Back at the Shining Light Foundation, Kara and Harry poured over the documents on the table. The other blonde Kryptonian had given it to them. Chloe took a step forward, looking a bit dazed, and thrown off.

"So what are you doing?" Chloe asked them, rather curiously.

Kara was the one that popped up. "Our mysterious third Herald of Death popped up again, and gave us this, its information, and it's what Lex is up to."

"So the rumors of Lex Luthor's demise have been greatly exaggerated," Chloe chimed in, and Harry and Kara got in. "Is there any concrete information on him?"

"Nothing that we can track him down with, but we might be able to track down what he is working on," Kara replied, and when Chloe just looked at her, Kara decided to elaborate with more information. "There is some kind of project that he's working on; we believe that he thinks it will help him defeat Clark, but we don't have any information regarding what it is, where it's being held, or where Lex is."

Chloe just shivered at the sound of Clark's name, and Harry grabbed Chloe's hand.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked her, concern in his eyes.

Chloe just took a deep breath, and decided to elaborate on what she was feeling. "Clark and I…well we kind of had it out over…our arrangement."

Kara just looked up, and took a deep and calming breathing, before she gripped Chloe's hands, and looked her straight in the eye.

"Just say the word, and I'll go and have a chat with him," Kara told Chloe in a gentle voice. Chloe slid back, and her heart beat a bit quicker against her ribcage, but she shook her head.

"No, I don't want to make this situation any worse than it has to," Chloe responded, feeling a bit flustered.

"If he started his training, like he was supposed to, he would have understood about this," Kara replied, and she did not want to think about it, but it was possible someone like Clark could have had multiple mates.

Breaching that subject with Lana was going to be all kinds of fun.

"Clark is your best friend," Harry replied, and he looked at Chloe. "Perhaps at another time, you hung your hat on something more developing."

Chloe just offered a nod, and sighed. "Yeah, I did, but that ship has long since sailed, and long since been torpedoed a long time again. Clark's stubborn, and often times needs to be hit with a hard dose of reality."

"Just say the word Chloe, and I'll take care of him immediately," Kara replied to Chloe, and Chloe just smiled, shaking her head.

"No, it's nice if you, really it is, but I'm fine," Chloe responded to both of them, and Harry just placed his arms around her.

"Clark will come around, although if he doesn't, I'll just seal him in a nightmare dimension until he does," Harry responded, trying to lighten the mood, and Chloe laughed, before things grew suddenly serious.

"Somehow I don't think that physical abuse and trauma is going to solve this problem," Chloe answered, and Harry just placed his hands on either side of her face, before he gently kissed her lips.

Chloe felt herself be a bit better, indulging herself in the full pleasure of the tender kiss that Harry gave her.

"Come on, the three of us need relief after what happened today," Kara chimed in, and Chloe just nodded at the three of us. She saw the symbol on her hand, and it reminded her of the choice she made.

The choice had not been without its benefits, and Harry, Kara, and Chloe disappeared with simultaneous pops, heading back home to unwind with each other.

The two girls grabbed Harry, and pushed him back on the bed. Both of them sat on either side of Harry, and started to kiss his body, while pulling off his shirt. Both Chloe and Kara massaged Harry's abs and chest, and Harry felt himself swell under their actions.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

The two lovely young women disappeared for a brief moment, leaving Harry wanting more. Both of them returned, wearing sheer see through night dressed. Chloe wore a white one, that wrapped snugly around her body, and when she swayed, Harry could see her round breasts, with her nipples poking out of her shirt. His gaze traveled, when Chloe bent over, to see her tight pussy, and nice ass, with a cute little birthmark on it.

Kara wore the same thing, only hers was blue, and if possible made with less material than Chloe's. It wrapped tightly around her, the material only really going from the top of her cleavage, wrapped around her luscious breasts, and stopping at her midriff area. Harry saw all of her. Her pussy only had a small strip of blonde hair, was tight, and pink with arousal for him. Her legs were a bit longer that Chloe's and a bit more toned, not that Chloe's were bad. Her ass was in perfect shape, and Kara teased him by wiggling it at him.

