
Chapter 235

Jeered, placing their bets.

Sylvester stared at the man murderously, he went to change his outfit, Mr. Thomas grabbed his arm.

And he turned, but the both of them looked at each other with hostility, Mr. Thomas grinned and leaned towards his ear.

“Please, don't make me lose my money, just as your father did” he reminded him, a part of his life, that Sylvester never wish that it ever happened.

He withdrew his hand from his grasp, and walked away, the crowd before him, kept on jeering the giant man in the ring, making his presence felt by everyone.

The coordinator joggle to the ring, and whispered some words to him.

“Sorry boy, you won't be lucky as your father” he commented, and lit his cigarette.

Minutes later…

Sylvester emerged from the dressing without a coach, neither a team of advisors, those who placed their bets on him, were utterly disappointed.



They started booing him, he ignored all of them, and headed to the ring, he stood, and remembered the special spot, he always stood whenever his father has a fight.

He saw the smaller version of him, standing calmly, be side his father's coach.

The bell started ringing, small-Sylvester jumped up, and jeered his father.

“This victory, is for my son” his father's voice came from the speaker, and the crowd jeered.

The coach lifted him up, and carried him into the ring, his father lifted him above the shoulder, and gave him the champion belt, he held it with his tiny hands, displaying it, to the jeering audience.

At the Presidential suite…

Three men in suits approached Jo, who was with Amanda, the both of them were settled in a private room, large, to harbor twenty to twenty-five guests.

Jo lifted his face, and saw his men, coming in, he exhaled.

“Sir, the helicopter is ready” one of them announced.

He took Amanda's hand, she blushed lightly, her heart thumping incessantly, as Jo led her out of the VIP lodge room.

They went up to the top of the building, the two of them walked towards the helipad silently, Jo felt natural to hold Amanda's delicate slender hand.

Six armed men hurry over to the private room that Jo and Amanda just left, the man at the front, shot a kick at the door.


The door collapsed on the marbled floor.


All of them troop in, with their guns.

“Fuck.” their leader cursed, they all retreated, and decided to go check up, using the elevator, but they arrived late.

They have gone, the leader of the gang leading the raid, gritted his teeth, and pulled out his phone.

“Boss, they are gone” he reported with a blank expression.

His comment enraged Mr. Sea at the other end “incompetent lousy good-for-nothings, get me the two of them, I don't care how you do it” he snapped, and ended the call.

The leader of the raid was surprise, his boss is acting rashly, they can't