
Her evasive neighbor

This dark force took them a lot of time before its was captured now its has been released so easily by a mere college girl. Meet Ariel Dwayne, an 18 years old high school girl whom take no shit from anyone even though she is an orphan, she sponsored her self with her life savings. If trouble is a person then it's Ariel. But she went too far when she mistakenly freed the dark force named yimo. He isn't just ready to destroy humans but also he claimed to her to be His bride Till he came to save the human reigns, but he fell for her too

elohorighomitedo47 · ファンタジー
6 Chs



 Rhema eyes widened as she mistakenly input a wrong wire into another and it begin to shock her. 

Ariel begin to blush, she didn't avert her eyes, of course she has seen something to draw to make her drawing more good looking.

Rhema managed to move away from the wire as her hair remove smokes making her look so rough and tattered.

Miss Mayor jaw dropped as she avert her gaze immediately, she looked again, she could see her sister struggling to free her self, she was so confused, is she to intervene? Or not?

Maya finally pushed him away with tears on her face.

Her eyes landed on Gavin and Ashton who was just coming out of the director's office too and hot tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

She raised her hand to hit him but he grabbed it before it could even reached his face.

"Why did you accept me as your boyfriend, if you hate me this much?" He asked emotionally.

Maya snatched her hand from him as she run through the crowds in tears.

That perverted jerk stole her first kiss, he will pay for that.

 "Are you sure he really lose his memory?"

 "is she pretending?, did she accept and start pretending in school?" 

 Who knows, but all I knows is, that kissing scene is going online"

Ariel's eyes move to Rhema, who's looking so weak and black stain all over her face.

She rushed to her and support her from behind.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Rhema smiled weirdly with her eyes half closed and then muttered…

"Maybe" she said and before Ariel could utter another words, she passed out, but Ariel was fast to hold her to her self as they both went down to the floor.

 "what's happening?"

 "is she okay?"

 "I think the electric shocked her earlier"

Ariel was looking for who would help her to move Rhema to the clinic.

Her eyes locked with that of Ashton and Gavin and she looked away hissing.

She tried to lift Rhema her self but she can't.

A strong arms lift Rhema from the floor making Ariel gasp.

Ashton walk away with Rhema in his hand while Ariel run behind him.

They got to the school clinic and the nurses attend to her immediately.

Ashton turned to face Ariel with a deep frown in his face.

"Always put life before anything, beside it not me and you that's keeping any grudges, or is it?" He muttered and walk away.

Ariel signed and walk inside the clinic, he is right though, she is having issues with that weird psycho, not him.

"She is fine, she just need some rest for now, when she gains consciousness, she will need to take milk to regain her energy" the nurse said to Arie and she just nod.

Ariel went back to the talent center and met it crowdy with noise lurking around.

She just pick her drawing board and head for the library.

She got there and met Maya crying with her face so red.

She just walk to the other side to avoid her, after all they are not friends.

She walk to the historical book shelf and begin to check them.

She picked like three historical book and walk back to a table and sat down there.

She begin to go through them to see if she could see anything concerning what that weirdo said last night.

The door opened, and Gavin walked in with Ashton.

Maya raised her head and see its just Ashton and she felt relieved.

She just can't bring her self to face Gavin, knowing fully well he saw what happened.

He is her crush and seeing your crush caught you in a stupid act is a so embarrassing.

"Um, Ashton, where is Gavin?" She asked wiping her eyes.

Ashton took his lips and gulp down nothing.

Ariel blink her eyes rapidly to be sure of what she is hearing and what is happening.

"Um, he should be somewhere in the school" Ashton muttered and Maya nod as she stand up heading out.

"But..that's Gavin over the…" Ariel trailed off as Gavin rushed to her and place his hand on her lips, shushing her.

Maya turned back angrily to face Ariel.

"Sorry, she was referring to me not you" Ashton covered up.

"Okay…Um, Ashton do you think Gavin will take that kiss to heart, do you think he will think of me as a cheap girl?" She asked.