With a wave of his hands, the material disappeared from the bodies of both women, leaving them perfectly naked. The two girls hovered over Harry's hands, and Harry stuck a finger up both of their pussies. The two girls moaned, as Kara bounced up and down on his fingers on his right side, and Chloe did likewise on this left side.

"Oh, that's it, finger me good," Chloe whimpered, and she bent forward, nibbling on Harry's ear.

Kara moaned deeply, and Harry added more fingers, pumping into her moist cunt, working its magic into her. Harry could really manipulate her, and hit her in the right spots without even trying. Given the look of pleasure on Chloe's face, Kara could tell that the other blonde felt the same thing exactly.

Chloe was in heaven, with Harry finger fucking her like this. He seemed to pay extra attention to what touches drove her to the most pleasure, and it was like Harry was born to do this. He gave her pleasure, beyond anything she could have ever measure. Chloe grinded onto Harry's hand, when she hovered in the air, and Kara did the same thing, both girls feeling the pleasure.

Both girls eventually had been brought to a rather spectacular duel orgasm, and had their juices splattered onto Harry's hands. After they did that, Kara and Chloe switched spots. Chloe was allowed to lick the Kara's juices off of Harry's hand, and Kara did likewise with Chloe's juices. Both girls sucked, and licked on Harry's hands and fingers, trailing their wet and hot tongues over it.

"You taste really good Chloe," Kara offered with a deep moan in her throat, eyes flickering with the deepest desire.

Chloe just looked at Kara, a grin spreading across her face, before she spoke. "You don't taste too bad yourself, Kara."

The two girls worked Harry's pants off of him at super speed, and yanked his boxers down. Harry's cock sprung out, and nearly nailed Kara in the cheek. Kara grabbed it, and slowly stroked down it. Chloe took her turn, and both girls proceeded to stroke and squeeze Harry's cock, taking turns feeling it.

Harry's eyes fluttered shut with desire. The fact of the matter was that these hot hands on his cock were going to make him lose it, if he was not careful. These two devious blonde vixens had him in his hands, molding him, and squeezing him. Kara went down between his legs, and bathed his sack with her pink tongue. She expertly licked Harry, knowing what he liked, and Chloe licked around Harry's cock.

"Go ahead, suck my cock, I can't take it anymore," Harry whispered, and sure enough, Chloe's hot mouth had enveloped around Harry's cock. The dark haired Herald of Death gave a hiss through his teeth, as the blonde slowly began to bob her head up and down at it.

Chloe thought she was getting a good enough taste, and pleasuring Harry, watching while Kara was licking his balls. However, that was not good enough for Kara. Kara pulled herself up, and grabbed a handful of Chloe's hair, before the blonde Kryptonian roughly shoved Chloe face first down onto Harry's cock, making her take his cock in the back of her throat.

"Suck his cock like you mean it, bitch," Kara ordered, a devious expression in her eyes, and Chloe did so, and suddenly, Kara's hand was down between Chloe's legs. Chloe tried to block out the sensations, when Kara rubbed her thumb against Chloe's clit. The blonde bucked her hips, and continued to spear Harry's cock down her throat.

Harry saw this scene, and instinctively, Chloe's fingers reached their way into Kara's pussy, and began to feel around on the inside of it, feeling the pleasurable heat around her fingers. Harry felt his balls load up with cum, as Chloe continued to go down on him, deeper, and deeper, pushing his cock down her throat. Harry leaned back, giving a pleasurable groan.

"That's it, keep sucking it, oh Kara, feels so good, keep doing that Chloe," Harry groaned, as Chloe deep throated him. Kara meanwhile, with her hands both occupied, managed to position herself so her toes had been rubbing Harry's ball sac to simulate it.

