
Chapter 1;

“And we present to you…” the man in a gray suit trails along with the accompaniment of unnecessary drum rolls, “Eike Harlow!” he continues, announcing my presence in front of the thousands of audiences from different places who had long waited for my arrival.

I strive my way through the stage he’s in. Ignoring the ear-shattering beats of applause from ignorance.

It was hard.

Other than the long-assed gown that I've been obligated to wear, their applause makes my head hurt.

I can hear things quadruple than an average human would.


I am lightheaded and fuzzy.

I don't even know if I can arrive at the center of the stage without stumbling, “Are you alright?” the man mumbles as I passed him, I stopped.

“Yes, thank you for asking,” I shortly answered, before continuing my journey with an enduring smile.

You can do this, Meadow!

Arriving in front of the microphone that was long prepared for me, the audience hushed. I internally sighed, thankful for the action of respect the humans had chosen.

Because, if they didn’t…

I no longer know how long I can control myself.

Blood. Screaming. Pain.


I won’t prey on them. I am not what my ancestors are.

I am not what this blood bears.

The leaf that I've become is way different from my roots.

It was just a played-out possibility that shouldn’t be talked about and should be kept buried deep in my complicated mind.

Halls of fancy.

Suits of luxe.

Gowns of epitome.

Someone take me home.

Deep breaths, “A pleasant evening everyone,” I began, earning murmurs and talk of lies from the audience. “I am sincerely grateful for your presence tonight,” I cleared my throat.

Keep yourself intact, Meadow.

“Isn’t that her?” a lady from the back whispered.

Her companion murmuring asks, “Who?”


“The one who almost killed her former employee two years ago.”

“Are you sure?”

Lies and Rumors.

I can’t hold back any longer, they’re making my ear twitch, “Pardon me, but, can those two ladies at the back lower your voices. I can hear your lies from here,” I announce. And as expected gasps and additional murmurs were heard.

Murmurs. They’re murmuring about me. I can’t blame them, my words and actions are questionable. The ladies are behind dozens of elegance and yet, I heard them.

I look around, ignoring the fuzziness I’ve been feeling. And there I saw, how cruel the world is once again. Devil smiles, pretty lies, and one calm guy with a gentle smile—wait, what?

How come he’s calm in all of the commotions that are surrounding him?



“That was sick of you!” Rain excitedly exclaimed. The commotion was stopped by the host, and I was told to keep calm and make my exit silently. I don’t even know what they’re so scared about. All I did was warn them because they’re hurting my ears.

I didn’t even jump at them and rip them open. Humans are weird. They tend to judge things without further ado.

“Stop shrieking, it’s making my head hurt,” I warned her. She smiled at me before keeping her mouth mummed with a short nod.

“At least you’re good at listening,” I commented while massaging my temples. I better keep myself calm or else, I’ll be in huge trouble.

“Of course!” Rain shrieked out. I turn my head to where she is with a fierce glare, she gasps. What now? This better be not nonsense. Because if it is, I’m gonna rip her mouth.

Not really. I’m just letting out unnecessary things because I’m annoyed and lightheaded.

”What?” I asked, annoyed. I know I may sound rude or whatever, but I’m too exhausted to even think straight and keep my cool. I’ve been preparing for the gallery for two whole weeks, painting day and night. Just for it to sink the drain. I mean, it went well but not the kind of well I’m hoping for.

Fuck those rumors.

“Your eyes,” she shortly answered in awe. What’s so amusing about my eyes? The last time I checked I’m wearing my contacts.

Contacts. They’re not needed, I’m just using one for much secure protection. Having to live in a place full of cruelty and uncertainty, it’s hard to control the state of my mind.

Our kind eye colors highly depend on the state of our minds. It’s not about the race we’re in, but about how we tend to think. Though, Alphas are different. The color of their eyes depends on their actions. My father in his full form has bloody moon orbs, and the Alphas before him had a raging ocean orb.

Blue. Is the warmest color after all. Warm from the blood of innocence they’d shed without any conscience.

“What about it?” I questioned, alarmed. She shook her head and hastily scratched her non-itchy orbs in disbelief. And with her acting like that, I don’t need her words anymore. Something is wrong with my eyes, and she saw it.