"Um, no, Gavin is not like that, he don't judge other so fast" Ashton replied.

"Thanks I will go look for him then" she said and bowed lightly before leaving.

Ariel felt her heart about to explode from her chest due to fear.

What the f**k just happen?"

Didn't she see Gavin standing in the library, he is even shushing her with his index finger right now.

She pushed him away and move her chair backward in fright.

"What just happened?, are you invisible?" She rushed her question staring at him.

"And what if I am?" He asked coldly.

Ariel eyes dimmed as fear settled in her tummy.

"What are you then?" She asked her voice shaking.

"Am a human, what do you think I am before dummy?" He asked rolling his eye ball, Ashton just walk away heading to the other part of the library to give them privacy.

Ariel stared at him keenly, her instinct kept telling her he is not a human, he don't seem to have a family except that Ashton.

He is not friendly, he is always cold, he don't work, yet he spend like a rich guy, he look so cute that any modeling company wont think twice before accepting him.

"You are not a human, what are you?" She gritted.

Gavin Stare at her, she is just behaving like the first time they met then, she was asking him this same question, she strongly believe in her instincts.

Her reincarnation is really cute but not funny like the other, or is it because he is not yet close to her?

What is he even thinking!, he is not here for that.

"Yes,am not a human, am a god, more like a demigod, the most high rated demigod in the gods realm" he said and Ariel paused.

She suddenly burst into a laughter that lasted for like 3 minutes.

Gavin frowned watching her in anger.

"A god?, a god attending a high school" she said and burst into laughter.

"What will a god be doing in school?" She asked and stand up taking the book with her.

"You caused it, I came here because of you" he said frostily.

"Enough with I caused that, i caused this, I just destroy the pole out of anger, not for anything, there is no such thing as the yimo, I don't even believe you, you are just a crazy weird guy who might have run away from the psychiatric" she said harshly making Ashton gasped from afar, he can hear things from far.

In all their years of living no one ever said that to him talk less of their high rated god.

Hyun-ae the god that other god respect and fear, he is a demi god, but yet others won't dare defile him, a mare human just insulted him?.

Gavin face was already red due to anger, if he wants to act due to his anger, he might just choke her to death.

Ariel kept mumbling inaudible words as she head outside.

Gavin went after to drag her back and talk sense into her.

Just as she step outside, Gavin hand teach for her shoulder and she hit it away angrily turning to face him.

"Leave me alone you jerk!" she half yelled gaining attention of the students.

All color of blood drained from her face when she saw Gavin's face.

His eyes were already blue as his hair glows blue too, blue veins run through his face and body, she could see it glows through the white cloth.

A ball of spit managed to roll down her throat as fear hugged her all over.

Is he truly a god?

"Are you truly…" she trailed off moving back in fright.

Ashton rushed out and saw what happened.

Fear engulfed him, he only look like that when he is mad, he need to do something, or else he might do something crazy.

 "is she crazy?"

 "who is she talking to?"

 "who is she looking at?" 

 "oh, no, I know she needs the psychiatric attention"

Ariel look around to see the student looking at her in awe muttering words to them selves.

Does this means, she is the only seeing him now? 

How did he do it?

What is happening to her world?, what can she call this that she is going through?

She gently step back as she turned around running away through the crowd, bursting into tears.


"Are you trying to say, you saw the yimo?" the president Mr Jang asked.

"Yes, I did, he was in her body again, he chooses her over us again" Theo answered and Mr Jang banged the table angrily.

"How can he choose her over us again, did he know how I struggled to get here, waiting for it to come back to life, so I can use it to rule the country?, now it choose that dumb girl again?" He ranted angrily.

"Watch her closely and make sure you get her for me without anyone suspecting, monitor her for me, see who is around her" he said and Theo nod respectfully.


Lisa and Diyane stopped what their doing and faced each other.

"Lisa, am thinking of visiting Hyun-ae tomorrow, its weekend" Diyane cooed.