Kara was pleased about the effect this was having, as she made sure Chloe was giving Harry all of the pleasure he desired. The back of Harry's cock hit Chloe's throat again, with the blonde pushing him deep into her throat.

"So close," Harry whispered, running his hands through the hair of both of his girls, and Kara pulled Chloe off of Harry's cock. Harry groaned at the loss of Chloe's luscious lips wrapped around his dick, but it was soon replaced by Kara's firm, but soft hand. Kara began to tug on Harry's cock, and jerked him off.

"Cum for us, love."

Harry's balls tightened, when he saw both girls on their knees, looking up at him with bright eyes, and Kara pulling on his cock. Harry groaned, and his balls tightened, before his loins exploded.

Jet after jet of warm cum fired out of his balls like a fire house, splattering Chloe and Kara both in their faces, their breasts, and rolling onto their stomachs. The cum was never ending, firing out load after load. Kara kept pumping Harry, wanting to get every drop of cum out of him, as he kept firing. Chloe and Kara caught some of the cum on their tongues, and it was a beautiful thing.

Both girls looked up at Harry with dirty smiles, and mischievous expressions on their faces, their faces completely splattered in his spunk. The two girls licked their lips.

"Oh, Harry, look at the mess you made," Chloe remarked in a playful tone.

"Whatever, shall we do?" Kara asked suddenly, but she grabbed Chloe around the waist, and pulled her into a tight embrace. Both blondes hugged each other, and their tongues slowly licked each other's faces.

Chloe's eyes fluttered, she was getting more and more into this than she could have ever thought. Especially when Kara's mouth latched onto her breasts, sucking the cum off of them. Chloe placed the back of her hand on Kara's head, and encouraged her to continue, feeling a heat build between her legs.

"More, please," Chloe whispered, and Kara looked at Chloe, before sticking her tongue deep between Chloe's tits, and licking the valley. Suddenly, Kara began to rub her pussy against Chloe's.

Kara felt the feeling of Chloe's moist pussy on hers, and she already felt its tightness with her fingers. The two blondes continued their actions, rubbing their pussies against each other, and Chloe daringly cupped Kara's ass. She squeezed it, and fondled, molding the perfect cheeks. Kara was a vision of perfection, and beauty.

"You're beautiful," Chloe whispered to Kara, and Kara pulled away from Chloe, smiling.

"You are too," Kara answered, and she scooped Chloe into her arms, before flying her to the other side of the room, and suddenly at that point, Chloe felt herself secured to the wall by restraints, with Kara having been quicker on the draw.

"Hey!" Chloe yelled in an incredulous voice, but Kara offered her an impish grin, and teased Chloe's opening making her whine. "You're not going to leave me hanging like this, are you?"

Kara tackled Harry at this point, feeling that there was no need to wait, given that Harry would have been already erect.

Sure enough, Harry was, after that hot display. Kara kissed him with passion, and desire. Harry kissed her back, running his hands over her body, exploring every single curve of her body, and then Kara backed off, before seeing Harry's erect cock so stroked it, feeling it in her hands, and without any warning, or care, Kara impaled herself down on his cock.

"Fuck me with your big cock Harry, I want to feel it stretching out every inch of my pussy," Kara whined.

"Your pussy, so tight, so hot," Harry said, moving his hips up, and matching Kara as she bounced up and down on him, riding him like the stallion that she thought he was. Kara's breasts swayed in the air. She gave a pleased gasp when Harry groped her boobs, and used his thumb to trace up and down across her nipples. "Big breasts, beautiful, blonde, keep riding me, let's break the bed."

Kara bounced up and down, and the bed creaked underneath them. It was at this point, where Kara sped up her motions, and then two lifted off of the bed, with Kara touching the ceiling, before they slammed back down on the bed, but Harry remained sheathed inside of Kara despite these intense motions.

