

I stood up in fear , I was so scared that he might beat me , I quickly ran of the place , I asked the driver to quickly take me home , I was so scared, extremely scared, when the car got home , I was shaking, my phone rang he was the one, I dared not pick his call, I picked his call.

“ What were you doing out here? Didn’t I tell you not to go anywhere that stay at home? He says.

“ I am sorry” I said over the phone, he laughed wickedly.

I quickly picked my things , I ran to my mom’s place, when I got to my mom , I found my mom dressed to go out.

My mom was fixing her head gear with her hand, I entered into her room and greeted her, she turned to me .

“ You came today without your husband, you didn’t say you are coming I would have told you I am going out, she said as she continue to fix her head gear properly.

“ How is your husband? My mom asked.

“ Husband? Is that one husband? A husband that doesn’t take good care of his wife again? A husband that doesn’t know how I am or not? Mommy my husband didn’t come home for the past one week , yet he forbids me to go out of the house, mommy I am done with this marriage” I said.

“ Rachael you can’t be done with that marriage , that marriage is still young, you can’t be done with it,  do you want people to laugh at us? He asked.

“Mommy, are you even considering me at all in this whole thing? I asked.

“ Yes my dear, I am considering you in this whole marriage thing, you haven’yt achieved anything in that marriage” my mom says.

“ There is nothing I can achieve in that marriage because he has stopped my luxury lifestyle and he would still beat me on top of that, I have come back home , I am not going back” She says.

“ You are joking my dear, you have to go back because I cannot let people laugh at me , can’t you see that Shade is still managing her marriage? She said to me.

“Because she is happy in her marriage and if she is not happy that is none of my business mom” I replied.

“Ok , you can stay” my mom says and leave the room.



I walked to the backyard of the house.

“ This stupid daughter of mine thinks I will let her to stay? Impossible , when I am still benefitting from her marriage, I do not care if her husband is taking care of her or not, I am getting lots of privileges from this and not just privilege alone, if Shade is no more in her marriage I would have allowed her stay but Shade is still in marriage , What about the people that I had showed of too, she has to go back” I said to myself.

I picked my phone , dial her husband number , I called him and told him that his wife is here that he should come and take his wife back home.

Thirty minutes later he arrived, we were both sitted at the sitting room.

“ She is here? I yelled.


I wasn’t aware she had called my husband to come , she told me to come to the living room, she even bought me some food, I only noticed whenever she hears the sounds of car , she would stand up to look at the road.

I asked her if she was waiting for someone , she told me yes, that she was waiting for her friend that will take to the party until she yelled she is here , I stood up and I saw my husband , I looked back to my mom, tears dripped down my face ., I wanted to run but she held me tight, I struggled and we both fell down but she made sure she held my hand.

My husband came to me , Held me up from my mom’s hand , I pulled back that I do not want to go but he didn’t talk, his men came to held my two hands and forced me back into the car.

I wept all through we got home , I was dragged into the house. His men layed me in our bad forcefully made me face down in the bed , they tied my hand and legs to the bed, he brought out his belt, he beat me with belt, I screamed , begged him, he didn’t stopped until he was satisfied with beating me.

After beating , he turned me around and have sex with me , that was when I realized I was bleeding from my vigina and my stomach was hurting so bad including my body , at that moment , I realized I was pregnant and I had lost my baby.

I regretted getting married to this man, I regret not thinking of the abuse ahead but I was thinking of the Luxury, since our wedding , I do not get the luxury I wanted in the marriage I got into.

“ Our baby” I said , I was sensing pregnancy but was waiting for him to collect some money to go for test but now our baby is gone.

It was when I screamed our baby that he realized he just killed our baby, he became helpless, he sat on the floor and cried, he needed a baby because he wants his baby to be the first grandchild of the family.

I wept so hard but what can I do the baby is gone.

The following day.


I couldn’t sleep all night because I was just too happy that my fiancé is back even though he doesn’t remember so much but he accepts us.

I woke up early as usual but in a different vibe because I was happy, I sang all through everything I was doing.

I dressed up, my son was still sleeping, I kissed him gently bid my mom farewell, I stepped out and find Simi pulling up his car.

He got out of the car while I stood in surprise , he never told me he coming. He flashes a smile at me and I smile back at him.

“ Hey, good morning” he says.

“ Good morning” I walked closer to him.

“ You came to see Kelvin, he is still sleeping” I said.

“ Can I see him before I take you to school?  I stare at him for a while .

“ yes but I am in a hurry, I do not want to be stuck in the hold up” I said.

“ I will be fast” he replied.

“ Alright” we both walked back to the house he greeted my parents and I told my parents he wants to see our son.

I brought him out to him , he was still sleeping, he gently hold him in his hand after a while he dropped him back to the sofa, he dipped his hand into his pocket , he gave my parents some money , I could see that my parents were excited, he thanked them for forgiven him.

We rushed back to his car, he open the car door for me to sit, he also got into the car and drove me to school.