"Hey, you stole my idea first" she said and roll he eye ball.

"Yeah, but there is one question bothering me again?" Diyane asked and lisa turned to face her.


"Do you think Hyun-ae will agree to kill Her again?" Diyane asked.

"If he don't, I will do it, I have always wanted him" Lisa thought to herself.


Ariel got a place and squat there crying.

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What is happening to her?, is she going crazy?, or are all these things dream?"

Is she in a different world?" Why did everything suddenly take a different turn, what's all this twist?.

Her eyes landed on her reflection on a glass door close by and she begin to stare at it.

Her hand move to touch her face as she check it clearly.

She dropped her hand and sighed, what is she even thinking?

Her reflection on the mirror suddenly start smiling and she felt her heart fell into her tummy.

"Hey" it said as dark veins appear on the reflection's face.

"You are really sad now, who do you want me to kill?, do you want me to end him?" The reflection asked grinning evilly.

Ariel couldn't answer as she was already swallowed by her fears.

"If you want me to end him, give me full access them, open your heart and accept me, grant me permission to control your body, and with that I won't spare anyone, who say a thing about you." The reflection said as it kept grining.

Should she say yes?

"Hey, and you will get riches too" the reflection(the yimo) added and Ariel's eyes widened.

If she get rich, no one will bully her again, if she gets power, she will be supreme too, should she accept this.

"No, this does not sound good" she thought as she slowly move back.

"Ariel" she heard Rhema's voice and she quickly turn back to see Rhema approaching her.

She looked back at the reflection to see it has returned to her normal reflection.

"Rhema" she called happily.

Her friend is awake, thank God.

"Am gald you are awake" she said and run into her arms.

"Am never paying attention to people's problems again" she said and Ariel burst into a laughter that doesn't reach the eyes.

"What are you doing with those books on the floor?" Rhema asked.

"i want to go through them" she answered.

"Why, those are historical, who need historical books" Rhema said carelessly.

Ariel told her all what happened and Rhema eyes rolled to the back of her head as she passed out again.

Ariel chuckled and gave her a light slap making her wake up.

"Yaa(hey)" she cried.

"You are saying my crush, is a god?" She asked blushing.

"To me, I think he is crazy" Ariel answered.

"If he said so, I believe him, cause to me there is something always different about him, you won't notice it, cause you are to busy to fall in love" Rhema said as they both head for the class.


Gavin walked back into the library and sat on a chair palming his forehead.

"What other techniques, do I use for that wacko" he groaned angrily.

"Um, I think the friendly technique will be better" Ashton replied.

"No, I can't use that, it not possible" he replied sharply knowing his reasons.

If he do that, then he can't escape her, what if he fall for her again?

"That is the only way, you can't add salt to someone's injury, if you see through her, she is a-lone lady and they need love before one can talk to then or understand them" Ashton said and Gavin palmed his forehead.

She wasn't a lone woman back then, she was free, why is she different now?,

He thought about it for a while.

Then friendly techniques it it, he would try all his best and won't fall for her no matter what.

He won't even fall for her, she don't even remember anything about them, so it no use loving her.

"Okay them" he said and Ashton let out a smile.

"Yes..yes" he said jumping in the library happily while Gavin just shake his head.


Drew sat down in the class thinking thoroughly, 

"Or was she not my girlfriend?" He asked his self and closed his eyes but all he could see was him and Maya doing lovey-dovey things together.

Dexter and Dylan walked to him and embraced him so tight.

"We missed you buddy" they said hugging him like he wants to run away.

"Hey, hey, who are you two, are you the band friends, mom talked about?" He asked.

"Yes, we are your friends, your buddy" Dexter replied as they sat beside him.

"Heard you kissed Maya today, I never expect that" Dylan smirked.

"Our leader is becoming naughty, like we always wanted, am loving this new him" Dexter replied.

"What was she to me back then?" He asked.

