
Her evasive neighbor

This dark force took them a lot of time before its was captured now its has been released so easily by a mere college girl. Meet Ariel Dwayne, an 18 years old high school girl whom take no shit from anyone even though she is an orphan, she sponsored her self with her life savings. If trouble is a person then it's Ariel. But she went too far when she mistakenly freed the dark force named yimo. He isn't just ready to destroy humans but also he claimed to her to be His bride Till he came to save the human reigns, but he fell for her too

elohorighomitedo47 · ファンタジー
6 Chs



"Lets.." Ariel trailed off as she threw the iron away same with Rhema.

"Run" Rhema completed as they both pick to their heels.

They both jump down the fence and run from the area, they hide behind a grass as they saw the principal walk out of her office with her jaw dropped.

"Oh no" 

"Who did this?" She gasped in shock as she cover her mouth.

She quickly pick her phone and dialed a contact.

A male teacher head towards the area trying to go see if he could close it back.

But a smoke suddenly diverse towards him and it pass through him.

Right in their eyes, he fell to the floor as he bleed from the nose.

Ariel eyes turned the size of melons while Rhema jaw dropped to the floor.

"What just happened?" Ariel stuttered breathing fast.

"is he dead?" Rhema asked stretching her neck to see well

"Is that blood" Ariel asked too as goose bumps appear all over her body.

"Let run to the class before they know it us" Rhema said and dragged Ariel from their.

Luckily Miss Mayor already left the class, the two went for their seat like nothing ever happened.

 "what happening out there?"

 "i heard that it's yimo's prison"

 "what's yimo?"

 "my grandmq once told me the story, that it an evil black force that kîll people or manipulate to even commit suicide or do bad thing"

 "Rhema and Ariel did you see what it's like?"

fear gripped Ariel deep down as she heard a student saying what it is.

She look at Rhema and Rhema looked at her too and they both face their front immediately.

"Ouch, eoma,eoma, eoma,ouch(mother, mother,mother.. Ouch)" Dexter cried jumping around the class.

"My butt" Dylan winced as he touch his but rubbing it.

Drew just sit there crossing his leg as he try to keep cool but one could see he is in pain.

 "what's wrong with the 3D guys?

 "they seem to he in pain"

 "Is that ..an..ant..ants

"Mummy.. My butt hurts" Drew finally cried out jumping from his seat and some couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Ariel couldn't hold as she burst into laughter.

"Perfecto" she muttered quietly but Rhema heard her.

"Did you know about that?" Rhema whispered and Ariel just nod.

"Girl, I think you are a pro in stuff like this" Rhema admitted and Ariel grin meanly.

"Aaarh, eomaaa" the three cried like kindergartens as they run round the school crying for help.

Maya face creased as she watched them run for help.

"Hajima (stop)" Miss mayor half yelled as she walk into the class.

Rhema looked Ariel.

"Should we put her in our target?" Rhema asked.

"Trust me, I would gladly do that baby" Ariel grinned and Rhema nod as they both kept an innocent face staring at what happening.

Drew threw off his pants in pain leaving his self in just boxer and his white top.

Balvk at were seen on his white boxer.

 "awwn, Drew's lap look so cute"

 "reason he is one of my crush"

Dexter and Dylan's face were already red due to the itching, to worse the case, the ants already crawling up inside their cloth.

Six security walk in as they help the 3D guys out.

Rhema held her mouth laughing, trying her possible best so.people won't notice that.

Ariel couldn't hide hers as she burst into a wide laughter provoking miss Mayor whom was watching everything.

"Rhema, Ariel, you two will get punished for laughing when something like that was going on" Miss mayor pointed out.


"Shut up, you two are to sweep my office tomorrow morning before I get to school, the class is over, no one should go out for your own good" she said angrily and storm out of the class.

Maya and her crew suddenly burst into a cockroach laugh.

Ariel just grit her teeth and ball her fist while Rhema Grinned evilly.


A guy could be seen sitting on a golden chair with his Hangul attire, eating cherry as he rolled his eye balls, his long mixed colored hair floating in air.

Suddenly four guys walk to him dressed in a Hangul attire.

"Hyun-ae, we couldn't tackle it this time around, seems its become stronger after all this years" they said bowing lightly.

"So..?" He scoffed.

"Please save us and the humans, two gods who went down there has been eating by him" they begged still bowing.

"And…?" He scoffed again.

"Its remaining just 8 of us here, you have to help please, Lisa and Diyane are working their best down there" the leader among them said.

