
Omen of disaster

~ The Underworld, A Faction of Darkness' Legion. ~

In a dark room, Nine men known as the Watchmen of Darkness' gate, each wearing a huntsman black hooded leather trench coat, were on their feet. The sole of their both feet were on a capsule red and black in color, and the size of a clenched fist.

If any of them was to accidentally let their foot touch the ground, that would mean death on the spot.

The capsule appeared under the feet of any one who defaulted in carrying out a task in the Underworld, particularly the guardians. Anyone except the Immortal beings.

At the moment, it was unclear what went wrong. But they also felt the vibration within the walls earlier, and so for the first time, they saw the capsule coming.

For about 2 hours, they chanted some words for fortification. And now, it was time to face reality.

In order for them to make the capsule disappear, they needed to know the source of the impending danger and take a blood vow to see to it's end, before it even started.

The blood was usually sourced from the sole of their feet, into their various capsules, which was then supernaturally coalesced in each person's both capsule. Blood was the only thing that melted the capsule away. However, blood alone was not enough.

There was a spiritual chant they were to repeat whenever the capsule appeared to make it melt away - after the sacrifice of their blood. But if they did that without finding out the actual source of the threat, a terrible death awaited them.

And how it was possible without moving an inch was by the synergy of their powers, which was energy draining. It got even worse because of the loss of members, thanks to the capsule.

However, this case was different. The synergy was impossible this time. It seemed whatever it was, was greater than they've ever witnessed.

A member spoke up in his beast like voice, like the rest of his fellow members, " It is time to summon the mother of mirrors. We must not waste time, lest we die.'' He said since they were fortified enough to summon her. But more importantly, his legs were slowly slipping off the capsules, which was why he pushed for the inevitable, to hasten the process.

" Summon the Mother of Mirrors." Five others said in unison.

The sound and echoes of their voice was enough to make a grown man shudder.

The leader of the Watchmen then bent his head and shut his eyes without saying a word. At least not until he began whispering words they all could not make a meaning of.

About 15 seconds later, the building began to tremble, which threatened their existence owing to the fact that they were still standing on the capsule. It intensified after every 10 seconds since it lasted for a minute.

Immediately it stopped, the dark room begrimed with blue smoke. By the time the smoke slowly disappeared, a halfed ostrich sized egg appeared in front of each of them. They then dipped their left hand inside it, and held unto an yolk-like object they couldn't tell what it was themselves.

The object began illuminating and then the light graduated to their hands till it spread out to the whole of their body, making their veins appear like lightning bolts.

Right in the middle of the circle they formed, a white light shone before it transitioned to a bright red one, changing the room completely. From every corner a dark smoke emitted, without a source. But it didn't go above the kneecap of the watchmen.

From every direction, the smoke floated to the center of the room right above the red light, where it began taking shape.

It first formed into an octopus, before it gradually transitioned to a female octopus humanoid. Her appendages however was still in form of a smoke.

" Mother of Mirrors, Sea Lady, the men of the gates have summoned you." The nine watch men recited in the voice of beasts.

" Why has mere men summoned me!?" She exclaimed with blood shot eyes which were looking towards the sky.

The leader of the watchmen answered, " We wish for thy mother's Light of Reflection."

" Why would I grant the wish of lowly men?" She asked in a loud voice.

" No reason mirror mother. But these unworthy men are standing on capsules, hence needs thy reflection to see the threat at hand. Our powers were not_ "

" What powers does mere unworthy mortals like you posses!?" the mother of mirrors in the Underworld asked.

" You are all weak bunch of fools! If you couldn't sense the arrival of danger, then your existence is without meaning!'' she exclaimed, floating in air.

" What do you mean mother?" Another watchman asked this time with his head bowed low, as no one dared to look her in face.

" You mean to say you still can't smell it!?" she asked, raising her voice after every word.

" We know there is something out of place mother, but we don't understand what_''

" Fools!" the mirror goddess deadpanned, getting even more furious at the mortal watchmen.

It felt untrue to her that they couldn't see or sense danger.

" You are supposed to be a threat! You are Darkness! You represent Doomsday! You are the Underworld's Watchmen!" She exclaimed. Because of how furious she became, the room began to shake.

" If you cannot sense so great an omen of disaster, how then do you think you can even alert the Underworld of minor dangers!?" she asked, as the building finally began to tremble greatly.

" That is why we have summoned you, mother of mirrors." said the leader of the watchmen in fear.

The goddesses were by far superior to them, such that they could kill mortals like them without much effort.

Their powers, even when synergized would not be enough to battle with hers. But they didn't even stand the chance to do that anymore because she was a goddess, and her presence alone does not permit synergy moreover, they were unable to do so even in her absence.

" It is completely useless! Useless!" She shouted.

* Intense Trembling *

" She is here already! No one was strong enough to stop her! SHE IS HERE!!! "

And with the loudest even the goddess had ever heard herself roar, the watchmen dried up!

The walls of the fortified room collapsed!

And so only the Nine capsules and the Mirror goddess were left floating in the open!