I stood up not waiting for her to answer my question anymore. I strive my way to the corner of the room we’re in. Thankfully I already took off the long-assed gown they’d made me wear. Silently. I fetched my phone in a hurry and checked my eyes.

What in the name of our pack is happening!

“My eyes…” I mumbled in disbelief. I can barely see the contacts because of the color my eyes are in. It’s not in its natural color. Not black nor jade. It was purple, a very bright one. This is not happening, it’s impossible.

Despite my father being the Alpha, I am an Omega. Well, at least that’s what I was classified as when I was born. I am a disappointment to my father and the pack he’s ruling, but to the late Alpha—my grandfather and his former pack. Other than being an Omega who disappoints my grandfather’s bloodline, the only eye colors I can shift into are black and jade.


It was unnatural for my kind.

Hence, it was an indication to the late Alpha that I am weak.

I am different.

That there’s no hope for me.

The longest time I’ve been in my wolf form is three full minutes.

Is that even normal for someone whose bloodline is expected to be dominant?

Is that even normal for an Alpha's daughter?


“Are you alright? ” Rain pry from behind. In reflex, I tackled her down. Tightly pinning her to the marbled floor “You’re not,” she awkwardly said. I know that my actions would only ruin my reputation even more if someone saw us. Plus, I’m only making her more exposed to my eyes.

It’s alright, she already saw it.

“Pardon me, but, you better not tell this to anyone,” I warned her. She stared deeply into my orbs and for unknown reasons I looked away. It was awkward I must say.

Rain. She’s the first human to approach me in the bustling time of the city. It has been two and half years since then. Two and half years since I’ve decided to be away from the countryside my Father is ruling.

It’s been great I must say. Living independently away from the howling and crying. There are days that I miss them though, the loudness of the moon. But there’s nothing I can do about it.

Because other than myself deciding that I’ve finally come to the age of challenging myself. The other packs who’d long bitten in my Papa’s way of ruling in anger had been trying to chase after me for unknown reasons. And due to that, Papa decided to just let me be. He pushed me to hide away from the place I grew in.

I’m allowed to visit them from time to time though. When our pack is sure that the coast is clear and no possible attack would happen either for a month or week. Papa will send one of his Delta’s to me.

Delta. The messenger of the pack. Their lives are always at risk as they travel from time to time.

I’ve been tackling Rain for some time now. She’s been mummed the whole time and her being underneath me is already making me icky. I think it’s time to let her go before someone else—


Unfamiliar ones.

I better stay in place. Standing up to check will not help. It’s better this way with Rain being covered by my body. I know that moving might be a great decision but it’s not. It’ll only cause hindrance for me.

I look down to check on Rain. Her eyes are closed, is she asleep?

“Rain?” I whisperingly call her name. Grunting, she opened her eyes. I was right. She’s asleep, Rain and her weird habits.

“You remembered my existence in the middle of my beautiful dream?” she groans. I chuckled before covering her mouth to keep it shut. She’ll rant endlessly about her dream and it’s annoying, “lwhat gheo!” she nags muffled. I just let her be. She had chosen to struggle over silence. And I’m too occupied to care about it.

It’s coming.

“Go on. I won’t let you go no matter how hard you try to break free.”


“Fwyck whu!”


“You wouldn’t like it.” I bicker. Her struggles weaken. Don’t tell me she’s affected by my words? Humans and their naiveness.


The door creaked wide open. I looked up to see who the unneeded visitor was. And to my surprise, it was Wesley.

Wesley. My father’s most trusted delta when it comes to me. What is he doing here?

“What is going on?” Wesley asks, puzzled. Knowing how awkward the situation may look to him, I hurriedly stood up. Now that I know whose footsteps were behind the doors, there’s no reason to be alerted anymore.

It's Wesley. One of my father’s most trustable pack members. He wouldn’t do me and Rain any harm. Also, he’s a scaredy-cat when it comes to me, so much for being a delta.

The truth is, Wesley’s bloodline is surprising. Not in a bad kind of way. His bloodline despite being Delta’s who are known to be unstable and insane other than being the messenger of the pack, are loyal and stable. They value their sanity and loyalty more than fangs. That’s why I’m not questioning their existence in Papa’s pack—in our pack.