When I got down of his car, he bid me bye and told me he would pick me up in the evening” I stood and watch him drove off.

I smiled happily at all the discussions we have, he talked about us starting all over and we getting married and we starting our life as a family.

I can’t wait for us to start planning our wedding.



I clean myself up and just go to lie in bed, Felix didn’t pity me instead he blame me for the loss of my pregnancy saying I caused the loss of pregnancy because if I had not gone out and provoc him by going to my mom that we wouldn’t have lost the baby, he said I am a good for nothing, that I couldn’t even give him a baby within few months of our wedding, he left me and go out of the house.

I lay in the floor and weep so hard.



I and my mom got down from the car, we walked into our mansion, I turn to my mom.

“ Just when I have given up on all our debts mom, your friend showed up wanting to marry me to her son, I have gone to check his DP, mom, he is so hot and I can’t wait to have him” I said.

“ You cannot have him because I want her husband instead” my mom says.

“Are you kidding me mom? That’s not going to be possible mom, I was the one the woman talked to for her son, please mom don’t even go there, didn’t you enjoy Dad till his death even though …..I …..Know you killed him” I said

“ He was cheating on me, it was never my fault that I killed him, I couldn’t let another woman take everything he has from me, she was a young girl and would want to take all of this , I killed him for you and your siblings” my mom says

“That is not my problem right now , I am getting this man at all cost, if I get him it will help our life , the most important thing is he should get married to me and I make sure I have a son for him and all his properties will be mine” I said

“Can you see where you are not getting it right? If you marry him , you cannot get all the property but if I get this the man who owns the property, I will get the whole property and we will be rich again” I said.

“Mom, I repeat , you are not getting that man, maybe you should go to more parties to scout for men that would like you” I said.

“ Are you out of your senses?! She yelled at me .

“ It’s really not your fault , it’s because I stand here discussing this whole thing with you, Listen Attentively my dear, I am getting that man and there is nothing you will do to it, I want their father and that is what I am going to do” my mom said.

“ Very cool mom, If I cannot have Simi , no one can have the father since you have refuse to always give us chance , I have also decided to ruin your plan this time after all , all the men we have come with that you have been trying to snatch away their father , you have always been disgraced out of the place” I said.

She became more furious and run after me and I run into one of the rooms and I locked the room.

“ Thank your God that you shut that door , I would have pounce on you” my mom says.



Holding my son in my arms last night was the best thing ever , I do not remember anything still but I can feel that connection between I and Peju, I know our relationship will be like a start over again and I have talked to her about it and she is willing to walk with me in this journey.

When I held my son in my arms this morning, I felt I like I need my son and Peju to stay with me .

When I held her hand , I can feel that I have touched this hand before but I just can’t remember so well.

I have been checking my time since morning, but the day felt really slow, the moment I checked my time and it was time Fifteen minutes after five I quickly put everything behind and pick my car keys, I quickly drove out of the house, I don’t know why so anxious to go and pick Peju at school.

I start my car and drove out of the car.




Today , my concentration was divided in the classroom because I couldn’t concentrate , the day felt too slow, I kept checking my time till we were closed for the day by six.

Immediately the professor left the class room, I picked up my bag quickly and rushed out and he just drove here , I stood , staring at him happily.

I missed him so much in jut few hours after meeting him.

He walked to me smiling, he came to hold my hand.

“ Hi” he says.

“Hi”I said.

“How was class? he asked.

“Cool” I said , we both walked to the car, he open the car  for me and I entered to sit, he also entered into the driver’s seat, he starts the car and drove  off.

As he was driving,I held his hand.

“ I am glad I have you back, I never had thought we would ever meet again”I said.

“I wouldn’t have remembered you if not for Shade” he said.

“ I really need to meet her and thank her” I said.

“What about You and Kelvin come to spend time with me , we should bond as one family this weekend and start all over again” he says.

I feel so happy to hear him say that he wants us to spend the weekend together.

“What do you think ? he asked and I nod my head.

We go to our home , he parked and we walked into the house , we greeted my mom , my Dad is still at work.

I collected my son from my mom and give him to his father. I told my mom that Simi wants us to come and spend the weekend with him.

My mom was so happy for me, I go to pick the few things , Thirty minutes later we were done , my mom walked us to the car and she bid us bye as he drove off.

I looked at myself ,Simi and my son in my hand, tears of joy dripped down my face because if anyone had told me that some that I and Simi and my son would be like one family, I would argue it, because I had lost hope that we would meet again.

Abn hour later , he drove us to his mansion and I remember , he was supposed to bring me here when I never heard from him then.

We got down from the car while he took Kelvin from me.

“We were supposed to come here on that day that the accident must have happened, I finally step my feet into the house” I said.

“ I wished I didn’t have that accident then, I would have remember all our memories” he said.

“We would make a new memory that would last forever” I said.

He held my hand so passionately, he kissed the back of my palm.

“Thank you for your understanding” he says.





Read my other books.