
Chapter Eleven

Her whole body was wire-tight with anticipation when his arms slid around her waist. She almost crumbled at the contact, the need for it was so intense. She leaned back against him, revelling in the sense of being encompassed and protected by his hard, warm strength, wanting to feel a togetherness that could face anything and survive intact. He rubbed his cheek over her hair and she felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed in its scent, mingled now with the smell of the sea.

'You should have been called Eve,' he murmured.

The beginning of time, she thought, elated that he was in tune with her own feelings. 'And you, Adam?'

'The caveman in me has definitely been stirred tonight.'

Was it the cavewoman in her responding? It didn't matter. Having surrendered to whatever it was, she simply wanted to be swept along with it.