Chloe watched, whimpering, with her pussy burning with desire. With her arms and legs chained to the wall, there was no room for her to pleasure herself, so Chloe felt an unbearable heat, and she wanted Harry's cock in her, so bad. Right now, she watched, seeing the strokes of both Harry and Kara get more and more intense, and the warmth between her thighs become nearly unbearable.

"I love fucking this tight twat," Harry managed, and he switched positions, so this time Kara was on her back. He pushed into her, and thrust deep into her. He felt her walls squeeze his member, and Kara gave pleasurable squeals, when Harry groped her breasts.

"Fucking damage me, Harry," Kara fired back, thrusting her hips up, and Harry kept inside her, spearing into her again, and again. Kara summoned her power to her pussy, giving Harry the most pleasure she could, whilst squeezing his super hard penis with a force that would crush diamonds into coal.

Chloe watched as the hours ticked away, and her breathing had become more labored. Her wrists were still bound, and Harry pounded into Kara more and more. She watched Harry's cock lift up, and slam back down into Kara, with the hot fucking. Kara's legs wrapped around Harry's waist, and the two took their antics higher, rocking back and forth in the air.

"Fuck me, fuck me!" Kara moaned, Harry's cock driving into her with intense force, and giving her pleasure.

"I'm balls deep in you, fucking this tight pussy," Harry managed, and he continued to fuck Kara, with Kara positioning them right in the line of Chloe's sight, so she could watch the two fuck.

Chloe whimpered, now they were just teasing her. She needed relief badly, slumping against the wall.

It could have been a very long time, but Harry's motions sped up, hammering into Kara's pussy with the force of a meteor. Kara fucked him back, nailing her husband with the full force of a jet. The two moaned, and whimpered, rocking back and forth in the air, until eventually Harry's loins tightened.

Harry flew over, and slammed Kara into the wall, kissing her, before he thrust into her. Kara squeezed him, and both came together. Kara felt herself be filled up Harry's cum, it flooding into her, and splattering against her walls. Their combined juices rolled out onto Kara's thighs, as Harry continued to thrust into Kara, going deeper and deeper, splattering his load into her.

Chloe was slumped against the wall, but was woken up by two people. Kara's cunt was against Chloe's mouth, dripping with Harry's cum and Kara's as well, pushing against her lips.

"Eat me," Kara ordered to her, and Chloe obliged, sticking her tongue deep into Kara's moist peach, and licking her out, tasting the savory taste of both the combined juices of her lovers.

Chloe did not have much time to register that, for Harry's cock speared inside her. The blonde girl moaned, and the vibrations caused Kara's pussy to clench right on her, releasing a flood of juices onto Chloe's pretty face. Chloe was spurred on to eat Kara, munching on her cunt, as Kara rubbed it in her face, getting off on these actions.

As this was happening, Harry sawed into Chloe's pussy, feeling it wrap around his cock. The woman was still chained to the wall, but that just added to the emotions and the drama.

"Chloe, do you like this fucking?" Harry breathed, when he slammed his cock in and out of her, as she was pressed against the wall.

Kara pulled away from Chloe, long enough to allow the young woman to give an answer. "Yes, keep doing that, fuck me, fuck me hard."

Harry obliged, and was right in Chloe, pounding away at her perfect tight pussy. The woman moaned in desire, and Chloe's arms were now free. This allowed Chloe to reach around and also pleasure Kara's ass with her fingers whilst Chloe ate Kara's pussy. The Kryptonian blonde hovered in the air, moaning, and cooing, while playing with her nipples.

"Such a good pussy licker, you just love pleasing your mistress and your master, Chloe," Kara whimpered, with Chloe continuing to lick out Kara's twat, and also she teased Kara's clit, which was super sensitive. Kara moaned, grabbing Chloe around the head. "Keep doing that, baby, just don't let up.

Chloe's legs were let go as a reward ,and wrapped around Harry, encouraging him to fuck her nice and hard, slamming into her crevice. This allowed Harry to gain more momentum, when he sawed into her pussy. Chloe felt blinded by desire, with a huge cock in her pussy, and a tasty pussy on her mouth. The two of them brought her into new worlds of pleasure, sensations that could not be described by mere words.

