
Her Wish Upon a Star

One hundred years ago, the magestic city of Brighthaven faced an insidious curse unleashed by the dark magic of a heartbroken witch. The Princess, Cersie Sierra, though spared from the curse was trapped inside a star. Meanwhile, in the current time, Rowena Alexander, unaware of her own destiny, races against time to save her town from the same malevolent curse. As fate weaves their stories together, a single wish revealed the ancient connection between the two. United by a shared purpose and a curse that now seemed not so bad, Cersie and Rowena embark on a journey to confront the shadows that threaten their world, forging a bond that transcends time.

Miss_FaerieChild20 · ファンタジー
28 Chs

The Sacrifice Of A Mother...

The mother, burdened by the weight of her past and the people that hunted her, found herself standing before the lord's imposing home. The baby in her arms, innocent and unaware, stirred as if sensing something was happening.

Tears welled in the mother's eyes as she cradled the child close to her chest. A mixture of love and sorrow painted her face, etching this moment into her memory. Vowing to never forget her with a tender kiss on the baby's forehead, she whispered words of farewell.

"May the fates be kind to you, my sweet child. Find a path free from the hunters that chase us for our lives... Be- be happy my love." She murmured as she pressed her head against her child. She took one last look at her daughters emerald eyes that were drowsy with sleep and kissed her raven coloured hair.

Placing the baby gently on the steps of the lord's home, the mother suppressed her tears. With a heavy heart, she took a step back and steeled herself for what lay ahead.

Summoning all of her strength, she raised a clenched fist and pounded on the door, the sound echoing through the halls of the mansion. The baby, left on the doorstep, remained silent, a beacon of innocence against the unknown.

Inside the lord's home, footsteps approached, the muffled sounds growing louder as the door creaked open. The lord, drawn by the unexpected commotion, appeared with a mix of confusion and concern etched on his face.

The mother, hidden in the shadows of the back alley, watched as the lord's gaze fell upon the abandoned child. The night seemed to hold its breath as the lord, a man of kindness and compassion, took in the unexpected presence on his doorstep.

His stern countenance softened for a fleeting moment, a glimpse of grief and hope breaking through the mask of authority. The mother, tears streaming down her face, bore witness to the tender exchange that unfolded in the quiet of the night.

The lord, known for his benevolence toward his people, cradled the baby in his arms. He had lost his wife and child and now this poor child was left to him. His eyes once darkened with grief now was filled with hope, a new love, as he looked down at the innocent face before him. "Oh dear. what are you doing out here in the cold little one? Lets get you inside." He smiled at the baby as she cooed at him. He looked around for any sign of who had left the little girl but he couldn't see anyone. he sighed. The mother, her heart heavy with her sacrifice, whispered a silent farewell to the child she had left behind.

As the door closed behind the lord and the child, the alley returned to its silent vigil. The mother, now alone in the shadows, took a deep breath. With each step away from the lord's home, she carried the weight of her choices, the echoes of the night playing a haunting melody in the recesses of her mind. The tapestry of fate had woven another strand, and she walked away, her silhouette fading into the darkness, a silent witness to the sacrifice of a mother.