
Chapter 121

#Chapter 121 A dreadful escape.

Doris couldn’t see Enzo, but his voice was all the confirmation she needed. Doris gripped the bars of his cell. “Enzo, are you alright?” Doris said quietly. They didn’t have much time before that boy alerted someone of the shift change. They were probably already on their way here and every breath was a waste.

“As well as I can be, I suppose.” Enzo said with a weak chuckle. William fumbled with the keys beside her as he tried to find the match in the complete darkness. Doris felt as if she could hear all of their breaths echo in her ears along with the beat of her heart. “I didn’t think you would come for me.”

“Of course we would. You’re in this mess because of us.” Doris said gently. William stiffened beside her. A moment later, the lock sounded and the door creaked open slowly. “You never let us down when we needed you.”