Harry could feel her wrap around him tightly, and he could almost sense Chloe's thoughts, her deepest desires. Chloe wanted to be fucked harder, and who was Harry to disappoint such a lovely lady? Harry speared deep into her pussy, and Chloe's legs tightened around Harry.

"Ah, ah, yes," Chloe whimpered, when Kara gave her mouth a break, and then Kara went down. She knelt down between Harry's legs.

Harry groaned with pleasure, when he felt Kara's tongue lick up and around his ballsac. The blonde Kryptonian was really adept at driving Harry into brand new worlds of pleasure, and his heart sped up when she licked him like that.

"Damn Kara, fuck yeah Chloe, both of you are so fucking hot," Harry managed to both of them, feeling his cock impact Chloe hard.

"You too, babe, fuck me ,love this, wreck me, fuck me, do me hard," Chloe chanted, wrapping her arms around Harry's back, and digging her nails into it. "Your cock fills me up so much."

Kara licked Harry's swinging balls, and Harry's hands found his way down to Kara's breasts, and he fondled them.

The time ticked away, and Chloe's eyes fluttered shut. Her head reared back, with soft moans, and Harry continued to stray the course. She lost track for how many orgasms Harry had driven her to. Chloe knew that if she was a normal human woman, she would be dead from the overexertion . Harry hammered into her again, and again, and again, pounding his thick meat into her cunt.

"Getting close," Harry informed Chloe.

"Cum in me, please I need it," Chloe begged, wanting to feel Harry explode inside her, just like he did with Kara earlier.

Harry's balls tightened, and his load unleashed deep into her quivering cunt. Chloe writhed, and moaned, seeing stars at that final orgasm, when Harry exploded a deep and steady stream of cum into her, finishing off the session of sex with his spunk painting her walls white and wet.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

The three lovers crashed on the floor, with Harry providing a blanket, and glasses of water for the three of them. An hour might have only passed in the real world, but they had been going at it for at least a day inside this room, maybe longer. After the preliminaries were done, Harry suspected that he fucked both girls for ten hours straight, and they were grinning like loons at this point. The time spells were holding much more, and Harry could not think of a better part.

Both of his lovely beautiful, and bright blondes rested on the floor. Chloe was draped over Harry's chest on one side, and Kara was draped over Harry's other side.

"I love you both," Harry said.

"I love you too," Chloe managed sleepily.

"Love both of you too," Kara breathed heavily.

All three of them felt in better spirits than they had been before. With Chloe added, it seemed like their desires had gotten stronger, along with their powers.

Davis Bloome found himself in a hospital room, which was an interesting turn of events, and his mind had been rattled. There was some mysterious woman that attacked him, and was fully intent to rip his head off. Something had saved him, given the fact that he ended up here, and not in the morgue.

"Are you alright?"

Davis turned around, looking up at the newest arrival and saw the young man standing in the hallway. He seemed harmless enough, but Bloome was on the edge after what happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I heal easily," Davis admitted, and he leaned back on the bed. He studied the young man. "You were the one who got me out of there, weren't you?"

Clark just sat back, and nodded slowly.

"I'm just happy to help."

"Well, that's good, and perhaps you should offer me some insight on just who that woman was," Davis answered, and he looked at Clark. There was a moment where Clark did not respond at this point.

"I have no idea, but she could be dangerous," Clark offered, but to be honest, his mind was elsewhere. He tended to stick his foot into his mouth a lot of the time, and earlier today, he did stick his foot in his mouth.

Perhaps Clark was the wrong one, but stubbornness did tend to run in the family, both his human one and his Kryptonian one. His mind reflected to the busty blonde Kryptonian that resembled an older version of his cousin. She seemed to be so annoyed by his presence, and however, if she was going to attack innocent people, Clark was going to take her down.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure," Davis answered, and he broke the silence.