Dylan and Dexter liked at each other and looked at him, seeing his happy expression and knowing how he truly wants her then, they don't want to shatter his hope so they decided to lie.

"She was your girlfriend, you asked her out at the school rooftop" Dylan quickly covered up.

"Then why do I see hate in her eyes, when she stare at me back there, why was she embarrassed?, she don't even seem to like me" he said sadly.

"I think she is mad at you or she don't want you anymore cause you loose your memory" Dylan quickly said.

"But I didn't forget US cause I love her so much" he said sadly palming his face.

"Common Dylan, that's nonsense, I think she is just crazy and confused, but I know how to make her fall for you again" Dexter said and his face brightened up immediately.

"Really? , how ?" He asked.

"Follow my advice" Dexter cooed and lean closer to his ear whispering some words into his ear.


Miss Mayor palmed her face tiredly, jeez this seems to be going round in circles.

Maya won't even listen to her for now.

She stand up and walk out of her office going to look for Maya, she know her sister, she might be spoiled but deep down, she can be aggressive when tempered with, one reasons she hasn't got herself a boyfriend.

She bump into Ariel and Rhema.

"Sorry ma'am" Ariel muttered but Rhema didn't say anything.

"Its okay" she replied.

"Ma'am, I wanted to see you privately" Ariel said and she begin to tremble.

"Private?" she stuttered quivering.

"Yes" Ariel replied.

"Okay, how about we see during the weekend?" She managed to reply and Ariel nod.

"Thanks Miss Mayor" she said and mayor nod and walk away.

She searched and searched for Maya and finally find her sitting behind a pillar.

"Hey" she whispered.

"Let me be," Maya replied rudely and face somewhere else.

"Common, I couldn't do anything cause I was in the staffroom with TXT and EXO'S CEO" she sighed and Maya face brightened up.

"Why are they here?" she asked.

"The EXO wants the 3D guys, they want to sign then into their label record and the TXT want Gavin and Ashton".

"They said Gavin face is too handsome to be doing nothing here, so they want him to be a model for them where other big company's come to ask him to be their face cover, CELINE, DIOR, they want him too.

"So which of them did he choose?" Maya asked anxiously.

"Well, he refused to choose any at first but after many pleadings, he choose to work with CELINE AND DIOR, and the TXT sadly took Ashton to work for them" 

Maya let out a smile unknowingly.

"You are saying he will be an ambassador for the Celine now? And the Dior too?" Maya asked and mayor nod.

"Yes" she smiled while Mayor watch her in awe.

"And Drew will also be a leader now, that they will be working for the EXO" Mayor added and she hissed.

"Who cares, all I know is that, he will pay for what he did today for stealing my first kiss" she ranted.

"Don't forget he is an amnesia patient" Mayor reminded.

"Who cares, he didn't think that before his sick brain gave him a wrong memory" she snarled and walk out.

"Kids this days, they don't even know whom love them truly" she muttered and shakes her head.


Ariel stepped out to meet Rhema.

Rhema peeped at Gavin's apartment but it seems no one is around.

"Where is my crush?" She cried.

"Well, your crush seems to he disappearing and appearing since yesterday, don't know what's wrong with him, I don't even want to know where he has been going" she said as she locked her door while they heard out.

"Could it be true?, could he be the one I saw online earlier today?" Rhema asked her self as she brought out her phone and start to log into her social media accounts.

"What that?" Ariel asked carelessly.

"Oh my God, he is the one, CELINE'S new ambassador" Rhema replied as she showed the picture to Ariel who has a little surprise look on her face but she suddenly hissed.

"Which god do model?, you see?, he is talking nonsense" she said and increase her pace.

"Why do you hate this guys so much, are you that blind?, he is so cute, now he is going to be rich, am sure they might even want him to change his house" Rhema' pouted.

"I will be so happy, if that happens" Ariel said remembering the horrible things he always say to her.

"I will gladly find his new house, just that he is going to be over secured now, security everywhere" she sighed sadly.

