

Sophie and C prepared two wedding gifts for Robert and Lily. Sophie called one of her contacts abroad and prepared a list of items for that person to search. He immediately prepared the items and confirmed Sophie that they will be delivered on the wedding day itself. Henry called an asked, "Are you sure that you are not going with me?"



"I want to go there with someone else."


"That bodyguard of yours?"

"Don't call him that otherwise don't blame me if anything happens."

"Okay okay."

The day before the wedding, Sophie suddenly arranged for Edward to come to her office.

"Why have you brought me here telling me that I have some emergency at my office?"

"I need your help. I know that you know you are at the third rank in the current hacker list. I have something very important to do and I cannot entrust anyone else to do this thing."

The first word that left Edward's mouth was, "How do you know?"

"Later. I need your help, C has gone to bring your laptop."

"I don't have the necessary machines here. I don't have time to go to the lab right now. Although I can access the lab I don't want to do it right now. You are the easiest option within reach."

"I see."

"But how will C get my laptop?"

"Foolish question. Did you forget who I am?"

"Oh! Right, I forgot."

Before C came with his laptop, she explained what they were going to do. Her fingers danced past the keyboard very fast, and they conversed about a lot of topic related to cybersecurity. Edward learnt a lot about it from her.

C brought his laptop and sat down on the couch laid inside her office.

"You can take a nap bro. This is going to take time."


Sophie said with an evil smile, "Robert, I am going to give you the best wedding gift. Just wait and watch."

Suddenly her tone changed and she said, "I heard an interesting news from Henry."

"What is that?" C asked from the bedroom in her office.

"Mr. Andrew Watson is liquidating his assets."

"For what?"

"He is coming to S city."

"WHAT!!!??" C came running there in his pajamas, and Edward was so shocked that his mouth formed an 'O'.

"This is going to be bad."


"He is coming to Robert's wedding tomorrow."

C stumbled and fell, and sat down on the ground. He was extremely shocked.

"Now what? Are you going to attend tomorrow's wedding?"


"Sophie, don't be too stubborn."

"Listen. I have made all the preparations."

"Ed is helping me in some things. Others are given to Allen for handling. Both of you know how efficient he is."

C knew that he could not change her mind, and did not bother doing it. He shook his head and went to the bedroom to take a nap. 'Tomorrow is going to be a long day.'

Edward and Sophie worked for a long time, and stayed in her office for the night. Almost at dawn break, they got the necessary desired results which shocked them to the core. But they were extremely tired and Sophie took a nap in her chair, while Ed stretched himself on the couch which could not fit his tall frame. His legs were dangling, but he was too tired to bother himself with that. He slept there.

I've added this novel to #TGIF 113 and there will be a 5 chapters mass release today. I just hope that you guys vote for me..

Chapter 1 of 5... More chapters coming.

Happy reading.



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