

vaniya a average looking indian girl, she is 22 years old and has just completed her graduation, in the way to new hope and new life new things to see she is searching for a job and a career and she is going to see alot in this way alot .

Its 6:00 am in the morning and vaniya is sleeping,she sleeps like a wild animal making the bed her jungle, vaniya's mom is shouting Vaniya get up comeon we are going to miss our train because of you, vaniya in her sleepy tone says mom i'll wake just 2minutes more, vaniya's mom checking her last minutes packing and annoyingly she says i am really scared how you are going to manage your husband's house , vaniya wakes and she says mom chill i will marry a man not a baby he to can take care of his house , in between vaniyas dad comes and interrupt them by shouting we are going to miss our train hurry up you both, they both nod and start hurrying up to catch the train in time.

8:00pm At the station;

vaniya and his family reaches to their relatives house vaniya's cousin is about to get married and thats why they reached to attend the wedding ,

after reaching the hotel vaniya was tired because of the train journey she went to take a quick shower and then wore her yellow dress she made a bun and weared her sneakers, she wanted to take some fresh air and see the beautiful surrounding of goa its a city with beautiful beaches and yes also with "boys"

as soon as vaniya was leaving her mother called her name and stopped her, she forced her to greet their relatives and talk to them as they were in a wedding, vaniya did not wanted to greet them but she showed as fake as she could be then after sometime , vaniya's aunt came she was a lady in her 50's she greeted her and asked her several questions including boyfriends and marriage, this made vaniya uncomfortable and she wanted to run, she wanted to be free,

vaniya wanted to leave but she was surrounded by so many people then suddenly someone touched vaniya's shoulder vaniya turned to see him and it was him

RAVI a 5'9 feet tall guy wearing black checked suit with a royal blue shirt and having broad shoulders he had a freched cut beared that made is look more classy

Ravi was vaniya's old neighbour some years before when vaniya lived with her grandparents Ravi was not only his best friend but more but things got worse after that incident......