


Kathy, a tallish woman with a sturdy shape and a square face, chartered pleasantly as she walked, then said, "dear, how does it look?"

Jessica held the mirror to admire the very french braid. "Great. Much better than when I do it. You should be a hairdresser."

kathy laughed. I'am. I have three daughters. Let me get a fresh gown and a robe for you to put on. By the way, while you were sleeping, i went to the mall and picked up a coulpe of gowns and robes with loose sleeves that will be easy for you to wear with your cast. I bought some house slippers and a few other items for you as well."

Jessica went stone still as the nurse bustled from the room. When she cane back with an exquiste blue gown and a matching robe with a zip front, she felt a little sick. "Kathy, i can't afford those. They look as if they cost a small fortune. I'll have to make do with a T-shirt and sweatpants."

"You don't have to pay me back. Mr. Rutledge had me charge the whole thing to him. Honey, you're a lucky lady to have a guy like him crazy about you. Not only his hunk, he's the richest man in the valley. The little dab of stuff i bought for you didn't make a dent in his bank account, trust me on that."

"Crazy about me? What are you talking about?

Kathy winkled. Don t try to fool me. I recognise all the signs. Why, the man sat beside your bed the whole time I was gone, and he's just about paced a rut

outside your door most of the afternoon." She held out the gown. "Slip this on."

The sliky fabric felt like heaven against her skin. And the long robe with its kimono sleeves and mandarin collar made her look and feel very elegant, even with the cast and sling. Kathy insisted on her adding a touch of blush and lipstick.

"There, with a little more colour, you look fabulous. Ready for dinner?"

"More than ready. I'm suddenly starving. Are you joining me?"

Kathy grinned. "Not on your life. I'm leaving you two alone." She shepherded jessica across the room and drew the drapires.

A table, complete with flowers and candles, was set on the vernada outside her room.

Smith Rutledge sat in one of the large, cushioned chairs, his feet crossed and his boot heel resting atop a railing. The sight of him startled her anew. It was eerie. A thousand times before the accident, she'd seen tom sit with his feet propped up like that. She used to fuss at him abour scarring his boots, but Tom's boots were never expensive as the ones smith wore.

The sound of the doors opening brought smith to his feet. He looked her up, then smiled.

"You look very nice."

She touched her braid, then glanced over her shoulder to kathy. But kathy was gone. "Thank you. Thank you very much. I don't know when l'll be able to repay you for all this. It may take a while. My business is-"

"Having a bit cash-flow problem?

"Yes. We're just getting started."

"We? "

"My partner and i shirely miles."

"Ah," he said. "Thus, handbage by jessica miles?

"I, er, found a brochure when i was getting some of your things from RV."

"I thought rosa got my stuff."

He held her chair as she was seated. "I got your stuff. Rosa put it away in your room".

The thought of him going through her things made her very uncomfortable. She almost said something sinnpy. Instead, she grabbed the glass of orange juice besidw her plate and took a big swig. "Say, this is very good." She drained her glass.

"Thanks. That's from our new valencia crop."

"You grew the oranges for this juice

"Yep. An hour ago, the oranges were still on the tree. We grow both navels and valencias here. The navels mature earlier and bear through the first of the year. Valencias come on in early February and last until about April or may, so we'll have fresh ones for another two or more three months. It's a shame that you can't eat grapefruit. The few ruby reds still left on the trees are sweet as honey.

"I checked with a nutritionist and orange juice is supposed to help assimilate iron from food-and the fresher, the better." He picked up a plate and pilled on a huge portion of spinach salad from a serving cart near the table. "Spinach is rich in iron," he saidd as he placed the heaping salad in front of her. He fixed a smaller plate for himself and sat down across from her.

"If i eat all that, you'll be able to pick me up with a magnet."

He grinned. "Did i overdo it?"

"Just a tad."

"Eat what you want and leave the rest. Ric wiil be here with the entree in a few minutes. "

Eating with her right hand was difficult. And tryint to manage the food with him starring at her was darned near impossible. When she dropped a frokful for the second time, she sai, "Sorry, but this is hard for me to get used to. I'm a southpaw."

"Don't worry about it. I think you're doing great. Tell me about your business. How did you get started?"

"It's something shirely and i had talked about for a long time. She and i have been firends since the fourth grade, and we taught at the same school. We were both anxious to make more money than we could earn teaching, so our own business sounded like a good idea. Since I'd been designing and making my own for a long time, the handbags were a natural

"You're a teacher?"

"Uh-huh. Or was. Junior high art. I'm on a leave of absence for a year, trying to make a go of the business. Shirely is stiil teaching math. Since she has a husband and two kids, it was harder for her to take a leave. She runs things at home, and i hit the road."

"Doing what?"

"Finding markets four our handbags, mostly through boutiques, and sometimes making direct sales at various festivals and shows. Our ergonomic back buddy is our causal line.




Ohh it may seem that Jessica and smith Rutledge are getting to know each other

Let's watch out for episode seven where we get the romance we have being waiting for.💧💧

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