
Her Story...

So she sat there and recounted her life story to Dr. Janki. Getting everything off of her chest. When she reached the part regarding her lovely stranger she paused. She wasn't sure whether it really hurt that much now. She felt like her entire world crumbled at that time. Yes it was difficult for an eighteen year old girl to lose her first love even if it was one sided. But she did survive that. Her Niveditha helped her through it. Niveditha joined her college as a lateral in their second year of college. Initially they didn't interact much. But slowly they became friends. Not just friends. Niveditha became more of a sister to Diya. Niveditha pulled Diya out of the dark place she was in. Diya slowly turned into an extrovert. She became a happy person once again. Niveditha encouraged Diya to sing again. And her music and Niveditha's friendship healed Diya. She survived her heartbreak and finished college and was placed in a reputed company through campus placement. They both were placed in the same company. So after college they became work buddies. Diya loved travelling. They went on trips together. Diya experienced freedom for the first time in her life. Things were good. Life was good. Years went by. They both turned 24.

Diya had to move into a different project and had to move to another city. They had to separate. They continued their friendship over the phone. But things weren't the same without Niveditha present. They missed each other so much. Diya felt like she was alone again. But eventually she learnt to love her own company. She learnt to love solitude. She started concentrating on her new project and her work. She used to go meet Niveditha once in a while during weekends and they would hang out. But when workload increased, the frequency of their meetings was reduced. And Diya eventually became more of a workaholic and slowly she let go of her music. She didn't have time for anything other than work. Niveditha tried to convince her to make time for her music. But Diya never had the time or motivation for it anymore. After a while Diya's parents started compelling her to get married. They started searching for a guy for Her. Diya wasn't mentally prepared for a marriage. Her childhood trauma, made her fear marriage. She wasn't comfortable with any man's touch. She kept rejecting every arranged marriage proposal that came her way. Once or twice she agreed to proposals. But things didn't work out with any of them. Eventually her parents got frustrated. They started emotionally blackmailing her. They said her not being married at this age is causing people to talk behind their backs and its a bad name for the family and all the drama that Indian parents use to get their daughters to get married. And she finally had no choice but to give in. That's when her relative brought the alliance from Ajay. He was working abroad and coming home for one month leave. So his family was planning to get him married within the month and was searching for an alliance to keep everything prepared before he came back home. Both families talked and they were ok with proceeding with the marriage if the guy liked Diya. Diya wanted to at least have a chance to talk to Ajay. But her parents didn't allow her to. They said that she could talk to him after they met and then decide. And when Ajay came to India. He came to Diya's home, along with his parents, to meet Diya. Diya was getting frustrated. It was as if the family had decided everything. She didn't have any reason to reject Ajay. He had a decent job and their family seemed to be decent. They were allowed to talk for like 5 minutes. But Ajay turned out to be an introvert and didn't talk much. Both families hit it off really well. They decided to proceed with the marriage. Diya felt resigned after all the pressure from her parents and relatives. So she didn't deny it. Everything was happening so quickly. Niveditha was there for emotional support. She was against Diya getting married to a complete stranger she just met. But due to Diya's parents' pressure, Diya had already given up on any resistance. And she actually liked and decided to accept Ajay. He seemed to be a decent guy when they interacted once or twice in between their first meeting and their engagement. The engagement date was set to be within two weeks of their meeting and marriage date was fixed as a date after a week from engagement. And just like that Diya was married. Niveditha was there by her side throughout. And Diya was happy. It was her wedding anyways. And like every bride on her wedding day, Diya was also happy. She never guessed things would go downhill again.