
Murmuring from the back...

Having sat at the front row of the classroom, Dorji hesitated to turn back to see the girls and within minutes lecturer came in and started the lecture. Dorji fell in love with a girl of his class within two days after he joined the college. Weeks turned into months still he wasn't confident enough to approach the girl. As he walked towards his hostel after the class he was thinking of the girl he loved until he heard a girl from the back calling his name 'Dorji'.

He turned back and the girl eased her steps. Her name was Zangmo, she proposed Dorji through chats for several times and never had her reply from Dorji. This time she wanted to make it face to face proposal. And she goes slowly with face slightly down 'Dorji ji nan lekla' she said which means 'I love you Dorji' in a local dialect. Dorji seemed normal having heard it for several times from her. As expected he didn't accept her proposal. The girl rushed to her room with eyes full of tears. Mrs.Dorji...Mrs.Dorji everyone sitting with Zangmo at the back murmured and Dorji didn't like having teased her with his name.

In the evening that night Dorji's phone beeped with a new number. It was one of Zangmo's friends in panicking voice who said 'Dorji dozo dozo Zangmo ga room ga odho, Zangmo gi gadang chath pa la'. Dorji immediately fastened his steps toward Zangmo's room with his roommates. Through the window of Zangmo's room Dorji heard a crying voice saying I love Dorji and cry again. As he entered the room he noticed the floor full of blood, all the girls of his class had come to console Zangmo. Zangmo was sitting on the floor crying and had her hand cut several times. Dorji got numb, he stood at the door for seconds until one of his friend pushed him a bit. It melted Dorji's heart, he felt pity on Zangmo and directly went to hug her and said 'I am sorry, I love you too'. Everyone applauded and dispersed to their own rooms one after another. The two talked endlessly as Dorji cleaned her wound with a warm water and apply bandage over the wound. As the evening sun set, they kissed and rolled over each other for the rest of the night.