
Her dead mate

Alice opened the coffin and trailed kisses on his bony finger. Alice was an innocent naive teenager, until after the death of her boyfriend. In the quest to revenge his death, Alice realizes some truth that would change her life forever. She decides to bring her boyfriend back to life, and is made to pass through hell in order to achieve her aim. How far can she go to achieve her aim.

Stephanie_Asanya_7390 · 若者
12 Chs

The letter

It was a plain paper, but I could not eliminate the urge to stand up and pick it up.

I knew that I was naturally attracted to papers on the floor, maybe because of how I always craved reading others love letters back in high school.

The tear and pain in my joints did not stop me from standing up from the bed.

A hanging tear drop rolled down to my cheek as I bent low to lift the mathematics text book that pressed down the paper.

I Crawled on my knees back to the bed and relaxed my back on its mahogany wood, after picking up the paper.

It was a plain folded paper.

Just when I was about throwing it back to the floor in annoyance at my childish act, my eyes rose to our signature that was written at the right top of the paper.

I used my index finger to wipe the tears that blurred my eye, and I brought the signature closer to get a better view

It was his hand written.

I could swear that the well arranged cursive was his hand written.

I trailed my fingers on it, as a tear drop fell from my almost manageable dried eye, causing many more to follow suit.

I sniffed and wiped the tears that now clouded my face.

I wondered why he would write our signature on a plain paper, and I never saw it before now.

I unfolded the paper, and was caught my his ever beautiful handwriting.

A flash back of the memories on how we would Banter on who had the best handwriting got replayed in my mind.

"Dear Bunny"

"I love you, and will forever do. I am sorry for ever hurting you, I am sorry for keeping you in the dark, I am sorry for not showing you how much I cared when I was alive."

I paused

I rose my eye to the ceiling fan that twirled slowly in conjunction to my solemn mood.

"Ahha!" I cried out.

The fan seemed to have sensed my pain, as it begun to twirl faster to cool of the pain in my heart.

I buried my face into my now red palm and folded my lips into a thin line to prevent another scream of pain.

"I am sorry for ever bringing pain to you, I am sorry for not being there for you, I am sorry for not being able to fight them. I am sorry for granting death the chance to snatch me away from you. "

I could not believe it.

He wrote the letter knowing that he would die?

"I am sorry for loving you and getting you into this mess"

What the hell could he mean?

How could he even say that?

The best thing that ever happened to me was him, and now he is sorry for loving me?

"I know that by the time you read this letter, I am long gone, but I hope that my skeleton has not been burnt or decayed.

Now what was he saying?

"I am sorry for asking you for this favour, but please help me"

My heart beat begun to race.

How could I help him when he as dead.

I could do anything to bring him back to life, but how?

"Bunny, please find my body..."


I recognized the shrill female voice that screamed out my name.

How the hell did she find me.

I ignored the voice and continued reading the letter.

"Bunny, please find my body" I reread out loud.

My heart skipped a beat.

What could he possible mean.

" I know that I have not told you a lot about myself, but please, protect my body. if my body has been eaten up by termites, please do not allow my skeleton to decay into the soil or get burnt by the men".

Which men?

I wondered what he was trying to explain.

Skeleton... Decay...

I really did not understand.

I loved him

I still did, but I wondered why he would want his skeleton to be kept.

Nobody kept the skeleton of their lovers.

"If you do not find my body at the shore of the German beach, then it may have been buried somewhere around the RIqua forest. Please perform this favour. I beg of you.

You will find some more facts that may help you, when you have found me.

Do not allow any soul to see you when getting my body.

Protect my body.

They are watching, they are ready to devour.

Bunny please, I hope. to explain everything to you soon"

" I love you Bunny. "

I dropped the letter beside my stretched out legs.

I could feel my brain scurrying for answers and explanations.

My mind was in a shambles.

The second to the last sentence got me thinking.

"Bunny please, I hope to explain everything to you"

How was that going to happen?

I felt a deep sense of joy and fear.

Joy that he assured his arrival.

Fear of the future.

I stared blankly at the exit door, as I heard my name echoing through it.

That old hag was still looking for me.

My mind was occupied with what Henry meant.

I always felt a strange aura about him, but had always mistaken it for my ever-fictional mind.

I always knew something was weird about his death.

Was it the way he acted strangely towards his death days, or was it the stealth attitude he gave when we went for outings or the way he disappeared for days, with his body found by the river bank.

The police where surely trying their best in finding the culprit, but I knew best than to just depend fully on them, especially when Henry had no personal data in the state.

Sitting on the floor, with a tears soaked face and a strange letter before me, would not help answering my pending question.

I jumped up from the ground.

My dad...

My dad once told me that jumping from the floor helped subduing melancholic moods.

I rolled my eyes and mentally slapped my self for following his advice, after what he had done to me.

What was the use in washing my face and looking pretty when Henry was no more?

I hurried out of the room.

As I slammed the door, I spotted Mary; My step mother, standing my the railing on the corridor.

If she saw me, she would surely drag me back home.

I could not let that happen, especially after feeling the urgency in the letter.

I rushed back into the room, and pressed my back on the door.

I didn't know why I did that, but I just felt like taking in Henry's Intriguing scent, that hung still in the air.

I took in his scent, and wished to sniff it forever.

Letting out my breath, opened the door slightly, and peeked through it.

I could see the hem of the sequin gown worn by my step mother early that morning.

'What could she possible want from me.

To stay at home watching herself and my dad touch themselves?' I rolled my eye.

Henry needed me.

I had a lover to safe.