

I walked over to her.

“ Listen, you can always take some rest today and you continue your training tomorrow” he says.

“No, I am not tired, I want to learn” she says and I I stare at her intently and I smile.

“Alright, if that is what you want, it's fine” I replied.

She walked to the the etiquette trainer and I watch both she and the Etiquette trainer had a few discussion and they both walked out of the living room.


I don't want to disappoint on my own part because Kunle has done so much for me in this past few days.

He can hate me for being used against me but instead he loved me, he defend me and he apologised for so many things I never thought he’d apologised for and he gave me things I never thought I ever have and learning this etiquette with all my heart is the little I can do to appreciate him.

I try to put my all in all into the etiquette training today but just as yesterday, I haven't learn anything.

After the Ettiquette I drag myself into the house and I walk into my room and on my bed was a parcel wrapped with a res ribbon. At first I stood in surprise and stare at the parcel and I walk to my bed, I pick up the parcel to feel what it could be and I try shaking it, I then remembered that he says a reward awaits me for a well done job and I look back to my closet and I said to myself, does it mean, the dresses are not the reward that awaits me? I quickly unwrapped the parcel and when I opened it, it was an iPhone thirteen pro max, I looked at the phone again and as I was still checking the phone carton, a note fell of from it and I read it out loud.

“ That’s for a well done job” he said and I smile and I didn't know when tears began to fell down my cheek.

“ Isn’t this a blessing in disguise because I never expected all of this but he could have just sent me some money, look at me, I am here living a luxury life but I don't know how my mom and siblings are coping in the village.

I have always wanted an iPhone but what is the use of me using an iPhone worth over a million naira and my family are suffering.

“He could have given me the money as a gift” I said to myself.

Dinner time, he sent one of the maids to come call me for dinner.

As I got to dining before I sat down, I stood before him and I said.

“ Thank you, I saw the gift and I really appreciate the phone” I said and he just lift his face from his food and stare at me and smile.

“ If you do more good jobs like this, you will get more rewards” he say. “ Sit down and let’s have dinner” he says.

I sat down and I began to eat.

“We couldn't meet with the press today again so I moved it to tomorrow, so you should be prepared for tomorrow because your stylist and make up artist will be here to dress you up before 10:00pm, we would be stepping out with my own special PR Team because there will be camera on us and I will want you to try as much as possible to comport yourself and if you are ask any questions let me do the answering and I want us to look like real couple” he says.

“ I will try my best” I replied not looking at him.

I finish eating before him even though he was already eating before me, I stood up from the dining to clear the dinning and one of the maidens comes to clear the table and I stood up to leave and he says.

“ Do you care if I help you configure your iPhone because it needs configuration” I nod my head and I climb the stairs and I pick the cellphone with it’s carton and I climb down the stairs, he had finish eating and he walked up to me and collect the phone and I followed him to the living room, he help me with the iCloud set up and he said I should put  my password on it which I did and he helped me download some app on it and he was showing me somethings on my phone but I didn’t find it interesting and I began to think of my family if they are really alright, I haven’t seen them since I left the village and I stylishly dry my tears and I didn’t know when I drifted into sleep.


I was trying to help her set up her WhatsApp when I noticed a head hitting me because she was sitting beside me to look at what I was doing, I called her to come and watch me do what I was because she was skeptical about it in the first place , I could see her struggling hard not to one sit beside me but at the end of the day she sits down beside me but now she slept instead, I smiled staring at her, I drop the cellphone on the table and I quietly lay her on the couch and I use my hand to move the hair that fall on her face and I move the back of my palm slowly on face and I quickly remove my hand.

I picked her cellphone and finish the setup and I slowly carry her so gently and she opens her eyes and she wanted to come down from my hand because I know if possible she would jump, so I just put her down gently.

“ You slept off while I was showing you how to use your iPhone and I felt I shouldn’t wake you up because I know you must be tired” I said.

“ It’s fine” She said and she walks to her room.

The following day we had our breakfast as usual and after one hour of our breakfast the stylist and make up artist came, I was given a make up, a beautiful cloth was picked for me from closet, after an hour both stylist and make up were done making me look beautiful and I step out of my room climb down the stairs and Kunle was already waiting down the stairs and the sound of my heel alerted him and he turn to look up and he didn’t take his eyes of me even I couldn’t take my eyes off him to because he was looking so dashing.

I walked to him and he held my hand and we stare at each other and we walk to the car.

His convoys waiting for us while we walk to the car.

One of Kunle’s men opens the door for me and another one opens the door for Kunle.

We both sit at the back seat of the car.

The convoy took off with our car in the midst of the cars when.

The car stopped in the hotel where we were schedule to have the conference.

I looked up and it was a very beautiful and big hotel.

Before we get down from the car, he told me not to get down.

“ I know it’s your first time facing the camera but I want you to try and be bold, don’t reply to any questions, let me do the reply” he says.

“Alright” I reply.