Clark stood at this moment, and Davis just tapped his fingers on the side of a table.

"Clark Kent," Clark replied to the young paramedic.

"Davis Bloome," Davis answered, for some reason, he thought the name Clark Kent would be one that he would remember for a long time. "So…thanks."

Clark nodded, and he turned around. He would stick around for a little bit, should the twisted version of Kara would come back. Clark was leaning towards an evil clone of some sort, or perhaps some shape-shifter, neither would surprise him.

Davis stood, and he had seen the carnage around him, the blood that had been spilled. Granted, the blood had been his own, but it had intrigued him. Davis slid back, and the eyes just flickered. There was always something about him, some inherent darkness, which he tried to suppress.

And the events of today had caused Davis to consider his lot in life.

Lana sat down, just reconciling everything that had happened over the past day. The fact of the matter was that she wanted to clear her head, and get into order. Kara entered the room, followed by Megan. Megan sat, and offered Lana a smile.

"Just relax, and pretend we're not here," Kara remarked Lana, giving her an encouraging smile. "It won't hurt that much, in fact getting your teeth pulled hurts much less, or so I've heard."

"What's Megan doing here?" Lana asked, looking at the teenage girl.

"She is going to make sure that I don't miss any spots when I'm translating," Kara informed Lana, and Lana just responded with a nod. She looked at Megan, who sat with her arms folded across her chest.

"So, are you…are you meteor infected?" Lana asked curiously.

"Yes," Megan replied a bit too abruptly. She did not want people to know about her true form, it was hideous. It was a calculated risk just letting Kara and Harry know about her mind reading abilities, but she owed them to help, after they took her in and gave her purpose at the Shining Light Foundation. She had become almost an older sister to Claire as well, and the Potters had been so good to her, asking no questions.

Perhaps they would understand, given a certain amount of time, but Megan was insecure about herself and what her true form was, along with what her people did in the past.

Despite everything, she had some serious image problems, mostly because of how white Martians were treated by the greens. The fact of the matter was that neither color of Martians really understood how the conflict began. The White Martians were oppressed, but that was beside the point. Lana would likely know about that particular conflict, but as for Jor-El's opinion on the White Martians, Megan could not say.

Lana slid back on the chair, and the two had gone through her mind. The dark haired girl just relaxed at this moment, and allowed Kara to shift through her mind, while Megan helped guide her. The feeling of their presence in her mind was like a gentle nudge. Lana felt herself understanding more and more, with each piece of information being shifted from the garbled words into clear and concise thoughts.

It did not escape Kara's notice that Lana seemed to remembering the timeline that Clark erased with clarity. Right now, she put it across as a dream. Then the dreams turned into nightmares. Kara reminded herself she was meant to delve into Lana's mind, and translate the memories, not be poking around in her dreams and nightmares. Kara took a moment to remember that, and at that moment, she continued to push through the memories.

Lana felt a headache coming on.

"And we better stop," Megan whispered to Kara, sensing Lana's discomfort.

"How much more?" Lana asked.

"Half," Kara replied.

"Keep going," Lana persisted, wanting to get this done and overwithou, but Megan shook her head.

"No, it will cook your brain cells," Megan replied, biting her lip nervously, and she looked at Lana seriously. "You can't protect Kal-El if you're brain dead."

Lana opened her mouth to protest, but shook her head. She had so much new knowledge that it was hard to reconcile. She had only one question to ask them both.

"How much longer?"

Kara paused. "Three to four more sessions, at the least, but we should go upwards to five. Every night, the same time, if that's alright for you?"

"That's fine," Lana answered, waving off the question, and she got up, thinks had been translated into her mind, and more information.

Lana thought about tracking Clark down, but first she would return the Kent Farm, and check on him there, and if he was not there, then she would go out to track him down, to keep an eye on him from a distance until he was ready to act rational.