
His sacrifice

Sometimes, you feel too much that you end up not feeling at all. The feelings get too intense so fast you don't get a warning. It just pulls you under and you find yourself drowning in them.

Humans associate etiquette and a certain code of conduct with places. For instance, it's rare to find someone breaking down in the office environment.

Even rarer for that someone to be the person in charge. Most prefer to hide that pain until it comes spilling out on its own. Not because they don't want to feel relieved.

Rather, the shame and embarrassment tied to such abnormal conduct in the wrong place. The truth is, however, not the case. Emotions shouldn't be confined to a specific location.

Nor should it be used to mock. It's not a crime to feel. Sadly, this is the case with many. People will judge others for feeling too much and when you suppress them and get into depression or worse suicide, pity starts.