"All that is bull shît, why don't we sit over there while I get us some snacks" Ariel suddenly said and Rhema just nod still scrolling down the new page Gavin created.

He even has 2 million followers already, he is so unique, people are already getting to know him in just a day?


She start hearing screams as people scampered for safety.

"What's going on?," she asked no one in particular, her eyes widened when she remembered Ariel went that way too.

She stand up heading towards there to check on her friend, she won't forgive her self if something happens to her best friend.

To her ultimate surprise she met a girl standing in front of the cafe with her head bent, her hair scattered all over her face, as her bloody hand is gripping on a knife with four bodies on the floor.

Rhema brows creased, she couldn't view the girl's face well but the clothes.

Is that not Ariel?

A man wanted to attack her and collect the knife from her but she grab the man's arm as she slide it with the knife.

"Aarh" the man cried, she also slide his neck with it.

The people remaining their took to their heels, leaving just Rhema and her.

"Ariel, is that you?" Rhema asked in a frightened voice.

She didn't reply as she kept her face down.

Rhema took a frighten step towards her and raised her hand to tap her shoulder or move her hair aside but she raised the knife and stab Rhema's arms making Rhema to yelp pain.

"Aarh" she cried.

She held her bleeding arm and begin to run, she looked back as she kept running, luckily she wasn't chasing after her.

She got a quiet place and stopped as she sat under a tree, there were no passer by, maybe the news got to them, its running late already.

That can't be Ariel right?.

If that is really Ariel, then she need to save her or if the cops get her like that, she might go to jail.

She stand up weakly ready to go after her but fear gripped when Ariel appeared in her front.

"Ariel?" She cried.

Ariel raised her head up making a little part of her dark veiny face come into view as she raised the knife higher.

"No..no.please don't" Rhema said pleadingly but she raised it high and stabbed Rhema's chest.

Rhema fell to the ground weakly and she followed too as she filled Rhema's body with stabs.

Rhema couldn't cry anymore as she watch her in pain and tears.

"After this, you won't be here to disturb her again," stab!.

"You won't make her jealous, you won't talk about that nincompoop before she will have a thing for him again," stab.

"You won't make her see other men,because she is mine" he said as she (yimo) gave her the last stab with a satisfying smirk on her face.

The knife suddenly drop from her hand as her hand begin to shake in fright.

"Hh..hhh" her breath hatched as her eyes landed in the scene in front of her 

Her hand were filled with the stains of blood.

"No.." She cried as she move back staring at Rhema's lifeless body.

She heard the sound of a car close by and she pick to her heels.

If she wait, who knows if she might do something more worse.

"The street seems so quiet, something is fishy" the driver said.

"Stop the car" Gavin said.

"Um,sir, this path look so quiet and you know people are still trying to get to meet you, its might not go well if I let you go" the driver said.

"I said stop the car!" He gritted and the driver nod.

"Don't forget your nose mask" Ashton added and he just step put ignoring the two.

His eyes widened as he gulp down nothing seeing Rhema's body on the floor.

"Ashton" he called.

"Huh?" Ashton answered stepping down.

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"Take her to the hospital please, I will come after.." He said as his eyes traced the bloody footsteps.

He began to trail it too.

"Sir" the driver called.

"Let him be" Ashton said as he stare at Rhema almost in tears.

Ariel got to the BUSAN'S sea close by

"You will have to die if you want to end the yimo" the words ringed in her head.

At this point she know there is something called the yimo, she just hurt someone who see her for who she was, someone who would always stand for her, someone that put smiles on her face since the death of her parent, she hasn't gotten so close to someone like this.

What has she done?.

She watch the sea from the high cliff as tears stride down her face.

The sound of the heavy waves was the only that could be heard there.

Blood was all over her body, sprinkles of blood on her face too.

Who knows how many she has killed?.

She can't even remember a thing now.

She close her eyes and let her self fall from the cliff, falling into the big sea.