

She was really trying to avoid his interrogations, " so what are you up to today?" He looked at her adoringly. " Well let me give you a chance to guess what your handsome brother managed to do." She slightly tilted her head suspiciously.

"Mnnnhh let me see, hacked dad's laptop?, Stole the pass codes?, Arranged a party?" He kept denying with a sullen face, she sighed softly a little frustrated cause she hated beating around the bush. " Okay then I don't know, I give up! Tell me then." 

"I can't believe you think I can only do bad things, you didn't even try to guess any good deeds." Calmon said looking wronged.

She smiled sweetly and kept bugging him until he gave in. " Fine fine stop it I'll tell you." She stopped bugging and looked at him attentively waiting for him to speak. " Well I managed to convince dad to stop you from  having the home tutoring and attend a normal school but..." Valina didn't even let him finish and pounced on him hugging him tightly, while endlessly thanking him.

Cal tapped her shoulders slightly while chocking on his words. " I-ii caa-a-nt b-b-b-brea-th-th!!" She quickly pulled away from the hug and grinned at him sheepishly. Cal greedily breathed in air while chocking, after he felt a little bit better he looked at her warily. " Tell me how hard have you been training lately?  You are much stronger than the last time."

Valina only shrugged her shoulders, " you were saying but?" He laughed lightly. " Ooh yeah you don't have the pleasure to choose a school of your own choice, meaning you will be attending our own school and you will have to bring at least five bodyguards with you whenever you leave the mansion. Also at the school he is going to send someone to keep a close eye on you."

Valina slumped on the sofa, "when am I going to gain freedom like you. But all this Will do for now." Cal drugged her out of the house to his car it was a black Range Rover of the latest model. He helped her climb in the car and fastened her seatbelt then he went to the driver's side  and started the engine. She looked   around strangely, "Cal we aren't bringing the bodyguards with us?" He nodded at her words smiling, he could here excitement in her voice but the mischievous look she had couldn't escape his notice either.

Val playfully tapped his shoulder, "well then I must congratulate you comrade for having accomplished a great task. Now get ready for we are going to have a great long day." She said with a smirk.

She looked back at the mansion it was very rare for her to view it from the outside. It was a huge mansion located at the center of the city, it was painted blue at the upper part and cream at the lower part from the outside. Her parents occupied the east wing and the West wing was reserved for the guests, her brother occupied the South wing while she occupied the North wing and there was a servant quarter for the junior servants and bodyguards while the seniors occupied some of the West wing. Outside the mansion there was a packing lot, which had almost twenty cars of different models and the modest there were four motor bikes. Two BMW'S, a sports bike and a ghost Rider, there was also two bicycles. Towards the east wing there was a helipad with three helicopters. Towards the South wing there was a club house with a dance hall where one can hold different events and that's why his brother loved that Side of the mansion. On the backyard there was  a stable and a ranch. Towards her North wing there was a swimming pool a flower bed and her pets house. While standing at her balcony one could see the sun rising and also the view was great during the night when all the lights were turned on in the city. 

She would often climb up the roof top to admire the city because she could view the whole city from there andwatch the sky and Stars. Inside the mansion just after entering there was the living room with a big television on the wall to the right and a set of sofa's blue in colour. There was a round glass table in the middle with some sweets on top. There was flower vases at the corners of the room with different types of flowers each one containing it's special meaning like the lilies which brought along a homely vibe. Straight ahead was the dinning room which had a long wooden table, from just a glance one could see it was antique and expensive. At each end of the table there was two chairs  different from the others it brought along the vibe of royalty, there was always fruits and refreshments on the table. 

On the left side was the kitchen which was painted brown, there was two fridges one for beverages and refreshments and the other for food and fruits. There was a freezer and high quality utensils and kitchen necessities. 

In the middle of the living room was the staircase that led to different directions of the mansion.

There are three gates before entering the mansion which are heavily guarded. The first one you have to undergo full body scanning for verification of any weapons with four guards and it is an electric gate. The second one does fingerprint and eyes scanning with two guards. The last one to the mansion one needs to confirm with someone from the inside to enter and also two guards. There is also patrol guards inside the mansion with maximum security.