
Her evasive neighbor

This dark force took them a lot of time before its was captured now its has been released so easily by a mere college girl. Meet Ariel Dwayne, an 18 years old high school girl whom take no shit from anyone even though she is an orphan, she sponsored her self with her life savings. If trouble is a person then it's Ariel. But she went too far when she mistakenly freed the dark force named yimo. He isn't just ready to destroy humans but also he claimed to her to be His bride Till he came to save the human reigns, but he fell for her too

elohorighomitedo47 · ファンタジー
6 Chs



 Ariel jump from her bed angrily, with her hair sprawled all over her face.

"aissh, This darnn alarm" she said angrily and hit the ringing alarm, to stop it from ringing.

She walk into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, taking her bath there too.

Soon she was she done with everything and she step out.

She dried her self with her towel, putting on her school uniform.

A white top and a navy blue jacket and skirts.

She smile meanly bringing out her new sneakers.

"With this, am gonna raise my head up so high today like one of those rich brat" she smiled and opened opened her drawer bringing out a new pant and a packet of sugar along with an army's of ant in a pack.

"This will do" she said she said adding them to her school bag.

She walked into her kitchen and make her self some coffee.

She dropped the cup in the washing base as she finished sipping the coffee .

She walked to the mirror and arranged the other new sneakers there, she bought three new sneakers 32 hours ago cause she just got paid at work.

She brushed her long hair letting it fall on her shoulder, she look down at her knees to make sure her long socks are below her knee.

Soon she was outside boarding a cab.

She got to the school and head straight for her locker.

She opened it and she smirks seeing the message there.

She picked it and read it.

' YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME TO SCHOOL TODAY' She burst into a laughter after reading it.

"let see who shouldn't have come to school today either" she said and stick the letter to Maya's locker.

She walked to her class and sat down like a peaceful dove.

She brought out a text book reading it covering the tittle.

"May I lend this book?" She heard that annoying voice she always despised.

"You can't handle what in this book so just buzz off" she said and succy sigh sadly walking to her seat.

Hi Joyce on 08080575601 to be added on our story groups 

"I need a toxic friend like me not a dove friend" she said and rolled her eyeball.

Maya and her crew walk in with their eyes on her, "Giving her the you are so deàd" look.

She didn't said anything as she grinned evilly.

The 3D guys walked in looking at her with a mocking laugh on their face.

The 3D guys are the most popular guys know in BUSAN HIGHSCHOOL.

Dylan, Drew and Dexter.

The boys are known to be creative and talented.

But she got into their trap after she tore one of their music book.

She was about to say something when a girl wall in, her skirt is so shirt and her top were to tight that you could see her body shape from it, to top it all, she is busty.

"Annyeong" she waved chewing gum.

"My name is Rhema" she smiled and everyone just scoffed but their eyes widened when she give them the middle finger sign and wall to a seat close to Rhema.

"This is getting sweet" Rhema thought smirking meanly forgetting the 3D boys are glaring daggers at her.

"Everyone, back to your seat" Mayor said walking inside, she is an art teacher.

"Good miss Mayor" some greeted while just scoffed

 "How can a teacher be looking so sexy"

 "am jealous of her" 

 "no doubt she is a spoil brat just like her sister Maya" 

"Dak chae (shut up)" she half yelled banging her hand on her desk and they keep shut.

Maya smirked and placed her leg in her desk.

"Maya, you don't seat like that in my class seat well" Mayor said rubbing her temples tiredly.

"So, what are you gonna do?,tell dad? Or mom?" She scoffed and Mayor just gritted her teeth.

"Well, we are going to start learning now, listen attentively" she said and pick a chalk.

Ariel look at Rhema and they both smile mischievously.

"They both place their leg on their desk too".

"What's the meaning of that?" Mayor asked angrily pointing at them.

"Miss Mayor, you should be fair in terms of justice, take a look at her too" they both chorused pointing at Maya.

 "did they both know each other be