“Don’t get down yet” he says , his convoy helps him to open the car door while I sit  and I could see press rushing towards him while he came to open the car door for me and he held out his hand and I place my palms into it and he puts his hand around my waist and the press came to us, they even run after us while I was looking down because I felt really shy while we walked into the the hotel with his entourage and team.

When we got into the elevator, he remove his hand from my waist and we look at each other and he smiles back at me.

We didn’t say a word till we got into the hotel room.

I stood when we got in and he points to where I should sit on the chair and I go to sit.

He ordered for drinks but he was particularly about me being offered a juice, I really want to have a taste of all those expensive wine.

He was also served wine after and not long a woman came in and he came to me with wine in his hand , he kissed me on cheek and he held my hand and I stood up and he wraps his hand around my waist and we walk towards the woman.

“ Good afternoon sir” the woman greets.

“ Good afternoon” Kunle replies.

“ Meet my Fiancée, Shade” Kunle says.

“Nice to meet you” she replies and shakes her hand while her also shake her.

“Sweetie, this is Mrs Olajuwon, the co ordinator of the conference “ he says.

“ Nice to meet you ma” I reply.

He had some few discussions with the lady but didn't let go of his hand from my waist, I had no clue of what their conversation is  all about.

After a while the lady left and she came back in and she lead us to where we would be having the conference.

When we got into where the press conference will be held, there were lots of reporters from different tv stations seated, several lights and camera up.

I didn't join him to answer any questions, I was just given a seat to sit while the camera’s were just taking pictures of us, from when we entered into the conference room till I sat down.

The conference began, they ask lots of questions like when did we began our relationship? Why did we post our nude videos and so many questions that he brilliantly answered and we're convincing enough.

I was busy with my phone and got carried away because my pictures and that of kunle was everywhere on internet.

We look like a real couple, I am already popular, people talking about Kunle in a positive way and I being called lucky.

I laughed inwardly, is only they all what this is all about they wouldn't say I am so lucky” 

I read lots of comments that says I am beautiful and some comments of people praying to end up being lucky like me and some talked about how hot our chemistry is but the truth is looking at all the pictures on the internet we look like real couple there was even one picture I didn't know when we stared into each others eyes like that because it look so romantic.

Those pictures just make me want to see us real but I know it's not possible because I am not his type and his mom would never accept.

Finally the conference was over and he came to me while I was carried away with my phone and I felt a kiss on my cheek and I look up to his face and everyone in the conference room cheered us but I was startled, I stare at him because the way he kiss my cheek feels so passionate.

He comes to me and held me up and this point flashlights of camera didn't stop until we walk into the elevator with his entourage and we go back to the hotel room. 


Bassey came to me and showed me all the good comments about I and Shade, I felt so happy, I was still going through the comments on Bassey’s iPad when my phone rang, or was my Dad, I could hear the excitement in his voice.

“ That is my son? Omo my niyen, Omo to Jo Baba e” he says in my dialect. A Yoruba language.

What my father said was that “ That is my son, that I am his carbon copy” I laughed.

“ I am so proud of you, people are beginning to talk about you not discriminating, that the way you cared for her is just too beautiful, son to be honest both of you just made those pictures, the conference beautiful because you both look real, both of you should keep up this act until after election” my dad says.

“ Yea sir” Ireplied and I could hear my mom voice at the background saying “ Let me talk to my son don't hang the call”.

And my mom's voice came online.

“ You are so amazing on that conference, the way you answered that questions are so brilliant, son we have even won beyond the hearts we have win before, a lot of people are now on our side, now you see I am the Queen planner” she says.

“ Yes mom, you are the best” I replied smiling because I was also excited to see my wins back.

“ Listen son, don’t forget what I keep telling you, don’t let that girl lure you into her fake love, that girl is a gold digger, I was just watching a movie last night how a girl only go to get a job at a particular house just to marry and kill the guy so that she can inherit all that belongs to the guy and that girl must be one of them” my mom says and I look back at Shade who was busy laughing as she takes selfie on her phone.

“ Mom, that is just a movie, Shade is a good girl, she might just be a maid but she is no......my mom cuts in.

“ Wait Kunle, I hope you haven't started catching feelings? Because I  don't understand you defending her” she says.

“ Nooo, mom “ I replied.

“ Better and I watched the way you kissed her on her cheeks after the conference, it looks too romantic” she says.

“ That's for the camera mom and we are supposed to make our relationship real in public, mom I got to go because I need to speak with someone here” I said.

“Okay son, call me back when you are done” he says.

“ No problem, I will call you back” I said.

I had to discharge my mom from line because I just find it hard to tolerate when my mom talks ill of Shade.

I look back to shade and she was still all smiles as she was on her phone and I slowly walk to her more like a tiptoe, I want to know if she is chatting and who she is chatting with, she didn't noticed was already stealing a look at what she was doing and she was only reading an article written on us by a newspaper company from phone.

Wait am I getting jealous she might be talking to a man?