"Who is the punk that release that monster?" He asked still feeding on his cherry with his leg well crossed.

"According to Lisa, she said her name is Ariel Dwayne, an 18 years highschool girl, she is not that tall not that short too, leaves alone in her apartment, work in an ice cream cafe" Adan their leader described.

"Wait, whats the monster she released?, what is she?" he asked as he stopped chewing on his Cherry.

The four looked at them self with an unknown expression, so he wasn't paying full attention to them since.

"The yimo" they chorused and his eyes widened as his cherry got stucked in his throat.

"A highschool girl released the yimo?" He roared and they all moved back.

"Yes..yes..apparently they are two but one took the lead" Adan said and he jump to his feet.

"Get me Ashton, we are descending on earth tonight" he said angrily as his eyes turned blue.

"Um, what is your next step?" One managed to ask.

"Am visiting that school to see what I can do to stop it before it takes over a body as it own there" he said and they nod.

"Are you going as ateacher?, Lisa and Diyane can help, since they keep their identityas goddess are hidden and they are well known models in the human world" Adan said.

"I rather go as a student" he said and their eyes widened.

"But hyun-ae, don't you think those human kids won't respect you?" Two asked and he just rolled his eyes ball

"Am here" Ashton smiled.

"Get ready for the human world, you are my personal…" he said and turned to look at Aston who can't stop grinning.

"Say it" he squeaked while other eyes widened.

"Servant" he completed and Ashton face dropped and the others grinned.

"Tell Lisa and Diyane to get me house closer to the girls apartment" he said and walk out while the other clasp their hand together sighing in relief.


"Gamsahabnida (thank you)" a girl said and collect her ice cream before leaving.

Ariel sighed and begin to clear the cafe, ready to go home.

Its few minutes pass nine, she usually close nine prompt, but today she is late cause they were a lot of customers.

She closed the cafe and walk out, putting the key in her bag as she look for a cab.

the weather suddenly felt uneasy as she felt cold wind brush her skin and goose bump appear on her body.

She felt her vision turned pure black or its the hallucinations of the dark smoke that came out of that pipe earlier.

She held her head and hissed as she shut her eyes.

She pull her eyes open and every where become normal.

A cab stopped by and she stepped inside sluggishly.

The car stopped at her block and she step out still holding her forehead.

"Gosh!, stress" she sighed and walk to her apartment.

She pull the door open and walk in not noticing the light switched on in the next apartment beside hers.

She walk to her bed and fall on it dizzily as she slept off immediately.


Ariel stepped out of her apartment arranging her school bag.

"She even doze off, jeez, she is too young be stressing her self so much like this" she thought and walk out, still not noticing the clothe been dried on the line beside her apartment.

She got to school and walk to Miss Mayor's office direct, she met Rhema there waiting for her with a mischievous smirk.

"Guess what I got for our Art Miss?" She said bringing out a powder. 


"Don't worry, we just have to put this powder in her locker and monitor her, then after, we can come complete our job, for now let clean her office like she instructed" Rhema said and Ariel nod grinning evilly.

"Where have you been my whole life?" Ariel muttered and Rhema let out a chuckle as she held a material to dust the desk.

Few minutes later, they walk to the class and met Miss mayor in class already.

"You two came to my class late, so there for, Rhema stay by the door and Ariel come wipe the board" she said and Maya let out a mocking laugh.

"Lalala…oppa" she said and kook at the 3D guys who laughed too but they replaced it with a murderous glare as they eyes move from Maya to ariel and Rhema.

They give them you are so déad sign and Rhema rolled her eye balls while Ariel scoffed.

Ariel picked the duster to wipe the board but they heard a loud thud on the floor and they turned to see Rhema on the Floor.

She passed out?.

"WTF is happening? she thought staring at Rhema on the floor.

Is it part of her plan?

Mayor was shocked too

 "Huh?, what's wrong with her?"

 "gawd!, what's going on?"

 "am lost here too, what's happening?"

Their questions was answered by a white costly sneakers!.

They saw a white costly sneakers and the owner came in fully.

He wasn't smiling at all, as his cute cold face shine brightly.

 "Oh my" (pass out)

 "jeez" (pass out)

 "is that a human? (pass out)

Maya didn't realize saliva was coming out of her opened mouth.

Miss Mayor's heart flutters as her eyes landed on him too.

"The f**k, how can a student be this cute, how can a teacher concentrate?

Ariel eyes glued to him, her hand move up to clean the board but she isn't aware that she wasn't wiping the board, but she is wiping miss Mayor's face with the duster.

"TF Arieeel!!"